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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|The Future of Fire Emblem

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You're assuming she's the only one left on the field. The fact is she can pack a punch, having an effective 61 attack on offense at lvl. 40 and, unlike Hector, she can't easily get doubled, so you'll often get value out of her on open terrain. She's also effective against lords and isn't automatic dragon fodder.

A lot of people probably don't have multiple lvl. 40 characters to form a dedicated defense team of four either.

I mean, she always is the only one left on the field. That's the general problem with armored heroes and it's why Hector is also a poor defense choice. I'm pretty sure that the people it's putting me up against are at least 50% cetacean, so I don't think it's a forced choice. Effie suddenly started appearing when she moved up on the tier list. I suspect that some people just don't realize that the first team is always the defense team, but I'm thinking some people just figure she must be good on defense too because they haven't yet played many matches against her. Hell, Hector was still showing up somewhat often.


Arthur got a code name STEAM style tcg card too, it seems to be a running... joke? I guess, since Arthur is all superhero-y

Even when Arthur first appeared in Fates I thought he was a reference to Codename: Steam because of how out of place he was. Americanised in costume and appearance, looks like one of those long-ago superheroes. He even changes class to a Hero.


I wish there was a way to check the +/- stats for level 4 characters who aren't already past lv 20... Most of the sites I run across assume that you are up to 5-stars.

I have two 4-star F Corrins. One is level 23, so I can see that she's +spd and -res in the upgrade preview. The other is level 1, so I have no idea. I want to keep the better unit of the two. I suppose that 37 speed on a dragon would be a nice thing to have, even if it makes her vulnerable to mages.


I bought the $6 pack of orbs, intent on never buying another pack. Got 5 star Marth and Catria in a row.

Spent my money well.


Hi guys, would like some advice in arena team building here.

I started playing the game from launch, got shit rolls one after another but didn't care as much. However, I finally gave in and re-rolled two days ago after reading too much about people's capped luck for rolls in the thread...

Anyway, I've been having some decent luck (I think, I'm not sure) in my 2nd save file so far and got a few 5 stars.

I'm now looking to improve my arena performance and team composition. Among my 5 stars, Takumi will of course have his place. Raven seems decent, though there aren't many blue units in the current meta for him to hammer. I'm currently split between Marth and Lilina; I kinda not want to have 2 reds in my team and am thinking about who to keep. I'm currently leaning towards Lilina as I want to have a mix of both physical and magical attacks as my options otherwise I will have problem dealing with armored units, but on the other hand I also prefer Spur Spd (Marth) over Atk (Lilina) as support because Takumi's own Spd isn't stellar (Threaten Spd is awesome though). Who should I keep?

As for the 4th team member, I'm looking at Catria at 4*. She's been performing respectably as a 4* (her ATK is lacking though) and I do plan on spending my feathers on her to bring her to 5*, which is one of the reason I want to improve my arena performance. Is this a good plan? Or should I use Olivia or healers (I only have Serra though, but she's serviceable I guess) instead?

Anyway, I intend to make good use of the characters I currently have and hold on to my precious, probably non-sustainable orbs for the next wave of characters:) I love the Genealogy characters so it made me pretty excited that they could be coming.

Thanks in advance and may the RNGesus' love be with you.


I just looked at Sharena and Alfonse's skill list in the game and man, they're really powerful...I need to get them to 5 star but 20,000 feathers a piece....


My max level team is nearly full 40 now (Tiki is 40, the rest 39 including Lyn). My second team is now 32-34, so soon I can actually try to tackle 6-5 with only infantry as well as continue with chapter 8 Lunatic.


So it depends which unit(s) you have left to deal with her. You can theorycraft all day, but you can't simply choose your unit because sometimes you need him/her to deal with another unit.

This is not a big problem. Like, sure, target saturation is a thing and 4 Effies would be really hard to deal with for many teams that lack a strong green. But in general if the other team offers you a 3v4 it is not very hard to make sure that you end up with a combination of units that are easily capable of dealing with Effie. There are multiple common ways to deal with her, some of which I described, in addition to some others that involve being careful about the timing on your heroes' special attacks. I'm not theory-crafting; I was puzzled at my experience of seeing lots of defensive Effies even though they never seemed more useful to the enemy team than almost any 2-move hero would have been.

I'm now looking to improve my arena performance and team composition. Among my 5 stars, Takumi will of course have his place. Raven seems decent, though there aren't many blue units in the current meta for him to hammer. I'm currently split between Marth and Lilina; I kinda not want to have 2 reds in my team and am thinking about who to keep. I'm currently leaning towards Lilina as I want to have a mix of both physical and magical attacks as my options otherwise I will have problem dealing with armored units, but on the other hand I also prefer Spur Spd (Marth) over Atk (Lilina) as support because Takumi's own Spd isn't stellar (Threaten Spd is awesome though). Who should I keep?

