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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


I got up to around 38/39 inches during the worst of my lockdown porkiness. Starting from September last year I started fasting every other day, doing some light yoga/jogging, and posting updates to this thread every Sunday to keep the pressure on myself (you can see the posts if you track back to around October onwards). I got to under 34 by Christmas, but then put more on again, before getting back down to under 34 again recently. I'm fed up of the yoyoing, so I'm pretty strict with myself these days.

Once I get to under 33, I'm going to start strength training again and will be measuring my chest/shoulders etc rather than just my waist. I hated being 38 inches, I felt like such a slob, having to undo the top button of my trousers when sitting down :messenger_tears_of_joy:. Starting up yoga again at that weight and shape wasn't fun either. It was horrible seeing my gut hang down as I did a headstand, or having my belly crush my organs as I tried to do a plough:


Good luck with it. I would recommend making a commitment to post your waist size once a week in this thread. Knowing that I would have to post the results of my work (or laziness) helped keep me on the straight and narrow, so maybe it'll help you too.
That is awesome! Congratulations on your results. I'm going to have to push myself i mean I don't eat junk food or Drink sodas so all sugar is out so I'm hoping all i need is more strength training. The only positive is I don't have a big gut just pudge lol.


What Spice said, but you are going to really need to take a look at your nutrition. Being over 30 (like myself), your diet needs to really be on point for you to get the gains you want. Also, you may need to look into some different rep schemes (ie, you are looking at 3x12 or something like that). Bulking isin't the same as just getting stronger." You need to lift close to failure and with volume. Its going to be a little different style of lifting than you are used to.
Never too late to start. In fact, 31 is pretty much your physical prime as a man. As for bulking up, stick with compound lifts and fill in the gaps with accessory work. What I found was most effective for me was squats, overhead press, dumbell shoulder presses, heavy dumbell bench presses, bent over rows, pull ups, and deadlifts. Try to keep it as simple as possible and don't overthink it.
Okay that's great to hear. I have very skinny arms but a decent chest frame so my plan is to just fill in. What exactly changes after 30 that makes gains more difficult exactly?

Likewise I have been very unfit for a while now and only recently started to run again (C25K), again at this age how much progress can I make?
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Okay that's great to hear. I have very skinny arms but a decent chest frame so my plan is to just fill in. What exactly changes after 30 that makes gains more difficult exactly?

Likewise I have been very unfit for a while now and only recently started to run again (C25K), again at this age how much progress can I make?
Your testosterone starts to go down in your 30s and your recovery time may start increasing as well. Plus, you are just a little bit more injury prone of your form isn’t perfect.

Obviously, just bring 31 these things may not effect you right away. Just be aware of some of this.

(and your recovery will be real.)

that said, get the training program that works for you and get your nutrition sorted, and you will make some gains.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Skateboarding has been rough on my legs & hips (ultimately for the better, I think). I took yesterday off from it and will take today as well for additional healing time. There's a badge for doing 20 mins of dance today on the Apple Watch. So, I am going to get out of my comfort zone and do some dance. I'm also going to start mixing up my strength & endurance training with some of the workouts on the Fitness+ program.

Super nice weather on Saturday so I will mostly likely head out on the water and get in some time on the kayak. I'm pretty stoked as cabin fever has set in from the winter. I'm ready for sun shine and long days outdoors.

Body fat % is down, which is great, but I still need a cut prior to summer to drop some of the fat around my abdomen. I've been weighing in at 23.4 BMI (lowest was 21.8 back in Dec; highest was 26 in Feb 2020). It's is great as most of the mass I've put on has been muscle since Dec. Steady, slow gains has been the results and has kept in line with my goals of being lean but fit.


Skateboarding has been rough on my legs & hips (ultimately for the better, I think). I took yesterday off from it and will take today as well for additional healing time. There's a badge for doing 20 mins of dance today on the Apple Watch. So, I am going to get out of my comfort zone and do some dance. I'm also going to start mixing up my strength & endurance training with some of the workouts on the Fitness+ program.

Super nice weather on Saturday so I will mostly likely head out on the water and get in some time on the kayak. I'm pretty stoked as cabin fever has set in from the winter. I'm ready for sun shine and long days outdoors.

Body fat % is down, which is great, but I still need a cut prior to summer to drop some of the fat around my abdomen. I've been weighing in at 23.4 BMI (lowest was 21.8 back in Dec; highest was 26 in Feb 2020). It's is great as most of the mass I've put on has been muscle since Dec. Steady, slow gains has been the results and has kept in line with my goals of being lean but fit.
Great work right here.
Man, I feel like absolute shite today.

