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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


eternal farmer walks ... ?


It has been a minute from checking in but I have been out doing my shit. Every morning I hike and every evening I do resistance work. I find that the best way of getting my head out of research mode for school has been working out as I just put the music on and disconnect for an hour or two.

Keep it up mighty gym people. Especailly around the holidays as that is the trap we all seem to fall into at times.


This week:
84.5kg (+2.5kg/5lb)
Waist 34.75 inches (-0.25)

First, I need to explain the 2.5kg weight gain :messenger_tears_of_joy: . Does anyone have a mirror in their house where, whether due to the angle or the lighting, they tend to look better than in other mirrors? Well, earlier this week I just so happened to notice myself shirtless in a mirror and thought "Hmm, I'm actually looking pretty decent now", kind oflike this post I found from the Reee thread (although I can't say that I felt in any way "horny" at the sight of myself :messenger_tears_of_joy: - God, they're a strange bunch over there!)


That made me grab an old pair of shorts from the wardrobe and try them on. They are the fitted kind that can be worn with a belt, and for me have been a kind of barometer for how fat I am. Just a few weeks ago, I could barely put them on (the button felt like it was about to pop out), and when I did squeeze into them my gut was just spilling out over the top, muffin style:


This week though, the shorts actually fitted quite well, with just a littler belly fat spilling out over the sides. It was at that point
(around Thurs) that I decided to relax for the rest of the week in celebration, so I didn't fats as normal yesterday, hence the weight gain (although I still knocked another quartet of an inch off the waist).

For me, being able to wear those shorts means that I'm officially no longer "fat" in my mind, so the first phase of my plan is now over. Tomorrow, phase 2 begins, which is going to be the same as phase one (3/4 days a week fasting, with daily yoga/bodyweight/pilates/jogging), but this time I'm going to cut out sugar completely (I've just been eating whatever I wanted on my eating days up to now). Keeping that up until Christamas Eve, I think I can get to 33.5 inches on the waist (and probably 80kg/176lb, although the weight isn't so important to me).

Today, I'm going to make the most of my last sugar day by having some chocolate lava pudding with Cornish clotted cream ice cream :messenger_grinning:

This week:
81.4kg/179lb (-3.1kg/6.8lb)
Waist 34.5 inches (-0.25)

I lost the weight gained last week and also lost some extra (although last week's figure was a little skewed by me stuffing my face on the day before the weigh in).

This week has been all about the power of habits for me. I said that I would cut out the junk food from my diet until Christmas time, and I managed to stick to that this week, but it was difficult at times. This is where old habits have been working against me. I'm so used to having a piece of cake with my coffee, a few biscuits with my tea, some chocolate after dinner etc. Sometimes I even found myself unconsciously reaching for things in the kitchen, before reminding myself that I wasn't allowed to eat that. On the other hand, the habits I have developed over the past few weeks (exercising at a certain time every day, eating only on certain days etc) really helped me keep on track this week, as I wasn't in a great mood and didn't really have much enthusiasm for my whole fitness project, so passion and inspiration wasn't going to be enough by itself. In those circumstances, it's always good to have established habits to fall back on.

Stay strong everyone 💪 💪 💪


This week:
81.4kg/179lb (-3.1kg/6.8lb)
Waist 34.5 inches (-0.25)

I lost the weight gained last week and also lost some extra (although last week's figure was a little skewed by me stuffing my face on the day before the weigh in).

This week has been all about the power of habits for me. I said that I would cut out the junk food from my diet until Christmas time, and I managed to stick to that this week, but it was difficult at times. This is where old habits have been working against me. I'm so used to having a piece of cake with my coffee, a few biscuits with my tea, some chocolate after dinner etc. Sometimes I even found myself unconsciously reaching for things in the kitchen, before reminding myself that I wasn't allowed to eat that. On the other hand, the habits I have developed over the past few weeks (exercising at a certain time every day, eating only on certain days etc) really helped me keep on track this week, as I wasn't in a great mood and didn't really have much enthusiasm for my whole fitness project, so passion and inspiration wasn't going to be enough by itself. In those circumstances, it's always good to have established habits to fall back on.

Stay strong everyone 💪 💪 💪

stay strong. the devils in everything, if you give it enough thought.

everytime you dip in to snacks do 15 push ups, 30 body squats and 60 second planks lol

but aside that cut yourself a bit of slack, the holidays are right around the corner.

