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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


cardio time


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God Enel

cardio time


What’s your cardio routine? Rope skipping nowadays is my way to go.

today I did some chest and tris. Used the Cable machine, did ring dips, Bench dips, dumbbell press 50kg, and some other shit. In the end 10sets of 10 push ups (different ones, from diamond to weighted to military to divebomber/Hindus..) with 15 seconds rest between Each set. After 50 it started to be really hard and slow. Loved it as a burnout :)


What’s your cardio routine? Rope skipping nowadays is my way to go.

today I did some chest and tris. Used the Cable machine, did ring dips, Bench dips, dumbbell press 50kg, and some other shit. In the end 10sets of 10 push ups (different ones, from diamond to weighted to military to divebomber/Hindus..) with 15 seconds rest between Each set. After 50 it started to be really hard and slow. Loved it as a burnout :)

eliptical, rowing, jump rope, battle rope

over and over and over


Unconfirmed Member
eliptical, rowing, jump rope, battle rope

over and over and over
Rowing for me. It’s the easiest way to get a lot done in a little time. I hate exercise so in general I want out over and done with quickly.

God Enel

back to back at random until i feel like i have to stop

i keep it simple
For an hour? Or what’s the limit? I mean battle ropes you’re doing for what 60 seconds and you have to stop as it’s exhausting af?

I’m just looking for inspiration, that’s why I’m asking :)


For an hour? Or what’s the limit? I mean battle ropes you’re doing for what 60 seconds and you have to stop as it’s exhausting af?

I’m just looking for inspiration, that’s why I’m asking :)

usually an hour, i'll eliptical, then row, then jump rope, then battle rope until i'm depleted

5 minutes of each, intensity naturally decreases over time / alternating muscle groups keeps you fresh between sets and rests
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God Enel

usually an hour, i'll eliptical, then row, then jump rope, then battle rope until i'm depleted

5 minutes of each, intensity naturally decreases over time / alternating muscle groups keeps you fresh between sets and rests

Thank you sounds like a nice plan I’m gonna try it in the upcoming week. How much do you burn? Do you know that?


Thank you sounds like a nice plan I’m gonna try it in the upcoming week. How much do you burn? Do you know that?

not sure, don't keep charts or use any tech

only just recently got a smart watch, tracks all that stuff

i'll find out
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God Enel

Done. Did overhead squats for the first time in my life. Weird move Dunno what to think of it. Not even sure what's better than doing a regular weighted squat? the form?

pre workout workout:
30 explosive pull ups, 3x one arm pull up with band (one arm pull up too hard for me as of now) , 100 push ups, human flag 1x each side (trying at least) some balance (head, hand forarmstands) training

the actual workout:
1. Round (3 sets) Overhead squats 30kg x 12-> hanging leg raises x 15-> Sumo squats weighted 20kg x 15 -> russian twists 10kg x15 each side
2. Round (3 sets) Wall sit weighted (30kg) 1:30 min -> hanging knee raises x15 -> frog jumps with a 4kg ball 5x front and 9? or so back it was a distance, so dunno exactly -> flutter kicks, scissor, hold 30 sec each back to back
3. Round (3 sets) calf raises 15x each foot -> weighted crunches (5kg) x 20 -> stiff leg dead lifts 30kg dumbbells (15 each) x15 -> bicycles 30x
4. round each "move" of the 3 rounds before back to back

with as little rest as possible. I think I can do some more but for today it was okay :)


2 weeks into keto and started to feel it during workouts about a week or so ago...

Did deadlifts tonight and managed to PR tonight at 315lb x 3 (was 305 x 1 before) - felt pretty bad, but once I switch to cyclic keto, I'm thinking I might be able to PR again...

Done. Did overhead squats for the first time in my life. Weird move Dunno what to think of it. Not even sure what's better than doing a regular weighted squat? the form?

I fking hate overhead squats. My glutes are way too tight to do them without them cramping up hard :(
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Finally got my first run in for February. Realistically it’s gonna be tough to get 9 more runs in this month but it is attainable. We’ll see.

This 1.75 miles brought to me by Wuhan Bat Fuel and Metallica.




hour of elliptical starting now

then fasting for 3 days with water and coffee

i saw rogan talking about 0-mad and laughed because i'd been doing it on the up for like 10 years
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God Enel

Today was back and biceps and it was kinda hard. Though the last time I ate was 72 hours. So I don’t know if it was the missing food or the fact that I woke up and was wide awake after only 4 hours of sleep. I assume it’s the latter..