Woke up at 5 am, weather's shite and after I did my post lunch walk I was so dead tired I thought I'd take a quick power nap so I can get through my training this afternoon.... I thought wrong... Feel even more shit after the hour in bed.

Now I'm sitting here, drinking a coffee and doing the mindfuck game where, despite everything, I bring myself to do another challenge in around an hour and set a new record of goblet squats. Fuck me man...

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hitting the weights here shortly. I'm going to prep after that and head over to my buddy's place. Going to skateboard there for a bit. After that, we're hitting up the river and going kayaking for some undetermined hours.

Today is going to be quite the strenuous adventure.
Annnnddddd completed my training with relative ease.

Goggins is right. It's all a mind game and it's up to you to win it every.... single.... time. Once I got myself up and started running I almost immediately felt that my body was there and had the strength. It was just my head fucking me up because my power nap was shitty and it was raining and cold outside. So my son of a bitch brain was pushing back. Not with me baby. Ran my warm up in record time and hit my challenge including 330 goblet squats afterwards. Also a record for me.

There just have to be those days here and there for you to prove it to yourself.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I’ve been going HAM on my legs lately. Lots of running & skateboarding. I also switched up my weight routine due to plateauing. I’m now giving the Apple Fitness+ strength training & core workouts a go. Getting worked hard for sure.
Travel next week for work so I’ll be doing hotel workouts.


So I haven't posted here in a while. I think I may have said it before, but I wanted to change the way I worked out because: 1. I was making no progress and 2. I stayed the same size.

I made 2 changes and over the last 6 months and the results have been pretty impressive. I stopped lifting in the 10-12 rep range (this was my standard for years). Now I lift 3-6 reps as heavy as I can. The 2nd change is that I stopped taking protein powder. I get all my protein from food now. My end goal was just to bench press 185 pounds 10 times. I always thought guys that could rep 185 were pretty strong and I wanted to be on that level. I'm getting there, I did 185x5 yesterday, so maybe in a month or 2 I'll get there. The lift heavy philosophy has definitely improved all my other lifts as well. I'm 39 right now and I think this may be the strongest I've ever been.


Okay that's great to hear. I have very skinny arms but a decent chest frame so my plan is to just fill in. What exactly changes after 30 that makes gains more difficult exactly?

Likewise I have been very unfit for a while now and only recently started to run again (C25K), again at this age how much progress can I make?

I hear a lot about how testosterone decreases with age and how this effects muscle gain, but for me it's been a different story. I was super skinny until around 28 years old, despite multiple attempts at gym work etc. Now I'm in my late 30s, haven't done any kind of strength training for over a year due to the virus, and yet my arms, chest ect are still looking pretty decent (not skinny like in my 20s). Even my muscle baseline (no training) is bigger than my trained 20s physique). I guess I'm just an outlier.
So today I finally got the message from the gym that they are opening again on the 19th.

chicken spinning GIF

I will still have to do a test 2 times a week in the coming two months until my vaccine is considered effective but luckily I can do the test directly in my company so it's not too much of a hassle.

Damn brahs, can't wait to finally move some weights again.

That being said, today I decided when the gym opens I still want to to regular running outside at least during the summer. So me being me I didn't want to wait and went for a longer run today immediately. The past few months I've just been doing a 15 minute run as warm up before my home workout. So to not go into too hard I figured l do a 40-45 minute run for starters. It was almost shockingly easy. Could have easily ran 30 minutes more. My goal is to do a 1-2 hour run each Sunday. Let's see.

Gonna be hot from next week on.

Monday: Full rest
Tuesday: Gym leg training
Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)
Thursday: Chest+Biceps gym training
Friday: Back+Triceps gym training
Saturday: Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats)
Sunday: 1-2 hours run

What do my brothers here think? Too much? Too little?


So today I finally got the message from the gym that they are opening again on the 19th.

chicken spinning GIF

I will still have to do a test 2 times a week in the coming two months until my vaccine is considered effective but luckily I can do the test directly in my company so it's not too much of a hassle.

Damn brahs, can't wait to finally move some weights again.

That being said, today I decided when the gym opens I still want to to regular running outside at least during the summer. So me being me I didn't want to wait and went for a longer run today immediately. The past few months I've just been doing a 15 minute run as warm up before my home workout. So to not go into too hard I figured l do a 40-45 minute run for starters. It was almost shockingly easy. Could have easily ran 30 minutes more. My goal is to do a 1-2 hour run each Sunday. Let's see.

