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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

Whew!! That was a good workout. Threw in a few supine bicycles and v sit-ups for good measure.

God damn this finale gets me every time.

Don’t stop believingGAF:


Of course this series has the best ending ever. So many questions left unanswered. The biggest question I have after my 3rd run of this series?

Did Anthony Jr. go on to become Trump’s personal pilot?

you probably don't even hear it when it happens

focus on the good times
Arm day. Better late than never.


Skipped yesterday due to some cytokine flare ups from who knows what and while in lockdown I don't want to push it. Feeling great today so I'm gonna prob toss some chest in the mix with some inclined to handstand pushups and throw some advanced QDR rotational pushups in there for fun as well...

Followed by a nice long cold shower. Just wish I had a tub here suitable for an ice bath...

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So, in around an hour I‘m doing a crazy burpees / kettlebell swing challenge here. 55 of one, 5 of the other. And then you rotate. 50/10, 45/15 etc... until you reach 5/55. 2 minutes rest in between sets. That‘ll be 500 burpees ans swings. If I don‘t survive this shit I want you all to keep lifting and follow the dream. I‘ll br waiting in swole heaven for you.

And for the love of god, stay away for short women with a sexy body and short hair. They‘re insane.
So, in around an hour I‘m doing a crazy burpees / kettlebell swing challenge here. 55 of one, 5 of the other. And then you rotate. 50/10, 45/15 etc... until you reach 5/55. 2 minutes rest in between sets. That‘ll be 500 burpees ans swings. If I don‘t survive this shit I want you all to keep lifting and follow the dream. I‘ll br waiting in swole heaven for you.

And for the love of god, stay away for short women with a sexy body and short hair. They‘re insane.

Did you died?
Did you died?
Still among the living. But next Sunday I am facing this workout...


Now only exchange all the none burpee exercises with leg exercises like jumping lunges and jumping sqauts.

Dunno who is more insane... The girl coming up with this shit or me going along with it...

Well, at least I‘m making mad progess in terms of bodyfat. By the end of the quarantine I‘ll be ripped to shreds.
Recommendations for ankle/wrist weights? Emphasis on something that doesn't slip. I'll duct-tape 'em to my leg/arm hair if need be.

Anyway, I crossed the one month "milestone" using kettlebells every day. General thoughts from an amateur:

- I love that I get cardio with my weight-training. Ran around the yard with the kids yesterday for about an hour and didn't get winded. In general, I feel like my lung + heart + muscle dynamos are performing a lot better than one month ago. I'm an ex-smoker so heart + lung health have been my top priority since quitting several years back.

- trunk muscles, hips, and shoulders feel more stable and more flexible. The flexibility exercises that VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler posted a week or two ago seem to be helping, too.

- Turkish get-ups are amazing. I wish I knew about these years ago.

- fat loss* is on point. I'm below where I was in September, prior to my baby daughter being born. *Caveat is that I've been fasting, too

- great for all-day exercising. I am working from home and I don't want to fuss with charts and workout plans or whatever. Kettlebell makes it stupid-simple for my stupid brain: get up, do a set of mixed exercises (mostly swings and military presses) for a minute or two, bounce around while the heart-rate is up, then get back to work.

My napkin math estimate of total exercise / sets on a given day is at least 20 sets per day (maybe closer to 30), 20 - 40 reps per set, 60 - 120 seconds per set, So with my 35 lb / 15 kg kettlebell that's a range of at least 20 - 40 minutes of weight-loaded cardio and 14,000 - 28,000 lbs / 6,000 - 12,000 kg of labor each day. It goes without saying that this is distributed across a mix of exercises, some which are easier (swings, cleans, presses) and some which are harder (snatches, get-ups).
Up at 4:45 and ran 2 miles. Here’s a couple more twilight pics.

I was trying to upload them but they keep uploading upside down. I’m gonna try again after I get cleaned up.

I had my headlamp on which is why it’s so bright directly in front of me. That is the moon just above the tree line across the street.


I love the contrast of the lamps with the darkness and the twilight glow of the sky in this one:

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Yesterday was Ring day.

Today is Leg day!

So, since I get a lot of leg workout from Ido's normal routine and I don't want too overdeveloped legs, because I want to retain as much flexibility as possible, my leg days are a bit different and are basically endurance focused. But I can adjust the amount of strength as well. I generally do leg day twice a week and a bit on the weekends.

So I like to incorporate as much of my workouts as I can into everyday chores since I am a stay at home dad atm. If I'm cleaning for instance, I squat all day long until I'm done. I will go around with a washcloth and squat and walk around in that squat and clean everything from the floor to the cabinets, or basically just everything I can reach from that position. If I fold clothes, I stand and fold, then place it on the ground by squatting. etc.

Today, I am mowing. I use one of these.


