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First PSP screens: Need for Speed Underground Rivals


Gold Member
Has anyone got direct-feed, not resized videos of this?

EA's own site has a blurry-as-hell video, looks like it would have been captured analog and resized three times. Makes you wonder the competence of their PR people. I want crisp, pixel-per-pixel accurate footage. It isn't hard to produce if you are not stupid.
Milhouse31 said:
Here is some pics of the PS2 version (a little too AA but you get the point)






what you don't see in those psp pics is the wet road effect! Watch the video and its present in them.


dark10x said:
Yes, but we do know that if the DS failed to deliver what had been promised, cyba would have been making excuses for it...

He isn't disappointed by the PSP, though...this is exactly what he wanted all along.

^^ pretty much.

And yeah NFSUR does look like ass so far, I wouldn't try to sugarcoat that.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Those pictures Millhouse posted actually work against his case, IMO. The PS2 version looks rather meh, and quite simillar to PSP version, especially if you see that in video, they do have the wet road effect in place. Apparently, it's the wealth of visual glitches in the PSP version that make it look poor at this point, though. In any case, RR creams all over it at this point, but I'd assume EA has gotten actual hardware devkits a lot later than Namco and other Japanese developers.

But the IGN impressions also mentioned that the environments and character models had been downgraded. The PSP version also has spot shadows whereas the PS2 version has proper shadows. Besides, the PS2 games aren't that impressive to begin with.
I have never said any of those games match their PS counterpart feature-for-feature. They do say at IGN that HSG has worse character models, very simillar terrain, but better image quality (no texture shimmering), than the PS2 version btw.


Bad Art ™
I saw the video, the game looks even worse. How can you say the PSP version looks better than the PS2 version with a straight face ? Whoa

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I saw the video, the game looks even worse. How can you say the PSP version looks better than the PS2 version with a straight face ? Whoa
Whoa, how can you not read what I'm saying? It's a very average looking game on the PS2, and PSP version looks slighly worse.

Seriosly, what IS it about the PS2 version that makes you think it looks significantly better, or good to begin with (but that's another bag of chips). The both have comparably shitty textures, comparably poor framerate, similalr shine effects, simillar blocky cars.


And even i am moderately surprised
"It's a very average looking game on the PS2, and PSP version looks slighly worse."

i've not seen the video, but you really have to see the game running on the PSP... it really does look like ass (compared to the PS2 version). Seriously.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
Whoa, how can you not read what I'm saying? It's a very average looking game on the PS2, and PSP version looks slighly worse.

Seriosly, what IS it about the PS2 version that makes you think it looks significantly better, or good to begin with (but that's another bag of chips). The both have comparably shitty textures, comparably poor framerate, similalr shine effects, simillar blocky cars.

The PS2 version has some of the best motion blur I've ever seen, though. :D

The other versions of the game couldn't touch it in that regard...


Bad Art ™
The PS2 version is not an average looking game. It has good lighting, lots of special effect (motion blur + light tray) and the car looks good. The frame rate is pretty crappy at time i'll give you that.


I think this is great! People are now debating Handheld graphics vs Console graphics! Rock on!

No, I'm not being sarcastic actually. This goes to show you how far handheld graphics have gone now that they're being compared with active 'living' consoles on a game-to-game basis, but not just any active console, the #1 console.

On this game: It blows my socks away as a handheld title, although if I played it on an active console other than Dreamcast or PS1 I would not be impressed. It looks GREAT for a handheld game.

I've seen nothing on DS or GBA that comes close to this.

Imagine just walking into the vicinity of someone else with NFSU loaded in thier PSP, and doing wireless matches, not even knowing where they are (In the mall or Airplane terminal or Train stations or school).

People picking on the PSP because it barely matches PS2 performance or is just under PS2 visually really goes to show how hard people are grasping at straws to find flaw with the PSP.


People picking on the PSP because it barely matches PS2 performance or is just under PS2 visually really goes to show how hard people are grasping at straws to find flaw with the PSP.

When the cost is rumored to be the same as next-gen consoles, there is no need to grasp at straws to find flaws. I agree with cyba in that expectations are through the roof for PSP considering the sacrifice we might have to make to get it on release - loss of hooker money for the high cost, and being forced to carry around a man-purse to carry an AC cord because of crappy battery life (if true).

