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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


i've been slacking a bit, rough week

back at it tho, pedal to the metal

elliptical, shadow boxing, hella crunches and sit ups, prolly some push ups for good measure

i'm always looking to condition and improve posture / time, mixing in lots of shoulder rolls and squeezes, chest releases, whatnot

Currently out cold with training because I somehow contracted ligament strain on my left ankle (guess it was due to running with the wrong shoes). 4th day without training and I don't know what to do with myself. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Anyway, I really found a liking to cross training in the open as well as in my flat and I'm so going to incorporate this in my training regiment when the gym finally opens again. Especially when training in my flat with a short 20 min run as a warm up I'm sweating like a pig. It's absolutely crazy and I'm convinced this is just what I needed as I rarely sweat when training in the gym, no matter how intense. So when the gym finally reopens I will so much go back and forth with intense strength training in the gym and cross fit training either in my flat or out in the open at the playground, depending on the weather. Running as warm up when I'm training in my flat, burpess when I'm out in the open. I'm gonna get ripped to shreds bros. After a couple of weeks cross fit training I'm already seeing viable veins on my obliques.

Boy, this is going to be a hot summer. :messenger_sunglasses:
All Aboard!



Cutty Flam

Currently out cold with training because I somehow contracted ligament strain on my left ankle (guess it was due to running with the wrong shoes). 4th day without training and I don't know what to do with myself. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Anyway, I really found a liking to cross training in the open as well as in my flat and I'm so going to incorporate this in my training regiment when the gym finally opens again. Especially when training in my flat with a short 20 min run as a warm up I'm sweating like a pig. It's absolutely crazy and I'm convinced this is just what I needed as I rarely sweat when training in the gym, no matter how intense. So when the gym finally reopens I will so much go back and forth with intense strength training in the gym and cross fit training either in my flat or out in the open at the playground, depending on the weather. Running as warm up when I'm training in my flat, burpess when I'm out in the open. I'm gonna get ripped to shreds bros. After a couple of weeks cross fit training I'm already seeing viable veins on my obliques.

Boy, this is going to be a hot summer. :messenger_sunglasses:
Sorry to hear the bad news man. I destroyed my ankle playing basketball in 2016; came down trying to block a shot landed on his foot and heard a pop. Took me 5 months before I could return to work as it was grade 3. Crazy ass night lol. Stay focused like a professional with that rehab bro, you'll be back if you keep at it. It's all about contrast therapy with ice bath or foot in bucket of ice water, then extremely warm to hot water, repeat several times. Then do whatever you can to further bring blood flow to the area, brief exercise bouts of towel crunches with toes, picking up items like marbles with your toes, etc. After I think it was a month or maybe even two weeks of letting my ankle heal, I had to retrain my brain to just be able to move my toes basically. It was fucking bad. I remember I started at like 3 sets of 10 reps just trying to move my toes a few cm to do a towel crunch, and progressed from there. Sometimes I would do 4 training sessions a day to get the blood flow because I knew I fucked up horrendously in not moving for two months. It was a long ass battle, but my goal was to be able to play ball again. Couldn't even put pressure on it until month 4, when I tried to walk it was unbelievably painful. Had to progress from walking like 10 feet a few times with horrendous pain and a limp like no other, just incredible pressure on my tight, completely atrophied muscles, and did a little bit more every couple days or so. It's unbelievable how the body adapts. To think I went from not being able to move my toes barely at all, to not having walked in 4 months, literally not a step, to being able to get that back in a month of PT

Just a heads up, anybody who gets a terrible ankle sprain, aqua therapy was a game changer for me. As soon as gyms are up and running, and I feel I can successfully plan my workouts to consciously do my best to avoid COVID-19 in said gym, I'm going to start doing more training in the pool. You can become one hell of an athlete by incorporating a full-body pool routine. Would be great to do when you're feeling kinda banged up but still feel like you can train and get that much needed blood flow and other benefits that come from working out

My advice is to handle it bro. And be patient with the healing process; do it right and play it by feel. Less is more sometimes when you train, if it means you avoid injury and get a little bit stronger in ways you weren't in previous days

It could be shoes, but sometimes injuries like that stem from a weak core or foundation. There might be weak links you'll need to assess. Like when I sprained my ankle, it was due to poor flexibility and weakness in the glutes and stomach I'm sure. There's so much to be said about it all, but I hope I provided something of use. Have a healthy recovery and take your time

