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First PSP screens: Need for Speed Underground Rivals


works for Gamestop (lol)
Society said:
Funny thing is, most of the trolls are coming from the Sony camp.

Doesn't matter what camp they're coming from, it appears some people just simply don't like handhelds :p


geh, I plaed the NFSU2 demo on BO3, and the game in't that great of a looker, considering the size of the PSP's screen, I wouldn't be susprised if the end result of the PSP version looked 'more pleasing to the eye" overall.

and if that doesn't satify, I'll add this 'excuse' into the mix: american launch title shovelware.

there. how could it NOT suck visually when they fecking buttered that title on every damn platform on the earth save maybe phantom. We already know that cross platform games rarely make for visual landmarks, 'every platform' titles should be even less.

Oh and I dont know who said one of the best racers this gen... eh... one thing it's (NFSU2) are the fucking amazing engine sounds, but other than that... color me puzzled at that comment...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Nvidia's GoForce 4500 appears to wipe the floor with both the DS and the PSP.
GoForce 4500 doesn't seem any more impressive than PSP graphics chips. It does wipe the floor with DS, though.


Ante Up
Thanks! Nice vid -- the "rainy road" effect is in, and it's looking quite a bit closer to the home console versions than the screens suggest.

One thing that is immediately apparent is that PSP will be a quantum leap over older hardware in the sound department.
jarrod said:

Why did you post screens from NFSU 2 ?


The thing about NFSU is it's personality, which may be emulating and exagerating an idiotic sub-culture but is addicting to me nonetheless. It is truely not a deep racer, you can't really even powerslide effectively, but I still love this game for some reason. The graphics on the PC version probably help a ton.

This is the first compelling PSP arguement, for me.


Gold Member
Although I recall that it was rather explicitly exressed in GDC this March at the PSP info session, I'm still surprised of low the polygon count for PSP seems to be. In logic it's not unlike N64 which had many advanced graphic features built in with "no performance hit" but had a crappy polygon rate.


Will start substantiating his hate
Not just polygons but also textures. They are rather low res in most cases. Not sure what's up with the texture aliasing either.

Sho Nuff

I saw this running today. It had a LONG way to go. Very clunky, not smooth, and polys on the road kept dropping out (!).


Will start substantiating his hate

> But it's not online!

Surely not. Then they would have to come up with a new excuse for not bringing it to Cube.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Looks horrible. The only good looking PSP game so far is Coded Arms.
haha, yeah, by that logic (judging solely on tech specs), there are no, and never will be, a good looking DS games :)

But it's not online! I feel that would take too much away from the experience!!111!
Why would Burnout on PSP not be online?


Will start substantiating his hate

> haha, yeah, by that logic (judging solely on tech specs), there are no, and never will be,
> a good looking DS games :)

Different expectations.


Tag of Excellence
I'd be excited but its NFS:U goddamnit. It's like showing me a very beautiful girl that's riddled with every STD known to man.

I kid I kid, they can probably slap this game together to be pretty decent, then again it is EA.


Marconelly, i don't think you've ever posted in a positive DS thread without mentioning PSP, or posted in a negative PSP thread (like this one) without somehow putting down the DS. You my friend are THE best example of a fanboy who pretends to be "neutral". Do you even play games, or do you just buy them and stare at them?

Anyways these screen look alright. Aside from a couple of games, PSP's visuals haven't been up to the level I expected (or should I say "how I was made to expect" by everybody). Not to say they look bad though...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Marconelly, i don't think you've ever posted in a positive DS thread without mentioning PSP, or posted in a negative PSP thread (like this one) without somehow putting down the DS
Hey, I have to earn this tag right there on the left!

Even if what you said is true (and I don't think it is, as I barely *ever* post in DS threads, and barely ever mention DS to being with) how would that make me any different from Cybamerc (i.e. why are you singling out your attack only on me)


Because Cybamerc is openly a Ninboy, while I've seen you try to make it look like you're unbiased.

Doesn't work very well though. :p


Will start substantiating his hate
Marconelly said:
Oh, but of course. Whatever is most convinient for you, Cyba :)
So you're saying they should be judged equally? That people should disregard that PSP is significantly more powerful?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ghostface said:
Because Cyba is openly a Ninboy, while I've seen you try to make it look like you're unbiased.

Doesn't work very well though. :p

Hmm, let's ask him just to be sure! :p

Are you a Nintendo fanboy, cyba?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Because Cybamerc is openly a Ninboy, while I've seen you try to make it look like you're unbiased.

Doesn't work very well though. :p
Haha, are you crazy, everyone knows I'm a Psyborg. Just maybe not as crazed as some other 'borgs and 'bots... The difference, I think, is that I really don't have anything against Nintendo or Microsoft. I don't hold any grudge against them. It's just that I prefer Sony's consoles and (of course) games it has to offer.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sho Nuff said:
I saw this running today. It had a LONG way to go. Very clunky, not smooth, and polys on the road kept dropping out (!).