Just set aside a cheat day weekly/biweekly
And maintain a structure that you can follow religiously.


Just set aside a cheat day weekly/biweekly
And maintain a structure that you can follow religiously.

Oh, this complete ban on sugary food, junk food etc is purely a temporary thing until Christmas. After that I'll move to one cheat day a week. Trying to go a lifetime without any sugary and chocolaty goodness just wouldn't be a realistic prospect for me! On the face of it, my 4 day fasting/3 day eating routine isn't sustainable either, but I actually like it, it doesn't take any mental effort to maintain. My weight loss hasn't been overly dramatic either, just 1 or 2 pounds a week normally. Around Jan/Feb time I should have reached my fut cutting goal and be ready to move on to a muscle gain plan, but even then I hope to be able to keep one or two fasting days a week. I find that fasting helps me in so many different ways. I'm just going for a lean but muscular look, not a bodybuilder physique, so hopefully I won't have to stuff my face with food every day in order to get the gains I want.


And here we go. Started counting my macros today. We adjusted a 15% calorie surplus for November and December.

That means 2800 calories for days I don't exercise and I'll add whatever I spend working out when I do it. This will easily put me on the 3200 calories range so I don't think I'll be able to avoid shitty food just to hit my goal.

I managed 483 calories for breakfast today, eggs, oats, chia seeds and an apple. I'll try to report back at the end of the day.


Yep, last week was just a warm-up, started for real today.

Main workout was this:

8min AMRAP:
100m uphill
10 devil press (burpee with a dumbbell press)

5min rest

8min AMRAP
30 double unders
5 thrusters

5min rest

8min AMRAP
10 kcal rowing machine
10 toes to bar


Amraps and devil press.. reading that makes me hiss like a vampire lol

I’ve got an amrap routine, it requires minimal equipment and it absolutely put me through my paces a few months back.

3-5 rounds, 2 mins recovery after every round.
It is 30sec on amrap/30secs off.

Day 1:
1. Jump Squats
2. Alt. Rev Lunges
3. Single leg RDL, (L/R)
4. Push ups
5. Bent Over Row
6. Burpees
7. Jumping Jacks

Day 2:
1. Alt. Jumping Lunges
2. Squats
3. Supine sliding leg curl /dbhamcurl
4. Alt. Glider Push-ups /decline pushups
5. Rope pull ups/pull ups
6. Devil Press
7. Shuttles rest

Day 3:
1. Jump Squats
2. Cossack Squats
3. Single Leg RDL
4. Wide Inverted Rope Row
5. Over Head DB press
6. Ab Wheel
7. Jumping Jacks


Hitting 2 miles easy on treadmill. Started to add some inclin instead of distance. I got some exercise bands and I can do 3 sets of 4 pull ups with them. Try this for a while and then try to do it without. 70 push ups is still tough but progress is happening. Anyone got a good idea for a new food program for eating better? Keto? What should I be doing. I should be about 30 lbs lighter and I'm not losing weight but I feel stronger.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Burn more than you eat. Eat healthy. For additional information see:



Hitting 2 miles easy on treadmill. Started to add some inclin instead of distance. I got some exercise bands and I can do 3 sets of 4 pull ups with them. Try this for a while and then try to do it without. 70 push ups is still tough but progress is happening. Anyone got a good idea for a new food program for eating better? Keto? What should I be doing. I should be about 30 lbs lighter and I'm not losing weight but I feel stronger.
I started by cutting out alcohol back in July. Since around September I’ve been eating mostly stuff I cook myself in meal prep batches. I’d recommend doing something like that. Every meal is about 200-250 grams of meat, veggies, and a carb.


Burn more than you eat. Eat healthy. For additional information see:

Can't wait to stop eating so much. Third day and I'm already tired. Haven't hit my daily goals yet :messenger_tears_of_joy:

We have the podcast OT but maybe some people here haven't seen it. This is a nice episode that belongs in here too.

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Did my routine again today. I added some incline to my run of 2 miles. 12 dips , 12 pull ups with help from elastic bands, and 70 push ups. I have the discipline to do this so might look at some weights or kettle bells in new year. My disciple for drinking is weak so I'll work on that. I'm just clueless on food except I neee to cut all the fried shit? I can build that disciple just need to do more reading.

