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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.

Yesterday I have to admit I missed the 100 because I was at work and afterwards went to the Christmas party. Today I’m gonna do the push ups but I have to go Christmas shopping today so no working out for me. Tomorrow I’m gonna crush it

I missed it too but I moved my son into his second group home for the year so I’m not beating myself up. I did 40 push-ups still but my left hip is really sore from the extra squats I think so I’m not pushing those.

I ran a 5k this morning and want to try and get 100 pushups today. I doubt I’ll get the squats because I’m not going to injure myself for a silly goal. 😂

Do you wait the soreness disappear completely before going to the gym again or is it ok to have a little bit of pain? I wish to increase how many times I train in the week but I'm worried I could injure myself.

Pain is definitely ok but you need to be able to tell the difference between muscle soreness and real injury. If you arent sure which one an ache is I would suggest erring on the side of caution.


If you still have DOMS by the next workout when it's time to hit the same muscle group then you're not recovering in time. Either increase the time interval for resting (3 days works for me, like PPL twice a week for example) or lower the volume.
Morning Gaf. I didn't end up getting my pushups and squats yesterday either but I also think 5 days in a row of that was plenty to wake me up. I am going to try and hit it today but incorporated into a slightly larger overall workout. I have a workout app that's called Seven where you rotate exercises in 30 second intervals with a ten second rest in between exercises. I did two sets of this rotation this morning but only kept count of my pushups and squats for goal purposes.

Flutter Kicks
Side Plank (30 seconds each side)

I got 50 squats and 40 pushups (25 first set 15 second) and then did another 10 after the sets were over to get 50 pushups so far. Its early here on the west coast so I am going to wait a couple of hours and see if I can do another 25 before I break fast at noon.

EDIT: Just knocked out 25 more push ups and squats. 25 to go for my hundy.
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God Enel

Morning Gaf. I didn't end up getting my pushups and squats yesterday either but I also think 5 days in a row of that was plenty to wake me up. I am going to try and hit it today but incorporated into a slightly larger overall workout. I have a workout app that's called Seven where you rotate exercises in 30 second intervals with a ten second rest in between exercises. I did two sets of this rotation this morning but only kept count of my pushups and squats for goal purposes.

Flutter Kicks
Side Plank (30 seconds each side)

I got 50 squats and 40 pushups (25 first set 15 second) and then did another 10 after the sets were over to get 50 pushups so far. Its early here on the west coast so I am going to wait a couple of hours and see if I can do another 25 before I break fast at noon.

EDIT: Just knocked out 25 more push ups and squats. 25 to go for my hundy.

I had another Christmas party today so no working out. Tomorrow is my moms birthday so again no working out. I hope if work doesn’t screw me up to hit the gym on Wednesday


not tag worthy
Overweight and 42 so easing in with some biggest loser low intensity workout and some resistance band stuff.
Speaking of which how effective are they for toning or building (not getting huge just build up a big). Are they a good alternative to weights ?
I like the idea I can put them in a ruck sack and store them easily.


Gold Member
Overweight and 42 so easing in with some biggest loser low intensity workout and some resistance band stuff.
Speaking of which how effective are they for toning or building (not getting huge just build up a big). Are they a good alternative to weights ?
I like the idea I can put them in a ruck sack and store them easily.

Bands are a great start, especially if you haven't worked out in a long time. I would move on to weight lifting once you're comfortable with those though. You'll have better/quicker results and it just feels great to throw weights around. Also, you can keep it really simple and condense your weight lifting into a few different exercises and see solid results.


Overweight and 42 so easing in with some biggest loser low intensity workout and some resistance band stuff.
Speaking of which how effective are they for toning or building (not getting huge just build up a big). Are they a good alternative to weights ?
I like the idea I can put them in a ruck sack and store them easily.

They're pretty good for isolation exercises but the main compound movements should really be done with a barbell and heavier weight.