I'm not that worried, though, cuz my hooker budget is secure, and I know these screens are blown up much larger then will ever be seen on that tiny PSP screen. Plus I don't give a shit about NFSU anyway. :p


Bad Art ™
I'm not that worried, though, cuz my hooker budget is secure, and I know these screens are blown up much larger then will ever be seen on that tiny PSP screen. Plus I don't give a shit about NFSU anyway. :p

Those screens are 480 x 272 pixel. That's the natural PSP resolution. That's how it's gonna look in real life.


nah, it looks far better in motion then it does in those screens.

I think this is great! People are now debating Handheld graphics vs Console graphics! Rock on!

No, I'm not being sarcastic actually. This goes to show you how far handheld graphics have gone now that they're being compared with active 'living' consoles on a game-to-game basis, but not just any active console, the #1 console.

On this game: It blows my socks away as a handheld title, although if I played it on an active console other than Dreamcast or PS1 I would not be impressed. It looks GREAT for a handheld game.

Right on. We're now bitching about if a handheld game compares to console. We've come a long way from this:


to this-




Vagabond said:
Imagine just walking into the vicinity of someone else with NFSU loaded in thier PSP, and doing wireless matches, not even knowing where they are (In the mall or Airplane terminal or Train stations or school).
And the fun of getting a "Sorry, opponent our of range" message a few meters from the finish line :D

People picking on the PSP because it barely matches PS2 performance or is just under PS2 visually really goes to show how hard people are grasping at straws to find flaw with the PSP.
Straws, eh? Like its been said like a thousand times already in this thread, the DS or GBA were never touted by everyone from system whores to devs as being "equal or more powerful than PS2". Its certainly a valid argument to question thos claims now that we've seen screens, with most disappointing in that regard, especially for a system that in all likelyhood will cost $250+.

*Queue in post repeating exactly what Vagabond just said, again.*


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
One more: :)


Game settings = Everything on + highest visuals. AA is not active.


Some of what you said is valid, but we're still going on speculation about price (Because it 'looks expensive') and the battery life is questionable with nothing really confirmed. However, it does not negate from the fact that the unit itself is sleek, feature-proof and sexy as all hell and that this game looks VERY good for a handheld game. It's very comparable to the PS2 version, although slightly inferior in still shots. I don't get the negative comments posted in this thread...

The PSP might be 300 bucks, sure, but it'd be worth it if it offers up this level of gaming and functionality on the go. People have no qualms paying for a more expensive, less powerful laptop rather than a less expensive, more powerful Desktop system because of it's portability. It's a balanced compromise. Why would the gaming realm be any different?

And your quip about 'Opponent out of range': That's the beauty of WiFi, You don't have to worry about that. If that is indeed a problem, it's software-side.


The laptop comparison doesn't work because even though you do pay more money for less, it's still valid competition for a desktop unit. Functionality is exactly the same, the same software can be used, and you don't sacrifice much at all besides ability to upgrade and a little more dough out of your wallet.

Handheld games systems are at an immediate disadvantage because they can never provide the same experience as consoles. Tiny screens, fewer buttons, weaker sounds, slightly stripped down conversions of console games...even the PSP is going to suffer these disadvantages as powerful as it is. You buy handhelds only if you MUST game on the go. And it better be worth it.

I remember when the Game Gear was released. Had a better screen, was more powerful than the gameboy, and was backilit. When I first saw it I was amazed. Looked amazing "for a handheld," and absolutely destroyed anything I had seen on the game boy. But it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth the bulky brick design, the hefty price tag, and the lame ass battery life.

I'm not comparing the PSP to the Game Gear, because the circumstances are clearly not the same, but I gotta say when I first saw these screens the first thing I wondered was if this really is going to be worth it. Worth the rumored potential price tag and portability hurting battery life. Especially when there will be a competing handheld that doesn't try to mimic the power of todays consoles, but will possibly have bettery battery life, a more reasonable price, and games that will still be impressive on some level. Because after all, "for a handheld", the stuff we've seen still looks damn good

Again, not so worried. This game doesn't represent everything that will be released. But I definately want to be impressed at some point if it's going to get my money


I'm not exactly up-to-date on Wi-Fi, but what kind of range could you possibly get? Say you're on a bus, and you detect another player, how long before you're too far?