You guys have been great to hold me accountable.
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Getting fatter and weaker as winter is rolling in here. 30 degrees out and no sun when I'm off work. 5pm and dark and freezing. Screw this man. Gotta fight it
C'mon Michigan bro, dip into cold training. Everyone whines about putting on weight in winter months / holiday season, but that's when I trim down and muscle up. Free calorie burn. Free cardiovascular training.

Did my routine again today. I added some incline to my run of 2 miles. 12 dips , 12 pull ups with help from elastic bands, and 70 push ups. I have the discipline to do this so might look at some weights or kettle bells in new year. My disciple for drinking is weak so I'll work on that. I'm just clueless on food except I neee to cut all the fried shit? I can build that disciple just need to do more reading.

You guys have been great to hold me accountable.
Good job on your progress. Kettlebells are truth. I highly recommend getting into them.

I think obsessing over diet is a mistake. Lotta people get tangled up in calorie counting, weighing themselves, adjusting macros, etc.

Fasting (even just omad) is sufficient. Body needs to be at a calorie deficit, with low insulin levels, before it will pull from fat storage. Then patiently repeat over weeks / months until you reach the weight you want. Simple.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Did my routine again today. I added some incline to my run of 2 miles. 12 dips , 12 pull ups with help from elastic bands, and 70 push ups. I have the discipline to do this so might look at some weights or kettle bells in new year. My disciple for drinking is weak so I'll work on that. I'm just clueless on food except I neee to cut all the fried shit? I can build that disciple just need to do more reading.

You guys have been great to hold me accountable.

That Food Rules book is good as a general guide. Give it a shot, the e-book goes on sale for like $1 from time-to-time. The key is to pick like 1 or 2 rules from each section and implement them. 'Avoid the middle aisles at the grocery store' is a great example of a rule.

Avoid high fructose corn syrup like the fucking plague. That shit is in everything, you keep an eye out. (It's even in a lot of breads, fwiw)

If you're struggling with weight, try tracking your calories using an app like MyFitnessPal. I use this to help keep an eye on my consumption vs burned (it's connected to my Apple Health account & can read my exercises). Aim for a deficit every day (500 cal deficit every day for 7 days = 1 pound of fat).

Weigh in at the same time each day too.

If you get a handle on the diet, give intermittent fasting a try too. Helps if you go over your daily calorie goal, since you're restricting the times you eat each day.


DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi
quickwhips quickwhips

Yeah just outside Detroit

What does cold training imply just running around in the snow?
My pole building is like 20-30 degrees. I just put a treadmill in there so I could give my wife and I a break from the kids to run. One of us goes out at a time and runs then switch daily. I'm slowly making one of the car bays for working out.
DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi
quickwhips quickwhips

Yeah just outside Detroit

What does cold training imply just running around in the snow?
Start w cold showers, and brief visits outside dressed in thin layers. When you start shivering, time to go warm up. You're not torturing yourself, nor are you exerting yourself enough to "warm up" and offset the cold. The goal is to build up brown adipose fat. Powerlifters say to build muscle if you want fat loss, because the increase in muscle tissue = an increase in ability to burn calories for energy. Identical principle applies here, except our input is cold instead of muscle time-under-tension.

Details. I'm in my third year of the practice. It absolutely works. I spent most of today (7am to about 4pm) outside, soaking up the wonderful sun, shirtless, in shorts, 30F in the morning and 40F by afternoon.


I was vegetarian for a long time, didn't keep track but around a decade. Gradually started eating meat again, and this month I actually started cooking some at home too which it had been even longer since I'd done.

This month I also started running again, went maybe five or six times, and it felt so much easier than it normally does after not having ran consistently. My last run was about 10.5km and I averaged about 5m40s per km, which yeah I know that's not fast for people who run seriously, but it was faster than I had planned considering I basically haven't been running. The last 1.5km I was hurrying up, doing 5min/km, it was mostly uphill and when I stopped I didn't even have that feeling of really having drained myself. Maybe I'm imagining things but feel like just that diet change made a huge difference and I found that a bit fascinating. Gonna try to keep it up for a bit so I guess I will find out.
I was back in the gym yesterday for the first time in a month due to lockdown. I managed to just about maintain strength by lifting weights at home but it's not the same.

I'm currently doing weights 3 days a week for an hour at a time. One push exercise, one pull and one lower body for 10 sets of 2-8 reps each. I was also doing judo once a week but that has all stopped since March due to covid.

