Very nice! That's great for a first try if those are official plastic coated cards(and even if they aren't)! Your hands might be a bit sore tomorrow if they're already sore now though...VlaudTheImpaler you inspired me to try ripping a deck of cards tonight. This is as far as I got. I couldn't finish it. Not gonna lie, this was more painful than I expected.
Is there a certain technique you use? I tried it with my hands facing opposite directions. I saw some fat dude on YT do it that way, so I went with that.
Here's the technique I use. This is a vid I did a while back.
In the vid, I show the proper grip I learned. When I break my grip and bend the cards a bit into an S shape, I'm only doing it to show you the exact shape you are going to be bending the cards when you finally go to put pressure on and rip them. This puts all the pressure right in the middle of the deck, right at the edge. Just keep a very tight grip on the cards and as you rotate keep applying constant peak pressure.
Again, my recommendation for anyone wanting to attempt this would be to find your max and then add two a week from there. This will better condition your hands as well to better avoid injury and soreness. Boxes of used casino cards are really cheap.

Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.
Legs on the first Bball (dribbling drills, light crossover, fakes and jabs practice, overall light bball movements in zero drop athletic shoes) then squats with bands aort of hanging out in squat position to work on mobility - Aug 2nd Upper body today. Did more pulls than usual again. Muscle...