Cutty Flam

Was out of it today. Didn't want to walk really, but I said to myself and those around me "I need to take my health more seriously" and took that walk anyway. 30 min, felt great. It's just a matter of doing it sometimes. Didn't want to workout either, low energy, kind of hot weather the type that drains energy, felt lazy, zero motivation. I knew I had to do it any way. I listened to this song and felt meaning afterwards, and forced myself to get this training in. I remember the first time I heard this song, I used to do 200 lunges after 20-30 min of walking on treadmill. And one time I put this song on, it put me at ease through the extensive warm up. I needed it too, my goal was to dunk so I would perform 10 working sets of leg press after said 200 lunges with perfect form. My wheels were off the fucking chain until that ankle incident lol

It's all for the health. For myself and others. I learned why my knee hurt from last leg workout thanks to this workout; I learned that I wasn't doing the glute bridge/ hip thrust properly and that's why my knee hurt, naturally, after 235 reps that weren't in line with PERFECT form, the best of my ability and energy going towards perfect rep after perfect rep. I wasn't actively keeping my knees in line with my toes correctly as I pushed upwards and descended. It never occurred to me that it's best to keep knees out like you would need to with squat form. So by me forcing this workout and getting it--learned something substantial

God bless you, brothers and sisters. Exercising can and will bring positive experiences to our lives and it will help everyone who chooses to participate and do what they can. Steadily climb towards those goals, eyes on the prize and you can get there in time. Might be setbacks and falling flat on your face and many instances where the pain is with you, but there is light at the end of the tunnel if you stay persistent
Sorry to hear the bad news man. I destroyed my ankle playing basketball in 2016; came down trying to block a shot landed on his foot and heard a pop. Took me 5 months before I could return to work as it was grade 3. Crazy ass night lol. Stay focused like a professional with that rehab bro, you'll be back if you keep at it. It's all about contrast therapy with ice bath or foot in bucket of ice water, then extremely warm to hot water, repeat several times. Then do whatever you can to further bring blood flow to the area, brief exercise bouts of towel crunches with toes, picking up items like marbles with your toes, etc. After I think it was a month or maybe even two weeks of letting my ankle heal, I had to retrain my brain to just be able to move my toes basically. It was fucking bad. I remember I started at like 3 sets of 10 reps just trying to move my toes a few cm to do a towel crunch, and progressed from there. Sometimes I would do 4 training sessions a day to get the blood flow because I knew I fucked up horrendously in not moving for two months. It was a long ass battle, but my goal was to be able to play ball again. Couldn't even put pressure on it until month 4, when I tried to walk it was unbelievably painful. Had to progress from walking like 10 feet a few times with horrendous pain and a limp like no other, just incredible pressure on my tight, completely atrophied muscles, and did a little bit more every couple days or so. It's unbelievable how the body adapts. To think I went from not being able to move my toes barely at all, to not having walked in 4 months, literally not a step, to being able to get that back in a month of PT

Just a heads up, anybody who gets a terrible ankle sprain, aqua therapy was a game changer for me. As soon as gyms are up and running, and I feel I can successfully plan my workouts to consciously do my best to avoid COVID-19 in said gym, I'm going to start doing more training in the pool. You can become one hell of an athlete by incorporating a full-body pool routine. Would be great to do when you're feeling kinda banged up but still feel like you can train and get that much needed blood flow and other benefits that come from working out

My advice is to handle it bro. And be patient with the healing process; do it right and play it by feel. Less is more sometimes when you train, if it means you avoid injury and get a little bit stronger in ways you weren't in previous days

It could be shoes, but sometimes injuries like that stem from a weak core or foundation. There might be weak links you'll need to assess. Like when I sprained my ankle, it was due to poor flexibility and weakness in the glutes and stomach I'm sure. There's so much to be said about it all, but I hope I provided something of use. Have a healthy recovery and take your time
Thanks for the advice my friend.
I'm pretty sure it's not thhhhhaaaat bad though. I didn't overturn my ankle or something and thank god it didn't turn blue (meaning there is no internal bleeding). It's just a bit swolen and therefore naturally hurts when walking but I really hope I can get back on track by the end of the week. Gotta get back into my training.

