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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|The Future of Fire Emblem

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Neo Member
People are complaining how units are losing their uniqueness, but I'm over here glad I don't need strictly S rank units to be viable. I do arena for fun, but it's the events I look forward to most in this game, especially with that teaser about how we're gonna have events where if a troop dies you can't use them again in that event. That should be fun.

And with Arenas, I feel the meta will eventual balance out. For every Vantage/Close Counter Takumi, we'll see people develop other combinations.


man the matchmaking changes that take star level into account can't come soon enough. Go in with a 3* unit, get matched against four 5* level 40s. Every single time. Also fuck Reinhardt and the horse he rode in on.


Unconfirmed Member
I put Vantage 3 on Lyn and LOLOLOLOLOL. Completely wrecks face if you get <75% HP.

Not gonna mess around more with this stuff until it settles down and people figure out what is good on whom. I have a feeling Vantage 3 is gonna be coveted on lots of people. Hope everyone has those 4* Lon'qu's ready!


10th stratum infantry isn't that bad, 5 clears already. I just need to cycle it to avoid casters, sometimes it even comes with multiple staff users. Definitely don't go in against a 5 group. I just do one of the lower stratum quests if the 10th is looking rough.

I might be able to come up with a good cavalry/flying team by the end of the month but it will be much, much harder to keep everyone alive. I was real glad to see these pop up this morning, I'll say that at least. If they can't get significant story content out at least they know they need to give us an orb source to chip away at.


I put Vantage 3 on Lyn and LOLOLOLOLOL. Completely wrecks face if you get <75% HP.

Not gonna mess around more with this stuff until it settles down and people figure out what is good on whom. I have a feeling Vantage 3 is gonna be coveted on lots of people. Hope everyone has those 4* Lon'qu's ready!

Vantage + Sol Katti + Distant Counter sounds like grade A cancer.
edit nvm, Sol Katti only procs when she attacks
These skills definitely eat up a lot of SP, so massive grinding will be needed to make really strong units.

I haven't done much fancy stuff, yet. Marth inherited Life and Death 1, Armorslayer, and Glimmer. I probably won't learn the weapon, but I inherited simply because I had a left over point.

Linde inherited Escape Route and Glacies. She basically hits and runs.

Jakob is not great, but he does have a lot of SP. I put Luna and Fortify Def on him.

Sanaki has Bowbreaker, so she can kill Takumi. No one else on my team really needs that skill, so I'm okay with that. She'll be dropped when the Arena units change next week.

I'm not pulling on this banner, since I just got Karel. I need to ensure I get a 5* from the new batch of Heroes, so I'm saving. I ended my Arena score at 4400, and I wonder if that will even be competitive.

I think Grand Hero battles will be easier, though!


Unconfirmed Member
Luckily it seems that you can get a LOT of good skills from units that are 3* or 4*. But yeah a lot of feathers are gonna get used upgrading stuff to 4* so that you can inherit those skills.


Luckily it seems that you can get a LOT of good skills from units that are 3* or 4*. But yeah a lot of feathers are gonna get used upgrading stuff to 4* so that you can inherit those skills.
I'm thinking about promoting Ursula just to give Kagero Death Blow 3 lol


Tragic victim of fan death
People are complaining how units are losing their uniqueness, but I'm over here glad I don't need strictly S rank units to be viable. I do arena for fun, but it's the events I look forward to most in this game, especially with that teaser about how we're gonna have events where if a troop dies you can't use them again in that event. That should be fun.

And with Arenas, I feel the meta will eventual balance out. For every Vantage/Close Counter Takumi, we'll see people develop other combinations.

I've seen these types of posts on reddit and it has me on fumes. Yes, it makes units that are not S rank more viable and good. No shit sherlock. The entire point is that EVERYONE benefits. However, what unfortunately is happening is that the gap for the higher tier units are increasing just as much if not more than the lower tier units. Like... lmao? Are people incapable of logic? Not only that but a lot of units were always viable. Certain units were just simply better is all. Why do you think you see people completing the Challenge maps with 3* or 4*?

PK Gaming


You know what? I'm gonna give this system a chance before jumping to serious conclusions. It kind of reminds me of Kid Icarus: Uprising's multiplayer, and that one was batshit crazy (in a good way)

Totally gonna sacrifice Narcian for Lancebreaker.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Do inherited skills overwrite the character's original skills? Or are they still there so that you can switch back to them if you wanted to?

