I don't see one occasion where splitting the bill could reflect badly on you. Offering to pay the whole bill is drought with danger.
What are you talking about? Why is this even a thing? If it’s a date date and not done group outing, then pay the damn bill. If she scoffs at that, take her home, say good-bye, and don’t call her back. She ain’t worth the headache.
She won't like you less if you don't insist on paying the whole thing
It will have the opposite effect. It's the simp trap
*protip - most girls that are actually cool and not SJWs or feminists, like it if you offer to pay for the first date and to be chivalrous in general.
If you asked her out you should pay.
If you asked her out you should pay.
Definitely offer but don't repeatedly say you'll pay it all if she keeps saying she'll pay her halfThat has always been my stance.
She won't like you less if you don't insist on paying the whole thing
It will have the opposite effect. It's the simp trap
Dude, I have no idea what a “simp” is. All I know is a man who’s not some impolite cheapskate will pay for the first date. Traditions have their uses. It allows an easy way for the man to show kindness and generosity toward a woman they like. Didn’t your dad teach you these things?
Definitely offer but don't repeatedly say you'll pay it all if she keeps saying she'll pay her half
If you asked her out you should pay.
Getting laid %?I always just take the bill and pull out my card. If they offer I say it’s no big deal and I don’t mind grabbing it. Extremely rare for it to go beyond that.
How is splitting the bill being a cheapskate? Did you drink more wine and eat more desert than her?
It's an antiquated way of thinking
Since my goal would be to get some and not to win some gender equality points, I would offer to pay in full for the first date.
Hahahaha! You think you’re the first person to try this? I can almost see you at dinner calculating in your head how much more a date is going to cost you while you’re sitting there eating too many free tortilla chips.
By not trying to be a simp, you’ll end up being a cuck. Because the kind of woman that doesn’t at least respect a little bit of tradition and let the man lead initially, will end up owning your balls in the end.
You secretly go to the maitre after you went to the toilet after dinner, pay in full, and later on when she pretends to be a little bit upset about it but in reality thinks you are cool and macho you say 'next time you pay' with a smirk on your face.
Because you initiated the date.
Dates and mates are differentI don't see why this needs to be a rule for dates though. If I ask my friend to go to a concert it's not expected that I pay for them. We both earn money, why should I be expected to pay for you?
Other way around my son
Dates and mates are different
Been married 15 years this Thursday to my smoking hot wife. Balls still intact.
If you think paying for the first date is being a simp, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe stop hanging around so many homosexuals?
Better say "you're paying for breakfast"
That's a PRO move /Davie504
I guess what I was really meaning was to pay for the first dinner when she was clearly not into you, just for the hope to score
My bad
Depends on your strategy with that girl.
Getting laid %?
Nah, it’s cool. I’d still pay though. I’ve had some bad dates, but there’s no reason to try and get out of it. Plus, she has friends, they talk, you don’t want to ruin your chances with another woman by being perceived as a jerk by them.