Cutty Flam

Thanks for the advice my friend.
I'm pretty sure it's not thhhhhaaaat bad though. I didn't overturn my ankle or something and thank god it didn't turn blue (meaning there is no internal bleeding). It's just a bit swolen and therefore naturally hurts when walking but I really hope I can get back on track by the end of the week. Gotta get back into my training.
Fsho man, that's good news that it's minimal damage and that you'll be back quickly

2020 = summer of the shredded


Best leg workouts for home with limited equipment?

I've been implementing kettlebell squats, jogging, carrying the kettlebell up and down the stairs, anything I can think of really.
Best leg workouts for home with limited equipment?

I've been implementing kettlebell squats, jogging, carrying the kettlebell up and down the stairs, anything I can think of really.
Those seem good to me.

Maybe add leg-lunges with a kettlebell in hand, and explosive squat to overhead press with a kettlebell, x number for each hand.
Best leg workouts for home with limited equipment?

I've been implementing kettlebell squats, jogging, carrying the kettlebell up and down the stairs, anything I can think of really.
There is a whole bunch of squats you can do at home really well. Bulgarian split squats, jumping squats, goblet squats with the kettlebell (my favourite) etc. Then you have reverse lunges that you can do with the kettlebell. The heavier the kettlebell the better (I only have 18 kg, miss my 32 kg from the gym).

I recommend combining two exercises. Say jumping lunges 15 per leg and then 20 goblet squats directly after. 3 sets. Prepare to die my friend. Your heart will be pumping like wildfire.


Hey so here's a question guys, if I've been working out a lot and I do feel certain muscle groups sorta sore in the morning - which is par for the course i know

Are those days where I should chill out, maybe just do some jogging, etc?
Hey so here's a question guys, if I've been working out a lot and I do feel certain muscle groups sorta sore in the morning - which is par for the course i know

Are those days where I should chill out, maybe just do some jogging, etc?

When you work out you break down your muscles. They need rest to repair and grow. How much? Depends on so many factors.

*Generally* by the time I'm repeating a workout session, I've recovered from muscle soreness from that session. I've certainly often been "tender" in the chest and triceps, and then proceed to do leg day.
I'm a believer in hitting a muscle no more than twice a week.

Cutty Flam

Hey so here's a question guys, if I've been working out a lot and I do feel certain muscle groups sorta sore in the morning - which is par for the course i know

Are those days where I should chill out, maybe just do some jogging, etc?
Be careful bro, over-doing it the first three weeks is so easy. You really have to be patient and almost consider the first three weeks sort of like getting in a very cold pool, to give an example. First workout you should aim to get your feet wet. Second workout put your foot in to the ankle or so. Next few workouts you’re cautiously submerging your leg under and adapting to the water, and so forth until those three weeks have passed and you have let your body’s many systems adapt to new output of work and stress you’re going to be now routinely subjecting it to. It’s a very subtle process. Very gradual. ‘Gradual‘ being a very key word to your success. It’s crucial to take your time, and I would suggest that if you have the savings for it, to invest in a professionally tailored training program. I would personally email a trainer discussing my fitness goals, physique goals, life goals and such, and work with him to make a very structured program that will take you through a couple phases of training, that would have several months mapped out for you to follow. That’s the best way, hands down, assuming they are a professional. You want to ensure you’re progressing and progressing safely. Personally, I would contact Jeff Cavalier and email him directly asking for a tailored workout down to every last one of my needs

Because nothing is worse than getting injured. I actually fucked up my hamstring a bit yesterday. I’ll document it later in a different post so others can avoid the mistakes I made. But if you can get a pro to map out your workouts, that will help so you know exactly what to do, and from there you just listen to your body, and vary / switch up your work according to how feel on some days. I highly recommend getting the right program

And rest days are just as important as the days you are training. High quality sleep, a great diet filled with all the essential nutrients and hitting your macros, water by the gallons, and there are dozens of methods to speed up recovery. If you don’t take recovery days just as serious as your training then you’re doing yourself a huge disservice and probably more harm than good. When you train, you are tearing your tissues down, causing inflammation, and raising cortisol levels to name a few things that are going on after each session. You have to tend to those needs as best as you can and repair your body to the best of your ability so that you can be a little bit stronger and ready for next session and continue on safely and consistently with the concept of progressive overload (essentially doing a little bit more, taking on a little bit more every workout). If you feel stiff, or taxed at all, better to rest some more. Maybe take a walk if you feel you can do some light exercise and just rest until you feel ready to go

Sorry if that post was a bit verbose, just wanted to stress some very important things to never in one day of your life to lose sight of. Never forget the basics that’s the foundation you will always need to be in line with and go by

When you work out you break down your muscles. They need rest to repair and grow. How much? Depends on so many factors.