Which is why I used the wheel of pain vid. :p

I'm one that likes to be the change they want to see. I actually do think we could be doing more for the environment. Years ago I was so depressed at the state of things and would constantly be moody about it towards others. Then one day I realized that if I see something that needs to be done and I can do something about it then I can be the one to make that change. So, instead of complaining, I started to DO. I looked to all the things around me that I actually had, or could have, control over. I started a community garden in my area. And started looking at things in my own life that I could change. This is when I found the reel mower. Not everything I do is the BEST thing I could be doing for the environment. But I do what I know I can handle mentally and physically long term. Anyway, it's been an absolutely huge mental and physical benefit. I'm not depressed anymore and I feel so much joy by doing something that I know for sure is adding something positive to the health of the world and for everyone in it.

Anywho, the mower is adjustable so the lower you put it, the harder it is to push, but if the grass is too high then you have to raise it. However, you might need to go over it twice if you do that, lowering on the second pass. Our lawn isn't small so I divided the yard into 1/4s and I do one each time I'm out. This keeps up with the growth of the grass and keeps the lawn nice and tidy.

I can make this even harder by spacing my stride wider. often I'll even do a bit of a lunge for each stride because it just feels so dang good to push from that position. I make sure to really tighten my bum and hammies. Actually, before I started doing this, my bum and hammies where so atrophied from being so much of an invalid due to my back that I didn't even have a brain muscle connection with them anymore. Couldn't even remember the last time I activated those muscles and so everything was basically being handled by my quads which lead to a lot of knee and hip issues. When I started this, it was a struggle at first, but man oh man was it worth it making that connection again. It feels amazing. So much power comes from those muscles. And the benefits to my lower back and overall posture where huge. Running and even walking are much different for me now. I just feel so much more grounded and mobile.

Anyway, this can be rough on your shoulders as well, lot's of pushing obviously but also lots of pulling. So I do all of my pre workout prep every singe time.

Anyway, hopefully this inspires someone in some way. Have fun!

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I'm going to start a dumbbell routine and do some yoga too. I did 2 sets of 4 dumbbell exercises (don't know all the names) and then a short sun salutation session to warm up today. Its supposed to be the first day reaching 70 here so I am going to hit the pavement when its warm for a change.

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I'm going to start a dumbbell routine and do some yoga too. I did 2 sets of 4 dumbbell exercises (don't know all the names) and then a short sun salutation session to warm up today. Its supposed to be the first day reaching 70 here so I am going to hit the pavement when its warm for a change.

Sweet dude, share with the class if any particular dumbbell exercises work well for you. I only use mine for bicep / hammer curls nowadays.

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler all of your material is paying off bigly. I was already doing hangs but those squats have revealed some uncomfortable weaknesses in my knees and hips, therefore I'm gonna keep doin' em! I also snagged a set of adjustable gymnast rings to compliment the kettlebelling. Your inspirational tales of recovering from bad joints is really what sold me. Keep up the good work brother and keep tellin' the rest of us how it's done!

O-N-E O-N-E and Mista Mista I'm glad you're both in the thread. School the rest of us with ideas and routines that seem to be working well for you.
Sweet dude, share with the class if any particular dumbbell exercises work well for you. I only use mine for bicep / hammer curls nowadays.

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler all of your material is paying off bigly. I was already doing hangs but those squats have revealed some uncomfortable weaknesses in my knees and hips, therefore I'm gonna keep doin' em! I also snagged a set of adjustable gymnast rings to compliment the kettlebelling. Your inspirational tales of recovering from bad joints is really what sold me. Keep up the good work brother and keep tellin' the rest of us how it's done!

O-N-E O-N-E and Mista Mista I'm glad you're both in the thread. School the rest of us with ideas and routines that seem to be working well for you.
Right on brother! Those rings are gonna transform your life. Just remember to train your false grip whenever you can.

You can use it for lots of movements that are in the pull up position. So, pull ups, sit backs etc. I'd try to do any first sets of these in your routine with the false grip until you get a really strong grip then you can go back to normal and just use the false grip for the muscle up if you want. Reason I mention this, is that the muscle up leads into lots of other movements for gymnastics rings. So if you end up falling in love with them, you're going to want to start now.

Hit me up if you have any questions. I'll help if I can.
any punching bag recs, i need something that can absorb a lot of shock

They are pretty affordable as well.

Normally I wouldn't recommend something that I don't use. But I've been trying to talk the wife into letting me get a bag to hang in one corner of the living room in our new house and this is where my research lead me. I do know of some friends who use it and they have nothing but praise. My fear was that it would break but man, I've seen lots of videos of people going all out on it with bats and such without making a scratch.

I wanted something that would most closely simulate the physics of punching a human with the proper amount of give and resistance and that wouldn't just fly away from me. This seems to be a good fit. The other option is the century bob but it seems to be more for target acquisition and such than give as much resistance as the water bag would.

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Right on brother! Those rings are gonna transform your life. Just remember to train your false grip whenever you can.