What units do people use against Takumi? I want to set mine up to troll on people on defense.
Most popular counter is MRobin since he is pretty tanky and his weapon has color advantage against colorless. Cecilia has a similar +colorless weapon.

Without Robin, I usually try to tank and counter him with any ranged unit who can survive a round against him, then send in a melee to finish him off.


Just gave MRobin Triangle Adapt 3.


Let's go.


Neo Member
I've seen these types of posts on reddit and it has me on fumes. Yes, it makes units that are not S rank more viable and good. No shit sherlock. The entire point is that EVERYONE benefits. However, what unfortunately is happening is that the gap for the higher tier units are increasing just as much if not more than the lower tier units. Like... lmao? Are people incapable of logic? Not only that but a lot of units were always viable. Certain units were just simply better is all. Why do you think you see people completing the Challenge maps with 3* or 4*?

Again, if you were lucky enough to have certain units for those challenge maps.

Now that I can move many of the skill often used to accomplish Challenge Maps around (swap/push/smite, give everyone Rally skills) it will be much easier for non-whales to complete Challenge maps and do Quests even if we aren't top tier Arena players. We have more map win scenarios coming out. This helps out non-whales in the cases of story maps, challenge maps, special events, and quests. That's a lot more positives.

Honestly I feel this change is positive, overall, for non-whales. Whales benefited before and they'll still benefit now, but non-whales have more options, more things to do, more ways to buff up the guys they have instead of pining for the ones they don't have.


Skill inheritance may bring a new appreciation to an under appreciated unit. I've got 5* Fir which isn't too useful after a certain level. But she's got high Spd, Def and Res. Probably I'll try to repurpose her as a specialty unit.


i feel good. god a few four star odins, four star lonqu and a few units i can promote for death blow. i just don't know the setup i want yet
How about this?

I have Nino, Eldigan, Reinhardt, Eirika. I always form a "T" shape so Eirika can buff the other three at once. So why not give back?

Idea is to

give Eirika (-atk/+spd) Fury 3, other skills not sure yet, renewal?

Give Eldigan Hone Speed 3

Nino already has Hone Attack 3

So she would be at 46 atk / 45 spd while buffing the others as well. That puts her in range to actually take out some things if needed. Or would Hone resistance be better so she can tank and bait mages?


Skill inheritance may bring a new appreciation to an under appreciated unit. I've got 5* Fir which isn't too useful after a certain level. But she's got high Spd, Def and Res. Probably I'll try to repurpose her as a specialty unit.
She has the +3 Speed skill so cherish her.
And sac her for someone else to gain.


Again, if you were lucky enough to have certain units for those challenge maps.

Now that I can move many of the skill often used to accomplish Challenge Maps around (swap/push/smite, give everyone Rally skills) it will be much easier for non-whales to complete Challenge maps and do Quests even if we aren't top tier Arena players. We have more map win scenarios coming out.

You are making the assumption that the new Challenge Map won't become more difficult. Power creep apply to both you and the content.
It doesn't

Wary Fighter cancels follow up attacks (attack again after your opponent), but not the Brave Weapon effect (which let's you attack twice in a row)

So what your saying is, I can have a double attacking Effie while the the enemy can still only attack once despite having higher speed


Just thinking of what I can actually do with units I don't mind losing. Triangle Adept is a no-go because I have no Roy, but if I only want to get 15% I have a bad Cordelia I can use.

darting blow + desperation seems like a combo I'd like to try on my +spd Robin. This doesn't help much for his usual role of killing Takumi as I typically use Robin to bait him out. So I might not make it past the first Takumi unscathed if he has Vantage, but that just means Desperation will turn on and then it's go time. I could put a speed buff on one of my other units to get REAL dumb, since it'd stack with darting blow unlike Robin's default defiant speed.

Fury/Vantage Lucina sounds like the way to go for her. I don't attack with her as often, mine is +HP -res, her stats are overwhelmingly good to begin with, and she self-heals.


Neo Member
You are making the assumption that the new Challenge Map won't become more difficult. Power creep apply to both you and the content.

Skill versatility isn't the same as power creep. There's a good Gamasutra article I read on this once that words it very well.

Again, being able to swap around Rally skills or Push/Pull/Smite/Lunge makes it where I need less troops to accomplish things.