*Generally* by the time I'm repeating a workout session, I've recovered from muscle soreness from that session. I've certainly often been "tender" in the chest and triceps, and then proceed to do leg day.
I'm a believer in hitting a muscle no more than twice a week.

Solid advice. I always seem to lose sight of the fact that I train intensely enough to warrant a strict 72 hour recovery period. But since I’m not on par with any of the pros, I seem to regularly assume that 48 hrs is good enough but 72 hrs is really ensuring full recovery / limiting risks. I’ll have to remember to spread it out like that going forward


Doing a lot of pushups and kettlebell swings while working from home. Really takes the edge off everything going on around here. Probably my favorite two exercises. I'll probably get some pullups going tonight.

Gonna try real hard not to burn out per advice, but it feels good not to be sitting like a fat lump watching Roseanne DVDs and chugging sugar free red bull all day.

Thank you all.
It's that time again.

I just realized that I missed giving that update I promised. Sorry guys, found out my little brother is getting shipped out so I've been in a mood. The navy lied to him. They had told him that since he had an impeccable record and top scores and he just had another kid that if he agreed to being reassigned to a different detail, which he was made to believe was literally just a different job in literally the same program on the same ship he was on... that he could get time off his contract and he could get shore duty, which he was due for at the end of this year, in a month or two... Come to find out after he signed that they are transferring him from the carrier he was on, the Bush, where duty isn't so bad because it's split... to a small 500 man transport ship where duty will be almost triple time and he doesn't get any time off his contract... and he will be on the ship for an entire year starting in December... So with all this crap with China stirring up I just get concerned... Bah, I shouldn't be laying this on you guys.

Anyway. Time to get pumped for practice. The pain from the nerve shock has been lasting less and less each time and I've been able to throw some of my own workouts in a few days after practice just fine so I'm going to push myself a bit more this time and maybe try to do the curl contest everyone does at the end of practice. Mr. Staple holds the record at 45 pounds 180 reps. But he could have done more. Everyone else can get at least 50 reps but averages closer to 80. So I'm going to aim for 50 my first time. It's relatively low weight but remember, this is AFTER we have already trashed our arms for 3 hours lol.

Keep charging forward champions. Never give up.

I'm adding speed rope into the mix for the endurance and the joint-health improvement. Plus, it's fun and I can show off to my kids. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:

Thankfully I've been able to get a lot of quick sets in each day. Working from home isn't so terrible, but I admit I would be going stir-crazy if I didn't have my current workout equipment to channel my energy.

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I was a beast today.

Went all the way, no nerve shock at all. Feeling proper sore and totally drained of all strength but man am I so excited that I'm able to get through a whole practice with none of that nerve shock and not be completely shot till the very end.

A memorable moment was when I was going up against Samson. He had been beating me every time. I got... angry. So I channeled that into my strength and just as he was pinning me it was like a well of anger just rose to the surface and I let out a roar. My brain said, nope, not this time. Everyone turned and looked. As I was roaring I felt a spike of adrenaline. I stopped his arm mid pin and brought it back the other way. Growling the whole time because I had to fight him towards the other side for about 10 second but I finally got the pin. Samson had a really impressed look on his face and everyone shocked. Because I won like I did against Samson, and because of the roar. I guess I have a really nice roar lol. Thing is, I'm usually really silent and reserved. So it was new to even me. I mean I growl a lot, but never roared.

Literally everyone there walked up to me and said dude, that was awesome. Fist-bumps all around. It was great. I kept the spirit of whatever beast I must have channeled for the rest of the practice. Adrenaline surges every time. I loved it. I'll have to figure out a way, through meditation most likely, to draw upon that without sounding like Godzilla.

Didn't do the barbell comp this time... because we decided to do King of the Table instead... So biggest guy gets the table and smallest guy is up first. So that was me since they went with height instead of weight lol. But I gave it all I had. Everyone was impressed with my pulling. Even the Hulk grinned at me... before he pinned me like I was a noodle. I actually think I can pull better than most there. Mr Staple even said I almost pulled him into the other room lol. But there is obviously more to arm wrestling than pulling. It' just that at that point it was the only area left that I was still strong.