It's crazy how much a good night sleep can affect your workout. I got a solid 8 hours for the 1st time in months and crushed it at the gym today. Was able to hit my rep goal on bench (165 x 7 reps), so now I can bump it up to 170. Then after an intense weight lifting routine I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill. I feel fucking amazing right now. I wish I could get 8 hours every night. I'd be Superman.


Nice to see this thread again! Well, I just want to complain about how hard it is to gain weight without eating shit. Thanks for listening.
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Gold Member
Looks like I'm resting (getting drunk) for a few days. My goal was to lift 6 times this week and today, day 4, I think I pulled the area where my bicep and shoulder connect. Nice reminder of the importance of rest and not try to push yourself beyond your limits.


I hear that. I can get fat real easy, but putting on lean mass is very difficult, but I think that's the case for most people.

Definitely. I'm now 34 and it is obviously even harder, especially because I can't just lift weights anymore, it's too boring. Did CrossFit for almost 3 years but got bored too and that shit was making me miserable. I'm looking for alternatives.
Any general tips for a 40 year old who recently started working out after gaining 15kg in the last 5 years? I find it very difficult to lose weight. I can usually hit the gym once or twice a week for 2 hour workouts. Not sure what I should focus on, I usually do 40 minutes of run/walk and 80 minutes of mostly abs, chest and back training.. I'm not great at disciplining my diet :(
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Any general tips for a 40 year old who recently started working out after gaining 15kg in the last 5 years? I find it very difficult to lose weight. I can usually hit the gym once or twice a week for 2 hour workouts. Not sure what I should focus on, I usually do 40 minutes of run/walk and 80 minutes of mostly core training.. I'm not great at disciplining my diet :(

Be better at disciplining your diet and you'll get results. Keep a food journal and record everything you eat (and caloric drinks). Know how many calories you're really eating per day and you'll know where the roadblock to your goals is coming from.
Be better at disciplining your diet and you'll get results. Keep a food journal and record everything you eat (and caloric drinks). Know how many calories you're really eating per day and you'll know where the roadblock to your goals is coming from.
Man, it was so much easier to get in shape when I was 30. I can't imagine how hard it will be ten years from now. But yeah, disciplining the diet is probably what I need to do.
Folks, dad bod is a thing. If you want to stay fit, don't have children :( :)


Any general tips for a 40 year old who recently started working out after gaining 15kg in the last 5 years? I find it very difficult to lose weight. I can usually hit the gym once or twice a week for 2 hour workouts. Not sure what I should focus on, I usually do 40 minutes of run/walk and 80 minutes of mostly abs, chest and back training.. I'm not great at disciplining my diet :(

Losing weight is really easy if you're honest with yourself.

Buy a kitchen scale then make a meal plan with ~1.2 to 2g of protein per kg of body weight, around 20-25% of calories from (good) fat, fill the rest with carbs while maintaining a daily deficit of around 500 calories.

Also experiment with macro ratios, some people respond better to workouts with more carbs, some can do it on pure keto. I felt like I was lifting on fumes in the gym for a while when I wasn't eating enough fat.

If you can only go to the gym twice a week then do two full body routines. Include as many big compound exercises as you can. If you can't do certain lifts like deadlifts then avoid them and substitute with two other exercises if necessary. If you want you can always do isolation exercises at home with dumbbells or resistance bands. Prioritize weights over cardio. Go for a 1h walk every day if you can, it's enough and will add up over time. You're looking at around 9 months of healthy weight loss pace to lose 15 kilos. And keep in mind that every time you have two beers or a slice of pizza or a piece of cake that you're basically throwing away an entire day of dieting. If possible start looking at food as a source of energy and not as pleasure. Also when making a meal plan don't forget to account for all the calories that are added to food through frying, sauces, etc.


Gold Member
Be better at disciplining your diet and you'll get results. Keep a food journal and record everything you eat (and caloric drinks). Know how many calories you're really eating per day and you'll know where the roadblock to your goals is coming from.


