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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


not tag worthy
Today I did three reps of.

15 * push-ups on a bench about 12 inches off the floor.
20 * Dips on the same bench (legs fully extended)
20 * standing rows but held lower to lean back more
20 * squats
20 * Single leg calf raises 10 on L 10 on R.
20 * mountain climbers using the same bench
20 * back extensions laying down.
20 * crunches
20 * glute Bridges
20 * heal taps
20 * flutter kicks
20 * scissor kicks
20 * Russian twists
20 * planks with tapping legs side to side L then R

Did warm up a minute timer of jumping jacks and a minute or “skipping rope” no rope but moving like a had one lol.
Also a warm Up stretch.

Would have done one more set but my five year old daughter and dog kept “attacking” me by jumping on me haha.
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nope, just think it's weird to confront like that when it's not a fight
They are just goofing for sure. Both are really nice dudes. But they've also been training for this match for quite a while now.

Schoolboy has been doing this specific training for a long time now and Larry only a short while. Although, I will say this, Larry Juices but schoolboy doesn't.

Still think Schoolboy will take the win though. Going to be interesting to see regardless.
Man, todays practice was just night and day to last weeks. I felt like a monster the entire time. Pain free. No nerve shock at all. Been working on a new position on the table which is why the nerve shock was so bad before. But now, as I lay on the pressure, I can feel the muscles swell up around my elbow and wind up like a thick cord. It feels great. When releasing I feel a little twinge of pain in my joint. But this is MILES better than before.

We even did some heavy load, side and back pressure training.

For the back pressure training, Mr. Stapleton wrapped a heavy band, doubled up, around our hands and pulled back, away from us and down... The goal was to lock up as tight as we could on the table as if we where gripped up with someone. As soon as our arm gave even just a bit, we where told to lean our bodies forward along with our arm so that we don't separate, then, to come back up strong by leaning back and pivoting on our elbows like a crane... Holy crap this was rough. 5 cycles of that and then an isometric hold where he just pulls straight back instead of back and down. Apparently I excelled in both and surprised Mr. Stapleton. His face lit up with a grin as he looked over to Alex, the hulk, and said, "Wow, he feels just about the same as you! That's amazing." I was so happy. Talk about a needed ego lift. Those thousands of reps a week have been paying off.

We also did some wrist/forearm burnouts. Wrist curls with the 30 pound barbell bar. But angled toward the ground and letting the bar go out to our fingers... 50 reps, 3 sets.

Then, inbetween, do the apposing curl with a 10 pound bar for each hand individually. So gripping it in a false grip, palms facing downward with your forearm planted on a table but with most of it off the edge. Then pull up with your wrist so that your knuckles point as high as they can without moving or raising your forearm.

Then leverage, wrist knuckle up lifts in the same position.

All at the tail end of practice.

Man, after the second set my forearms where so freaking pumped I thought you could pop them like a balloon. I could barely move them. Then the third struggle bus set... For some weird reason, after that set, my arms felt absolutely amazing. Seriously it was like a sense of euphoria. Like an endorphin rush and it lasted the rest of the practice.

Also, Mr. Stapleton has poured the Atlas stones. One for me and one for Alex. Mine is 75lbs and his is around 85 I believe. Can't freaking wait to start messing around with those puppies.

I don't even feel like resting right now... But I know I should. Just gonna sit back and chill... Maybe... Possibly... We'll see...

EDIT: Mr. Stapleton played this during todays grueling side and back pressure practice. He's really into this kind of stuff... It was awesome.
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God Enel

Looks like the Gyms are closing again here in Germany.
Bye-Bye Gains, I barely had ya.
I will just go straight to jogging and the trusty skip rope. Might as well go cut some weight and cry.
Yeah seems like it. Thank god I have enough equipment at home. Have parallettes, weights bands and a bench at home for the basic work.
Thinking about drilling holes in the ceiling for ring workouts. Fuck it. Fuck me.

My legs are still sore from my last workout. Always the same shit with Nordic hamstring curls and stiff leg/ Romanian deadlifts. I swear to god every time I do this shit the back of my legs is done. And I do it at least once a week.

was able to squat 80kg for 4x (that’s a little bit more than my body weight). Goal is 12 reps. Let’s see if I can do 6 reps the next time :)


not tag worthy
I just love the barbell bros. I am already depressed just hearing about the closing.
I love to do squats, deadlifts, OHPs and benchpresses.
Was at 90kg squats now. :'(

I was close to the 100kg mark.
Buy 10 kg of flour. Squat it 1000 times.

10squats of 100 kg. It’s bro science man.
Or more seriously I’m guessing the weights are selling out.