Gonna be hot from next week on.

Monday: Full rest
Tuesday: Gym leg training
Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)
Thursday: Chest+Biceps gym training
Friday: Back+Triceps gym training
Saturday: Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats)
Sunday: 1-2 hours run

What do my brothers here think? Too much? Too little?

Monday: Full rest
Tuesday: Gym leg training
Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)
Thursday: Chest+Biceps gym training
Friday: Back+Triceps gym training
Saturday: Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats)
Sunday: 1-2 hours run


Here’s my take on your routine.
I always do prep work the day before I work on a major muscle group

For example.

If I’m training my back muscles on Friday, I make sure i have accessory movements for any of the secondary muscle groups required for that lift on Thursday. So if its deadlifts, i usually work on my hamstrings and rear delta to get them “primed” for back day.
Hope this adds to the challenge!

Monday: Full rest

Tuesday: Squats main movements/ Shoulders for accessory movements to prep for bench press + planking

Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)

Thursday: Bench press main + Biceps + push ups + pull ups + hamstring prep for deads

Friday: Deadlift+Back accessories+Triceps gym training+ Core work + calves

Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats) - if you have a kettle bell laying around
Swing 5x10
Clean 5x5/5
Press 5x5/5
Squat 5x10

No kettlebells

Goblet Squats
Resistance band pull apart

Sunday: 1-2 hours run / giant stretch out + mobility work
Monday: Full rest
Tuesday: Gym leg training
Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)
Thursday: Chest+Biceps gym training
Friday: Back+Triceps gym training
Saturday: Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats)
Sunday: 1-2 hours run


Here’s my take on your routine.
I always do prep work the day before I work on a major muscle group

For example.

If I’m training my back muscles on Friday, I make sure i have accessory movements for any of the secondary muscle groups required for that lift on Thursday. So if its deadlifts, i usually work on my hamstrings and rear delta to get them “primed” for back day.
Hope this adds to the challenge!

Monday: Full rest

Tuesday: Squats main movements/ Shoulders for accessory movements to prep for bench press + planking

Wednesday: Medium Run (30-45 minutes)

Thursday: Bench press main + Biceps + push ups + pull ups + hamstring prep for deads

Friday: Deadlift+Back accessories+Triceps gym training+ Core work + calves

Home training challenge (mostly goblet squats) - if you have a kettle bell laying around
Swing 5x10
Clean 5x5/5
Press 5x5/5
Squat 5x10

No kettlebells

Goblet Squats
Resistance band pull apart

Sunday: 1-2 hours run / giant stretch out + mobility work
Thank you kindly sir for this input. I like the updates do much, I‘m actually just gonna do it like that for starters. 👊

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
How familiar are people here with sleep disturbances as a result of overtraining/changing your exercise routine?

I'm older (but this happened to me in my younger years as well) and I've noticed that my body will send me signals that I'm overtraining. When I started squatting heavy again (recently) I noticed that I'd wake up early feeling tired and couldn't go back to sleep. This faded away as my body adapted but they're strange adaptations that happen slowly.

I've also found that overtraining in general will fuck up your sleep.... which is an extremely counterproductive and destructive cycle.

TL;DR - pay attention to your body.
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How familiar are people here with sleep disturbances as a result of overtraining/changing your exercise routine?

I'm older (but this happened to me in my younger years as well) and I've noticed that my body will send me signals that I'm overtraining. When I started squatting heavy again (recently) I noticed that I'd wake up early feeling tired and couldn't go back to sleep. This faded away as my body adapted but they're strange adaptations that happen slowly.

I've also found that overtraining in general will fuck up your sleep.... which is an extremely counterproductive and destructive cycle.

TL;DR - pay attention to your body.

This would be commonly known as CNS fatigue (central nervous system fatigue)
Its good to manage your work weights with a clear outlined schedule and so that your body can heal at a proper rate so that you can lift heavy without the repercussions of overtraining.

Here’s a quick article you can take a look at

How familiar are people here with sleep disturbances as a result of overtraining/changing your exercise routine?

I'm older (but this happened to me in my younger years as well) and I've noticed that my body will send me signals that I'm overtraining. When I started squatting heavy again (recently) I noticed that I'd wake up early feeling tired and couldn't go back to sleep. This faded away as my body adapted but they're strange adaptations that happen slowly.

