Just returned from a week-long business trip, during which Heroes playtime was only kept at the bare minimum. TT auto-battle is simply a godsend, without which I could never have reached 100k. Valter was tough, but not something my trusted Reinhardt + Olivia combo cannot manage. And after being through the hell that is lunatic CC 11&12, those turn-limited special maps are just the easiest 12 orbs to get.
Arena-wise, after bringing my Olivia to 5*+5 (it's not like my abysmal pulling luck has granted my anything worthy of promotion), it finally seems like I can reliably stay in T20 without cherry-picking high-score opponents now, which is great. AA on the other hand is at 4860 only though, which should still hold for top 5k for a few more weeks I suppose. The AA top 5k cutoff rose from about 4794 in the 1st week to about 4810 in the 2nd week, which is worrying. I hope IS change the tiering system from absolute rank based to percentile based, just like the regular arena. Otherwise I don't know how much longer I can hold on to top 5k.
Pulling luck is still abysmal as ever though ofc. Seeing how BS Guidance can be, I caved in to pulling in the SS banner, and what a terrible mistake that was. Pity rate is now at 4 + 4, with no Tanas or Amelias in sight, just more Oboros and Arthurs. There goes my hard-earned login, TT, arena, and special maps orbs. Thanks game.