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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

Cutty Flam

Legs on the first

Bball (dribbling drills, light crossover, fakes and jabs practice, overall light bball movements in zero drop athletic shoes) then squats with bands aort of hanging out in squat position to work on mobility - Aug 2nd

Upper body today. Did more pulls than usual again. Muscle memory kicking in a bit

The parks still have no rims on the courts. Wonder how long that’ll last?


Knocking on wood, but I think I might have gotten lucky. Was scouring Craigslist and someone posted of set of used Eleiko bumpers late night. Only about $100 more than what used Rogue as well as non-name brands are selling for on Craigslist and Facebook. Dude already replied..wish me luck :messenger_beaming:
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Yo, Meowzers Meowzers how goes it? You been keepin up, jabroni?

No gyms open up here still. We're overly cautious in Wales. Managed to just buy a few cheap weights as I have a bar at home and getting some dumbbells on Friday. High volume with less rest between sets should do the trick for now.


No gyms open up here still. We're overly cautious in Wales. Managed to just buy a few cheap weights as I have a bar at home and getting some dumbbells on Friday. High volume with less rest between sets should do the trick for now.

Yup no gyms here in Detroit yet either. Got my big dumbbell, a kettle bell and an iron gym for iron gym things. Just gotta make the best of things. With a little creativity you can get your pump on pretty damn good.

Currently Tuesday vibin, WFH, squeezing some pushups whenever I get a chance. Goin' from Doomer to Bloomer over here. "You've got to belong to it" Godspeed.



Gold Member
Knocking on wood, but I think I might have gotten lucky. Was scouring Craigslist and someone posted of set of used Eleiko bumpers late night. Only about $100 more than what used Rogue as well as non-name brands are selling for on Craigslist and Facebook. Dude already replied..wish me luck :messenger_beaming:

Hope you're able to snag 'em. People are charging a fortune for weights right now.
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Hope you recover swiftly Tesseract Tesseract

I've been messing with the 12 lb medicine ball that arrived in the mail. Still waiting for the smaller ones to show up. It's a bit bigger than a men's basketball (perfect :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:). Faux leather exterior + stitching. Seems to handle me throwing behind (standing power throw?) a few dozen times without busting open like a pinata.

Throwing it around and catching it is a great wrist/hand/stabilizer exerciser. The weight isn't perfectly centered, and the semi-mushy outside layer makes it harder to catch straight-on. Even just throwing it up in the air and catching it 50 times will begin to tire out the hands and forearms. Alternating between the medicine ball and the rice bucket is next-level for me. They compliment the other nicely.
VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I did some turkish getups while holding it above my head with one hand. It's a good way to focus on finger-strength because the "getup" part is much easier but the stabilizing part is much harder, so thank you for mentioning the idea. I like how the medicine ball can be used for kettlebell stuff and fits into the same paradigm. Glad I bought 'em! :messenger_beaming:

For the last week or so, I've also been farmer walking 1/2 - 1 mile at a time, alternating the 35 lb kettlebell on either hand. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam i know you're doing farmer walks so I figured I'd tag you in case you've tried these as well and had insight. For my money, great upper-body exercise and torturous grip exercise. I wonder if I could get up to 1 mile 1h overhead farmer walk (dropping and switching allowed). I'll work my way up to it and report back.

Hope you recover swiftly Tesseract Tesseract

I've been messing with the 12 lb medicine ball that arrived in the mail. Still waiting for the smaller ones to show up. It's a bit bigger than a men's basketball (perfect :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:). Faux leather exterior + stitching. Seems to handle me throwing behind (standing power throw?) a few dozen times without busting open like a pinata.

Throwing it around and catching it is a great wrist/hand/stabilizer exerciser. The weight isn't perfectly centered, and the semi-mushy outside layer makes it harder to catch straight-on. Even just throwing it up in the air and catching it 50 times will begin to tire out the hands and forearms. Alternating between the medicine ball and the rice bucket is next-level for me. They compliment the other nicely.
VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I did some turkish getups while holding it above my head with one hand. It's a good way to focus on finger-strength because the "getup" part is much easier but the stabilizing part is much harder, so thank you for mentioning the idea. I like how the medicine ball can be used for kettlebell stuff and fits into the same paradigm. Glad I bought 'em! :messenger_beaming:

For the last week or so, I've also been farmer walking 1/2 - 1 mile at a time, alternating the 35 lb kettlebell on either hand. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam i know you're doing farmer walks so I figured I'd tag you in case you've tried these as well and had insight. For my money, great upper-body exercise and torturous grip exercise. I wonder if I could get up to 1 mile 1h overhead farmer walk (dropping and switching allowed). I'll work my way up to it and report back.

