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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

This thread has truthfully been the primary source of inspiration and encouragement to exercise during lockdown. Thanks everyone.

Today's routine is deep breathing until my ears hiss and my extremities and lips tingle. Up to 1:40m on the exhale. Oof that headrush.

Kettlebells all day every day. Stretching all day is paying off bigtime. I'm more limber than I've ever been in my adult life.
Grip training, anyone?

Some textured plastic rings, straps, with metal sliding clips.

Very nice. I'm excited for you man. I personally would have gotten wood myself, BUT I don't think it makes too much of a diff. I just think the wood is more visually appealing and I like the feel for grip when you clean it. Which leads me to a tip, clean your rings every few days. Your oils will build up on the rings and make them slippery. Don't be like me and neglect them, then day after day you start to wonder why your reverse grip keeps getting weaker and weaker... Then one day you lower them for your 2 1/2 year old to swing on because he loves them but watching him makes you feel self conscious because he seems to have a better grip than you do. And then you walk away to sulk and come back and find your kid decided to get a snack in-between reps and your rings are now covered in food. So you wash them and decide to give them a try.... and bam, you now have monkey grip. And then you realize that you should be cleaning your dang rings...

EDIT: BMP make great stuff. That's where I got my resistance bands. They have a lifetime warranty. That's amazing to me. I never use it though. They are cheap enough for a whole set. So I just pay full price out of gratitude.
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Very nice. I'm excited for you man. I personally would have gotten wood myself, BUT I don't think it makes too much of a diff. I just think the wood is more visually appealing and I like the feel for grip when you clean it. Which leads me to a tip, clean your rings every few days. Your oils will build up on the rings and make them slippery. Don't be like me and neglect them, then day after day you start to wonder why your reverse grip keeps getting weaker and weaker... Then one day you lower them for your 2 1/2 year old to swing on because he loves them but watching him makes you feel self conscious because he seems to have a better grip than you do. And then you walk away to sulk and come back and find your kid decided to get a snack in-between reps and your rings are now covered in food. So you wash them and decide to give them a try.... and bam, you now have monkey grip. And then you realize that you should be cleaning your dang rings...

EDIT: BMP make great stuff. That's where I got my resistance bands. They have a lifetime warranty. That's amazing to me. I never use it though. They are cheap enough for a whole set. So I just pay full price out of gratitude.

Wood rings are generally the way to go. Let us know how you get along with those though.
Thank you for the tips. The kid issue is why I went with plastic, in fact. Four rugrats in the house. No fear of oils / jelly / shit / whatever else kids put on their hands staining or absorbing into the wood and/or being more difficult to clean. You can bet each of the three oldest already took their turns swinging, hanging, demanding a turn, demanding that I raise/lower the straps, etc.

Like the kettlebell, I expect my wife to come around to the method in short order and we'll buy a pair of nice wooden ones down the road with an extra set of straps.

These seem fine for now. I have been hanging from random 2x4 frames so the fact that I can grip a ring is a huge step up in comfort and grip-ability :messenger_beaming:

I definitely started practicing with the false grip right away like you recommended Vlaud and it's gonna be it's own fun challenge.
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Leg day.

More yard work. Full squats every time I pick up a stick. If the next stick is within 2-3 paces I squat walk to it. Half of our yard is full of the tallest and largest London Plane sycamores I've ever seen and one oak... The other half also has an oak at the front and the back is bordered by a large tree line. Thousands of sticks. I do this with my kids and a wheelbarrow. This will be fun.

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Cutty Flam

Been keeping at it. I’ve been working at trying to open up my posture a bit with some internal rotation work

It’s not the best routine, but lately I’ve been doing band work to warm up maybe a set or so of resistance bands to warm up the main muscle groups, then I’ll do something like this

Hip Thrusts (currently 5/30reps)
Bent over DB Rows (4/20-30reps)
OHP DB (3/15 reps)
Maybe some calves or supermans if I feel good to go

I’m going to start taking stretching more seriously. And abdominal work as well. And just to top it all off, calf, neck and traps as well. Might as well throw in some ankle strengthening while im at it

Idk why, but with my specific body and the way it works, I can’t have weak links or else I’ll feel pain in that area. Very odd, but that’s just the way it is with me. So I really, I have to hit everything

All in time, just going to keep chipping away at my pace and get it. Let’s fucking go bros, go and get that shit

Toughest part is just finding the motivation to drink more water and eat more quality foods to keep up the energy levels for these workouts

Cutty Flam

Grip training, anyone?

