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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


Coming off 5+ months of no lifting due to lock down I could barely bench 105 10 times. I've heard it takes 12 weeks to get back to where you were after that kind of break. I was repping around 165 before lock down. I know it won't last but I've been able to add 5 pounds to my bench every single week since gyms re-opened back in August.

I've also stopped taking protein shakes and started getting protein directly from food. I don't do crazy amounts. I aim for 100-120 grams a day.
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Cold training in the garage this week has been brutal, dipping down into mid and low 30F territory. Today it hovered around 35F. Muscles need to be patiently stretched and warmed up regularly. But once the day is done and i head inside, my muscles and joints feel so good. 10 minutes in the warmth and everything is relaxed. I've dozed off into a pre-dinner nap a few times in October because of this cold->hot transition which is unlike me :goog_grinning_sweat:

This weekend is down to 28F in the mornings. I won't be able to last more than an hour or two but I'm excited to begin that stage of cold training. Sub zero temps are a completely different beast.

The brown fat keeps my body warm and therefore prevents my muscles from quivering (from the cold). Improving my strength in various isometric holds also reduces then eliminates quivering in that position. Performing a move slowly can also induce quivering in parts of the range-of-motion where your stabilizer muscles aren't as strong.

My working hypothesis (bro science incoming) is that all these phenomenon are due to nervous-system control over muscle tissue through the muscle fascia. Gets too cold, the brain sends the signal to warm up the body via muscles. Get this under control and the brain gets more control over that impulse. The brain also (over time) re-knits the portions of the body suffering from excessive cold, repairing tissue and growing new capillaries in those parts. These are built up over time in response to the environmental imposition of cold.

When performing a difficult move, your muscles can quiver and strain, on the verge of losing balance. Build up your stabilizer muscles through isometrics and your muscles won't quiver as much. Over time you can gain the strength to perform the move without any quivering. Part of the strength gain in that example comes from muscle tissue growth, but part is due to nervous system pathways being laid and muscle-chain commands being practiced and memorized. And over time more blood pathways and more nervous-system connections are build up in response to the environmental imposition of muscle time under tension.

Would improving my muscle "stability" by training in the cold also improve stability in iso holds, and vice versa? They both engage with the brain, circulatory system, muscle fascia, and muscle chains in similar / same ways. So far that seems to be the case, but it's impossible to isolate and compare in my own little N of 1 trial.
I know it won't last but I've been able to add 5 pounds to my bench every single week since gyms re-opened back in August.

Is your gym appointment based?

Cold training in the garage this week has been brutal, dipping down into mid and low 30F territory. Today it hovered around 35F. Muscles need to be patiently stretched and warmed up regularly. But once the day is done and i head inside, my muscles and joints feel so good. 10 minutes in the warmth and everything is relaxed. I've dozed off into a pre-dinner nap a few times in October because of this cold->hot transition which is unlike me :goog_grinning_sweat:

I ain't gonna lie. Working out in my uninsulated garage was brutal last winter, and I complained in this thread about it.


I had a perimeter drainage problem. I fixed that during the summer, as it was constantly seeping in water around the foundation and then freezing with ice all over the floor. Not fun.


Last month I insulated it myself, and with just a space heater, I am able to raise and keep the temperature at a comfortable level.

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appointment based gym? That would suck

I waltz in and out of mine not even wearing a mask half the time. The staff at the door don’t even wear theirs most of the time

never wear a mask while I exercise either. I like to get right up next to people who wear their masks. An older woman wiped down her machine and left as soon as I did it the other day.
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Gold Member
appointment based gym? That would suck

I waltz in and out of mine not even wearing a mask half the time. The staff at the door don’t even wear theirs most of the time

never wear a mask while I exercise either. I like to get right up next to people who wear their masks. An older woman wiped down her machine and left as soon as I did it the other day.

