How much do you have to spend to crack the top 100 I wonder.
if you dont have a Lord he is probably the best after Lucina.
I would say that Marth is worse than Chrom. He has higher speed and resistance, but that is about it, unless you really want a speed boost to other characters.
Sol/Aether vs no active skill at all makes a big difference.
Okay thanks, I think I'll do this since I'm still pretty early in.
Couple more questions if I may. What's the best way to do this reroll and then level up the castle? Do people only try their first hero pull to get a 5* and if not, reroll again? And then spend the rest to level up the castle to 100% because I think this will just about blow through the majority of them.
I would say that Marth is worse than Chrom. He has higher speed and resistance, but that is about it, unless you really want a speed boost to other characters.
Sol/Aether vs no active skill at all makes a big difference.
So guys, I guess I'm gonna have to level some other unit to beat 9-2 on Lunatic?
No one in my team can scratch the armored units. I have Robin, Roy, Camilla and Peri, all five stars, all level 40, and while they get one shot'd by those units each one needs like 3 hits to take down.
It's like they don't even care about weapon advantage.
Chrom is way, way worse. His default max Speed is 25, which kills the extra durability he has over Lucina and Marth since he's doubled by literally everyone. Proc skills aren't that great either, (and he doesn't have an amazing one like Luna), and his Res is pretty trash.
Chrom has little to no reason to be used over Lucina and Marth.
Went through an advanced guantelt, I need to change out Sophia with something, any ideas? Basically she was the only one to die. Been trying to roll a Takumi but no dice.
Hysterical watching my 31 DEF 4* level Subaki with sapphire lance tank and kill all the red sword heroes. I think I'm going to 5* him.
Post your roster.
I've got quite a few green options, but they seem weak for PvP (although I am working on leveling Barte for PvE). I don't want to use Tiki and go overload on red. So many green pulls trying to get a Camilla too ): I do have a Nino with Elwind that might be a nice replacement for Sophia, give me some protection against Blues. Right now I get owned and I'm not careful if I see a Nowi.
How many feathers does it cost to upgrade a 3* to 4*
The stamina cost of the later Lunatic chapters are ridiculous.
Why use Night Sky when Lucina has Luna which requires one less attack to activate AND deals more damage? Not to mention the Falcion being super effective against dragons. That's like using Emboar in Uber when Blaziken exists.Galeforce is so bad here and yet tons of people still claim it's "THE" skill to have. :x
I mean, unless you don't have Lucina.Why use Night Sky when Lucina has Luna which requires one less attack to activate AND deals more damage? Not to mention the Falcion being super effective against dragons. That's like using Emboar in Uber when Blaziken exists.
That Lyn is cool, mostly.That Lyn sucks without Galeforce?
Cant wait for Olivia tomorrow...gotta get my Dance on.
That Lyn sucks without Galeforce?
Nope, no dragons. Well, I have Selena, she has armorslayer doesn't she? but she's 4* and tragically underleveled. Guess I'll have to grind.No dragons or armorslayer?
Night Sky takes FOUR attacks to activate. You'd need to double attack twice to be able to activate it. Her special is useless either way when you decide to suicide attack. However, when you decide to turtle up and shuffle your units through a bottleneck, Galeforce has the opportunity of overwhelming the often dumb as bricks AI opponent. The Sol Katti is not to be underestimated.Lyn has below average bulk and no brave weapon, she can't reliably activate Galeforce and sometimes you can't even two for one when it does proc. Being able to hit Hector and get out every once in a while isn't worth the 70% of the time Galeforce is a totally dead skill. Night Sky makes the best of a bad situation skill-wise and gives her faster damage that could mean the difference between an ORKO or a 2HKO that opens you up to getting destroyed on enemy phase.
I saw this strat for normal Narcian on Reddit:
I may have to level my 3* Nino to try this...
I saw this strat for normal Narcian on Reddit:
I may have to level my 3* Nino to try this...
How do we earn orbs once we completed the story missions? There are initial freebees but I don't see anything else.
I saw this strat for normal Narcian on Reddit:
I may have to level my 3* Nino to try this...
I agree that you are missing a no brainer option, besides your main three characters. You could try leveling Saizo and Raven, and then see which of those two you like better with your team. Saizo isn't as good as Kagero, but he has some decent debuffs, and a +10 bonus damage after attacks that you initiate. Raven is a Brave Axe user, has access self-healing, and debuffs enemy defence. If you are having trouble with blue units, he could probably kill most at higher levels. He won't be much use against red units in arena though.
EDIT: 3-star units are going to have huge stat deficits and skill-disadvantages at high levels, which would stop them from being competitive. 4-star units are already at a disadvantage, but at least their skills make up for it in some cases.
The lunatic quest is just stupid. How am I supposed to beat 6-5 lunatic with 4 infantry AND all of them survive?
Broke down and made some pulls. Got Nowi and f Corrin though!
Which ones preferable?
Well, that's amazing. Going to try it out when I get the stamina.I saw this strat for normal Narcian on Reddit:
I may have to level my 3* Nino to try this...
I heard Nowi is in the OP tier.
I seem to be stuck in an endless loop. It's turn 30 and the last two blue units can't do damage to each other
What do I do?
who uses auto-battle?