If you can, try to find a weighted toning ball that you can grip while doing your getups. Unless you have alien fingers and can actually grip that one you got that's larger than a basketball...

This is probably going to be my next one. Hopefully I can still grip it since it's a bit larger. I should since it's the same material though. It's rubbery vinyl like the bouncy balls that stores like wallmart used to have in big cages in the middle of the isles. And it feels like it's filled with sand.

Anyway. Practice was great as always today. Still working on my weaknesses. My elbows have felt weak ever since I started working on my lower biceps and larger, longer muscle fiber by curling. So practice has been a mind game for me recently since I'm now the weakest one there. This is the hardest part of training for me. After a weakness has been exposed and I start to work on it. It always sets you back and you always feel weaker next couple practices. I hate it. But I know I'm getting stronger in the long run.

Mr. Stapleton is going to make me a small atlas ball. This should help with some of my weaknesses. Which are side pressure while pulling. I've just never really worked out those muscle groups. Picking up the ball and squeezing it between my hands to keep ahold of it while I lift it should do the trick.

Gonna go rest up, might try to do one more pulling session on the bands before bed. Feeling... heavy.

Would love to get together and take a fishing trip with ya'll someday.

Also, hope you get better Tesseract Tesseract . Remember, you can still squat for active recovery.

Cutty Flam

Tesseract Tesseract i think these are handy to have, aiding towards healing / giving the extra boost for healing. it’s only an edge but a helpful one imo. Personally i’m siding with the notion that Linus Pauling was right all along about vitamin C and that mega dosages could greatly speed up the body’s recovery

how did you dislocate it, pushups or pressing movement?




Cutty Flam

VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler when’s the last time you implemented a de-load week or even 5-7 days off completely (save for some cardio sessions of varying intensity) bro?

This Mr. Stapleton dude is going to take you to the worldclass athlete level pretty quickly. I’d say you’re essentially training at pro lvls already. It wouldn’t hurt to start thinking about mapping out a plan maybe going as far as creating your own macrocycle to ensure that you’re not going to break your body down without adequate periods of extended rest. I wish I had paid attention and knew just how crucial it was to de-load. Your feeling heavy and weakness feeling in the elbow region might be a sign telling you to rest up good for an extended period of time

Hope you recover swiftly Tesseract Tesseract

I've been messing with the 12 lb medicine ball that arrived in the mail. Still waiting for the smaller ones to show up. It's a bit bigger than a men's basketball (perfect :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:). Faux leather exterior + stitching. Seems to handle me throwing behind (standing power throw?) a few dozen times without busting open like a pinata.

Throwing it around and catching it is a great wrist/hand/stabilizer exerciser. The weight isn't perfectly centered, and the semi-mushy outside layer makes it harder to catch straight-on. Even just throwing it up in the air and catching it 50 times will begin to tire out the hands and forearms. Alternating between the medicine ball and the rice bucket is next-level for me. They compliment the other nicely.
VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I did some turkish getups while holding it above my head with one hand. It's a good way to focus on finger-strength because the "getup" part is much easier but the stabilizing part is much harder, so thank you for mentioning the idea. I like how the medicine ball can be used for kettlebell stuff and fits into the same paradigm. Glad I bought 'em! :messenger_beaming:

For the last week or so, I've also been farmer walking 1/2 - 1 mile at a time, alternating the 35 lb kettlebell on either hand. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam i know you're doing farmer walks so I figured I'd tag you in case you've tried these as well and had insight. For my money, great upper-body exercise and torturous grip exercise. I wonder if I could get up to 1 mile 1h overhead farmer walk (dropping and switching allowed). I'll work my way up to it and report back.