They do temperature checks and ask you wear a mask at my gym, but it's not enforced at all. Most of the people have their mouth and nose exposed with their mask around their chin. No one gives a fuck.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Man, the Apple Watch monthly challenges are no joke. I had to hit 3,150 minutes of exercise this month. Just barely crossed the finish line around lunchtime today. I fucked my leg up about a week ago too, so I had to limit the strain on lower body. What a fucking month. My body is in much better shape though, so whatever. I am curious and terrified at what next month will be.
Man, shit... it‘s offical now. Gyms in Austria are closing for a month at least from next Tuesday on. Seriously hope it‘s just going to be these 4 weeks. Had a killer workout today and am going to do one more tomorrow, then I‘ll prolly just relax for a month with maybe one challenge a week at home. Got my nutrition in check big time by now so it should throw me back that much.

Fick all this brahs. Can‘t even keep myself healthy any more. What a bizzaro world we live in at the moment. Hope I at least get my PS5 mid November...


Great distance, InDaGulag InDaGulag InDaGulag InDaGulag ! Do you have a route you generally follow or do you just head out and let the step-counter keep you on track?

I have a few paths I do across my city. I ensure all of my runs are at least 10K in length. The maximum I've run is 30K with most of my runs in the 12K to 16k range.

Also don't shy away from the cold. Train outdoors, even if it is only a portion of your workout. The cold is very good for you.

I don't mind the cold. Or at least anything above -10C. It's the combination of darkness and ice. I'm afraid of slipping on ice I didn't see and breaking some bones.
Beautiful full moon on a wonderful Halloween night. Took the kids trunker treating as is our family tradition (We don't let them eat the candy, we just let them trade it in for a toy.). I hate that tricker treating is now only done during daylight here... I remember how awesome it used to be when I was a kid. Anyway, gonna finally watch a horror flick I've been waiting to see while doing some kettlebell stuff. Turkish getups, sweeps, hammer curl press (without letting my grip slip even during the press, so the kettlebell stays in the same position in my hand the entire time.) and a bunch of progressions, pelican curls, pistol squats, yada yada.

Happy Halloween fellow monsters.

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My dog is a really good motivator for my lazy ass

She keeps looking at me. We both know what she wants. Yes we walk for about an hour and a half every night. Yes we already walked two and half hours earlier during the day today.

She doesnt care, she doesnt care its 2am on Halloween night and I just wanna drink tea and watch Buffy. Looks like I'm going for another walk.

Love ya, Ruby.


This week's:
83.8kg/184.7lb (-1.6kg/3.5lb)
Waist 35.75 inches


While it is really nice to finally blast past that stubborn 85kg goal, I did "cheat" a bit in that Saturday is usually an eating day for me whereas this week I fasted, so this Sunday morning I was weighed on an empty stomach. My initial Mon-Wed-Fri fasting plan changed to Mon-Tue-Thurs-Sat, as I just didn't really feel hungry on Tuesday, so decided to just fast an extra day.

In addition to the usual yoga and running, I alternated between 15 min pilates classes and 20 minute bodyweight workouts. I found this one with a guy called Funk Roberts:

One thing I really liked about it was that he actually stopped for a breather during the routine and just told the audience "you guys carry on" :messenger_tears_of_joy: . An admirable lack of ego, but he does look in great shape for a 50 year old.

Next big milestone is 80kg. Getting below 34 inches will also be a big one, but may take a little longer. Onwards and upwards!

This week's:
83.9kg (+0.1kg)
Waist 35.25 inches (-0.5)

Strange one this week. I added a tiny amount of weight, but lost a whole half an inch from the belly. I stuck to my fasting routine (4 days fasting, 3 days eating) and exercised 5 days (I always take a break on Sunday, but I took another break on Wed too this week). For the past week I've felt that my body has become "harder" - chest, biceps, thighs, my abs in particular), so maybe I managed to put on a little muscle.

The gyms are about to close here in the UK, which makes me glad I went for the home workout/bodyweight route, so my routine won't be affected. No changes next week, just carry on doing what I'm doing.


not tag worthy
Kazza Kazza im starting to also think callisthenics is the way.
That funk Robert’s workout looks great. I hope to be fit enough to participate in such workouts but for now I’m just getting started.