And the price speculation isn't because "it looks sexy", but based more on the tech that's used in system.


In my experience with Wi-Fi: it'll go through most wood well, it hates many types of metal, it works better if you're still and not moving (even if it's within range), it varies with concrete and cement. I can REALISTICALLY get a signal up to about 150 feet most of the time. I suppose it'll theoretically go farther than that, but that's my more realistic estimate for most environments.


seismologist said:
Also the DS has more to offer than just graphics.

Well, the dual screen thing can be replicated on the PSP by dividing the screen into two screens (and in fact Koei is doing this with Dynasty Warriors).


Miburou said:
Well, the dual screen thing can be replicated on the PSP by dividing the screen into two screens (and in fact Koei is doing this with Dynasty Warriors).

but it lacks the touch screen feature.


Firest0rm said:
but it lacks the touch screen feature.

Yeah, it does. Depending on how well that feature is implemented in DS games, it could either be a big plus for it over the PSP, or just a gimmick.


Insertia said:
touch screen is just a glorified analog stick.
it's not uselful for anything except selection and minigames.

I'll leave to to the developers to actually try thinking creatively and coming up with better ideas then those.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Firest0rm said:
but it lacks the touch screen feature.

As was noted, the touch screen really is just a glorified analog stick. It can certainly serve as the basis for some rather unique ideas, but I'd bet that most games will not be employing the touch screen for anything that an analog stick couldn't handle.

What can you do with the touch screen that will REALLY benefit most types of games? It is awesome for unique games like Wario Ware...but how much use will other games really get out of it? We can't be sure until the machine has been around for a while, but I just can't see it being used for too much...


Insertia said:
touch screen is just a glorified analog stick.
You point with a touch screen and direct with a stick. On the most basic of levels they differ radically as input devices.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cja said:
You point with a touch screen and direct with a stick. On the most basic of levels they differ radically as input devices.

While this is true in theory, there aren't too many things that can be done with a touch screen that can't be done with an analog stick...


I can see the touch screen being applied in such applications as a virtual keyboard, or those keypad-based puzzles. Also, in a puzzle game where you're directly moving the blocks.

But some of the other applications I've read about seem pretty awkward, such as shooting in an FPS, or even drawing your combos in a fighting game (WTF?). Again, time will tell whether it ends up as simply a gimmick or whether it changes the way people interact with games.


dark10x said:
While this is true in theory, there aren't too many things that can be done with a touch screen that can't be done with an analog stick...
Just because they can be used doesn't make it right to use them. Most 8bit home computers used the joystick for paint programs yet I'm damn pleased the Mac, Amiga and ST came with a mouse as standard.

An RTS using a stick is just clumsy. On the flipside some input devices are too good for a genre, a mouse in a lightgun game for example.

Personally believe too many people are thinking inside the box, thinking of current games and how they can be played with a touchscreen. Hope and expect Nintendo to look at it the other way round, how the touchscreen can change gaming. We'll see soon enough.

FoneBone said:
Well, this thread is completely derailed now.
lol, sorry. NFS:UR; just like every PSP game shown so far has some really nice effects but with the poly pushing ability of a crippled Dreamcast. I think that's a good thing, on a small screen I want whizz bang effects and nice image quality not a zillion polygons that can't be seen.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Wow. So this PSP game (and a few others) don't look as good as the current crop of PS2 games. So what? I mean really...did anyone really expect them to look that good right out of the gate? Its going to take a while before we see anything thats looks as good as some of the newer PS2 games. Think back to how plain/boring (and outright bad) some of the 1st year PS2 games looked. Go ahead and play a few of them and take a look at these screens and I think you'll agree that NFSUR stacks up pretty well. Heck it outright looks better than a lot of them. PSP may be as powerful as the PS2 but if it is its going to take a while for the games to catch up because there is still a learning curve involved. The graphics for this game are phenomenal for a handheld. Nintendo should be worried IMO.


At the present this is the 3rd best looking racer on the system (GT4, RR) maybe the 4th (new Shotoku battle game might even look better?). And probably of those 4 the game I'd least likely to buy.

And who expects EA on short time to have matched the visuals of the J racers (on any time for that matter).
Hey, maybe this thread was closing up, but after seeing that plain-ass blue Skyline posted above I just had to display my fly whips.