Thanks DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi that’s a good idea. I never even thought about 1-armed farmer carries. That’s a bit advanced though, I think I’m making strides but I need to make sure I don’t stray far from adding 10% more to each exercise whether it be intensity or duration, any kind of measurement really. Body is in a fragile state still I’d say but I’ve been carefully climbing up and up since May so I’m extremely excited about keeping it up and planning this all out until I can finally do explosive work again...There was this one time I went to the park with a friend to run some sprints and get a few games of 1v1 up to 11 or so in. And I also brought my 25s to the park to just get a few sets of whatever I felt like, biceps, shoulders, whatever. But I had walked to the field with them and to the bball courts, and then back, which would add up to a little less than a half mile I’d say. Fucking sore as FUCK the next day lol. And I was no stranger to shrugs, was putting in work that summer with trap exercises but farmer caries are a different beast. I’m thinking about purchasing heavier dumbells soon because I’m getting pretty good with the weight I’m at now

Also was looking up pavel earlier for some kettlebell movements at the beginner stage. I had forgotten all about ballistic training aspect and should start incorporating it in the regimen. But then there’s also a side of me greatly debating this because it i such a high risk training style. You guys are are all pretty damn strong, but for someone like me who is fighting to regain strength levels atm, idk if the reward is great enough given the risk of performing kettlebell exercises. At least not at this stage. But I’ll look a little deeper into his work and try to find something new to practice, change it up a bit
Also was looking up pavel earlier for some kettlebell movements at the beginner stage. I had forgotten all about ballistic training aspect and should start incorporating it in the regimen. But then there’s also a side of me greatly debating this because it i such a high risk training style. You guys are are all pretty damn strong, but for someone like me who is fighting to regain strength levels atm, idk if the reward is great enough given the risk of performing kettlebell exercises. At least not at this stage. But I’ll look a little deeper into his work and try to find something new to practice, change it up a bit
I can't speak for the others but I don't think i'm 'pretty dang strong". I started kettlebells only a few months ago while weak and untrained. The style is dangerous if you're flippant, but its very safe on your joints and muscles, assuming you don't swing the bell into your own body at full speed. Just look into it and keep adding that knowledge. Knowing you, there's nothing any of us could say to dissuade you from kbs if you discovered a facet that fits with your training. 1 handed walks are nice because they work the obliques, back, and chest muscles on the opposite side (your body must engage those to remain upright). Arguably it is better to spend a bit of extra time to carry 1-handed on both sides than carrying twice the weight in both hands, evenly distributed.

Cutty Flam

I can't speak for the others but I don't think i'm 'pretty dang strong". I started kettlebells only a few months ago while weak and untrained. The style is dangerous if you're flippant, but its very safe on your joints and muscles, assuming you don't swing the bell into your own body at full speed. Just look into it and keep adding that knowledge. Knowing you, there's nothing any of us could say to dissuade you from kbs if you discovered a facet that fits with your training. 1 handed walks are nice because they work the obliques, back, and chest muscles on the opposite side (your body must engage those to remain upright). Arguably it is better to spend a bit of extra time to carry 1-handed on both sides than carrying twice the weight in both hands, evenly distributed.
I like the farmers walks because it seems to work the entire core to some degree. Plus they're instrumental in building forearms. All I used to do was lift full body 3X a week (albeit for 2-3 hours each session)doing all my lifts, and I would do farmers carries as heavy as I could for as many sets as I could and then I'd do some of these

Love those exercises for forearms, destroys if you superset it after a main lift. I think I did best when I limited it to 1-3 sets of the barbell rolls. Forearms are a small muscle group they get taxed after heavy farmers walks alone so I wouldn't advise anything more than a set or two if you've never tried those. But man, that exercise is fun. The burn is unreal and a barbell of 45 lbs is like the perfect weight to get a great set in in less than a minute. Very enjoyable exercise imo but it can be grueling


Tesseract Tesseract i think these are handy to have, aiding towards healing / giving the extra boost for healing. it’s only an edge but a helpful one imo. Personally i’m siding with the notion that Linus Pauling was right all along about vitamin C and that mega dosages could greatly speed up the body’s recovery

how did you dislocate it, pushups or pressing movement?



thanks, i'll look into this stuff

it's an old injury unrelated to fitness, seems to dislocate like clockwork once a year after strenuous workloads

not so sure how, maybe a heavy dbell press, scaption, l \ t raise

wrapped with torn pillow case, resting on my bed w / 360 and modded wii u (my backlog is eternal)

i'll bounce back, never give up is encoded in my dna
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BTW, I know the OP in this is ridiculously pathetic. If anyone wants me to throw something in there just let me know.
No way, this is one of the best OTs on the site. The ongoing conversation is why people stick around.

How much water y'all drinkin? I'm tryna get about two gallons a day here
I don't keep track, but it's a lot, probably a gallon per day. I refill that fridge-filter thing twice a day at least

God Enel

BTW, I know the OP in this is ridiculously pathetic. If anyone wants me to throw something in there just let me know.

that’s what I thought yesterday when I somehow accidentally landed on the first page. And at the same time thought where’s the OP? I rarely have seen you post here in the last couple of days/weeks/months.