Well done on the weight loss. That’s flipping excellent. Your “weight gain” as it were is probably muscle.
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What's up, dudes!! Reporting back after 3 terrible weeks lol. Rainy season started so I missed a lot of running days, my weekly volume dropped to new lows.

I've been doing the pull-ups but I find it hard to consistently do them at home, it just feels weird. I might join a gym to do some lifts and calisthenics and try to gain some weight again.

In terms of dieting I'm leaning towards low-carb foods, which will make it difficult to put on a couple of kgs I know, but I just feel better eating this way.

On non-related news, I proposed my girlfriend last Wednesday and she said yes. I'm now engaged =)


not tag worthy
What's up, dudes!! Reporting back after 3 terrible weeks lol. Rainy season started so I missed a lot of running days, my weekly volume dropped to new lows.

I've been doing the pull-ups but I find it hard to consistently do them at home, it just feels weird. I might join a gym to do some lifts and calisthenics and try to gain some weight again.

In terms of dieting I'm leaning towards low-carb foods, which will make it difficult to put on a couple of kgs I know, but I just feel better eating this way.

On non-related news, I proposed my girlfriend last Wednesday and she said yes. I'm now engaged =)
Excellent news on the engagement. I wish you two many happy years together


Kazza Kazza im starting to also think callisthenics is the way.
That funk Robert’s workout looks great. I hope to be fit enough to participate in such workouts but for now I’m just getting started.

Well done on the weight loss. That’s flipping excellent. Your “weight gain” as it were is probably muscle.

I was in China when the virus first kicked off, and am now under another lock-down in the UK, so I've been fucked over twice this year. I actually have a couple of gyms really close to my house and was tempted to join when I got back home, but always thought that there could be another lockdown sooner or later (not to mention having to socially distance, wear a mask and all that other bullshit). I decided that all my future plans (including my fitness routine) have to be covid-proof. I've been interested in calisthenics for a few years now anyway, and this year seems like the perfect time to start. The pilates (a form of calisthenics, I suppose) has been really good for my core), and I'll add in kettlebells once my waist gets below 32 inches and I can start thinking about bulking up a little.

I never manage to keep up with those youtube bodyweight routines, I just do the best I can. I think you can still get a lot of of them, even when you have to pause for a breather every now and again. My upper body in particular is still pretty weak (can't do 45 seconds of push-ups right now, I have to drop my knees half way), but I'm slowly getting stronger (even with the fasting and calorie deficit).


What's up, dudes!! Reporting back after 3 terrible weeks lol. Rainy season started so I missed a lot of running days, my weekly volume dropped to new lows.

I've been doing the pull-ups but I find it hard to consistently do them at home, it just feels weird. I might join a gym to do some lifts and calisthenics and try to gain some weight again.

In terms of dieting I'm leaning towards low-carb foods, which will make it difficult to put on a couple of kgs I know, but I just feel better eating this way.

On non-related news, I proposed my girlfriend last Wednesday and she said yes. I'm now engaged =)

With autumn here, you're going to have to either accept that you're going to be running in the rain, or not running much at all. Once you make that decision in your head, it becomes easier to just get out there whatever the weather. I slipped this week and got a backside full of mud, and have accidently found myself ankle deep in a bog I assumed was a normal patch of grass. I'm starting to embrace the wetness now and just think "fuck it" and get out there. It becomes kind of fun once you get used to it.

Congrats on the engagement btw!
my favorite protein powder is starting to see deliveries past two weeks

i see you, enemies
I got lucky at an Amish scratch and dent we go to, because they have an amazing deli (that isn't scratch and dent lol). I've never really cared to stick with any one brand and I only ever use the stuff for recovery shakes once a week after arm wrestling and then whenever I think I'm not getting enough through food so it works out great for me. I just check on the ingredients and then look at reviews and such. This is my garage freezer right now since they keep getting these in and I can't afford/don't want to make the sacrifice to buy new right now. If it weren't this, I'd just stick to the collagen I've been getting.