I won the table fairly (as in they didn't just let me pin them) only once against a friend of mine. He's the guy that introduced me in the first place and a longtime friend I've been mentoring. I'm going to start calling him J. He's been training months with them and I noticed he had gotten a bit stronger. So after the first practice and I had made my mind up to join the team. I looked seriously and told him, "I want you to pay attention to my progress. If you don't start to eat better I'm going to fly right past you." He just gives a look that says, " Ok, whatever." As he was eating his pizza flavored gold fish...

Well, sure enough, I'm only a month in and I feel great and am already starting to get stronger. He thought it would be at least 3 months before the nerve shock would go away for me and I would be able to do any other exercise the rest of the week like him. Even some of the others told me to expect it. But I eat pretty well and have conditioned myself in many other ways and slowly built a strong foundation so I'm just regenerating faster than average.

So take it slow in the beginning guys, build that foundation and eat healthy. Never stop fighting, brothers.

Is it a preacher curl setup?
I don't know how much I'm allowed to give away right now. But it's basically this... but we do it a bit differently... with correct form and a slightly different range of movement.


Cutty Flam

Training session late at night 5/09

Made two very big mistakes:

1) I didn’t warm up properly. I usually take a walk for about 20-35 minutes or so, then do some additional cardio to get my body temperature up and the blood flowing before I jump into warm up sets. But this time I didn’t because it was late, I don’t chance a walk in the dark usually and didn’t even take the time to do some light total body movements before jumping in. Such a stupid mistake, and now I’m paying for it. I’ve made this mistake several times before. It’s just a testament to how lazy I can get. But a proper warm up is necessary on so many levels. One, it’s going to lubricate all the joints and tissues and I think this is where I fell to my demise. Second is the mental aspect of just feeling out movement, contracting the core some, finding a rhythm and some kind of momentum and energy that you can build upon

2) I did an extra set of resistance band pulling, which gave more time under tension on my legs after having done leg day two days prior and not really taking my rest as seriously as I should have. Sleep quality could have been monitored more closely and I should have waited an extra day to heal. I fell under the same mistake I did a year ago that fucked up my hamstring: I would kill it with leg day, and on back day I would do a lot of rows in an athletic position, a quarter squat or even half squat in a staggered sort of sumo position. But this puts so much time under tension for your legs. I didn’t realize it at the time. And now recently, I made the same mistake again. Incredibly upset and disappointed with myself for fucking up in the same manner. Same exact way. But never again will I make that same mistake. I’m going to program smarter. And luckily, it’s a very, very mild strain. I listened to my body fairly early when I felt something was up and stopped maybe 8 reps after the initial feeling in my mind that maybe it was tightness but no it was my body saying it’s feeling some damage so I stopped a couple sets short of my regular and just focused on the rest of my workout that didn’t involve much legs at all

Don’t make this same mistake brahs, legs are tough but even they can only handle so much


I was a beast today.

Went all the way, no nerve shock at all. Feeling proper sore and totally drained of all strength but man am I so excited that I'm able to get through a whole practice with none of that nerve shock and not be completely shot till the very end.

A memorable moment was when I was going up against Samson. He had been beating me every time. I got... angry. So I channeled that into my strength and just as he was pinning me it was like a well of anger just rose to the surface and I let out a roar. My brain said, nope, not this time. Everyone turned and looked. As I was roaring I felt a spike of adrenaline. I stopped his arm mid pin and brought it back the other way. Growling the whole time because I had to fight him towards the other side for about 10 second but I finally got the pin. Samson had a really impressed look on his face and everyone shocked. Because I won like I did against Samson, and because of the roar. I guess I have a really nice roar lol. Thing is, I'm usually really silent and reserved. So it was new to even me. I mean I growl a lot, but never roared.

Literally everyone there walked up to me and said dude, that was awesome. Fist-bumps all around. It was great. I kept the spirit of whatever beast I must have channeled for the rest of the practice. Adrenaline surges every time. I loved it. I'll have to figure out a way, through meditation most likely, to draw upon that without sounding like Godzilla.

