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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|The Future of Fire Emblem

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Yes. :eek: Without Vengeance, Takumi'll deal 0 damage to MRobin who'll deal 38 damage in return. That's 2 damage (i.e. an attack buff or correct nature) short of ending a neutral Takumi for 100% free (as if taking 0 damage wasn't good enough). It'll also help in his admittedly mediocre red matchups...l


I've got a Roy to sacrifice too. If only I'd promoted this +Attack Robin who literally showed up a day after I'd promoted a much shitter one. Could have been killing him clean.

I find a reason to get angry about this every time I open up the game


Really not liking how you can bypass intended character design flaws now. Breaker skills are kind of annoying
Honestly, I doubt they thought this through and did thorough testing. That or they don't care and want all the more whale money by releasing more busted skills down the line.

Too late to back out now though.


On the contrary, fliers, having an intended design flaw to archers, have made them so much worse. So being able to fix that makes a lot of characters actually viable.


Oh I still can't farm feathers at a reasonable rate? Ok then, nice to know this system is useless to the majority of the playerbase then.

This additions at this point in the game are so stupid. OMG someone please teach IS how to design a gacha gama. This skill inheritance system is just busted beyond belief where the game is at right now.

I'm so glad I haven't spent a single cent on this. It makes it easier to quit when stuff like this happens.
Man, this is insane. I like that you can now buff your favorites if they aren't up to par normally, but realistically, this is gonna produce quite a few major headache matchups, even factoring in the high levels of cost (increasing rarity for skills, losing good units) and time (training for SP gain).

At least I'm no longer as pissed when I get a bad pull...which makes me want to pull more. Huh. Well played, IS/Nintendo, well played.

Oh I still can't farm feathers at a reasonable rate?

This additions at this point in the game are so stupid then. Omg, someone please tell IS how to design a gacha gama. This skill inheritance system is just busted beyond belief where the game is at right now.

Honestly, the current rate of acquiring feathers (which has improved slightly) is one of the few things keeping this from being broken beyond repair. Imagine how hellish things would be if you could easily promote 5* characters and slap their skills on another character. Madness. At least this way there's an actual drawback to going skill-happy.


Oh I still can't farm feathers at a reasonable rate?

Like these stupid new additions couldn't get even worse.

They extended score rewards for arena for more feathers and gave you more feathers through daily rewards.

So it depends on your definition of reasonable.
I spent a good 30 minutes going over different skills to see who would benefit from what, not merged anyone yet but I have some nice ideas from my selection.

I know from playing up to now that stuff like +4 atk from being next to someone does not stack with another +4 style buff, so i'm looking at using completely different skills for people instead of trying to boost a single stat or skill.


I feel like the real annoyances will be when more and more power gets baked into weapons as time goes by since those are either actually restricted or are locked behind a 20k feathers cost AND a unit sacrifice (though, alternatively, just use them as the new base I guess).

I'm kind of worried on how much pulling will be done for actual new base units to use rather than treated as raw materials. Going to be hard pressed in a few months in giving up someone who's harvested the skills off half the cast.


They extended score rewards for arena for more feathers and gave you more feathers through daily rewards.

So it depends on your definition of reasonable.

I can upgrade whoever I want to 5* without waiting an entire month for that. And now they want me to sacrifice units too at that same cost?

Yeah, not happening.


Man, this is insane. I like that you can now buff your favorites if they aren't up to par normally, but realistically, this is gonna produce quite a few major headache matchups, even factoring in the high levels of cost (increasing rarity for skills, losing good units) and time (training for SP gain).

At least I'm no longer as pissed when I get a bad pull...which makes me want to pull more. Huh. Well played, IS/Nintendo, well played.
I like that they gave quests for farming SP in the training tower. Makes it a bit more reasonable.
I can upgrade whoever I want to 5* without waiting an entire month for that. And now they want me to sacrifice units too at that same cost?

Yeah, not happening.

?? Unless I'm severely misinterpreting what you mean, the cost of inheriting skills isn't 20k feathers; it's the unit giving them.