Also, I find it helps if you can figure out a workout plan and set a schedule. Going to the gym without any idea what you're doing that day does not work well in my experience.
Ran 1.8 miles at 5 this morning. I'm going to try to squeeze a seven minute workout in a little later today once I am settled in at work. I love the app I use for my bodyweight workouts because it has a good variety and I can tell it what I want to focus on and it will put together a random workout. The variety is what our bodies really need too.

SpiceRacz SpiceRacz I had to put aside my 100 push ups and squats a day goal because my body wasn't recovering well enough. It kickstarted my activity again though so that was good. I am definitely weary of injury which is probably why I have avoided it...


God Enel

Fuck human flag and fuck muscle up technique. While I think I have the power to perform a muscle up I’m too fucking stupid for the motion.

human flag with tucked knees 10374748484847383947474839 times easier than with straight legs.

I’m out🤣😞

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck human flag and fuck muscle up technique. While I think I have the power to perform a muscle up I’m too fucking stupid for the motion.

human flag with tucked knees 10374748484847383947474839 times easier than with straight legs.

I’m out🤣😞

I really want to be able to a muscle up someday. I think I have the strength for it (can do 45 lb. weighted pullups), but the momentum and motion is something I also cannot figure it. It doesn't help that pullup bars at my local gym are those split-handle types, so I don't get many opportunities to even try with a high-up straight bar. I should install something in my back yard.

God Enel

I really want to be able to a muscle up someday. I think I have the strength for it (can do 45 lb. weighted pullups), but the momentum and motion is something I also cannot figure it. It doesn't help that pullup bars at my local gym are those split-handle types, so I don't get many opportunities to even try with a high-up straight bar. I should install something in my back yard.

Maybe try them with a resistance band. it’s a lot about technique and not strength. I think once it clicks and you get it right it’s easy. that was my experience with the straight arm press to handstand.. once you figure it out it’s a breeze to get there is the real problem.


Gold Member
Ran 1.8 miles at 5 this morning. I'm going to try to squeeze a seven minute workout in a little later today once I am settled in at work. I love the app I use for my bodyweight workouts because it has a good variety and I can tell it what I want to focus on and it will put together a random workout. The variety is what our bodies really need too.

SpiceRacz SpiceRacz I had to put aside my 100 push ups and squats a day goal because my body wasn't recovering well enough. It kickstarted my activity again though so that was good. I am definitely weary of injury which is probably why I have avoided it...


No shame in that. It ain't worth it to get hurt and set yourself back.


Gold Member
Ya'll working out this week? I gotta take some time off to rest my shoulder. I tore it up to the point that I can barely raise my arm above my head.


Ya'll working out this week? I gotta take some time off to rest my shoulder. I tore it up to the point that I can barely raise my arm above my head.

I planned to but then I got food poisoning and barely survived my trip home :sick:. I feel like all strength has left me so I'll take it easy for 2 or 3 more days.


What's goin on bro's. Everyone attempting to keep their diet in check over the holidays? I've had a few slips here and there, but if I can come out the other end only up 3 pounds, or so I'll be happy with that. I can drop that weight in a week or so.

God Enel

I ate like a fucking pig the last couple of days(/weeks/months) and I’m glad it’s (Christmas) finally over.
Today is legs and core. Haven’t done legs in a while and planned to do Nordic hamstring curls and stiff leg deadlifts. Nordics are the worst exercise known to man. Fuck.


I'm ashamed about my Christmas.

Partied too hard and in the family reunion I could not resist the candies. Everyone was eating chocolate and I though to myself there was no harm in eating one or two. In the end, I didn't eat one or two only. Perhaps I need to do what I did to soda three years ago, which is not consume. I don't know about you but I find very hard to stop eating chocolate, so perhaps the only winning move is not playing.

On the bright side, after six months going to the gym, I had my first "are you lifting?" in my life! It surprised me. It is weird (and kind of dumb) to say this but, perhaps because I was so used to being weak, in some place in my head I didn't think I would get stronger doing exercises, only healthier. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from being fit. But the progress is getting more noticeable in the last month.
I'm ashamed about my Christmas.

