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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.



negative = lowering phase (eccentric)


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Gold Member
Maybe I dont understand the difference between chinups and pullups then

If you can get your chin above the bar I thought that was a pullup

negative = lowering phase (eccentric)


Left pic is a pull up. Right is a chin up.

Cutty Flam

Ever since I started lifting weights a lot about a year and a half ago in the evenings I get very irregular heartbeats, , like constant skipping, sometimes for hours on end. If I dont lift I dont get them. Anyone have a clue what that is? It really makes me not want to.
Probably best to get checked out ASAP by a heart specialist, and run some tests if it’s happening often after exercising

It’s too vital of an organ to take lightly / left unchecked if you are experiencing irregular heartbeat. Anybody close to mid 20s especially men I feel like, should be very careful and on it when it comes to their heart health

My sister has heart issues like that, and for the longest time she would refuse to seek help. I’d say it’s better to get started on that right away and make an appt. today with a cardiologist that has good ratings. Not sure what it could be tbh. Do you take pre-workout supplements or anything like that. I used to take Yohimbine extract and I swear that shit would have caused me a heart attack one day if I hadn’t suspected it and discontinued use of it


This week:
82kg (-0.5kg)
35 inches (no change)

Underwhelming results this week. While it's always good to drop a bit of weight, it's the waist measurement that has become most important to me, so no improvement there is a little disappointing. I have stuck to my routine, so it isn't due to laziness or lack of discipline. That said, in terms the strength and flexibility training I've been doing, I have seen a lot of improvement there. Doing a plank used to feel like a form of inhumane torture, but it seems the pilates and yoga is starting to pay off as I can now how plank positions reasonable comfortably without shaking and sweating like crazy.

Usually, a disappointing week is followed by a good one, so I'll stick to my usual routine and hope for another 0.5kg/1lb reduction in weight and a 0.5 inch loss from the waist.

Keep strong everyone 💪💪💪

This week:
84.5kg (+2.5kg/5lb)
Waist 34.75 inches (-0.25)

First, I need to explain the 2.5kg weight gain :messenger_tears_of_joy: . Does anyone have a mirror in their house where, whether due to the angle or the lighting, they tend to look better than in other mirrors? Well, earlier this week I just so happened to notice myself shirtless in a mirror and thought "Hmm, I'm actually looking pretty decent now", kind oflike this post I found from the Reee thread (although I can't say that I felt in any way "horny" at the sight of myself :messenger_tears_of_joy: - God, they're a strange bunch over there!)


That made me grab an old pair of shorts from the wardrobe and try them on. They are the fitted kind that can be worn with a belt, and for me have been a kind of barometer for how fat I am. Just a few weeks ago, I could barely put them on (the button felt like it was about to pop out), and when I did squeeze into them my gut was just spilling out over the top, muffin style:


This week though, the shorts actually fitted quite well, with just a littler belly fat spilling out over the sides. It was at that point
(around Thurs) that I decided to relax for the rest of the week in celebration, so I didn't fats as normal yesterday, hence the weight gain (although I still knocked another quartet of an inch off the waist).

For me, being able to wear those shorts means that I'm officially no longer "fat" in my mind, so the first phase of my plan is now over. Tomorrow, phase 2 begins, which is going to be the same as phase one (3/4 days a week fasting, with daily yoga/bodyweight/pilates/jogging), but this time I'm going to cut out sugar completely (I've just been eating whatever I wanted on my eating days up to now). Keeping that up until Christamas Eve, I think I can get to 33.5 inches on the waist (and probably 80kg/176lb, although the weight isn't so important to me).

Today, I'm going to make the most of my last sugar day by having some chocolate lava pudding with Cornish clotted cream ice cream :messenger_grinning:
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Anyone did specific exercises to strengthen and widen their neck?

I've been struggling with neck pain for years now and I just started doing some neck workout exercises (in addition to my stretches / exercises I've been doing for years that I learned in physical therapy). My neck is pretty thin at 14 inches, so I think weakness might be one of the main causes of the pain.

Cutty Flam

Anyone did specific exercises to strengthen and widen their neck?

I've been struggling with neck pain for years now and I just started doing some neck workout exercises (in addition to my stretches / exercises I've been doing for years that I learned in physical therapy). My neck is pretty thin at 14 inches, so I think weakness might be one of the main causes of the pain.
I used to do 40 reps to 50 reps each direction with light resistance at the end of each workout and that was enough to add to it. Really have to go light and be cautious with the neck. I was always pretty paranoid when training it tbh, because I wanted the gains so badly and was willing to go all out for them but I learned quickly you have to take your time with those muscles and be very careful. Training the traps and neck does seem to alleviate pain though as long as you don’t overdo it at any point

I’ve been slacking on neck training but if I get back into again I would probably just start with enough reps with a 2lb plate on the head to feel the burn al directions, stop shortly after, and build from there. Chin tucks as well help train the deep flexors as well. I do those sometimes as well. I’ve been getting pain in my neck as well and I think it’s because I’ve been slacking with traps and neck training for a while now. I hit them, but I rarely isolate them consistently at all now that the gym is closed. I had a lot more confidence and comfort training them at the gym


Gold Member
Anyone did specific exercises to strengthen and widen their neck?