Buy a resistance band set of 150lbs. Buy two sets use all the bands to make up the 220lbs and squat that Temporary solution.
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very soon an old friend is gonna train me in boxing and krav maga (30 years of experience, trained with tyson and various mma fighters)

he's rather brutal and takes no bullshit, which is exactly what i like

in exchange, i'm to show his daughter a good time and teach her various aspects of mathematics, algebra to calculus

but for now, it's weight bench time ...

no promises re: knowledge bombs, i'll do my best wherever possible

i know nothing
I think we're all actively brainstorming and dumping log output. It's not a matter of "tell us the Final answers Tess", just continue to share insight like you usually do. I've been sparring and training in a mix of disciplines for about 2 month now. Never felt that I was impressing anyone in this thread as I talked about overcoming/learning beginner stuff like teeps and the shuffle; I just shared what was going on and hopefully someone found it useful. VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler didn't come to the thread declaring "I am an arm-wrestling champ so this is what you do..." he just shared insight and lab'd with us. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam didn't come saying "I'm a licensed physical therapist so this is how you overcome injury..." he just shared insight and lab'd with us.

That's why I like this thread. The pace / attitude is a chill, playful laboratory.


I think we're all actively brainstorming and dumping log output. It's not a matter of "tell us the Final answers Tess", just continue to share insight like you usually do. I've been sparring and training in a mix of disciplines for about 2 month now. Never felt that I was impressing anyone in this thread as I talked about overcoming/learning beginner stuff like teeps and the shuffle; I just shared what was going on and hopefully someone found it useful. VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler didn't come to the thread declaring "I am an arm-wrestling champ so this is what you do..." he just shared insight and lab'd with us. Cutty Flam Cutty Flam didn't come saying "I'm a licensed physical therapist so this is how you overcome injury..." he just shared insight and lab'd with us.

That's why I like this thread. The pace / attitude is a chill, playful laboratory.
i agree, def wasn't saying anything out of the ordinary

like to level the floor for my own sake
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thanks VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler , i'm now subbed to like 30 arm wrestling channels and my feed is overrun with content

Impressive shit. Though is Larry into arm wrestling at all? I know him from videos with juji mufu and Halfthor. Isn't he like a power lifter / body builder or something like that?

And what about schoolboy he's an up and coming professional?

But still look at the difference in arm size :D
Look at my post earlier in this thread with a bunch of videos. It tells the story.


I just love the barbell bros. I am already depressed just hearing about the closing.
I love to do squats, deadlifts, OHPs and benchpresses.
Was at 90kg squats now. :'(

I was close to the 100kg mark.

I feel your pain, but this only means your workouts will become more challenging!
This is what I’ve done for 4 months straight during the initial lockdown with only a pair of 20lbs dumbbells and a pull up bar.
Doesnt hurt to buy a kettle bell or two.

sets X reps
slow tempo repetition focusing on quality repetitions
Twice a day

Push ups wide grip 6 x 15reps
Body squats narrow stance 6x 20
Chin up 6x5
Plank 6x 45 seconds
Calf raises 6x20

Jump squats 5x5
Tempo pause squats 5x12
Lateral raises 5x12
Rear delt flyes 5x12
Dumbbell see saw rows 5 x 8
Bulgarian split squat 5x20

Hand stand push ups - wall assisted 6x10
Plank shoulder taps 6 x as many controlled taps in 1 minute
Single legged deadlift 6 x 8
Wide grip pull up 6x6
Narrow grip push ups 6x15
Lunges 6x15

Dont get me wrong, training at home becomes daunting at times.

Whenever i felt like i would get comfortable or idle, i would just start body squatting until my quads lit up on fire.
Once that happened i would jump into a full routine lol.

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Looks like the Gyms are closing again here in Germany.
Bye-Bye Gains, I barely had ya.
I will just go straight to jogging and the trusty skip rope. Might as well go cut some weight and cry.
Yeah, fuck this crap. As I know Austria they'll follow suit very fast so I expect them to announce the closure of the gyms any day now as well. Guess I'll have to make the workouts today and this weekend count. Let's hope the shut down really only lasts a month this this time around.
Schoolboy is only 20 or so, so has lots of room to thicken out that big frame of his.

That Khaled/Awa guy is something else. If it's true that he is untrained prior to two months ago (as is claimed) then he has a potential world class career ahead of him if he pursues it. Devon has already praised his grip.
So, the reason schoolboy lost to him and then every match after that... Is because when he was pulling with him Khaled tore a ligament in Schoolboys wrist... Apparently his brother confirmed it on Instagram. But I don't have Instagram so I can't confirm if it was a ligament or something else...

Here, I time stamped it. You can hear the pop.