Partied too hard and in the family reunion I could not resist the candies. Everyone was eating chocolate and I though to myself there was no harm in eating one or two. In the end, I didn't eat one or two only. Perhaps I need to do what I did to soda three years ago, which is not consume. I don't know about you but I find very hard to stop eating chocolate, so perhaps the only winning move is not playing.


Decent amounts of dark chocolate is good for you tho.


Oh baby, gimme dat pure 85~90% goodness.
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December was horrible...

Tried to drop in to a CrossFit box while on business in Germany and found only one location on one of my days...hotels didn't have a gym and I wasn't running outside in the piss cold weather...

Went to Vegas right after for a lot of gluttony (4 buffets in as many nights...) and didn't work out...

Ate like shit during Christmas and New Year week and only got a few workouts in due to being busy in general.

Time to hunker down again starting tomorrow...
I gained a bit of belly/waist fat starting in Thanksgiving and carrying through to Christmas. I'm back to the cold showers, fasting, and outdoor cold training and I'll be trim before the end of January.

Currently my only "routine" is RingFit on the Switch. I would compare it to an intense elastic bands + aerobic exercise routine, perhaps with a bit more muscle work. Highly recommended.

I mostly use free weights but I've heard some positive things about swinging kettlebells around. I'm wondering if I should invest in a few. The notion of adding more compound movements into my routine makes sense but I'm happy to be talked out of it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I gained a bit of belly/waist fat starting in Thanksgiving and carrying through to Christmas. I'm back to the cold showers, fasting, and outdoor cold training and I'll be trim before the end of January.

Currently my only "routine" is RingFit on the Switch. I would compare it to an intense elastic bands + aerobic exercise routine, perhaps with a bit more muscle work. Highly recommended.

I mostly use free weights but I've heard some positive things about swinging kettlebells around. I'm wondering if I should invest in a few. The notion of adding more compound movements into my routine makes sense but I'm happy to be talked out of it.

Kettlebells work, and don’t require much space or $$$ investment. Pavel’s original vid is still a good primer:


God Enel

I gained a bit of belly/waist fat starting in Thanksgiving and carrying through to Christmas. I'm back to the cold showers, fasting, and outdoor cold training and I'll be trim before the end of January.

Currently my only "routine" is RingFit on the Switch. I would compare it to an intense elastic bands + aerobic exercise routine, perhaps with a bit more muscle work. Highly recommended.

I mostly use free weights but I've heard some positive things about swinging kettlebells around. I'm wondering if I should invest in a few. The notion of adding more compound movements into my routine makes sense but I'm happy to be talked out of it.

I don’t know how people are doing coldShowers. My balls shrink to a even tinier size than they already are. The hotter the better it is, especially after a cold day outside. Some people swear to wimmhoff (I think that was his name) and I’m like wtf what’s wrong with you. How can you do that?
I don’t know how people are doing coldShowers. My balls shrink to a even tinier size than they already are. The hotter the better it is, especially after a cold day outside. Some people swear to wimmhoff (I think that was his name) and I’m like wtf what’s wrong with you. How can you do that?
Wim Hof is legit. He is more about the breathing techniques / outdoor cold training / ice baths than the cold showers, though. If you try anything he suggests, try out the breathing. It's the real deal.

Without going into too much detail, the concept of torturing yourself with cold showers is based on the desire to increase brown fat. This works. I was nearly 300 lbs back in 2016/2017 and had been overweight my entire adult life. Now I hover around 200 without much exercise to maintain.

Try it for a week. You might be surprised how not-cold you feel after a few days. My only safety recommendation is to immediately stop any cold-training activities if you begin to shiver and cannot stop. This is your body telling you it doesn't have enough brown fat maintain the internal temperature.

Kettlebells work, and don’t require much space or $$$ investment. Pavel’s original vid is still a good primer:

Thanks Evilore, I'll take a look. I've been making do w bodyweight exercises, a rowing machine (now busted), and a set of adjustable hand weights so this will be a relatively big expansion of my weight equipment (for me) :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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