As for the 4th team member, I'm looking at Catria at 4*. She's been performing respectably as a 4* (her ATK is lacking though) and I do plan on spending my feathers on her to bring her to 5*, which is one of the reason I want to improve my arena performance. Is this a good plan? Or should I use Olivia or healers (I only have Serra though, but she's serviceable I guess)?

Anyway, I intend to make good use of the characters i currently have and hold on to my precious, probably non-sustainable orbs for the next wave of characters:) I love the Genealogy characters so it made me pretty excited that they could be coming.

Thanks in advance and may the RNGesus' love be with you.

I know that Shun and I were getting very good results with an Arena team consisting of a swordsman, Tiki, Takumi, and Catria, where Tiki is somewhat comparable to your Lilina. You might have issues with Hector though. And Catria is easily the best of your blue options. I'm not sure you have anyone durable enough to make a healer worthwhile, but I've never tried one out with a composition like this. If you do cut a red to add Catria you're right that it will have to be Marth so that you can still do magic damage.

Edit: Oh hey, the feheroes tier list moved Catria up to S, rightfully dethroning Cordelia.


I've still only got two 5-star units, but I've been having fun with my second-tier squad, clearing out the lunatic story chapters for orbs. Everyone's 4 stars:

Corrin (F)

Works pretty well; tons of damage between their innate attack/speed, multiple adjacency buffs, and Felicia's debuff. My biggest problem is getting Felicia experience, since her attack is so low and she doesn't get experience for her healing.


man chapter 9 on lunatic is ridiculous

my level 39 5* jeorge with 45 attack (boosted to 49) does exactly 0 damage to the armored units on the second stage


I just looked at Sharena and Alfonse's skill list in the game and man, they're really powerful...I need to get them to 5 star but 20,000 feathers a piece....

yeah i have sharena @ 20 w/ 4 stars now & 12,000~ feathers on hand

she's going to be my first 5* upgrade i think


Alfonse is relatively weak. Anna is really strong for a green unit though.

I don't know his stats but considering Alfonse has 6 attack if he initiates combat, an additional +5 if he's below 50%, and gives his team +4 at the start of turn if they're next time to him. That's a really good skill set for a unit everyone gets. That's a better set than the Roy I got.

yeah i have sharena @ 20 w/ 4 stars now & 12,000~ feathers on hand

she's going to be my first 5* upgrade i think

Yeah, she's near the same for me. -4 attack for enemies within 2 spaces and +4 defense for allies next to her at the start of a turn? That's pretty great, lol.


I guess I'm just in disbelief that the game would be so stingy to me, how could you justify spending money on orbs after 80 of them yielded absolutely jack squat. Except this 3* Robin I can maybe work with if I drop 2000 feathers on him.

I just wasted all my stamina wiping on maps that I absolutely can't beat because my characters all do 0 damage. Just don't have anything that can kill armored units, so I was really hoping on a decent Robin only to get trolled hard by that cutscene.

Don't even get me started on Arena as I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about archers that can one-shot my melee units on a counter.

Deep Devotion 5* rates at 4% each, ugh I need to get a last 5* before it change.

oh I didn't even realize that the increasing rates would reset when the focus heroes changed. So all that failure could be for nothing. Great game design


This is not a big problem. Like, sure, target saturation is a thing and 4 Effies would be really hard to deal with for many teams that lack a strong green. But in general if the other team offers you a 3v4 it is not very hard to make sure that you end up with a combination of units that are easily capable of dealing with Effie. There are multiple common ways to deal with her, some of which I described, in addition to some others that involve being careful about the timing on your heroes' special attacks. I'm not theory-crafting; I was puzzled at my experience of seeing lots of defensive Effies even though they never seemed more useful to the enemy team than almost any 2-move hero would have been.

I know that Shun and I were getting very good results with an Arena team consisting of a swordsman, Tiki, Takumi, and Catria, where Tiki is somewhat comparable to your Lilina. You might have issues with Hector though. And Catria is easily the best of your blue options. I'm not sure you have anyone durable enough to make a healer worthwhile, but I've never tried one out with a composition like this. If you do cut a red to add Catria you're right that it will have to be Marth so that you can still do magic damage.

Edit: Oh hey, the feheroes tier list moved Catria up to S, rightfully dethroning Cordelia.

Thanks man; I shall stick to my plan then:)

PS. Thank god for the 10k RT feathers and the arena quest bonus feathers and duel crests. Hopefully I can get my hands on 5* Catria soon enough.


Out of orb but I got another 3* Robin, need to level him and get a preview of his level 1 5* stats, hoping he's not as doomed as my -SPD one.


I must be missing something. I was just doing the top level of the training tower and Stahl just single handledly obliterated my 5* level 40 team of Lyn, Young Tiki, Marth and Takumi. Do mounted units have advantages over those?


Arena Duels are just broken at this point. I don't see how it's reasonable to expect people to do this shit. Even if I can use good tactics to take out the enemy team one by one, I always get down to where it's one guy left (usually a Takumi) that I can't damage for shit and hits like a truck and my team just gets ripped apart.


oh I didn't even realize that the increasing rates would reset when the focus heroes changed. So all that failure could be for nothing. Great game design
Yeah that suck, hope there won't be character I like in the next batch so I can build another orb stash.