Today I was doing some leg work. And actually for whatever reason I can do the shrimp squats when holding my feet. Sometimes it’s just a matter of technique and not of strength. And this was clearly the case here. Not gonna say it was easy but the angle on the shrimp squat when Holding your foot is kinda hard. Like this:

(Starts at 00:30)

it’s not that I’m churning them out one after another but I did some. Had a little bit of balance problems - especially when the right foot is planted on the ground - but that’s gonna get better over time.

well what else.. Did pistol squats,lunges and some other leg/squat exercises. Clearly progressing at pistol squats. Doing 5 in a row on one leg then switching onto the other one while holding my foot with my hand (the one in the air). The form is good or at least felt right, I didn’t watch myself lol.

So it was an okay day imho. :)

I think about 2-2.5L a day. Not drinking much during workouts but before and after I’m drinking enough.. I think
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So, my grip strength has been increasing pretty nicely. I can almost close an old number 2 gripper. After practice... Still haven't tried fresh.

Last practice, right before we left Mr. Stapleton was showing us some more of his strong man hand training stuff. He was once able to rip two decks of cards right in half like most people rip one. Anyway, I was looking at this ugly rubber stuff he had. It's for training to rip a deck of cards. I was reading the instructions and practicing with the rubber for a couple minutes and he handed me a deck to see if I could rip it. I tried and the deck actually started tearing. I didn't get all the way through it, but I actually felt like it was doable. He thought I was pretty close. So he said, "I want you to have this, I don't need it anymore, I'm pretty good at this now." Meant a lot man. He also gave me a whole box full of clipped decks of official casino playing cards to practice on.

So the goal is to rip a whole deck by the end of the year. I don't know what my max is yet, I'll try probably tomorrow. But after practice I did 18 cards pretty easily. I'll have to find my max, then I'll be adding cards every week so I can hit my goal.

Anyway, here's my new favorite toy atm.


Pardon my dirty thumbnail. I was trellising tomatoes and sugar baby melons in the garden. You can see that it's a thick chunk of rubber the exact same size as a deck of cards. Corners aren't rounded either, it hurts. Just like gripping a deck of cards. Only difference is that the cards in a deck will slip around on you if you don't grip it tight enough.

Now, Mr. Stapleton rips the decks while they are still in the box and plastic wrap... after practice... Baby steps.


that’s what I thought yesterday when I somehow accidentally landed on the first page. And at the same time thought where’s the OP? I rarely have seen you post here in the last couple of days/weeks/months.

Today I was doing some leg work. And actually for whatever reason I can do the shrimp squats when holding my feet. Sometimes it’s just a matter of technique and not of strength. And this was clearly the case here. Not gonna say it was easy but the angle on the shrimp squat when Holding your foot is kinda hard. Like this:

(Starts at 00:30)

it’s not that I’m churning them out one after another but I did some. Had a little bit of balance problems - especially when the right foot is planted on the ground - but that’s gonna get better over time.

well what else.. Did pistol squats,lunges and some other leg/squat exercises. Clearly progressing at pistol squats. Doing 5 in a row on one leg then switching onto the other one while holding my foot with my hand (the one in the air). The form is good or at least felt right, I didn’t watch myself lol.

So it was an okay day imho. :)

I think about 2-2.5L a day. Not drinking much during workouts but before and after I’m drinking enough.. I think

brah, the gyms are still closed here in NY. I try to go on nightly walks to keep in somewhat good shape, but I try not to run on anything other than treadmills to preserve my knees. I've put on like 12 pounds since quarantine started. I want the gyms to open sooooo bad.
Okay I kinda love this medicine ball, for all the same reasons I fell in love with kettlebelling. Since I don't have a partner during the day I just fling it around the yard like a haggis. I practice all kinds of throws like jump shots, swinging throws, standing power throw, one handed, from behind the head, throwing it to myself, weaving it between my legs, catching it at various positions, etc etc,