Careful with it though, those are small muscles

I used to squeeze that thing all the time in 11th grade. Bought one and used to go for like 300 reps every day. I was dumb and ignorant, but even now, that stuff should be considered supplemental, and very carefully considered into your routine

Would hate for someone to have to suffer the same result just extreme tendon issues
Careful with it though, those are small muscles

I used to squeeze that thing all the time in 11th grade. Bought one and used to go for like 300 reps every day. I was dumb and ignorant, but even now, that stuff should be considered supplemental, and very carefully considered into your routine

Would hate for someone to have to suffer the same result just extreme tendon issues

Yep, I only do a few sets each hand at the end of my pull workout. The last thing I want is to mess up my game playing ability :messenger_beaming: It’s nice to have forearms of steel, and let’s me hit higher deadlifts double overhand


Careful with it though, those are small muscles

I used to squeeze that thing all the time in 11th grade. Bought one and used to go for like 300 reps every day. I was dumb and ignorant, but even now, that stuff should be considered supplemental, and very carefully considered into your routine

Would hate for someone to have to suffer the same result just extreme tendon issues

this cannot be stated enough, treat your body with care and respect
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Brethren. It's official. My friend was talking me up to his trainer about how strong my wrists and grip where... His trainer told him to bring me by... I'm going to have a chance to train with a world class arm wrestler. The dude apparently came right behind Richard Lupeks once...


He's natty as well. Thank goodness.

This will be interesting. Feels surreal. Don't know if I want to stick with it because to focus on it is so counter to my philosophy of strength and mobility through movement and slow growth of healthy, untorn to shreds, muscle. And I'd be sacrificing a lot of dexterity, especially in my fingers which I use to play fingerstyle guitar... But I'm absolutely not going to pass up a chance to train and learn, even if for just a season, from a world class competitor in their field. From what I can tell from what my friend tells me about his own training regime, he does use a lot of my philosophy concerning slow growth of healthy muscle. Starting slow and cultivating strong tendons and stabilizer muscles to form a strong foundation seems to be how he trains. That would be of the utmost importance to me. I am not an iron pumping muscle head and I don't want to be anywhere near as big as Richard over there...

We meet up and train next Tuesday... Wish me luck brothers.
We meet up and train next Tuesday... Wish me luck brothers.

I'm thinking most guys start out arm wrestling in school/bars? Maybe in bigger cities there are clubs. One of the problems with being out of a school setting, is no longer having that large concentration of peers. Weights and apparatus can only do so much to simulate that movement.

The point of my post, is I envy you the opportunity. I'd love to learn the techniques, and have a row of guys to combat. And I do wish you luck :messenger_bicep:
Brethren. It's official. My friend was talking me up to his trainer about how strong my wrists and grip where... His trainer told him to bring me by... I'm going to have a chance to train with a world class arm wrestler. The dude apparently came right behind Richard Lupeks once...


He's natty as well. Thank goodness.

This will be interesting. Feels surreal. Don't know if I want to stick with it because to focus on it is so counter to my philosophy of strength and mobility through movement and slow growth of healthy, untorn to shreds, muscle. And I'd be sacrificing a lot of dexterity, especially in my fingers which I use to play fingerstyle guitar... But I'm absolutely not going to pass up a chance to train and learn, even if for just a season, from a world class competitor in their field. From what I can tell from what my friend tells me about his own training regime, he does use a lot of my philosophy concerning slow growth of healthy muscle. Starting slow and cultivating strong tendons and stabilizer muscles to form a strong foundation seems to be how he trains. That would be of the utmost importance to me. I am not an iron pumping muscle head and I don't want to be anywhere near as big as Richard over there...

We meet up and train next Tuesday... Wish me luck brothers.

Dude looks like someone photoshopped a normal head on a freekin He-Man figure! Those hands and forearms are UNREAL! Enjoy it my friend, it sounds like a great opportunity!
I'm thinking most guys start out arm wrestling in school/bars? Maybe in bigger cities there are clubs. One of the problems with being out of a school setting, is no longer having that large concentration of peers. Weights and apparatus can only do so much to simulate that movement.

The point of my post, is I envy you the opportunity. I'd love to learn the techniques, and have a row of guys to combat. And I do wish you luck :messenger_bicep:
Yeah, my friend is always telling me how his teacher always says the best tool for arm wrestling is a regulation table and someone on the other side. Nothing else can simulate that motion and therefore stimulate those muscle groups quite the same way and all that other stuff will only take you so far. So this is a huge opportunity. Also, he is teaching another kid who weighs 300+ pounds who he thinks will be the next heavyweight champ if he sticks with the training. The dude already easily powers through even his trainer...

Gotta say, the pressure real. I'm sitting here thinking of all the ways my buddy might have laid it on a bit thick. Gonna give it all I've got and see what happens.
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Check this dude out, he used to drop gems on us and teach people how he got to such a level. Inspired me to want to set a pull up record of my own. I’m going to try for a very specific record if things go right in the years to come

I always wondered about pull ups.

So it counts as chin at/over bar? Is there an arm width distance minimum?

I might be better at pull ups than I thought, as I always felt that I should (and I can't) get my chest almost to the bar, like what you would do on a lat pull down pulley machine.
So after one fucking month on this fucking playground with police cruising there all the time without saying anything today a fucking cop playing big bad boy comes up and literally sends me one fucking meadow further.

What the flying fuck man? I was alone with no human soul in sight.

Fuck this bullshit. Now I have to do this crap indoor.