Man, auto-battle is such a godsend for clearing these low-level orb quests.

Did another full pull today... The first 4 units were all 3-star duplicates and then the last was a duplicate 4* Effie. Nice timing for the Effie pull, makes spending all those orbs on 3-star units feel kinda worth it.
Two questions.

If you want to inherit a skill at the capstone version you would you need to spend all 3 skills to inherit on just that one skill?

For instance if I want to inherit Hone Speed 3 that would be the only inheritable thing from that character? Or does it work some other way?

Also what's the best special for a +spd/-res Roy? Was going between draconic Aura, Luna, or Moonbow.

Edit: that puts Roy at 38 speed with Eirika.


Outside of a few uniques (or, really, is it just Close Counter?), not a single skill is locked behind 5* only.

Pretty sure all the + weapons are, but yeah, other than that most ABC, support, and special skills aren't locked to 5 star units.


Pretty sure all the + weapons are, but yeah, other than that most ABC, support, and special skills aren't locked to 5 star units.

Er, yeah, the weapons as well. Was just thinking of the passives and skills. I think every single skill has someone who obtains the final rank at 4* (e.g., Triangle Adept is on Cordelia, Sanaki, Roy, and Selena but Roy gets the final tier at 4* while the others need to get to 5*).

This basically makes units specifically about their weapon and stats and the weapon part can be circumvented in some cases by being willing to use 20k feathers. May be a different situation when more and more unique weapons exist, however.
I still have to raise some trash-tier units to 5* to donate the skill.

Not really? Every combatant gets one Tier 3 skill at 4*, so if you pull a 4* with the skill you want on someone else, hurray. If you pull a 3* with the skill you want, that's 2k feathers. It's only weapon skills (Silver Sword+, Brave Lance+, etc.) and the hella niche Live to Serve skill (but nobody likes healers and it only works for healers) that you'll really need a 5* sacrifice for, but generally a unit will be fine with the weapon they got at 5*. Spending 20k feathers to replace a weapon they're fine with seems a little silly to me.


Iceberg for Nino? An extra 12-13dmg per attack plus buffs.

What are the best B abilities I'm not seeing many useful ones. Cain's Wings of Mercy 3 seems like a great one of you've got an armor unit. Might give that to Roy since he's a little more defensive. But not sure I want to sacrifice Cain.

They make this tough, not many throwaway units with good abilities, wish I had kept my dupe 4* Roy and 5* Hinoka.

PK Gaming



Rather than giving MRobin Triangle Adept, wouldn't it make more sense to give Linde his coloress tome and give her Roy's Triangle Adept.

I don't have a Linde, just wondering.


Right now, the only thing that matters for arena points is total stats. Whether those are base stats, or stats that are derived from skills/weapons, doesn't matter. Level, rarity, etc don't factor into it.

People have worked out the arena points formula

MaxPoints = (RoundDown( Enemy Rating / 4) + 150)*bonus.

PointsEarned = RoundDown(MaxPoints(1-0.1 * #allies_killed_in_arena))

Basically the bonus value is 2 if you have a bonus character, or 1 if you don't. You lose 10% of the max points total for every one of your characters killed in an arena battle.

Match-making might consider other factors, but even that is heavily weighted towards the total stat average for your team. Enemy teams are pretty much always within 5% of your stat total.

I almost never see 4-star characters in arena, even though I have been running a max-level, 4-star Kagero for weeks. My team has a pretty low stat total at present, since I am using that 4-star Kagero, and a level 35 Sanaki for the bonus (along with max-level Marth and Robin). As such, I see a mix of max-level mages/colorless units, or a bunch of melee units/cavalry that are level 32-39. I see very few armors because their stat totals are too high.

The hope is for other factors to play a greater role in both arena points and matchmaking. Most of the characters that can mop armors up end up costing you too many arena points currently due to their low stat totals.

I had no idea, this is a pretty bad system as-is for match making. I can make a team with just one level 40 character and the match making system would most likely give me 40/4 = team of four level 10 characters, which obv would be wiped out. Easy ranking there. Is this exploiting arena?