A daily grinder I learned is to fling it above/behind yourself with two hands (standing power throw), pivot on your foot, sprint after it (mine rolls for a bit), jump and plant two feet, pick it up, fling it above/behind yourself with two hands, pivot on your foot, repeat. Just a few minutes of this and I am sucking wind. I've been doing it for a few days and we'll see how it compares to other conditioning methods.
Okay I kinda love this medicine ball, for all the same reasons I fell in love with kettlebelling. Since I don't have a partner during the day I just fling it around the yard like a haggis. I practice all kinds of throws like jump shots, swinging throws, standing power throw, one handed, from behind the head, throwing it to myself, weaving it between my legs, catching it at various positions, etc etc,

A daily grinder I learned is to fling it above/behind yourself with two hands (standing power throw), pivot on your foot, sprint after it (mine rolls for a bit), jump and plant two feet, pick it up, fling it above/behind yourself with two hands, pivot on your foot, repeat. Just a few minutes of this and I am sucking wind. I've been doing it for a few days and we'll see how it compares to other conditioning methods.
Every time my friend and I get together to work out, we sometimes end up tossing around the toning ball. We play games where we have to catch it the same way the other throws it. So lots of one handed trick shots, tosses and catches. We also do a thing where we stand back to back and pass it from side to side, over head, between the legs and all while doing different grip methods. It's a heck of a fun time and we see who wears out first. We love it. Feels deeply masculine doesn't it?

Mr. Stapleton is going to make me a 75 pound atlas ball to pick up and set down and eventually press above my head. He's got a bunch of molds and said I should start there. Can't wait to start picking that thing up and eventually tossing it around.
Sounds like a fun way to exercise VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler . I need those smaller medicine balls to arrive because I really want to whip em around. The 12 lb is fun to slingshot but you can't really toss it far with only one hand. The 4 pounder, though... gonna chuck it like a ⚾

Atlas ball sounds cool. Just fill up a rubber kickball or bouncy yoga ball with concrete and buff the rough spots. Let us know how it goes. Maybe I'll build one next spring.


Here's a cool story, bros:

I struggle with weight. I'm not morbidly obese or anything but I am, and have for about a year and half been, about 10kg over the ideal weight for my height (sorry, I can't do imperial) despite being a naturally fit - if well built - type. My problem is, well maybe it's relatable:

> As a kid, as the youngest, my parents never paid two pinches of shit to my opinion on what we should be eating.
> As an adult, with my own money, I ate what I want.
> Over the years this lame rebellious act turned into a habit of just eating too much crap.
> When I lost access to the sport that had been keeping my weight in check, my eating habits caught up with my figure.

Anyway for the past 12 months especially I've had little idea how to arrest my slide into chubbiness. At my worst I was 100kg - since my sick mum asked me to improve my weight I've been trying to do so - I'm currently around, oh, 94kg. My target is 85kg.

Anyway the reason I'm writing this post is this:

I've been losing weight recently. For the longest time I was stuck between 96-97kg despite jogging my ass off and everything. What's changed? I am eating less, and I am conscious of how much sugar I'm adding all day long.

It's amazing how sugar used to creep up on me, like, I would get through day figuring that I did alright but then I'd look back at what I ate and realise - with breakfast I had a fruit yoghurt and maybe a sneaky 300ml coke at the convenience store while I was getting black coffee for my wife and I; with lunch i had a meaty, cheesy, flavour filled megaserve microwave dish and a 'zero calorie' coke (which is easily as fattening for me as regular coke, I find); with dinner i'd cook a stir fry, veggie soup, bit of roasted salmon with no salt, a salad... and follow it up with a cheese cake to reward myself for being so healthy!

So here's the reason for my post, a suggestion:

Reducing your meal size, and being conscious of how many sugary things you add to your daily meals and snacks, won't give you abs but it will allow your metabolism to get back on top of things.

EDIT: I recognize this is a thread about fitness, NOT DIET, so I'll relate my fitness plans too: I'm about to move house to a place right next to a swimming pool, and much closer to city Futsal leagues, so I'll be doing sport most every weeknight.

EDIT 2: I have a couple of 5kg hand weights, but when I use them I feel like I'm putting heavy strain on the tendons up the back of my arm... think I need to start on some smaller weights. I'm not looking for bulk, just looking to slim down and tone up.
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Here's a cool story, bros:

I struggle with weight. I'm not morbidly obese or anything but I am, and have for about a year and half been, about 10kg over the ideal weight for my height (sorry, I can't do imperial) despite being a naturally fit - if well built - type. My problem is, well maybe it's relatable:

> As a kid, as the youngest, my parents never paid two pinches of shit to my opinion on what we should be eating.
> As an adult, with my own money, I ate what I want.
> Over the years this lame rebellious act turned into a habit of just eating too much crap.
> When I lost access to the sport that had been keeping my weight in check, my eating habits caught up with my figure.

