Some fun pushup variations here
I was watching a few of this dudes videos at the start of lockdown.
I used to do this workout a fair bit.
Four sets of that is a nice way to get the heart pumping in the morning.
Some fun pushup variations here
This week's:
82.5kg (-1.4kg)
35 inches (-0.25)
Well, it looks like my body was saving up all the weight loss for a big showing this week - 3lbs in one week ain't bad! Stuck to my usual routine (fasting Mon, Tue, Thur, Sat) and eating whatever I want on the other three days (actually fairly healthy in terms of meals, with plenty of fruit and veg, but with lots of sugary snacking in between). Light jogging outside everyday (nice weather this week, no rain!) plus alternating Pilates/yoga and bodyweight workouts.
I already said my body felt "hard" last week, but this week my muscles have really got a bit of a pump going on. There has been lots of 3D action going on with the arms and chest, it's like going from 16-bit consoles to 32-bit. Before I decided on the whole fasting way of losing weight, I was a little worried that it would cause me to lose a lot of muscle as well as fat, but those fears now seem to have been completely unfounded. I'm definitely making some muscle gains and my body has obviously been using my fat reserves for energy on fasting days, which is exactly what I wanted.
No changes next week. If I were to make a prediction, I would say my weight will stay more or less the same after this week's big drop and my waist will go down another 0.25 inches. Stay strong, everyone![]()
Some fun pushup variations here
Rogue and I think the other ones have email notifications for the exact kettlebell you want. That’s how I ordered minePeople weren't exaggerating about the kettlebell availability situation - these things are harder to get hold of that the Nvidia RTX3000 series! (in the UK at least). I don't need to buy them for another 2/3 months anyway. I hope the situation improves by then.
I hope it gets better for you man, I’ve had to work through a rotator cuff injury before and man it took about 10 months of uncomfortable training before it finally went away. I still did like 20-30 sets each workout because I could without much pain, but it was annoying as fuck. I really hate back injuries. Usually you can tell if it’s injured. If I were older at the time and knew better, I probably would have just got a serapin injection at the pain spot and signed up for some aqua therapy for a month to keep in shape while tending to the injuryone for the physiotherapy experts:
I’ve had this persistent sharp stabbing pain inside the back bottom of my right shoulder blade for months now when doing exercises that target the back.
It feels like a super tiny little spot of sharp pain that only gets triggered when putting weight on just the right spot. Could it be a micro tear?
i just triggered it now using the reverse pec deck, but on my following sets I shifted the weight a little to avoid triggering it
I’ll never forget the time Stephen Hawking had put out a pic of what he thought or estimated aliens to actually look like. He had to be trolling![]()
Burpees are like some straight up space alien shit
This is how martians get wrekt
Burpees are like some straight up space alien shit
This is how martians get wrekt
Yo, just saw this. I don't know if it's what it is but I've dealt with all sorts of back pain for quite a while (not so much these days thankfully). In my upper back, my rib heads would come out all the time and my wife would have to put them in. When they slide out, usually you don't notice it as a pop or anything. They just slide right out and you notice it pretty quick because of the sharp, stabbing pain. For me, the pain wasn't THAT bad because I have a really high pain tolerance, however, if it stayed out long enough it would wear on me over time and then it would impair my breathing causing me to take short breaths. This sucks, don't let it get to this point. Might want to see if you can find a good chiropractor to see if they can put it back in if that's the problem. Mine helped immensely. Sometimes, if you just leave it alone, it might slide back in on it's own and you could not notice it. Other times you'll notice the pop. And if it's bad enough or you just can't get your muscles to relax, it just won't go back in by itself. I've seen the chiro for this so many times that my wife has learned the technique to put it back in herself lol. Even I have learned to meditate past the pain and relax my muscles enough to shove it back in myself by putting my back against the corner of the wall and crossing my arms and applying just the right amount of pressure in just the right way... If I'm lucky.one for the physiotherapy experts:
I’ve had this persistent sharp stabbing pain inside the back bottom of my right shoulder blade for months now when doing exercises that target the back.
It feels like a super tiny little spot of sharp pain that only gets triggered when putting weight on just the right spot. Could it be a micro tear?
i just triggered it now using the reverse pec deck, but on my following sets I shifted the weight a little to avoid triggering it
I'm still pretty much a beginner myself but I've been operating with the assumption it's possible to build muscle in a caloric deficit. Mainly going by what Coach Greg says (https://www.youtube.com/user/gregdoucette).So you wanna do a caloric excess for gains and a caloric loss for cutting
If I'm a beginner, how much does this matter. I sorta want both
it's easier than you think. Get a food scale and meal prep batches 3-4 lbs of chicken breast at a time. 200 grams of cooked chicken breast is 62 grams of protein. I eat that for lunch and dinner with rice + veggies or mashed potatoes + veggies. Breakfast is 3 eggs, oatmeal, fruit, coffee, water. With just 1 protein shake (usually between lunch and dinner), I'm well over 150-160 grams of protein (I'm at around 153 lbs at the moment).How tf am I gonna eat 170 grams of protein? Wow lol. Greek yogurt, chicken, almonds, broccoli, protein powder... ummm maybe I am doing that idk. Gotta pay more attention to my macros
How tf am I gonna eat 170 grams of protein? Wow lol. Greek yogurt, chicken, almonds, broccoli, protein powder... ummm maybe I am doing that idk. Gotta pay more attention to my macros
that's closer to 300 grams of protein unless my calculations are wildly wrongA pound of chicken, a pound of hamburg and a can of tuna.
Find ways to train while you work. That is how I've gotten in shape since starting this stuff in March. Even if you're only able to isometrics, stretches, and some fine motor conditioning (like the NSD spinner that a lot of the dudes in this thread have recommended) it's better than nothing.Fuck me. I’m working 10-12 hours every day. The gyms are fucking closed here and when I come back home after 11 hours of work I can’t get myself to train.
Farmer walks hit a long chain of muscles and are good at revealing systemic weaknesses in the body. it's normal for one person to feel it more in such-and-such muscle compared to another if that muscle is weaker or isn't properly "connected" to the other muscles involved in the movement. When I do 1 handed farmer walks, I feel them in my obliques the most, and in the upper traps. They work pretty much every muscle from the neck down.I'm pretty sure my form was correct for the farmers walk, chest up, shoulders back, looking forward but I felt the farmers walk way more in my triceps where as my friend felt it more in his traps?
that's closer to 300 grams of protein unless my calculations are wildly wrong
stop eating dominos!BROS give me a balanced meal plan before I go back to dominos!
Drink pepperoncini juice until you’ve met your 2k caloriesBROS give me a balanced meal plan before I go back to dominos!
Just bought a bunch of weights and a bench to put at home. With work and spending time with the girl, I barely have time to workout.
I'm getting fat. Now I need to decide when I should workout - thinking from 6:15-7 (AM) or at night between 8 and 9. Already created a simple workout plan.