Can anyone help me out with making a team for arena? I know i'm not the first person to ask for advice so sorry.
Anyways I got:

5*: Roy, Leo, Azura, Abel
4*: Ogma, Effie, Peri, Fredrick, Nowi, Camilla, Merric, Jeorge, Kagero, Sakura
Oh and a 3* Robin =(

Currently I am using: Merric, Leo, Azura, Abel.
Leo with Azura seems good with sing giving Leo a free kill of one character plus 14 AOE damage to the rest of the team. That said, I saw that Leo dropped to A tier, due to low speed, and I am willing to tierwhore for feathers. Merric works as my green mage with surprising amout of health. Abel is just there; he seems to do work.

I like my team but I am willing to swap anyone.


I don't know his stats but considering Alfonse has 6 attack if he initiates combat, an additional +5 if he's below 50%, and gives his team +4 at the start of turn if they're next time to him. That's a really good skill set for a unit everyone gets. That's a better set than the Roy I got.

It's mainly that there are just a bunch of other reds that are probably better. He's slow. Average stats are supposed to be: 43/51/25/32/22. He's reasonably tanky and he hits hard, but he's going to get doubled by everything. I doubt he belongs in the bottom tier where a couple lists have placed all of the starting units, but I expect that most people have pulled a better red swordsman already. You'd easily prefer any Falchion-user or Ryoma, for example. I think I'd take Corrin over him too. Roy sucks
except for Shove


Leo is bad, trust me, I had him, My Arena rating was 4k with him, was ditching him and hit 4.5k on one day, he just doesnt one shot people never, and his special is super long CD, his speed is garbage.


Thanks man; I shall stick to my plan then:)

PS. Thank god for the 10k RT feathers and the arena quest bonus feathers and duel crests. Hopefully I can get my hands on 5* Catria soon enough.

The only other unit you probably want to experiment is Kagero she's an infantry killer when everybody is infantry.

However, who knows what new gacha will come.


Leo is bad, trust me, I had him, My Arena rating was 4k with him, was ditching him and hit 4.5k on one day, he just doesnt one shot people never, and his special is super long CD, his speed is garbage.

Any replacement for him? My only other red is Roy, who also doesn't seem that great. Maybe a colorless like Kagero or Jeorge?


It's mainly that there are just a bunch of other reds that are probably better. He's slow. Average stats are supposed to be: 43/51/25/32/22. He's reasonably tanky and he hits hard, but he's going to get doubled by everything. I doubt he belongs in the bottom tier where a couple lists have placed all of the starting units, but I expect that most people have pulled a better red swordsman already. You'd easily prefer any Falchion-user or Ryoma, for example. I think I'd take Corrin over him too. Roy sucks
except for Shove

I have Lyn so I can use her but Alfonse seems like a really good choice for group comps especially when combined with other buffs like Sharena's. In any case, my pool of units is pretty limited so making full use of any units I got is gonna happen, lol.


The only other unit you probably want to experiment is Kagero she's an infantry killer when everybody is infantry.

However, who knows what new gacha will come.

Yep, her infantry killer ability is really nice to have; feels great when you select her on the map see so many lovely little green ticks:) I do want to have a balance between ranged and melee units so my units won't get in each other's way as much though. Maybe I should try out both Lilina + Catria, and Marth + Kagero and see which works best for me. That's lots of grinding though, for someone who just re-rolled not long ago... Thanks for the heads up.

On the new characters, I can only hope it's not only Seliph and Julia but also a few other from FE4. Maybe the supposedly upcoming "story" chapters will be FE4 and FE8 themed. Who knows.


Leo is bad, trust me, I had him, My Arena rating was 4k with him, was ditching him and hit 4.5k on one day, he just doesnt one shot people never, and his special is super long CD, his speed is garbage.

He was a powerhouse at early-mid game. But now he is at garbage tier for the same reason.


So I'm fighting a team of level 50 characters.

5*(Wrys, Matthew, Jakob, Felicia)

For some reason though I can only win 652 points max off of them. There's probably other factors that increases points given...


So I'm fighting a team of level 50 characters.

5*(Wrys, Matthew, Jakob, Felicia)

For some reason though I can only win 652 points max off of them. There's probably other factors that increases points given...

I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling, except for Jakob.

This is a whale!

He may have spent upto 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

Edit 2:

880,000 feathers/150 feathers = 5866 orbs
880,000 feathers/300 feathers = 2933 orbs
880,000 feathers/1000 feathers = 880 orbs

So the minimum amount of orbs he could've spent without bonuses is US$583.73

The maximum he could've spent without bonuses is US$3891.11

I may have calculated that wrong so please correct me. That is just for feathers.


I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

My God
I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

What the?

How do you even get that many feathers?!?!?
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