Didn't do the barbell comp this time... because we decided to do King of the Table instead... So biggest guy gets the table and smallest guy is up first. So that was me since they went with height instead of weight lol. But I gave it all I had. Everyone was impressed with my pulling. Even the Hulk grinned at me... before he pinned me like I was a noodle. I actually think I can pull better than most there. Mr Staple even said I almost pulled him into the other room lol. But there is obviously more to arm wrestling than pulling. It' just that at that point it was the only area left that I was still strong.

I won the table fairly (as in they didn't just let me pin them) only once against a friend of mine. He's the guy that introduced me in the first place and a longtime friend I've been mentoring. I'm going to start calling him J. He's been training months with them and I noticed he had gotten a bit stronger. So after the first practice and I had made my mind up to join the team. I looked seriously and told him, "I want you to pay attention to my progress. If you don't start to eat better I'm going to fly right past you." He just gives a look that says, " Ok, whatever." As he was eating his pizza flavored gold fish...

Well, sure enough, I'm only a month in and I feel great and am already starting to get stronger. He thought it would be at least 3 months before the nerve shock would go away for me and I would be able to do any other exercise the rest of the week like him. Even some of the others told me to expect it. But I eat pretty well and have conditioned myself in many other ways and slowly built a strong foundation so I'm just regenerating faster than average.

So take it slow in the beginning guys, build that foundation and eat healthy. Never stop fighting, brothers.

I don't know how much I'm allowed to give away right now. But it's basically this... but we do it a bit differently... with correct form and a slightly different range of movement.

That’s an awesome post Vlaud, I can’t wait to get back to my sport and start to play + reach new heights hopefully

How do you think Coach Staple got as good as he did? Does he attribute it to a lot of deadlifting and curls and stuff or does he preach overall just hit every part of the posterior chain like a monster and build from there? Curious about how a grandmaster in his sport trains since it seems to be a lot of core but also a lot of upper strength. Like I’m actually very curious as to which muscle groups he would rank as being the most important in his respected sport?
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And me with half (125 lbs) the world record at 3 reps but not properly keeping my back and butt pressed against the "wall".
Reading the rules, I can keep my heels at most 12 inches from the wall, so next time I try I can stabilize myself more.



advanced basic bitch
Are any vitamins worth a damn? I've heard multivitamins aren't all that effective but that some individual ones are worth it? I've heard good things about fish oil and vitamin d. Any thoughts on vitamins gaf?
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Cutty Flam

And me with half (125 lbs) the world record at 3 reps but not properly keeping my back and butt pressed against the "wall".
Reading the rules, I can keep my heels at most 12 inches from the wall, so next time I try I can stabilize myself more.

Crazy strength. I aim one day to make my own specific push-up and pull-up world record. Who knows if I can at this point the way things are going, but if I ever find momentum and a stretch of great health I’ll plan with serious ambition to reach it. Just trying to be healthy for now

But damn that’s crazy, 250 lbs curl?
But damn that’s crazy, 250 lbs curl?

To be fair, dude with the 250 lb strict curl (Denis Cyplenkov) is so roided up his kidneys failed him.

Are any vitamins worth a damn? I've heard multivitamins aren't all that effective but that some individual ones are worth it? I've heard good things about fish oil and vitamin d. Any thoughts on vitamins gaf?

Personally, I never take any vitamins, but I do take potassium in shaker form (no salt) and I am careful to get magnesium in food form as part of low carbing.
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The gyms here in AZ are opening up on Monday. Limited to one hour workouts so that they can limit the number of members inside. You have to reserve your spot up to 24 hours in advance.

I haven't lifted in 2 months. That's the longest stretch of my life. I'm so ready to get back at it.

Also, I'm definitely going to invest in some Rogue Fitness racks and equipment for a garage gym in the future. That's a definite.
This week my daily routine is exercising throughout the morning/afternoon (lightly and intermittently) and then going outside to shovel/wheelbarrow/rake in the garden for a few more hours in the evening. I'm worn out BUT I have noticed improvements. The stretching routines, working on joints + connective tissue, and cold showers help a lot. I'm able to work all day without getting exhausted, which wasn't the case 1 year ago.

The feeling of easing into bed after a dawn-til-dusk day of physical exertion is pretty great, gotta admit.