If they somehow find ways to invalidate Rally skills and Push/Pull/etc, then we're going to have a real problem on our hands.
These skills definitely eat up a lot of SP, so massive grinding will be needed to make really strong units.

Yeah, I realized that when I started thinking about what I wanted to put on Lyn...and then noticed that she only had 396 SP. Skill inheritance seems to primarily benefit 4* and under characters, since grinding them up to level 40 before promotion gives lots of extra SP as a reward. For example, my 4* Sharena has 1039 SP from all the level-ups I did to get her to 4*. Throwing skills on 5*-only characters won't be easy at all, because their SP gain dries up the minute they hit Lv. 40.

It's a very interesting addition from a mechanical standpoint. It seems to lessen the blow from not pulling 5* characters, and it also rewards you for grinding and sticking it out with low/mid-tier, low-star characters. For those whose favorites aren't so good or have crappy luck with pulls, it's a godsend. It also justifies the free characters (which they really need to update) coming in at 2* and 1*.

On the other hand, 5* characters aren't quite as valuable now beyond their stats and exclusive weapons, because they'll have a much harder time paying for extra skills. Making a totally broken Hector, Lyn, or Takumi is doable, but will take a lot of grinding. A whale has to work just as hard to create broken characters as a F2P player, and that's not even getting into how much time/money it'd take to get enough 5* characters to pass "+" weapons onto other units. I wouldn't be surprised if, from now on, top-tier units will always be 5* only.
One thing I love about this is I'm not so bummed out by non 5* units I pull anymore. My heartbreaking 170 orb pull has netted me a ton of nice units with good skills to inherit.


Something useful from Reddit

Complete Skill Chains inheritable at 4 Star rarity or below.

Not mine, in case anyone cared.

Oh man, beaten by my laziness :D

There's more 5* locked rank 3 skills than I originally thought, but I guess I overlooked most of the C skills. And we need a way to summon more Alfonse's, if only to funnel Deathblow 3 easier than getting a Klein.

One thing I love about this is I'm not so bummed out by non 5* units I pull anymore. My heartbreaking 170 orb pull has netted me a ton of nice units with good skills to inherit.

It is the one thing that has me a little sad at the lost opportunities with all my specific color sniping but, at the same time, I have like 7 Odins now so Blarblade for everyone. This may make it a pretty compelling case to pull for everything because valuable fresh bodies for skills to harvest unless you're REALLY set on a specific character.


I put Vantage 3 on Lyn and LOLOLOLOLOL. Completely wrecks face if you get <75% HP.

Not gonna mess around more with this stuff until it settles down and people figure out what is good on whom. I have a feeling Vantage 3 is gonna be coveted on lots of people. Hope everyone has those 4* Lon'qu's ready!

Add fury to proc easier lol?


The only problem I see is that Effie's Silver Lance+ is 15 atk, and most people giving Effie Brave Lance aren't giving her the + version, leading to only 10 atk (5+5). Doesn't seem worth it if you don't go for Brave Lance+. I guess if only for a Bonfire setup.

Most people are going for Bonfire.
Death Blow adds a second +6.
10th Stratum already giving me a taste of facing all calvary teams with brave lance/axe. Shit is broken, can't even complete the quests if I see them.


Gold Member
I just put Vantage on my +2 Adult Tiki. I send her out and she pretty much shreds everybody, especially with Ninian's Fortify Dragons buff. So much stuff is going to be absolutely broken now, I love that all of the carefully crafted tier lists mean nothing anymore. It's the wild west, boys!
Oh I have bonfire to give to Effie! Sweet. Now do I give her brave lance to proc it faster? She's +Atk/-spd so she would be hitting someone with 54 Atk twice before they react!


That's insane, I really need a 5* Effie! Got a 4* version but want to save feathers for inherits. Sounds like people going ham for the Effie skill inherits


Gold Member
Is adult tiki any good? Since everyone only talks about the young one, I pretty much ignored her.

She's good because you bait and counter ranged units, even ones that are at triangle disadvantage will attack you and get rocked. She also has higher defense than young Tiki. When under 50% health she gets +7 attack, and with Vantage and some defense/attack buffs from others (I have Eirika and Ninian), she does enormous damage and is an amazing tank.

Her main issue is low speed, but again, I have Eirika which provides a speed buff.

So, I guess harder to use than young Tiki, but with my team make up, she's much more deadly.
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