It was like... maybe 35-40 bucks for all of that + the 3 I've already used...

lol I don't know why I'm talking deals here... everyone else but me seems loaded. Anyway, to whom it may concern, you could always try a scratch and dent.

Cutty Flam


Updated the plan a bit bros. I’m excited to keep chipping away and doing more. I need to post in here more lol, i’ve noticed when the mind is locked in, the workouts are better. Sometimes even just coming in here and briefly announcing you’re about to start a training session later dials you in more than we can say. So much depends on attitude the mentality one has and steps forward with. I’m going to sharpen my mind and look to crush these challenges going forward. *Made progress with pullups today w/ an extra set of 10 added on. And I got another clipboard so I think I’m either going to use it for a very detailed progress sheet for daily stretching types that I’ll run through and maybe some challenges, or I could use it to track my macros. Likely the stretching since it’s easy enough now to eyeball nutrient counts most times

Have also been considering investing in an elliptical for a while now, home gym might be critical for a year or two so I think I’ll start building it some more. It’s decent, but a commercial gym is like heaven in terms of what I can accomplish in comparison, even before I added resistance bands to the repertoire. When gyms open up again for good, I’ll never in my life take gyms for granted again. Just as I’ll never take walking for granted after having massacred my ankle a few years back. It’s going to be a glorious day when the world can socialize and be as active and about again as it was before

btw, Congratulations TTOOLL TTOOLL
I’ll have to ask Sanji and Pudding to whip you two up a “WEDDING CAKE!!!!!!!!!!”
Looking for advice.
I did some really poor form/lazy tricep dips over 15 weeks ago now (60-80 reps) and my right arm is still really fucked up. Its still sore and somewhat fatigued, especially around the elbow area. I had an ultra sound which detected no significant tears (except one 2mm tear on the tricep close to the radial nerve) and a nerve conduction test which didnt find any real nerve damage either, so thats good news, but will my arm ever heal? How long can it take for this damage to repair?
Looking for advice.
I did some really poor form/lazy tricep dips over 15 weeks ago now (60-80 reps) and my right arm is still really fucked up. Its still sore and somewhat fatigued, especially around the elbow area. I had an ultra sound which detected no significant tears (except one 2mm tear on the tricep close to the radial nerve) and a nerve conduction test which didnt find any real nerve damage either, so thats good news, but will my arm ever heal? How long can it take for this damage to repair?

In my experience, muscles heal multiples of times faster than tendons/ligaments. I've had minor injuries that last 6 months and the thing is, it doesn't seem to make a difference or not if I continue to work out. It's like they don't get worse or better except with time.


not tag worthy

ordered a Callisthenics book
will use this as my bible, that video, and along with what was said in the thread the idea of just doing enough over a few days versus going all out will add up to massive work out numbers over time :)

consistency over intensity

At work I did some walls push ups door rows calf raises squats and some crutches did that three times during the day and some walking. Got to keep this up when I work.
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Cutty Flam

Saw that Schoolboy could wrist curl 205+ lbs, strict form, full ROM at age 20. Kid’s coach must be something else...to be performing at that level at that age took me by surprise

Trained earlier, better looks on the bench, ohp, rows, and pullups so it was successful. I decided to take a walk at like 8:15pm and it was almost like I was walking at 11pm - nobody on the streets driving, barely anyone taking a walk, everyone was probably holding their breath checking on the election haha

Looking for advice.
I did some really poor form/lazy tricep dips over 15 weeks ago now (60-80 reps) and my right arm is still really fucked up. Its still sore and somewhat fatigued, especially around the elbow area. I had an ultra sound which detected no significant tears (except one 2mm tear on the tricep close to the radial nerve) and a nerve conduction test which didnt find any real nerve damage either, so thats good news, but will my arm ever heal? How long can it take for this damage to repair?
If it still hurts a lot you should consider getting an MRI to see exactly what the issue is. I've had trouble with the elbow region a lot as an early adult due to terrible structure of my workouts, and did a lot of damage to the are from nonstop pushups, bench, dips, tricep exercises throughout a period of months. It took me like four years to figure that one out, was a very painful process trying to get back to health. I must have re-injured the area a few dozen times trying to nurse it back to health and proper strength levels over those four or so years. If you figure out exactly what is wrong by getting an MRI and find yourself an excellent physical therapist it's definitely practical thinking that you can get back to where you were before and much stronger than you ever were after that. I think your tricep will heal and if you're patient and dedicated, it could be as little as 3-5 months in PT until you're back to ramping up the activity to where you were before