Personally, I don't think Schoolboy should have tried to top roll him that fast since Khaled has such large hands. He should have taken his time. I also think he underestimated him and thought he was just another lifter there. He's actually a mechanic, so his wrists and hands are really strong. I've seen Larry beat him. So I know schoolboy can. I also think Schoolboy should have insisted on a fairer grip, as Khaled was not obeying.

I think School may have gone a little too hard on his wrist during training and his tendon was already a bit compromised. Either that, or the direction that Khaled took his wrist was really new to him and he underestimated how strong he was at that certain position.

It could've also been just a freak accident. Who knows. But even though Schoolboy was injured, you can tell that Khaled was feeling it in his arm right at his elbow as he went to rub it several times.

I don't think Schoolboys injury was super bad. There are many ligaments in your wrist. I'm guessing it was a minor one and not a major one with the way Schoolboy was able to sort of continue. I think if it had been a major one, he'd have been in way too much pain and he just wouldn't be able to summon the strength to his hand at all.

Mr. Stapleton, my teacher, broke both of his wrists when he was younger... twice. He was able to recover and come back stronger than ever. I think Schoolboy will be okay in the end and I don't think this will ruin his career. It'll sure pause it for that arm though....

EDIT: To add, people with very large hands and very long fingers are very rare and even more rare that they are arm wrestlers. Hands like that are a whole new ball game when you pull. This is another reason why I feel blessed to have Mr. Stapleton as my teacher and to be able to spend so much table time with him. He literally has Xenomorph fingers and they're strong as heck. He can use just his pinky for example while gripping up and apply pressure to my wrist with it that just stops me in my tracks and brings pain when I try to top roll. I don't EVER feel that from anyone else but him because his fingers reach so freaking far around my hand. Experience and time on the table is everything.
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I've been watching Schoolboy for a couple of years now, and Khaled is just on another level. There is no way Schoolboy could have taken that match. Devon can't top roll Khaled and there is no way Schoolboy could slip his grip. He should have succumbed the pin sooner - a blow to his pride would be better than an injury.

Also, Larry did beat Klaled, but not anymore.
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I've been watching Schoolboy for a couple of years now, and Khaled is just on another level. There is no way Schoolboy could have taken that match. Devon can't top roll Khaled and there is no way Schoolboy could slip his grip. He should have succumbed the pin sooner - a blow to his pride would be better than an injury.

Also, Larry did beat Klaled, but not anymore.
Devon beat Khaled when Khaled was fresh and after Devon had pulled several people. Larry beat Khaled after pulling Devon several times and Khaled had only pulled once. As far as I know, this wasn't Schoolboys first pull on his right arm that day either, he had been pulling several fresh dudes in a row who where really good, pro level arm wrestlers from their countries that day. And he pulled Khaled when Khaled was fresh. Devon is stronger and has far more endurance than Schoolboy. Schoolboy is stronger at pulling than Khaled but has less endurance than Devon.

IMO, Schoolboy definitely would have taken Khaled fresh at this point in Khaled's career. Especially if he'd have taken the match seriously and not underestimated him. I've also seen the vids where Devon talks up Khaled. I agree he's got amazing potential. But Devon does this a lot, he did the same for Larry and even Juji because he is constantly trying to draw more people into armwrestling like a talent scout. But all that talent needs to be honed.

EDIT: My two cents and IMO obviously.
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Yesterdays light recovery actually did it. I feel fantastic. Ready to hit it hard for tonight's heavy load.

Stretches and warmups. Then...

table top curls - 100 reps.

triceps pulldowns - 100 reps.

3 sets

kettlebell pronation curls - till failure or 100 reps.

tabletop static curl holds - 6 minutes then till failure.

3 sets

wrist curls - 100 reps.

reverse wrist curls - 100 reps.

3 sets.

kettlebell pronation - till failure or 100 reps.

Kettlebell supination - till failure or 100 reps.

3 sets.

ring pushups - till failure or 100 reps.

horizontal ring pulls - till failure or 100 reps.

3 sets.

Atlas stone overhead press form prep with the toning ball. Picking it up from a squat and onto my chest then above my head - till failure. Then some rice bucket while watching a horror flick to finish the day.

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not tag worthy
Good news everyone

For anyone who can’t get weights.

Push ups as good as bench presses.
Makes sense to me.

Similar idea and movement in both exercises. Just in one you are lifting a weight and the other you lift yourself. Ok you pivot your weight up. But you can make it hard to lift yourself

If you’re a heavy person like me you get extra weight. I wonder if I build up the power to rep out say 40 press ups fast and in form with a backpack and I raise my feet off the ground by putting them on a higher surface. Could that mean I can lift close to my bodyweight in bench?
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