I'm only level 23 or so, so I'm sure this'll probably stop working eventually as I get higher, but it seems I win most arena battles by getting Selena to throw Corrin (with the reposition skill) forward and immediately kill the most threatening unit on turn 1. It makes a nice break from having to lure things in with 1 unit and my Corrin is so tanky that she somehow doesn't die from the abusive treatment of being bowled into the middle of the enemy army 
I was surprised when she 1v1'ed a 5 star marth too after the talk of how the advantage against dragons made the falcion users scary for dragon characters, but I suspect they were more likely thinking of green/red characters ike Nowi and Tiki
I can't even begin to imagine what she'll be like when I get her to 5 stars too, it's crazy to me that she gets an even more powerful breath weapon when she's already stomping most threats in a single turn as it is
I was surprised when she 1v1'ed a 5 star marth too after the talk of how the advantage against dragons made the falcion users scary for dragon characters, but I suspect they were more likely thinking of green/red characters ike Nowi and Tiki
I can't even begin to imagine what she'll be like when I get her to 5 stars too, it's crazy to me that she gets an even more powerful breath weapon when she's already stomping most threats in a single turn as it is