My problem with the inheritence system is that skills aren't transferred when merged. (Or is it?) So I have to think long and hard if I want to let a unit inherit skills if he/she doesn't have the optimal nature.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Whoa, I hadn't thought of swordbreaker Nowi. That would make her really resistant to Falchion users.


Iceberg for Nino? An extra 12-13dmg per attack plus buffs.

What are the best B abilities I'm not seeing many useful ones. Cain's Wings of Mercy 3 seems like a great one of you've got an armor unit. Might give that to Roy since he's a little more defensive. But not sure I want to sacrifice Cain.

They make this tough, not many throwaway units with good abilities, wish I had kept my dupe 4* Roy and 5* Hinoka.
Seal and breaker abilities are strong.


I had no idea, this is a pretty bad system as-is for match making. I can make a team with just one level 40 character and the match making system would most likely give me 40/4 = team of four level 10 characters, which obv would be wiped out. Easy ranking there. Is this exploiting arena?

The points you get for winning are also based on the stats involved. So you can do this for easy wins but you'd also get practically nothing in points in the process.

My problem with the inheritence system is that skills aren't transferred when merged. (Or is it?) So I have to think long and hard if I want to let a unit inherit skills if he/she doesn't have the optimal nature.

They will in the April update.


Looking for meaning in GAF
whoa, wait. i was under the impression that learning new A/B/C skills would overwrite your old ones. it doesn't? is there a limit?
I'd like to know this too.
So what are the limits on inheritance if any?
Weapon type changes aren't allowed as far as I know, and you can't give units other people's signature skills and weapons, like Falchion or Dance.

Edit: Just found some more info here https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/inheritance-skill-mega-thread


The points you get for winning are also based on the stats involved. So you can do this for easy wins but you'd also get practically nothing in points in the process.

So then I guess it would be a matter of maximizing enemy stats while still guaranteeing an easy match up. Something like 3x 40s would give you four level 30 enemies which would get wiped. A 75% loss in potential points, but a guaranteed win. It would also guarantee those bonus points for keeping allies alive.

Of course you could always get matched up against 3x level 40 enemies in that scenario.


I'd like to know this too.

Weapon type changes aren't allowed as far as I know, and you can't give units other people's signature skills and weapons, like Falchion or Dance.

Edit: Just found some more info here https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/inheritance-skill-mega-thread

Was hoping to see something about the X'd characters there, but not seeing it. What's up with characters being X'd when you attempt to inherit from them? It seems somewhat random to me.

Edit: Oh it does say why: becasue they're favorited.
So I finally got Nowi and actual attack skill: Chilling Wind. Also got Julia the HP+ skills because that was her only true weak point I felt I could address.

Also Got Eirika some ATK boosting skills and Daylight.


I assume it's eating Tiki for Bonfire? Boosts damage by 50% of DEF.

So then I guess it would be a matter of maximizing enemy stats while still guaranteeing an easy match up. Something like 3x 40s would give you four level 30 enemies which would get wiped. A 75% loss in potential points, but a guaranteed win. It would also guarantee those bonus points for keeping allies alive.

Of course you could always get matched up against 3x level 40 enemies in that scenario.

I've been doing this since I didn't level F. Robin to 40 and have nobody else to really use for the Arena bonus. I still face 4x Level 40s. It just usually is like multiple mages or ranged, Brave users, healers, etc. bringing down their stat total. And then a Hector, though that's probably to match my own. More often than not, you'll still face regular teams until you go down to like two level 1 units or something. But at that point you're at like 2k-ish points for a 7 streak and eh?
Rather than giving MRobin Triangle Adept, wouldn't it make more sense to give Linde his coloress tome and give her Roy's Triangle Adept.

I don't have a Linde, just wondering.

On one hand, it means any red she can't double will likely end up getting one-shot. On the other, Triangle Adept conflicts with Linde's precious Speed + 3 that helps her obliterate other blues.
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