You can use it for lots of movements that are in the pull up position. So, pull ups, sit backs etc. I'd try to do any first sets of these in your routine with the false grip until you get a really strong grip then you can go back to normal and just use the false grip for the muscle up if you want. Reason I mention this, is that the muscle up leads into lots of other movements for gymnastics rings. So if you end up falling in love with them, you're going to want to start now.

Hit me up if you have any questions. I'll help if I can.

Yessir, I was reviewing your previous links and made a mental note to practice the false grip. Thanks again for the knowledgable advice.
Time for some Floreio experimentation.

It's the weekend so these are my rest days but if you're like me, you can't stay still. So these are the days I get to put all my hard work into action and play.

I try to put all the muscles I've cultivated and knowledge and skills I've learned to good use and just let my body get in the groove with some floreio. I don't treat this like a workout at all with a set time limit, reps or even beginning. I just relax and do it whenever the urge hits me and however much I feel like. All throughout the weekend. The point here is to feel as good and stress free as possible while moving. Like you did when you where a kid outside on a summer day in the nice cool breeze. Not to overdo anything. Especially not to get too exhausted and sore to be able to do anything else I might want or need to do, leading to stress.

So, I just go through the movements in my head that I've been doing in my workouts and just try to string together what comes to mind if my body feels like moving and for as long as it feels that way. It could be as little as two movements at a time in some cases depending on how I feel and what I'm doing at the moment. So, say I'm cleaning up with the kids, I might do two movements on my way to grab something to put away. If I'm watching a movie or show I'll most likely be moving on and off throughout the whole thing. I literally can't remember the last movie I actually sat still and watched. Heck, I even stand and eat.

Keep moving guys! You all are doing amazing. off duty ninja off duty ninja you are doing great with your runs mate! I miss long distance running. I used to run miles to school back and forth all year long. And I also used to compete with my bro when on our paper route's with two full bags strapped to me lol. Looking back that prob wasn't the best for my back... But I always won. heheh. I haven't tried again since my back issues. I just do low impact methods with my re-bounder and I also march/jog on top of the ball side of a bosu ball bringing my knees as far up as I can which is much harder than it sounds. But none of that is the same as catching the breeze in your face and taking in all the fresh air of the countryside. Or the primal state of running barefoot through the woods and fields. And that runners high... So run for both of us bro. I might try for some runs myself now that I'm in better shape, you and Tesseract Tesseract have inspired me. But remember to try to move with more than just your legs!

I'm in a flamenco mood today. For some reason, whenever I hear it, I just get the strongest urge to move.

God Enel

yo guys I’m still working out even though I haven’t been writing here. Some friends started a push up challenge so I’m doing it to besides my regular training.

I’m breaking it down to 30 reps throughout the day. Like every 5-10 minutes.
Otherwise I’m still following saturnos program and I’m getting better at holding the handstand. It’s a slow and steady process. And basic calisthenics - push - pull - legs - core. Plus yoga daily for flexibility and mobility purposes (and I love it)

I and my friends started a week too late so I had to do 825 push ups the first day. It was horrible and the second day was horrible as well. Now it’s kinda easy after the soreness is gone

love you guys and keep pushing it. Happy Easter to y’all

So my ex girlfriend who did cross fit with me just jumped ship because she upped the training so much that she couldn't take it any more. Kinda funny. Guess she thought I'd be the one to break down but once she saw that I'm acutally getting ahead of her it's like "That's not the life I wanna life." bla bla Women...

Of course, here I am, still standing. 250 burpees today (and I forgot to take the fucking pre pump!). Guess now it's lone wolf training again. Not much of a surprise. I'm used to it anyway because no matter how fucked up a training scheduele is, I'm just doing it. And I'm doing some mad progress with this crossfit shitz. My goal is set. Shredded until June/July. Hopefully the fukken gym will finally open again mid-May (current plan) so I can combine both the crossfit with my strength training.

Swole and shredded. 2020 is gonna be the year. I want to pull out at least one good thing outta this train wreck.
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I and my friends started a week too late so I had to do 825 push ups the first day.

WTF? 825 push ups in one day? That's nuts.
Once, instead of doing benching, I did 5 sets of pushups in a short period of time, as many as I could. It went like
Set 1: 80
Set 2: 25
Set 3: 18
Set 4 and 5: single digits

But even regarding the program, should high volume work still need some rest days?

God Enel

WTF? 825 push ups in one day? That's nuts.
Once, instead of doing benching, I did 5 sets of pushups in a short period of time, as many as I could. It went like
Set 1: 80
Set 2: 25
Set 3: 18
Set 4 and 5: single digits

But even regarding the program, should high volume work still need some rest days?

Fuck me. It took me basically the whole day. I started with 30 (until I did a hundred or so) and then every 5 minutes I did 20 more. Halfway through it was like 10 every 5 minutes and it was horrible. I think I did them with good form. So I was quite happy When I was finally done. but the next day was a chore. 225 ..

now to do 300 (not in one go) is kinda “easy” :) breaking them up in 30 - 30 - 30 - ..


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