I've been struggling with neck pain for years now and I just started doing some neck workout exercises (in addition to my stretches / exercises I've been doing for years that I learned in physical therapy). My neck is pretty thin at 14 inches, so I think weakness might be one of the main causes of the pain.

My neck is a little over 18" and I think it's mainly from deadlifts and upright rows. Also, steak, eggs, and milk.


Squeeze at the top. You'll have traps like Brock Lesnar in no time.
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Those Thenx videos :messenger_hushed:

I was intrigued by the weighted vest and parallettes, some fun kit to add when I start to show improvements. I have a yoga mat for floor work (I'm looking at you mountain climbers) and a pair of handles for push ups. That should keep me busy till I plateau. I've been upset with Nintendo after all the #freemelee shenaggins, so opening up Ring Fit hasn't been at the forefront. It will, I just need to get on with it.

Thanks to everyone for the support, feels good man.


Gold Member
I've been going to my gym since they reopened every other day and not a single case of the ro has been traced back to it, yet it looks like King Cuomo is going to punish us and probably force the place out of business with his edict.

Has anyone used any of those stupid looking contraptions you see advertised all over social media, shit like Gorilla Bow or X3 Bar? Bands and body weight just isn't going to do it for me if we have to re-close.
At the risk of sounding cocky, if you don't think bands and bodyweight can do it for you without a gym... you probably aren't using them or doing it correctly...

This guy did nothing but bands for an entire year. This is some excellent information btw and I'd highly recommend everyone interested in good basic muscle science to watch at least the first 3 vids. The last vid is a really great full body workout for those interested in being able to workout pretty much anywhere.

Now this guy is a body builder and these vids are focusing specifically on red muscle growth and volume. But if you compete, like I do, you're going to want to focus more on muscular endurance as well as tendon growth. So you'll lower the weight and focus way more on volume for most of your workouts (my split is 80% volume 30% heavy, high intensity and my arms are still evolving and growing like crazy). But the principals are still the same.

DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi also posted a great vid showcasing a great way to workout with just your bodyweight.

EDIT: Personally, I use a mixture of both complex bodyweight movements and resistance bands (as well as some kettlebells because I like to and I can). I think the complex ranges of motion from bodyweight exercises are extremely important for life long vitality and longevity.
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not tag worthy
Walked the dog for 30 mins plus at home
1 minute jumping jacks
1 minute rope jumping without a rope just the movement
Then I
did 75 incline push-ups. 75 chair dips. 75 crunches, 75 body weight squats.
I’m 240 pounds there abouts

Also did some shadow boxing not much just between dips and squats.
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It’s been a while checking back in, it’s the third lockdown in Toronto, Canada.

It took the usual two weeks to recondition back into heavy lifting strength but yet again another lockdown.

Hit the front squats for another soft record of 345 which was 10lbs more than last time.

This time around my strategy has changed, I’m going to be less lazy and get my pull game in gear; I completely eschewed any pull up variations the 2nd lockdown and my deadlifts suffered immensely.

gotta get those rookie numbers back up.

as for farmer walks, since it’s a common topic here.
I use the same cues I use for deadlifts.

1.knees slightly bent
2.feet shoulder width apart, angled outwards 15-20 degrees
3.shrug up and roll my shoulders back so my lats are tight
4.fire my flutes to make sure they’re engaged
5.build tension from the floor:point of contact=heel, pinky toe, big toe
6.fire off posterior chain=heel-hamstring-glutes
7. Pull/deadlift
8.start slow and start to accelerate



Anyone did specific exercises to strengthen and widen their neck?

I've been struggling with neck pain for years now and I just started doing some neck workout exercises (in addition to my stretches / exercises I've been doing for years that I learned in physical therapy). My neck is pretty thin at 14 inches, so I think weakness might be one of the main causes of the pain.

I swear to god I will never eat raw veggies again or supplement fermented foods into my nutrition until the day I die. Dunno what it is but man do I enjoy eating again.

I‘m currently trying to get into the warrior diet (because this way I can combine my love for eating and my love for being extremely hungry) and just ate the most epic dinner you can imagine. Took me around 45 minutes to prepare everything and just about the same amount of time to eat it all. Yet... no bloat what so ever. What the fuck?

Compared to this meal my breakfast is like 1/8th but something in there is making me bloat throughout the day. Will take the next two weeks to find out what it is. And once I have I‘m all set for getting into my training again starting first week of December. Can‘t wait. Probably looking at at least 4 weeks of home training because I honestly don‘t see gyms reopening again this year. Going to be epic when they do next year.
The floor pads arrived! Practicing the drills from this video now:

My wife added mile farmer walks to her routine, going around the block a few times per day with a 20lb held to the side or held goblet* style. She is sold on em. I have also been hitting the kettlebells extra hard this week, shooting for total weight hauled (fuzzy number) via swings, farmer walks and 1h overhead walks.

Slowly increasing my daily number of jabs and teeps on the bag, averaging 400 jabs and 400 teeps (per limb). It's a great conditioning supplement.