Blue Night

Clean Z






Shredded Red


Deep Purple - The Game Beater


That's how the game is supposed to look.
Sorry I didn't think of turning of the HUD until halfway through.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I think part of the problem here is that to a large degree 2D is 2D and whether it looks hot or not depends largely on stuff like artistic quality. 3D however, as we have all learned over the last seven years or so, shows of flaws and limitations in how graphics are rendered extremely well. Yoshi's Island still looks awesome today. PS1 games generally do not. We're now used to stuff like Burnout and Ninja Gaiden as quality 3D - so seeing even Dreamcast level stuff or worse will appear lacking, at least in still shots. (Motion accounts for a hell of a lot with 3D.)

This is the mindshare problem a 3D portable system faces - GBA can be technically less powerful than say, PS2 for doing 2D graphics (Guilty Gear X2 / PS2 vs Guilty Gear Advance / GBA) but still look generally good. A 3D portable can be slightly worse than current leading 3D consoles and PC hardware, and look generally bad to eyes acclimated to the current standard.

Personally, the main thing I am concerned about is that most PSP stuff I've seen so far looks poly-starved - as in PSOne level poly counts in a lot of cases, with better textures, lighting, and effects.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Those tails on the Skyline are the WORST mod in the entire game. God that's one ugly rear. Otherwise, the rest of your car looks hot. And yeah, I know that my Skyline is plain as day. I sort of prefer it that way, but also; I just fired up NFSU, threw on a bunch of random mods and took pics. :p


on the 15th floor
I think Sony has set unrealistically high expectations for PSP performance, if not out right lied about its capabilities.

I sure as hell was expecting NFSUR to look much better than this. Judging by the quality of these graphics, as well as other games being shown at TGS, the PSP looks to be somewhere between PSone and DC, IMHO.

For a handheld, this IS amazing, but all this shit about PSP>>>PS2!! has set many of these games up for unfair scrutiny.


Fafracer forever
Marc said:
Doesn't look bad, which is the same I would say for the console versions of the game.
That's being incredibly generous Marc.
On the show, this was pretty much the worst looking&running racing game shown for PSP. And I'd rate it amongst the worst looking PSP demos overall as well.
The worst part about it though - the demo ran in low 20ies, while pretty much every other demo on the show was 60. It kinda made for a rather embarassing showing from EA.

Datawhore said:
I think Sony has set unrealistically high expectations for PSP performance, if not out right lied about its capabilities.
Not really. There are were a couple of games that look at least as good if not better then PS2 counterparts, and given how rushed most of the development has been so far, that already exceeded some of my expectations.

What most people don't realize is that average PSP game budgets at this moment are around 4x(or more) lower then what you get for desktop consoles. No matter how nice the hardware, it won't make up for that kind of massive disparity.
If anything, current stuff should be a testament to how much faster(and cheaper) PSP gives results.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Not discounting the reports that have noted this game isn't running well right now, it's still worth taking a stroll down memory lane to some of the PS2 launch games:

Midnight Club PS2

Driving Emotion Type S PS2



GAF's Pleasant Genius
cja said:
Just because they can be used doesn't make it right to use them. Most 8bit home computers used the joystick for paint programs yet I'm damn pleased the Mac, Amiga and ST came with a mouse as standard.

An RTS using a stick is just clumsy. On the flipside some input devices are too good for a genre, a mouse in a lightgun game for example.

Personally believe too many people are thinking inside the box, thinking of current games and how they can be played with a touchscreen. Hope and expect Nintendo to look at it the other way round, how the touchscreen can change gaming. We'll see soon enough.

This kind of reasoning could be made for any accessory/feature of a system then. It is us thinking inside the box and not seeing how gaming should be revolutionized.

Personally I like the touch screen as it allows for much more complex GUIs in DS games and allows for easier to play RTSs on the system, but I do not find it a huge revolution in gaming and I did not think gaming needed a revolution.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Fafalada said:
What most people don't realize is that average PSP game budgets at this moment are around 4x(or more) lower then what you get for desktop consoles. No matter how nice the hardware, it won't make up for that kind of massive disparity.
If anything, current stuff should be a testament to how much faster(and cheaper) PSP gives results.

WORD ;).
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