Still in the process of transitioning my calisthenics from the floor to the gym rings. Doing pushups, pullups, dips, and rows. Having a good pair of rings to hang from is wonderful for my shoulders and back. My forearms are bulging from those false-grip exercises too lol

Are any vitamins worth a damn? I've heard multivitamins aren't all that effective but that some individual ones are worth it? I've heard good things about fish oil and vitamin d. Any thoughts on vitamins gaf?
I take magnesium malate and C (sodium ascorbate) for general health. Zinc, B12, C, and D in winter months sometimes.

I also drink raw cacao powder each morning for some vitamins and a bit of caffeine. Not sure what kind of magical concoctions others might use but I prefer to get vitamins through my food whenever possible.

The reason why people say they "aren't all that effective" is because of absorption issues and/or the specific kind of vitamin included in the pill. In most respects you are probably pissing out most of those vitamins from the multivitamin.

Cutty Flam

Been feeling pretty thrashed lately. The hamstring issue I’m dealing with is in the upper hamstring it seems, so I may have to be a bit more cautious and take a break from walking maybe this week. Still pain in the affected site, so I’ll see how that goes

Been kind of bummed ever since I fucked it up, I was making good progress. Since the 9th I did a half assed training session but that’s it

Gonna make it count tomorrow though. I wont let the progress in other muscle groups dwindle down, I’m going to keep it up hopefully despite the pain. Will simply just do an extended amount of dynamic stretching movements / upper body to warm up. I gotta figure out a way to get a sweat going without causing further damage to my hamstring, so I might have to try the dynamic stretching and maybe some gimp ass version of a jab for a few minutes and see if that works. It fucking sucks when you injure your lower body, because at least if you were to injure say your arm or some shit you can get the blood flowing rather easily still once you hop on an elliptical

But anyway, I’ll be focusing on upper body, and will aim to pack on more mass in my traps again, will be hitting the biceps, chest and tris, shoulders, going to start neck training after hitting traps and continue to climb safely towards a thicker neck, and yeah abs gotta hit them too, lats

Will be using free weights / dumbells as well as resistance bands to accomplish this next session

Cutty Flam

Are any vitamins worth a damn? I've heard multivitamins aren't all that effective but that some individual ones are worth it? I've heard good things about fish oil and vitamin d. Any thoughts on vitamins gaf?
You want to get the multi-vitamin derived from natural food sources i.e. the vitamin C is from citrus and is not just listed as ascorbic acid bc if it is you can assume it’s synthesized. Haven’t bought a multi in 10 years but if I did I’d likely invest in Vitamin Code or maybe Garden of Life

Vitamin D is enormous imo. I’m lucky enough to just relax in the sun to get mine, but it’s anabolic for sure. It’s super important for immune function it’s responsible for over 3,000 genes I think so being depleted of vitamin D is asking for big time problems. It’s a must buy if you live in a place with little sunshine. Even here in Cali, it’s wise to buy a vit D supp in the winter just in case. I’ce made my best strides in fitness when I was sunbathing each day 20 min or so

I’ll just list all the supplements and such I think are crucial for health especially if you train intensely, the ones I fully believe in getting if you have the cash to invest in them:

-Magnesium glycinate
-Cream of Tartar for potassium (it’s cheap, take a pinch every few days or so)
-Vitamin D3
-Apple Cider Vinegar. I swear, this is like the unsung hero of supplements
-KOS protein powder, chocolate is my favorite, it’s a vegan plant based protein powder that uses stevia and monkfruit, little bit of sugar I think and it tastes godly even with just water. Healthiest one and tastiest one I ever tried
-Creatine (it’s insane how it impacts your ability to exercise. It literally allows your body to create more ATP to exert and will within 30 minutes of taking it. The first time I ever took it, I was stunned. Take 3g /day if you want the dosage that is safe long term. If you want to put on some serious size go for 5 grams before workout, 5 grams after workout in my experience)
-Multivitamin high quality , reputable brands only

If you want to gain muscle and strength, those will all play a major part. You can get it all from foods, except it would be tough to get 3g of creatine unless you ate about 72 oz of steak haha

Cutty Flam

Did the warm up but went a little overboard thinking I’d need to do like 100 movements of each to get blood flowing and body temp. up to get a proper sweat going. So I did like 300 reps of arm circles and it proved to be overkill. Got the sweat going but that’s too much repetitive motion for the joints I felt. So that warm up protocol did the job well, but I learned to never do too much of one movement for smaller joints even if just warm up movements. Also learned it’ll be fine using that as a warm up until I can use my hamstring again to get a true warm up