That's a feature baby!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Although I recall that it was rather explicitly exressed in GDC this March at the PSP info session, I'm still surprised of low the polygon count for PSP seems to be. In logic it's not unlike N64 which had many advanced graphic features built in with "no performance hit" but had a crappy polygon rate.
Chittagong, can you elaborate on this? What exactly was explicitly expressed in GDC?


i doubt PSP will cost that much. You;ll see other handhelds with similar graphics soon as well.


Gold Member
Marconelly said:
Chittagong, can you elaborate on this? What exactly was explicitly expressed in GDC?

Heh, at least my post is not very explicitly expressed - now that I read it again, that is one confusing piece of text. My excuse is that I wrote it in a meeting.

What I tried to say, then? That I recall a discussion by the Sony dev support guys about the PSP on how Sony included several advanced graphic features in PSP HW with "no cost on performance", and while the polygon pushing power is then more limited, this approach allows even the starting developers do impressive looking games (now how about that!). However, it's been six months, so I might not be fully accurate on my quote.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
OK, I see what you mean. I thought they gave some numberical spec of the in-game polygon ratio between PS2 and PSP, but it makes sense either way.


Looks like poo. But in this case, I'm seeing it more as a developer problem, not the hardware. I'm not sure I'd see this as impressive even if the polygon rates were better.


Alpha, are you going to take screen caps of NFSU from your PC?
You say it looks two times better then the GS NFSU2 pics, I must see it.


The response to this title is just like I predicted in some other thread about a month ago. If you buy a $300 handheld, you expect current gen graphics. If you don't get them, (because more detail causes a bigger performance hit which drains the battery or whatever excuse) you get pissed and question your investment. This could be a problem.
Lost Weekend said:
The response to this title is just like I predicted in some other thread about a month ago. If you buy a $300 handheld, you expect current gen graphics. If you don't get them, (because more detail causes a bigger performance hit which drains the battery or whatever excuse) you get pissed and question your investment. This could be a problem.

Totally with you there Lost. It makes too much sense.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The response to this title is just like I predicted in some other thread about a month ago. If you buy a $300 handheld, you expect current gen graphics. If you don't get them, (because more detail causes a bigger performance hit which drains the battery or whatever excuse) you get pissed and question your investment. This could be a problem.
It is going to be more of a concern for game developers, as there already are games that deliver on the promise of looking simillar or even better in some ways than the simillar PS2 games.


Will start substantiating his hate
Marconelly said:
It is going to be more of a concern for game developers, as there already are games that deliver on the promise of looking simillar or even better in some ways than the simillar PS2 games.
The only game that looks "better" than what you find on PS2 is Coded Arms and apparently it doesn't look too hot IRL. It's also looks incredibly boring.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The only game that looks "better" than what you find on PS2 is Coded Arms and apparently it doesn't look too hot IRL. It's also looks incredibly boring.
Coded Arms, Hot Shots Golf, and RR are just some that pop to mind that at least in some way look better than their PS2 counterparts and look the same or simillar in other ways (and I'm talking actual comments from IGN and other people who played them in person) HSG has better image quality, RR and Coded Arms look simillar to the games of their kind on PS2...


And even i am moderately surprised
"Coded Arms, Hot Shots Golf, and RR are just some that pop to mind that at least in some way look better than their PS2 counterparts and look the same or simillar in other ways (and I'm talking actual comments from IGN and other people who played them in person) HSG has better image quality, RR and Coded Arms look simillar to the games of their kind on PS2..."

Coded Arms, in motion, looks very very average. Hot Shots Golf doesn't look quite as good as the PS2 version in person either (and if IGN think that, then i assume whoever it was was high at the time ;) )

RR ,on the other hand, does look fantastic.


Will start substantiating his hate
Marconelly said:
(and I'm talking actual comments from IGN and other people who played them in person) HSG has better image quality
But the IGN impressions also mentioned that the environments and character models had been downgraded. The PSP version also has spot shadows whereas the PS2 version has proper shadows. Besides, the PS2 games aren't that impressive to begin with.


cybamerc said:
But the IGN impressions also mentioned that the environments and character models had been downgraded. The PSP version also has spot shadows whereas the PS2 version has proper shadows. Besides, the PS2 games aren't that impressive to begin with.

Guess chance of you buying a DS is nil if the PSP games don't even meet your standards graphically.


kpop100 said:
Guess chance of you buying a DS is nil if the PSP games don't even meet your standards graphically.

Have you not seen Metroid Hunters? It's almost on par with FPS's from 1991.
Meets my standards.


Bad Art ™
I think Cyba is misunderstood. After being pimped as handheld PS2 (and even surpassing the PS2 in some area), the PSP has too proved those claims (and right now it hasn't)

Meanwhile, we all know the DS is a mini N64 and nobody is expecting anything more.

It's just a question of expectation. If you are hyping something to death and it doesn't deliver, you should be prepare for the backlash.

and NFSUR doesn't look very good (the PS2 version is looking WAY better)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
If you are hyping something to death and it doesn't deliver, you should be prepare for the backlash.

Yes, but we do know that if the DS failed to deliver what had been promised, cyba would have been making excuses for it...

He isn't disappointed by the PSP, though...this is exactly what he wanted all along.
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