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Why men should pay on first date!


Gold Member
I've always pay on a first date. And when it lead to more dates like lunch or dinners, I paid most of the time too. But sometimes she insisted. Is it sexist and anti-culture in today's whining world? I guess so. But I dont mind. I also open the door for them too.


Gold Member
The thing is a lot of women look better without makeup or with minimal makeup.
Some years ago I was talking to a women that was wearing so much makeup, that her skin looked like plastic.
The main issue is a lot of women don't know how to correctly apply makeup or use incorrect makeup for their complexion/overall look.

Whenever you see people on TV they are covered in makeup most of the time, even the men, but because it's being done by an artist who knows what they are doing and uses the correct products and techniques most people would never know.

It should be used to enhance how somebody looks, not change how they look completely.
I good friend of mine with dark skin looks great without makeup. But when she puts on makeup, it doesn't look good. I've never had the heart to tell her too youre putting on too much. You can see the red lipstick and foundation and some blue shit she puts on a mile away making her look fake.
Her reasoning is retarded but if you're a man you still have to pay. Just the way it is.

You can plan a cheap date or one close to where you live if you want to lower your investment but when it comes time to pay you'll look like a jackass if you try to split.


I've been paying for 3 months since the first date. And it's not even dates after that more like hangouts , and eventually got friendzoned. Am I a stupid simp?
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
That’s why Lesbian dates always end up w/ dine and ditch. Both ladies in debt from cosmetics financing.
That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock


This is one of those issues propagated by modern gender war influencers that just doesn't make sense.

Like just pay for the food. If price is an issue then don't take your date to the literal most expensive restaurant in town. I've spent more having a "casual beer" ... in the grand scheme of life this is such a weird thing to get hung up on.


You can either (a) worry about this, claim its unfair, get lost in sexual politics, or (b) man up and pay because that is what gentlemen do. (But be very...VERY aware of whether you are being used as a meal ticket for date 2, if you get there).

It has been my experience that whatever the politics of the day are, being respectful, a gentleman (and not mi'lady, just a good son a good mother raised), but still being the "man" about things, cuts through all the noise almost all the time. I've had some great dates with women who were set against the whole "southern gentleman" thing, but won them over with a little charm and good manners.


I remember when feminists used to promote 50/50 relationships as the ideal. Now many just want to be glorified gold diggers. What happened?


I remember when feminists used to promote 50/50 relationships as the ideal. Now many just want to be glorified gold diggers. What happened?
Traditional get traditional treatment, progressive gets progressive. I keep it that simple, assuming adaptive and fluid position. I don't care who’s bitter about what inasmuch as I do both without gritting my own teeth. It’s just a date.


Perpetually Offended
I pay because I asked her out. If she asked me out, she pays but I'd offer to pay instead. Doesn't mean she will let me. I've had women friends pay for us going out because THEY asked. I thought this was just common sense?


Gold Member
With that logic you owe me $50k+ for the ride I picked you up in.....
$50K??? That girl wouldn't even let you deliver food to her on anything less than $80K, she has "standards"! Better be driving $100K+ if you want her to actually get in the car.


Gold Member
That’s why Lesbian dates always end up w/ dine and ditch. Both ladies in debt from cosmetics financing.
Both? Every lesbian couple I've ever met had a "girl" that was dolled up and a "man" that had skin that could sand concrete and coarse iron grey hair fit to clean boots with. We'd usually end up debating dewalt versus milwaukee and get along famously :p


Gold Member
The money rules for dating are insignificant. Pocket change that doesn’t bother me in the least and is based around hospitality traditions.

The part that bothers me are the money rules around divorce.

Everyone's arguing for dinner or movies when the real battle is on houses and investment accounts.


Gold Member
In general who asks should pay, but DEFINITELY who picks the restaurant should pay because otherwise you put the other person in a tough spot if they can't afford it. And of course picking a fancy place is a demonstration of wealth so that's just part of the peacocking men do for the ladies.

Though after a string of "thanks for the free meal" rejections I did fall back on a coffee first date just to save some $$$, ain't too proud to admit :p One of those panned out and almost 20 years later I'm still paying for meals :p


When I was single I never spent a lot of money and always did well with women but then again I always dated women who had their own stuff and never used money as a lure. The mistake too many men makes is using money as bait and then complaining when they attract women who want a man's money. I always approached my dating and relationships from a 50/50 mindset.


Nobody is forcing that woman to put all that overpriced crap on her face.

Does she think it doesn't also cost men to take care of themselves and dress well?
To be honest, I liked her better without all that stuff on her face. I would make myself presentable for a date (25 years ago), but I wouldn’t go that crazy with it. I want to show her who I am and I want her to show me who she is, without all of the fake fanfare.



All that and in the end she just looks less shiny.

She looks perfectly fine without makeup too.

Isn't it kind a laughable how she thinks she needs all that shit on her face to look good?

Those makeup company's are making bank of idiots like her.


She looks almost the same. The kind of women who do like to go all out with the dramatic looks probably pay a fraction of what she does.

Companies make a fortune convincing women they need all this stuff and they blame men in general for it.


Companies make a fortune convincing women they need all this stuff and they blame men in general for it.

Exactly. I tell my lady all the time that I'm not with you for your makeup, but your natural look. Honestly, if I was an arsehole I'd spray every woman with a firehose before a date just to see what reality looks like. Personality wins in the end either way.


To impress a woman, I needed a good job. I had to join the army for college money, then go to college. Damn, my wife owes me so much ;)

These Tik Tok videos are proof that the app needs to be banned.


Nobody is forcing that woman to put all that overpriced crap on her face.

Does she think it doesn't also cost men to take care of themselves and dress well?
Just watch as the global regime turns men inside out and they will become metrosexual idiots.


I've been paying for 3 months since the first date. And it's not even dates after that more like hangouts , and eventually got friendzoned. Am I a stupid simp?
Stop that. It's a difficult conversation but a must. Time she splits or pays sometimes. I've been in the same situation as you, after that conversation, she respected me more because she knew I was strong and would put up with that shit.

Edit. Didn't see the friend zone part, so she's not even putting up the poon? You are a simp, stop, learn, grow, don't make the same mistake again.
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The money rules for dating are insignificant. Pocket change that doesn’t bother me in the least and is based around hospitality traditions.

The part that bothers me are the money rules around divorce.

Everyone's arguing for dinner or movies when the real battle is on houses and investment accounts.
Now we are talking real issues


May I have a cookie?
The thing is a lot of women look better without makeup or with minimal makeup.
Some years ago I was talking to a women that was wearing so much makeup, that her skin looked like plastic.

I used to tell women when I thought they looked better without makeup and a fancy hairstyle but was always met with complete disbelief.

Men look for authenticity in a partner, just like women do.
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Gold Member
She looked very pretty at the beginning. I'm not saying she looks bad at the end of the video but it's so unnecessary.
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