Kazza Kazza thanks for the video, and good timing. It was snowing in my part of MI the day you posted it, and since I got the pads this week it'll be even easier to put em into practice. Thanks again!

Anyone did specific exercises to strengthen and widen their neck?
Train your neck like you'd train your wrist: the neck is supported at the end of your spine much like your hand is supported at the end of your wrist. The head itself is a weight. Simply tilting it back and holding is a light exercise. Tilting it back further and/or holding it longer increases the challenge.

Your arms and shoulders are stronger than your neck, typically. Hold up your hands and press your head into them, either to the side (ear to shoulder), forward (chin to collarbone), or backward (back of head to tailbone), using your hand(s) to resist the movement. This isometric will slowly build neck strength. Stretching safely in these directions -- especially back of head toward tailbone -- will increase neck stability and strength.

If you are flexible and strong enough, work through this progression of yoga inversions. The aim is to build up shoulder and neck strength + flexibility until you can safely do a headstand:


Then wheel

Plow pose (or regressed, if your feet can't quite touch the floor above your head)

Shoulder stand

And then headstand. Any upper-body lifting or pressing will also receive a +5 STR bonus and 500 EXP due to all the neck and shoulder stability built up by these weighted stretches.
Ugh... He jackhammered us again... Said it's been long enough since he did it last time and boy am I feeling it today...

I... tried to stop his arm... so hard... tried...


On the plus side, I nearly ripped my buddy across the table yesterday. Pinned him every time. To put that into perspective, he's got a stronger bicep than I do and he's so far my most feared opponent if we ever compete in the same weightclass. It's just that my wrists, hands and forearms are literally growing like crazy and that's where I'm strong. That's also where most of your advantage comes from in arm wrestling.

Mr. Stapleton was like, "Whoa... now I'm excited to feel Devon today." And he was... Oh boy he was... He says he likes to use us when we're strong because it helps make him stronger... He even put me in the strap with him. We where gripping each other so hard that my buddy was like whoa dude, look at your hands! My fingers where swollen red like sausages. Talk about a pump...

The amount of times that I just stop and laugh at how strong he feels on the table no matter how strong I feel myself that day... Man, you just don't understand how much he feels like a machine. Everyone is talking about Khaled's hands, well, Mr. Stapleton's hands are most likely just as big. My hand pretty much disappears when he wraps his fingers around it.

Anyway, we did a whole bunch of curls to finish off the 2 and a half ish hours at the table. Something about Mr. Stapleton, when it comes to our end of day stuff, he never tells us what's next. It's awesome because we're always guessing on what it is, whether it's just another set or a whole new exercise or even something we've never done before. This makes it SO much more fun and competitive to me rather than having everything laid out.

So, 35lb Barbell curl (bringing elbows back towards top of curl and squeezing hard) then touch to nose, into overhead press into overhead triceps curl for one rep. I did 75ish of those, half of them reverse grip. Then he had us do these crazy bicep isolation curls with 25lb db's in each hand where we start in a reverse curl and supinate on the way up till the pinkie side of the db is pointed at or past our ears and then on the way down we pronate into a reverse curl so the back of our hands are flat at the halfway point then all the way down for one rep (you are not allowed to let your wrists give, they must stay flat)... However, these are done isolated with your elbows at your side and your hands out to your sides as far as they can go when you curl. Did around 25 of those... Then just straight up isolated reverse curls... I could only hit 10 at this point. Then he had us give our biceps a rest and had us grip the super grippers with the springs on heavy, closing it with both hands and then holding it closed for as long as we could... 30 seconds each hand for me. My forearms where so frigging blown up at this point it was a struggle to close my hands even with nothing in them... Then 5 minutes later he had us take the 55's... Yes. The friggin 55lb db's, one in each hand, and he had us try to see if we could even get one rep. NOOOOOOPE. So then he had us swing curl them up and then slow negative them down as best we could. I did about 3 each arm till my grip just gave out. Then he finished us off by putting the fat grips on the same db's and just having us hold them at our sides for as long as we could. 30 seconds first try and 35 seconds on the second try was all I could do at that point. My buddy actually beat me by 10 seconds but he also did a lot less of everything else since the way we where doing it you need strong hands and wrists. So I was just wrecked by then.

Anyway, hope you all have a happy Thanks Giving! We're gonna head to the in laws who live just down the road and have a feast. Wife's making my favorite cherry cheesecake with a gram cracker crust... I'mma eat the crap out of it. You know what they say bro's, work hard eat hard... R-right?


Cutty Flam

Awesome, what’s your record now?
I’m up to 4 working sets 63 pullups total or 15, 16, 16, 16 last few times it was strictly 4/15 but this time I was able to confidently get the last rep in three of the four sets

I used to be a huge fan of db rows and mastered that movement, so I’ve built a thick back but now I’m working towards an insane V-Taper. I think in another year’s work I might be able to attain the size I want


Finally caved and went back to CrossFit this morning. It was great and I felt good. Not a lot of weights today but that’s alright. We did lots of core work though.

I intend to put on a couple os kgs during December and January. From February onwards I still don’t know my schedule at work so I won’t plan anything.
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