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First Spider-Man: Homecoming reactions

The Raimi Spidey blasphemy in this thread is straight-up making my eyes bleed. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

This early buzz is exciting, can't wait!
The Raimi Spidey blasphemy in this thread is straight-up making my eyes bleed. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

This early buzz is exciting, can't wait!

I don't let nostalgia blind me. They aren't great movies and are extremely cheesy. I enjoyed them as a little kid when each came out but as an adult they are bad.

I'm perfectly okay with calling a spade a spade.



C'mon it is OBVIOUSLY Tony Stark

I don't let nostalgia blind me. They aren't great movies and are extremely cheesy. I enjoyed them as a little kid when each came out but as an adult they are bad.

I'm perfectly okay with calling a spade a spade.

They're Sam Raimi movies. That's kind of his personal stamp. Camp isn't inherently bad, the way it's utilized in Spidey 1 and 2 is really fun. They're also well-acted, thoughtfully written, more romantic than 90% of these things, and were undeniable landmarks for the genre. The way they utilize, subvert, and play with tone is something that none of these modern Marvel films have had the balls to do.


I don't let nostalgia blind me. They aren't great movies and are extremely cheesy. I enjoyed them as a little kid when each came out but as an adult they are bad.

I'm perfectly okay with calling a spade a spade.
... i feel that people trying to claim this - that it's all nostalgia and they're suddenly too mature for raimi's films - are the ones that haven't actually sat down and watched them recently. i rewatched the 2nd a few months ago and it really is one of the GOATs. there's so much more to it than most superhero films. the only recent cbm that's come close to spider-man 2 and the dark knight was logan.


happy this is doing great. Tom Holland was a great pick and i was worried they'd screw it up by trying to "MCU" it too much - like they did with Infinity War. - Good Avengers movie, mediocre Captain America movie.

Skipping most of the origin story is a great move.

And those who are calling Spiderman 2 'bad', y'all are crazy.
I can see people not being all too fond of Spiderman 1, sure - but Spiderman 2 is amazing - mostly due to its great villain.
... i feel that people trying to claim this - that it's all nostalgia and they're suddenly too mature for raimi's films - are the ones that haven't actually sat down and watched them recently. i rewatched the 2nd a few months ago and it really is one of the GOATs. there's so much more to it than most superhero films. the only recent cbm that's come close to spider-man 2 and the dark knight was logan.

Same. I rewatched 1 & 2 last week for the first time in a decade and they hold up just fine aside from the effects in the first one but they were already terrible back then. Nostalgia is such a weak argument. Most of us were already adults when these came out. And so were the reviewers that praised them at the time, lol.
... i feel that people trying to claim this - that it's all nostalgia and they're suddenly too mature for raimi's films - are the ones that haven't actually sat down and watched them recently. i rewatched the 2nd a few months ago and it really is one of the GOATs. there's so much more to it than most superhero films. the only recent cbm that's come close to spider-man 2 and the dark knight was logan.

I have rewatched all three recently. I bought into 4k HDR and bought a Spiderman pack that had the first three and the two Amazing movies all on bluray.

I still hold my same opinion.


Same. I rewatched 1 & 2 last week for the first tie in a decade and they hold up just fine aside from the effects in the first one but they were already terrible back then. Nostalgia is such a weak argument. Most of us were already adults when these came out. And so were the reviewers that praised them upon release, lol.
honestly, i had a similar 'they might not actually be good, i could just be remembering them too fondly' doubt a few years ago as i was pretty young when the first two came out and hadn't watched them in a while. so i sat down and rewatched the trilogy to find that it wasn't just nostalgia, these films were genuinely good (for the most part) - the 2nd in particular being fucking great. the rewatch i did a few months back cemented this fact.


semen stains the mountaintops
A couple of impressions talk about all the surprises it has and to avoid spoilers, really glad to see that since the trailers seemed to show most of the big moments.


Worse than the two Raimi films is kind of embarrassing. We'll never get a great spiderman film will we.
it's clear that where the impressions are placing it behind the first two raimi films they don't share your personal opinion that they're bad, and are meaning it to be a compliment. this is weird projection.


Saint Titanfall
They were alright for the time but for example spiderman 1 is standard superhero fair with a paper thin "relationship" with Mary Jane that amounts to her being his trophy girlfriend because he suddenly became "cool". There really isn't much there and it's thoroughly mediocre.

Spiderman 2 has far more merit but a large amount of your enjoyment stems from your affinity for such stories since it's all round fairly grim.

The one thing the Raimi films at least sold very well but didn't necesarily achieve was exhileration of web slinging. They really did make you want to be Spiderman while the later films didn't sell this aspect as much (granted they didn't need to as Spiderman was a big thing by then).

it's clear that where the impressions are placing it behind the first two raimi films they don't share your personal opinion that they're bad, and are meaning it to be a compliment. this is weird projection.