As for dieting for three days. It is fairly easy for me. often times I skipped food on mondays (last meal Sunday first meal Tuesday morning) Now I had 2 more days and I didn’t have a problem with it at all. I think I could go on for at least another day. My experience is that I didn’t see a drop in power or so. Monday I trained chest and tris. Yesterday I had a 90minute Advanced yoga class and today I was tired as fuck but I did my “warm up” pull ups, push ups and so on. And afterwards the back and bis training.
It’s more that I Felt tired and sore than hungry and without energy.
Though it is important to drink a lot. That helps immensely. I drank tea coffee and water, i assume at least 3/4/5 liters to fill your stomach.

Not sure if I would recommend doing it though. It’s interesting and more of a psychological fight for people who’ve never done fasting.
I didn’t feel bad at all. There was one point where I felt slightly “dizzy” or light headed for 10 on Tuesday where I think my body adapted tonot eating and that was on my way to my yoga class. During it I was perfectly fine and I didn’t see a drop in power at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Doing reasonably well - weight's coming off nicely, 12lb so far. I've taken the rowing to 1000 strokes in 25 minutes - the tricky bit is that I'm not sweating or getting out of breath anymore which poses a bit of a problem as I don't have time to do it for hours. It's an air rower so no way to adjust difficulty except by putting in more effort so I'm going with something akin to a HIIT approach - the standard 40/min stroke rate mostly with intervals of beast mode for 30 seconds where I absolutely rip the fuck out of the thing. Weights might have to go on hold for a bit as the man-cave is currently occupied by a bath while we get a new bathroom fitted. It's gonna be painful going back after any break there. I'll have to see what I can do in the constricted space without destroying my nice new bath.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just came back from a one and a half-hour session of BJJ. It was my second lesson and I really loved it!

From now on I'll mix running and BJJ. I hope it is a good combo. I live in Brazil, btw, so I hope I'll learn it from the very best.

Great to hear. Remember, something like >90% of people quit BJJ in the first two weeks. After you get eased into the basics by an experienced guy, you’re going to get tapped and dominated by everyone you roll with for months. It can be difficult to perceive your own progress under those circumstances, with everyone else getting better too and you being farther back on the path, but the progress is still happening. After 3-6 months your fundamentals will start coming together and there will be a major divide forming between you and an absolute beginner. Get there and you’re likely to stick with it long-term.

Good luck on your journey and let us know how it goes.


Great to hear. Remember, something like >90% of people quit BJJ in the first two weeks. After you get eased into the basics by an experienced guy, you’re going to get tapped and dominated by everyone you roll with for months. It can be difficult to perceive your own progress under those circumstances, with everyone else getting better too and you being farther back on the path, but the progress is still happening. After 3-6 months your fundamentals will start coming together and there will be a major divide forming between you and an absolute beginner. Get there and you’re likely to stick with it long-term.

Good luck on your journey and let us know how it goes.

I'll definitely stick with it! I actually did Judo for a year during college but had to stop because of my schedule and after this I couldn't find a place to train anymore. This is the problem when you live in a very small town...

Anyway, I loved Judo and I really liked BJJ, I'll probably love it too in the future hehe. I'll keep you guys posted.


Gold Member
Finally getting back in the gym. My lifting has been sporadic since I fucked my shoulder up in December. Strength is still there though. This is my first time lifting on keto and I'm definitely fatiguing faster than usual. My hope is my body will adapt and I can keep making strength gains. Either way, time to stop eating like a slob and get fucking shredded.
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God Enel

Day off. First one in 7 or 8 days or so. Dunno what to do with my spare time 🤣
have to clean my apartment. And maybe focus on some personal stuff that I wanted to do For a while.

you guys know the feeling when your body needs the rest but your brain wants you to work out. Fuck
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Unconfirmed Member
Does shifting 304kg of tiles, a toilet, a sink and everything else that makes a bathroom up the stairs count as a workout?

I now have no man cave (and thus no space to do weights) til the bathroom is done.
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HOLY FUCK! This was a great day with a funny story, let me tell you.

It's Carnival holiday here in Brazil and I came to my father's house for a visit. Decided to go for a run with my gf near his house.

I had decided to go for a 4:40min/km pace, which would then be my PR. After 3 km my gf stops, she was doing her own pace, much slower. She started to have pretty strong cramps and abandoned her run. At about 4km mark she tells me she couldn't handle it anymore and I said I had to finish my 5k.

I go for it and my pace drops a lot, my last lap was 4:10!!!! I DESTROYED my previous record by 2 fucking minutes, it was 4:17. I finish my run, jump into the car and drive back home so my gf could poop. I'm happy and she is too. What an incentive!!



I'm 34, btw!


just resting, makeshifted a sling from a ripped pillow case

probably two weeks off, i'm guessing

just light cardio walks

live for me, boys and girls

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