Slightly mad right now. It‘s like the lazy asses do not want us motivated folks to do any sports and get fat just like them.
So after one fucking month on this fucking playground with police cruising there all the time without saying anything today a fucking cop playing big bad boy comes up and literally sends me one fucking meadow further.

What the flying fuck man? I was alone with no human soul in sight.

Fuck this bullshit. Now I have to do this crap indoor.

Slightly mad right now. It‘s like the lazy asses do not want us motivated folks to do any sports and get fat just like them.

That sucks man, I don't get why people aren't even allowed to be outside all alone in some places. It really seems like some places are treating this like martial law. Testing the waters at least.
What if you went before dawn? The early AM training seems to be working for off duty ninja off duty ninja
You might even harness some dark energy.
Dunno. I might give my local municipal office a call and ask for a written permission. I don‘t want to risk arguing with this dickhead again. It wouldn‘t end well for me. I‘m pissed off enough as it is.
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Tesseract Tesseract You had a broken metatarsal recently if I’m not mistaken. If you don’t mind me asking, was this a stress fracture? If so, what kind of pain we’re you feeling?

I’m asking because I’ve had a sharp pain near the join of my big toe in my first metatarsal for a few days now and it only seems to be getting worse. I can see some slight yellow bruising of the skin in the area but it’s very faint. I don’t recall kicking anything or hitting it on something either.

I’m going to got to an urgent care in a couple more days if it doesn’t get better but I’m hoping it’s not a stress fracture. My feeling is that it is though. I don’t want to stop running right as I’m getting going again! 😭
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Tesseract Tesseract You had a broken metatarsal recently if I’m not mistaken. If you don’t mind me asking, was this a stress fracture? If so, what kind of pain we’re you feeling?

I’m asking because I’ve had a sharp pain near the join of my big toe in my first metatarsal for a few days now and it only seems to be getting worse. I can see some slight yellow bruising of the skin in the area but it’s very faint. I don’t recall kicking anything or hitting it on something either.

I’m going to got to an urgent care in a couple more days if it doesn’t get better but I’m hoping it’s not a stress fracture. My feeling is that it is though. I don’t want to stop running right as I’m getting going again! 😭
really super high-impact trauma

it was sharp, plenty of bruising

still hurts a bit when i stretch my toes but it's def healed

please go to care if it doesn't get better, and get well soon
really super high-impact trauma

it was sharp, plenty of bruising

still hurts a bit when i stretch my toes but it's def healed

please go to care if it doesn't get better, and get well soon
Thanks brother, the funny thing is it doesn’t hurt when I run or exercise much.

It hurts most when I wiggle my big toe.

Today it started squeaking when I move it and my wife and I feel a vibration in my foot when I move my toe.

Probably going to urgent care this weekend to be safe.

If it is a stress fracture I’ll be hitting this thread up for ways to maintain my cardio while I can’t run.

God Enel


This like the only exercise I cannot do properly -at home because I have the bar between my door frames and I have to bend the knees otherwise.. I’m stand on the ground.
pull ups in general are my weak spot. At one point My max wac 13 (let’s say 10 clean and the last 3 have been.. yeah.. crippled.. but I counted them it was not the good form before more of a fight). Now I’m back to 8-10max.

push ups are kinda the same in regards to the video. So many people are slacking that shit.


Unconfirmed Member
This like the only exercise I cannot do properly -at home because I have the bar between my door frames and I have to bend the knees otherwise.. I’m stand on the ground.
pull ups in general are my weak spot. At one point My max wac 13 (let’s say 10 clean and the last 3 have been.. yeah.. crippled.. but I counted them it was not the good form before more of a fight). Now I’m back to 8-10max.

push ups are kinda the same in regards to the video. So many people are slacking that shit.
Why don't you make one?
Normally today would have been my long run but my concerns about my foot kept me home.

Instead I did some upper body and core work. Flutter kicks, planks (with feet raised on a cushy ottoman), side planks, shadow boxing with 10 pound dumbbells and feet planted (again to avoid foot/toe damage), squats with dumbbells into a military press on my way up and feet firmly planted, couple pull-ups and 45 second hang, along with some active stretching of my arms, shoulders and core.

It’s not running but I need the upper body work anyways. I need to work on increasing my time with all of these things to compensate for the lack of running.

because I live in a city and my apartment is 20m2. I have one room and already half of it is basically a gym Lol.. I have to move the table to train.
Do you have anyplace you could mount a pull-up bar on your ceiling or a back porch with cover?

I’m in an apartment and have this mounted on my back porch.


It might give you more clearance depending on your ceiling height.
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Not being able to run is starting to tank my mood. I'm going to do some seated dumbbell exercises today. I need to look at this as another challenge and do my best not to crash and burn. I don't really know what is going on with my foot but I have had a bone spur on the big toe joint of my other foot that severely limits its movement for years now and I wonder if this could be a compensation injury. I am going to try and rest it for a week and see how it does. In the meantime, I need to reduce my food consumption and make sure I get some upper body work in daily. Maybe a rotation of dumbbells 1 day and pull ups the other. Can't forget core work either. Hopefully its not s stress fracture but rather some simple tendinitis or something.
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