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First Nintendo DS game box art


Gold Member
Looks similar


Quite honestly, I'm looking more forward toward games like the Sega love story and the Atlus surgery game that utilize the DS capabilitites in some way. I'm surprised if we get anything beyond a map screen in Spiderman.


Gold Member
Meier said:
If we compared it to any horizontal box, it'd have to be the GBA ones from Japan which have been around for much longer than the N-Gage.

My remark was actually meant as a sarcastic note of the game itself. I agree that Jap GBA boxes are cool (especially Mother 1+2 which is pure sexxx), they should be plastic like the ngage ones to be perfect, though.


Unconfirmed Member
cybamerc said:
Yes, because if the price was lower Nintendo would definitely give you the scoop on pricing.

He would have told me if it was bogus, ala the boxart. It's simply a case of no means no and no comment means oh shit, we're rumbled.

Anyway, (brag commence) I'm off to Seattle next week to see the DS, meet the hardware development team and drink poor quality American lager where "all will be revealed."
So that should be fun. Expect the final pieces of the DS jigsaw from the 6th onwards. (brag ends)

So Scoop that. ;-)
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