Current personal bests are:

Squat 120kg
Deadlift 200kg
Bench Press 110kg

Cutty Flam

Absolutely wild. I loathe cold showers though. Holy crap.

Also work like 9am to 7pm daily sitting in front of a laptop. Maybe I can do it during lunch
It’s somewhat tough to make it a habit at first but after a week or two of them, cold water therapy is easy to go through with. I went from extremely hesitant with cold showers to it not even being an obstacle; fully embrace it and welcome the cold and it becomes very easy to withstand the initial shock that lasts maybe half a minute. It’s routine now, no part of the cold shower fazes me as long as you understand that it will be very cold for about 15-20 seconds and then gradually it becomes tolerable. You just have to keep your breath and stay calm while letting the cold water hit you for those 20-30 seconds and then the rest takes care of itself. I’ve developed a little strategy that helped me get used to initial cold with less shock if you’d like to hear and give it a go. I either shared it once here, or in @Dundundunpachi’s Breathe Deep Cold Train Thread somewhere maybe like 6 months back

And maybe I’m a little bit overzealous in saying this but I think the benefits of cold showers might prove to be one of the most powerful methods to improve one’s health when more studies on them start to take place. Fairly easy to do as well, only takes a minute or two of cold and then you can turn back to warm or hot water

I felt a lot less pain daily when starting to utilize cold showers, more alert, better mood, better reading, better studying sessions and attention span seemed better, opened up my ability to breathe a little better, overall I think the quality of my life was improved thanks to cold showers. It’s a very simple and brief way to bring a lot of healthy benefits quickly. I can’t say it is healthy for everyone, but I think it would probably help a lot of people if they tried it and simply expossd themselves to this cold water in their shower for only a minute, maybe more every time they step in

teezzy teezzy you should consider trying it for a few days and seeing if you notice the benefits, I’d say it’s worth it for any healthy individual to at least give it a go


This week:
81.4kg/179lb (-3.1kg/6.8lb)
Waist 34.5 inches (-0.25)

I lost the weight gained last week and also lost some extra (although last week's figure was a little skewed by me stuffing my face on the day before the weigh in).

This week has been all about the power of habits for me. I said that I would cut out the junk food from my diet until Christmas time, and I managed to stick to that this week, but it was difficult at times. This is where old habits have been working against me. I'm so used to having a piece of cake with my coffee, a few biscuits with my tea, some chocolate after dinner etc. Sometimes I even found myself unconsciously reaching for things in the kitchen, before reminding myself that I wasn't allowed to eat that. On the other hand, the habits I have developed over the past few weeks (exercising at a certain time every day, eating only on certain days etc) really helped me keep on track this week, as I wasn't in a great mood and didn't really have much enthusiasm for my whole fitness project, so passion and inspiration wasn't going to be enough by itself. In those circumstances, it's always good to have established habits to fall back on.

Stay strong everyone 💪 💪 💪

This week:
80.1kg/176lb (-1.3kg/2.8lb)
Waist 34 inches (-0.5)

Into the second week of my sugar/junk food-free diet now, and this week was much easier to stick to and didn't require as much self-discipline. It feels as though my sugar habit/addiction has been broken. Just 0.1kg shy of the 80kg milestone...I'll have to wait until next week to celebrate.

It's the 0.5 inch loss along the waist that makes me the most happy. I had an inkling that this would be a good weigh-in when I put on a pair of a certain pair of trousers that I hadn't worn in over 2 months. Back then, I could wear them standing up, but as soon as I would sit down I would have to undo the top button to let the gut out, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Stay hard everyone :messenger_bicep::messenger_bicep::messenger_bicep:
5 hours of farmers walks was interesting. My neck felt a little tweaked afterwards but my wife rubbed it for a while with some CBD muscle rub and it settled back down.

I used my 10 pound kettle bell so it wasn't that heavy. So basically what I'd do is after around 30 minutes on one arm I'd curl it 10 times normal, 10 times hammer curl without letting it slip then into a above the head shoulder press, 10 times normal curl into overhead press. All in a row then 30 minutes carry again without stopping - rinse and repeat at least twice, switch hands and continue for five hours. During the carry portion I do finger curls into forearm curls nearly the entire time. So I'll let the kettlebell hang all the way down to the tips of my fingers then curl that into my palm then curl my wrist as far in as possible for a forearm curl. EDIT: Oh, and I'd also add in some supination and pronation in there as well, usually sometime during the 30 minutes. So I'd bring my elbow in towards my belly button as far as I can (to mimic an arm wrestling position) and my forearm horizontal and while holding the kettlebell handle with my palm up I'd grip it and pronate as far as I can 10 times, then right after I'd reverse grip without letting go or any help from my other hand and I'd supinate 10 times.

