Replying to someone from the previous thread:
Couple of things:
1. Base Stat Total is the sum of stats before factoring weapons and skills. Because inheritance wasn't a thing until recently and because the arena considers weapons and skills part of a unit's stats (and still does right now), everyone considered a unit's best weapon as part of their Base Stat Total. I suppose we fucked up here. >.>
1b. Even under the old definition, if you drop his Silver Dagger+ and Defense +3 in favor of Poison Dagger+ and Close Counter, Jakob would have a stat total of 153.
2. Poison Dagger may not be a weapon exclusive to Kagero, but the Atk required to make it work sure is! In that sense, I'd argue Kagero's the broken one here. Swap her weapon for a Silver Dagger and she's one point shy of hitting as hard as Takumi but with a Def debuff thrown in. Now, why she'd use a Silver Dagger instead of her Poison Dagger which hits infantry much harder, I have no clue, but I'm throwing that out there.
3. Threaten Def makes little sense. Any archer within range would've shot you already, meaning the Def debuff from Poison Dagger should've applied in retaliation. Said debuff is more severe and will override Threaten Def, not stack. This leaves melee infantry that ended their turn 2 tiles away and non-infantry that Poison Dagger won't work on. I find this use a bit niche, honestly.
4. Vantage is a great skill if you can score a one-shot as you'll avoid taking damage when you're already in a damaged state. There's just so few Jakob can one-shot though.

Same goes for Kagero actually, but the list gets and bigger for her as you stack Hone Atk, Spur Atk, and a +Atk nature.
5. IIRC, yes, you can inherit Close Counter.
tl;dr: Rather than sacrifice Kagero, why not use Kagero?
As for Eldigan, swap Noontime for Sol. In a situation involving Quick Riposte and Eldigan's Misteltainn, both specials would go off at the exact same time. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong.
For reference:
Opponent -> Eldigan (Noontime charges here) -> Opponent (Sol charges here) -> Eldigan (Noontime and Sol are used here)