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First in-game trailer of Mythic's Imperator (w/ preview)!


Gold Member
Trailer: http://pcmovies.gamespy.com/pc/video/article/558/558517/imperator_trailer_qtmid.mov

There's also a high-res 640x480 version in the preview:

Romans in space? Not only them, but also Mayans, Native Americans, basically all the inhabitants of Asia, Africa, Eastern and Northern Europe, and the Middle East? Yes indeed. And any regions of the world that I've missed are probably due to the fact that Mythic isn't ready to reveal their peoples' involvement in Imperator altogether intriguing take on the alternate Earth genre. The origin of this flight of fancy is the twisting of one key historical occurrence: the death of ancient Roman figure Germanicus, arguably at the hands of the Tiberius, the emperor himself, and his adoptive father. The speculation goes like this: Tiberius, jealous of Germanicus' rising popularity with the populace and the military, had him offed.

Where do the Mayans come in? Well, as Jacobs mentioned, they're the ones who you'll be fighting against. Though we're not quite sure why, they've left Earth for the stars (and forcibly acquired most of the Terran outer colonies in the process), and are evil as hell. Their tech is leagues beyond what even the Romans have, and it takes many nasty forms -- most significantly, wicked drones that players will have to fight. Yes, they're not completely out of the picture, not even on Earth.

The big question, especially when you consider Mythic's pedigree: player-versus-player gameplay. Jacobs quickly made it clear, however, that Imperator's focus will primarily be on the player-versus-environment experience. This isn't to rule out any sort of competitive elements, however; it's just that, since the world's powers aren't really at war, there is little reason to attack members of other nations on sight, let alone organize warbands, and raid their lands. In regards to players killing each other, Jacobs said that there will be "consensual PVP within a very structured framework." This, I'm inferring, means that players will be able to enter the Coliseum, and hack each other to bits. The focus, rather, be on a different sort of competitive encounter, between players. "We also want them to be able to engage in competitive actions, and we'll have that as well."


Gold Member
Bristow said:
Looks pretty underwhelming. However, I'm sure the game has a long way to go.

One thing Mythic does with each major retail DAoC expansion is a big graphics upgrade. Here's some pics comparing the Classic (2001), Shrouded Isles (2002), and Atlantis (2003) client graphics:



The next expansion in December (Catacombs) will also further upgrade the environment graphics with updated textures and lighting and they are also upgrading the character models:
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