I’ve always been pretty hardcore about the warm up because K know how easy it is to injure oneself if not properly warmed up. So I was pretty paranoid about not being able to walk, jog, etc to prepare my body for the training but going oldschool and just doing some dynamic stretching movements and getting right into warm up sets of lifts seemed to suffice. Wouldn’t call it ideal by any means, but I was able to get a very light sweat so it will do

Going to be doing more myofascial release throughout the weeks. Have to make sure every tissue is sliding correctly so as not to lose any momentum going forward

Good luck with all future workouts bros. Trying to push forward and create a new physique, reach new levels in fitness

Left front delt has felt a little off lately, notable when benching. And I finally fully tweaked it today doing bent over row.
Five hours later and it's noticeably better, but I think I should take a bit of time off, else I really fuck things up and set myself way back.
In the past I've "pushed through the pain" as I imagine we all have on here. Not this time, even though I'm so close to my goals and personal records.

Cutty Flam

Left front delt has felt a little off lately, notable when benching. And I finally fully tweaked it today doing bent over row.
Five hours later and it's noticeably better, but I think I should take a bit of time off, else I really fuck things up and set myself way back.
In the past I've "pushed through the pain" as I imagine we all have on here. Not this time, even though I'm so close to my goals and personal records.
Better to wait it out and heal completely. If you strained it, it will likely be about two weeks assuming you take care of it and treat it properly until you can begin to stretch it lightly some, and try to get a feel as to where you should go from there

Unless it’s some really minor tweak, personally I’d just wait the 14 days, and bust ass with legs and cardio to keep everything going, abs, back whatever exercises you can do with no pain

I’ve been slacking on it a lot, but it’s a good idea to get a lacross ball after all upper body exercises and work is done for the day, or even right before bed is an excellent idea as well, and sort of feel around with it, apply some pressure, maybe if it’s not to beat up do a little bit of myofascial release treatment for the shoulders. Not a ton is needed, maybe like a minute or two max each shoulder. Goes a long way. I have this one barbell with a lacross ball taped to the end of it specifically for working on my internal rotation, shoulder and chest area whenever I feel the tissues aren’t sliding efficiently or it’s tight I go to work on it. This will help a lot but I try to work on postural exercises too, just to make sure everything is where it needs to be, no muscle imbalances or weakness. I should probably do a bit more of those now that I think of it, might have to add another one to the routine
Better to wait it out and heal completely. If you strained it, it will likely be about two weeks assuming you take care of it and treat it properly until you can begin to stretch it lightly some, and try to get a feel as to where you should go from there

Unless it’s some really minor tweak, personally I’d just wait the 14 days, and bust ass with legs and cardio to keep everything going, abs, back whatever exercises you can do with no pain

I’ve been slacking on it a lot, but it’s a good idea to get a lacross ball after all upper body exercises and work is done for the day, or even right before bed is an excellent idea as well, and sort of feel around with it, apply some pressure, maybe if it’s not to beat up do a little bit of myofascial release treatment for the shoulders. Not a ton is needed, maybe like a minute or two max each shoulder. Goes a long way. I have this one barbell with a lacross ball taped to the end of it specifically for working on my internal rotation, shoulder and chest area whenever I feel the tissues aren’t sliding efficiently or it’s tight I go to work on it. This will help a lot but I try to work on postural exercises too, just to make sure everything is where it needs to be, no muscle imbalances or weakness. I should probably do a bit more of those now that I think of it, might have to add another one to the routine

Solid advice and much appreciated.

The older I get the more I feel like a ticking time bomb for injuries. Taking time off slows our progress, but ignoring an injury most certainly sets us back much further.

Cutty Flam

Solid advice and much appreciated.

The older I get the more I feel like a ticking time bomb for injuries. Taking time off slows our progress, but ignoring an injury most certainly sets us back much further.
I know how you feel bruh, been like that for me on and off for over a decade now due to a very rare, neurological disease. I’m only 28 but it feels like I’m fucking in my late 40s some days. Definitely feels like I need to play it safely like I’m that up in age at least....

But that’s the way it should be in terms of working out:

-thorough warm up
-warm up sets
-playing it by ear and going easier or taking advantage of good days by going harder some days always listening very carefully to your body and how you are feeling on every day
-cool down is boring a hell but necessary as it gets. some stretching and foam rolling, tissue work goes an incredibly long way
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