I stopped doing dips in like 2014 or 2015. I love them, they definitely do wonders for the chest + tris and I think they helped pack on a decent bit of bulk to the tris especially but I decided to replace them with extra incline bench DB, flat bench DB

It’s kind of a tough road, rehabbing the tris, I think one of the most important aspects that nobody ever tells you to do, even great PTs, is to focus on myofascial release techniques to restore the full functioning of the tissues you injured. I had to learn the importance the hard way. Once you know for certain that it’s fully healed and ready to be rehabilitated, try using the foam roller or a lacross ball on the triceps for a min or two after every workout and watch—in like a month or two your tricep will start to feel great again. Keep it up for three to four months and your tissue is basically feeling perfect, better than even before. It’s only one aspect of several but I would personally advise that if you find yourself feeling some tissue that feels ‘funky’ and not right it’s probably fascia that needs to be broken up over a course of several weeks, months, probably in the worst cases, maybe it might take several months to restore tissue through myofascial release

I use these to take care of any issues after an injury has healed. And I use them weekly maybe 2-3 times per week just for maintenance


-PVC pipe with guerrilla duct tape to allow a tiny give when using / also to keep from slipping when in use

-Massage peanut in red

-Spiked Ball lrg

-Spiked ball small

-Lacross ball black

Hope some of this can help, I’ve been through triceps issues, they’re annoying as fuck and troublesome when you injure that muscle group, and it took me way longer than it probably should have to find my way back to health, but eventually I recovered and no issues since. Let me know if you have any questions and maybe I can bounce back an idea that could possibly help
Saw that Schoolboy could wrist curl 205+ lbs, strict form, full ROM at age 20. Kid’s coach must be something else...to be performing at that level at that age took me by surprise

Trained earlier, better looks on the bench, ohp, rows, and pullups so it was successful. I decided to take a walk at like 8:15pm and it was almost like I was walking at 11pm - nobody on the streets driving, barely anyone taking a walk, everyone was probably holding their breath checking on the election haha

If it still hurts a lot you should consider getting an MRI to see exactly what the issue is. I've had trouble with the elbow region a lot as an early adult due to terrible structure of my workouts, and did a lot of damage to the are from nonstop pushups, bench, dips, tricep exercises throughout a period of months. It took me like four years to figure that one out, was a very painful process trying to get back to health. I must have re-injured the area a few dozen times trying to nurse it back to health and proper strength levels over those four or so years. If you figure out exactly what is wrong by getting an MRI and find yourself an excellent physical therapist it's definitely practical thinking that you can get back to where you were before and much stronger than you ever were after that. I think your tricep will heal and if you're patient and dedicated, it could be as little as 3-5 months in PT until you're back to ramping up the activity to where you were before

Thanks for the advice. No one has mentioned an MRI option to me yet. I'll keep that in mind if things dont get better. A physical therapist sounds really nice as well, but I dont want to spend money on that if I can avoid it. Still, I will if I have to.
Im pretty sure my small tricep tear has healed (its no sore there anymore), but my upper forearm and elbow joint are in bad shape. This is the first time I've had problems with either arm at all, but I suspect I wasnt training as hard as you were when you injured yours.
I saw my doctor today and he told me to massage the area, apply Voltarin gel, wear an arm band strap and do some basic stretches. He also said if it doesnt improve in 6-8 weeks, have some physio sessions. give that 6-8 weeks and then come and see him again, if I still have problems. Im not even allowed to do pushups, as they put too much stress on the injury. Bummer.
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