They're still putting it behind 2 films that are a decade old, one of which being an origin set up. Not being as good as the first film is not an achievement as while it was highly regarded it's wasn't that highly regarded.


Spider-Man 2 is one of the most overrated movies ever. It was awful. The part with the train is some of the cheesiest garbage I've ever seen.


I don't let nostalgia blind me. They aren't great movies and are extremely cheesy. I enjoyed them as a little kid when each came out but as an adult they are bad.

I'm perfectly okay with calling a spade a spade.
What are you talking about?Spiderman 1 & 2 aged perfectly fine.They're still amazing movies.
Smh at the people hating on the Raimi cheese. Those movies have more heart than just about any other super hero movie. What other movie is gonna have an amazing "raindrops keep fallin on my head" montage that ends in a freeze frame of Peter's goofy smile?
As an individual who isn't the biggest fan of comic book based movies, Raimi's Spiderman 2 is honestly one of the best. It was layered, told a good story based Peter's internal conflict - wasn't just about "saving the world from paper thin villain, etc."

The set pieces were great, Doc Oct was a serviceable antagonist, and the bits of humor throughout.

And hey, as long as Homecoming is better than that oh so forgettable Doctor Strange movie (outside of the trippy sequence), I'm in. Seriously, movie wasn't even bad... it was just bland. Boring. Like "how not to do a Origin story".


I'll never get the dismissal of the Raimi Spider-man films, even the disaster that's 3. There isn't a single MCU film that has managed to capture the whimsy and poignancy found in those movies.

If the initial reactions from Homecoming are placing it after Spider-man 1 and 2, then it just means the new MCU movie didn't manage to top two of the most popular, successful, and arguably best comicbook movies ever made--it's not exactly a cause for concern.
One of the main criticisms of the person who said this is the third best movie is that we dont get enough backstory drama with Peter's tragic loss.

I really don't understand that. Who the fuck wants to see Uncle Ben dying again? Thomas and Martha Wayne are in a similar boat. The audience gets it already. No need to tread over that ground time after time. Move on and tell an entertaining superhero story. If this does that then that's a win in my books.
I've always preferred spiderman 1 to 2.

This was always my opinion too growing up. However I haven't seen either film in six years now, so I have a feeling that my opinion would change if I watched them both again now as an adult.

At the very least, there's definitely more moments in SM2 that my mind drifts back to more often than the first film whenever I think of classic superhero movie scenes nowadays (i.e. Aunt May's speech, Doc Ock waking up, the train scene, "Go get 'em, tiger").


So the cheques have cleared early then.

I assume it wasn't as much as Disney cheques since critics weren't willing to rank it above Spider-Man 2.


Worse than the two Raimi films is kind of embarrassing. We'll never get a great spiderman film will we.

Are you purposefully ignoring the tweets that said it's better than them to create a narrative?

But either way, how is that embarrassing when one of them is considered one of the best comic book films ever made, with some people saying it's still the best.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
... i feel that people trying to claim this - that it's all nostalgia and they're suddenly too mature for raimi's films - are the ones that haven't actually sat down and watched them recently. i rewatched the 2nd a few months ago and it really is one of the GOATs. there's so much more to it than most superhero films. the only recent cbm that's come close to spider-man 2 and the dark knight was logan.

I watched them last week while I was getting rid of about 50 or so blu-rays. they stink :shrug:, I only owned them because I got them for free with my PS3.
I'm also not incapable of changing my mind. I didn't like Inglorious Basterds the first viewing, but upon the second I loved it. Different tastes and all that. Raimi spider-man movies do absolutely nothing for me in a positive way.


I read the spoilers over at Reddit because I'm weak as shit. This could be up there with Wonder Woman as my favorite movie of the year.


Second-best or third-best, either way its still high praise in my book.

I mean, were you a fan of Spiderman 3 and the Andrew Garfield films?

Not saying the general response has been predominantly positive, but taking solace in that specific bit of praise strikes me as a strange source of comfort.


Just woke up and saw the negativity people are talking so I went back through like 4 pages in a panic and there aren't even new impressions, just those old ones that are extremely positive..what.

Did y'all just read the "Third best Spider-man" one and stop there?

Edit - and now Spider-Man 2 hate? Who hurt you GAF?

I think Spider-Man 2 is top two.

Only Begins or TDK can be matched with it in my eyes.

But holy hell, it's not perfect, and it makes me believe the shade thrown at this film is only in service to protect fans idea of those Raimi films.

Which kind of sucks, because every SPIDER-MAN film is going to be compared to Spider-Man 2. Even though most of these films will be a product of their era. For all we know this a good movie, but good Lord at the confirmation bias.

It didn't get bad impressions so just see it yourself.
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