It's really interesting how my left arm which is weaker had an easier time of this. It didn't tense up nearly as much as my right arm and shoulder did. Made me really try to focus on letting my right shoulder relax a bit in order to use more muscles for support instead of just the one or two that where activating far too much. I feel this will be really good for me starting off this light in order to get all my muscles to work in concert together so that they ALL grow evenly. Also, my fingers sometimes get all tingly at the 30 minute mark but as long as I keep moving my wrist and hand it goes away... Anyone else get this?

Anyway, I'm not too anal about my sets when doing this as I do it while I'm doing chores that I can do with one hand and also when I'm watching shows. Also helps that I choose times when the family is at homeschool co-op so I'm not needed for the majority of the session.

This is something that I wouldn't have been able to do not so long ago due to a twist in my spine. I've tried one armed stuff before and it would always throw my back off. But I feel great now. I plan to keep doing this so I'll report back if I end up having any issues or successes.

About to hit the legs hard. Pistol squat progressions, goblet squats, Turkish getups, 15 minutes of rebounder in-between. Just gotta find a show to watch... Keep at it brothers.

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This is absolutely true. Every morning now I do my yoga stretches before I do my 50 morning push ups. I also do my split stretches about once every other day, mostly at night while I'm watching my nightly show.

Way back stretching was all I could do and even then it was hard and would throw my body off if I over did it. I stopped doing it and just worked out for a year or so and lost so much flexibility and would feel even worse after my workouts. I started stretching religiously when I picked up on Ido Portal and his bodyweight routines a few years ago and I feel better and younger and more limber than I ever thought I would again. Don't lose your flexibility brothers. It's so important.

EDIT: lol I just finished it all the way teezzy teezzy you sneaky son of a gun... I still stand by what I said.
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Gold Member
Implemented bread back into my diet and now im losing weight again - go figure

Know why? Because I'm not constantly hungry and just loading up calories for energy due to being borderline keto for months

Carbs are the best energy source for maximal output. So you can push harder during workouts which will help you retain/gain more muscle. This game is just as much mental as physical. I always feel and look better with carbs. I've tried everything in the last 20 years of lifting and dieting.

I've ended my bulk and am beginning a slow cut. Hopefully I gained some muscle the last 3 months. I know I gained a lot.of strength. After quarantine my bench press was 225 for 5-7 reps. Last night I benched 225 24 times. Creatine plus a good calorie surplus works wonders. I went overboard a little though since I ended at 214 pounds from about 185 or so lol. A nice fulk...
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Unconfirmed Member
So weight is now under reasonable control. That’s good. Fitness however sucks. Got an Apple Watch so I can get a feel for what exercise does to my heart rate - turns out that while my resting rate of 65bpm is fine, it doesn’t take much to get it way too high for my liking. So, time to go focus on cardio. Lots of runs for me.
Carbs are the best energy source for maximal output. So you can push harder during workouts which will help you retain/gain more muscle. This game is just as much mental as physical. I always feel and look better with carbs. I've tried everything in the last 20 years of lifting and dieting.
Could not agree more. From my experience it‘s like this:

Carbs —> Strenght and Mass
Protein —> Muscle Repair and Regeneration
Fats —> Joint preservation and fat loss

And I can really only echo the very last. Do not forget your fats. I went low fat for such a long time and my joints took a real hit because of that. The difference since I pay attention to get my heathly fats is day and night when I comes to my joints.


Gold Member
Could not agree more. From my experience it‘s like this:

Carbs —> Strenght and Mass
Protein —> Muscle Repair and Regeneration
Fats —> Joint preservation and fat loss

And I can really only echo the very last. Do not forget your fats. I went low fat for such a long time and my joints took a real hit because of that. The difference since I pay attention to get my heathly fats is day and night when I comes to my joints.

Yeah, my fats are pretty high and I never have joint issues despite being 39 and lifting for 20 years. I used to when I was a "clean" eating broscientist.
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