Saw that Schoolboy could wrist curl 205+ lbs, strict form, full ROM at age 20. Kid’s coach must be something be performing at that level at that age took me by surprise
Trained earlier, better looks on the bench, ohp, rows, and pullups so it was successful. I decided to take a walk at like 8:15pm and it was almost like I was walking at 11pm - nobody on the streets driving, barely anyone taking a walk, everyone was probably holding their breath checking on the election haha
Looking for advice.
I did some really poor form/lazy tricep dips over 15 weeks ago now (60-80 reps) and my right arm is still really fucked up. Its still sore and somewhat fatigued, especially around the elbow area. I had an ultra sound which detected no significant tears (except one 2mm tear on the tricep close to the radial nerve) and a nerve conduction test which didnt find any real nerve damage either, so thats good news, but will my arm ever heal? How long can it take for this damage to repair?
If it still hurts a lot you should consider getting an MRI to see exactly what the issue is. I've had trouble with the elbow region a lot as an early adult due to terrible structure of my workouts, and did a lot of damage to the are from nonstop pushups, bench, dips, tricep exercises throughout a period of months. It took me like four years to figure that one out, was a very painful process trying to get back to health. I must have re-injured the area a few dozen times trying to nurse it back to health and proper strength levels over those four or so years. If you figure out exactly what is wrong by getting an MRI and find yourself an excellent physical therapist it's definitely practical thinking that you can get back to where you were before and much stronger than you ever were after that. I think your tricep will heal and if you're patient and dedicated, it could be as little as 3-5 months in PT until you're back to ramping up the activity to where you were before
I stopped doing dips in like 2014 or 2015. I love them, they definitely do wonders for the chest + tris and I think they helped pack on a decent bit of bulk to the tris especially but I decided to replace them with extra incline bench DB, flat bench DB
It’s kind of a tough road, rehabbing the tris, I think one of the most important aspects that nobody ever tells you to do, even great PTs, is to focus on myofascial release techniques to restore the full functioning of the tissues you injured. I had to learn the importance the hard way. Once you know for certain that it’s fully healed and ready to be rehabilitated, try using the foam roller or a lacross ball on the triceps for a min or two after every workout and watch—in like a month or two your tricep will start to feel great again. Keep it up for three to four months and your tissue is basically feeling perfect, better than even before. It’s only one aspect of several but I would personally advise that if you find yourself feeling some tissue that feels ‘funky’ and not right it’s probably fascia that needs to be broken up over a course of several weeks, months, probably in the worst cases, maybe it might take several months to restore tissue through myofascial release
I use these to take care of any issues after an injury has healed. And I use them weekly maybe 2-3 times per week just for maintenance
-PVC pipe with guerrilla duct tape to allow a tiny give when using / also to keep from slipping when in use
-Massage peanut in red
-Spiked Ball lrg
-Spiked ball small
-Lacross ball black
Hope some of this can help, I’ve been through triceps issues, they’re annoying as fuck and troublesome when you injure that muscle group, and it took me way longer than it probably should have to find my way back to health, but eventually I recovered and no issues since. Let me know if you have any questions and maybe I can bounce back an idea that could possibly help