Anyway for the past 12 months especially I've had little idea how to arrest my slide into chubbiness. At my worst I was 100kg - since my sick mum asked me to improve my weight I've been trying to do so - I'm currently around, oh, 94kg. My target is 85kg.

Anyway the reason I'm writing this post is this:

I've been losing weight recently. For the longest time I was stuck between 96-97kg despite jogging my ass off and everything. What's changed? I am eating less, and I am conscious of how much sugar I'm adding all day long.

It's amazing how sugar used to creep up on me, like, I would get through day figuring that I did alright but then I'd look back at what I ate and realise - with breakfast I had a fruit yoghurt and maybe a sneaky 300ml coke at the convenience store while I was getting black coffee for my wife and I; with lunch i had a meaty, cheesy, flavour filled megaserve microwave dish and a 'zero calorie' coke (which is easily as fattening for me as regular coke, I find); with dinner i'd cook a stir fry, veggie soup, bit of roasted salmon with no salt, a salad... and follow it up with a cheese cake to reward myself for being so healthy!

So here's the reason for my post, a suggestion:

Reducing your meal size, and being conscious of how many sugary things you add to your daily meals and snacks, won't give you abs but it will allow your metabolism to get back on top of things.

EDIT: I recognize this is a thread about fitness, NOT DIET, so I'll relate my fitness plans too: I'm about to move house to a place right next to a swimming pool, and much closer to city Futsal leagues, so I'll be doing sport most every weeknight.

EDIT 2: I have a couple of 5kg hand weights, but when I use them I feel like I'm putting heavy strain on the tendons up the back of my arm... think I need to start on some smaller weights. I'm not looking for bulk, just looking to slim down and tone up.
You're on the right track with sage advice about diet brother. Takes a warrior mentality to lift yourself up onto it and to fight to stay there. I've struggled with that in the past quite a lot.

Good place to start on your fitness journey if you are interested.


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So my home gym is going to be in the garage with wall mount squat rack and stuff.

But, I'm kind of enjoying doing high rep / low weight barbell movements in my office during breaks or before going to sleep (no mats or anything so don't want to drop anything heavy on tile at the moment).

I fighting a temptation to snag another set of barbell and plates for the indoors...
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So my home gym is going to be in the garage with wall mount squat rack and stuff.

But, I'm kind of enjoying doing high rep / low weight barbell movements in my office during breaks or before going to sleep (no mats or anything so don't want to drop anything heavy on tile at the moment).

I fighting a temptation to snag another set of barbell and plates for the indoors...

Living room gyms for the win.

God Enel

brah, the gyms are still closed here in NY. I try to go on nightly walks to keep in somewhat good shape, but I try not to run on anything other than treadmills to preserve my knees. I've put on like 12 pounds since quarantine started. I want the gyms to open sooooo bad.

Why don’t you just work out in your room?Bodyweight exercises? There are a bazillion of fitness programs online. Isn’t that worth a shot? Maybe you start a e.g. handbalancing journey and deviate from regular weight-moving (that you did in the gym) just for fun and see if you like it 😄 at least until your gym reopens. You have nothing to lose (well.. the 12 pounds maybe ;) and a word to gain

Not sure what I’m gonna do today. It’s 8am right now. Work out in the park? Go to my gym? Work out at home?


makeshift sling removed, tens electrodes ripped off

shoulder relocated, joint stabilized, kept myself busy on recovery days with plenty of squats, shadow boxing, reaction ball ...

range of motion is good, minor pain around bronchial plexus and collar bone but otherwise nominal and completely expected w / damage taken

back at it, animal pump in my veins: elliptical, push ups, chin ups, and jump rope to start the day



You're on the right track with sage advice about diet brother. Takes a warrior mentality to lift yourself up onto it and to fight to stay there. I've struggled with that in the past quite a lot.

Good place to start on your fitness journey if you are interested.


Thanks for the support mate, I'm seeing where you come from about a warrior mentality, especially in the wider context of things. I'll keep that in mind.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I've been doing an hour and half at lunchtime every day. I want to bump it up to 2 hours but it might be tricky with work. It seems every fit person I know works out in the morning. I might give that a shot since I shifted my sleep schedule to wake up around 5:30-6am.

I think I'm on the early morning workout schedule now. I had more energy to burn. I'm sore as fuck tho. :)
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