I've also found that overtraining in general will fuck up your sleep.... which is an extremely counterproductive and destructive cycle.

TL;DR - pay attention to your body.
Man, let me tell you that I had my fair share of sleep disturbances. Last year there were straight out months I was barely sleeping. For quite some time I also thought it was due to overtraining but looking back I am not so sure any more. After all, there was a time where I trained a lot more and didn't have any issues with sleep.

Anyway, for me personally I was able to fix the issues mostly by working on my diet and sorting some things out psychologically. I'm fairly convinced that not being able to sleep always has to do with something on your mind rather than on your body.

However, mind you... I still don't sleep a lot. Last weekend I woke up at 4:30 am, fully awake, for instance. However, I do think that now it's simply enough for my body because despite that I'm very vital, strenght goes up and I have a good pump during my training. Shit, for a year or so I was doing insane workouts with next to no pump. I'm still not sure where I went offroad with my training and nutrition but I REALLY did some shit to my body, let me tell you. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
So my first gym session after 6 months today was a two edged sword.

Training with weights was amazing on one hand but unfortunately my bad left arm made itself noticeable again almost right away. Couldn't have been that easy, could it? *shakes fists at sky*
Bench pressing went just fine even though I've lost loads of strength naturally. Cross cables was also just fine but when I went into the incline DB bench and upped the weight a bit I immediately started to feel a sharp pain in my elbow. Was able to finish my chest and biceps workout quite fine after that but now back at home sitting at my PC both my shoulder and my wrist feel quite sore...

I don't think this issue is that uncommon among weight lifters. Anybody here dealt with this successfully? I was just searching the net and stumbled on this video from AthleanX that describes the problem quite well and also gives a possible fix. Gonna try this tomorrow and during my upcoming workouts.

Anyone has some more tips? I've been suffering from this problem even before the lockdown began (sometimes more, sometimes less) but am determined to fix it. Hell, I struggled with my knees for years and actually found a solution, so this won't stop me either.
Does anybody else here experience crazy muscle soreness from the trained muscles after running? Man, this is insane.

So I've been to the gym on Thursday and Friday for the first time after 6 months and a day after was naturally quite sore in both chest and back. Yesterday I did my home challenge with roughly 340 goblet squats and found that it went better than before already (?). So earlier today I went for an easy run around 50 minutes and after I'm back now I feel like I'm breaking apart. And not just the legs but especially chest and back I've been hitting a earlier this week. Feels like I just did an extra workout for both actually. Not sure if this is good or bad.

Anyway, gonna do a full rest day tomorrow so I can hit dem squats again finally on Tuesday.

Thanks again Jasonadream Jasonadream for the mobility tip. Did 30 minute stretching after my run today and it felt really good. Was almost dead afterwards though. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Going to continue doing this.


Does anybody else here experience crazy muscle soreness from the trained muscles after running? Man, this is insane.

So I've been to the gym on Thursday and Friday for the first time after 6 months and a day after was naturally quite sore in both chest and back. Yesterday I did my home challenge with roughly 340 goblet squats and found that it went better than before already (?). So earlier today I went for an easy run around 50 minutes and after I'm back now I feel like I'm breaking apart. And not just the legs but especially chest and back I've been hitting a earlier this week. Feels like I just did an extra workout for both actually. Not sure if this is good or bad.

Anyway, gonna do a full rest day tomorrow so I can hit dem squats again finally on Tuesday.

Thanks again Jasonadream Jasonadream for the mobility tip. Did 30 minute stretching after my run today and it felt really good. Was almost dead afterwards though. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Going to continue doing this.

Lol glad to help.

Perhaps dial down the volume on the goblet squats by 1/3 or 1/2 and put in another movement.

Your quads will definitely feel the heat from the run when you’re hitting the high volume of goblet squats.

I’d assume the extra work that you’re feeling in the chest/back while you goblet squat is.. because you’re goblet squatting lol
Given the assumption that you have your chest out and shoulder blades pinched in may be the culprit for the extra burn, which is good.

Its a giant balance act at the end of it. Feel out the number of sets and reps you’re going for an find a sweet spot from there.

And for the elbow pain, i think posted something on that a few pages back. That did the trick for me

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I went rock climbing over the weekend and it's really kicked my mental desire to get stronger in the ass. I wouldn't say I've been slacking, but my attention has definitely switched to skateboarding these past few weeks. The climbing changed that. I think I will start to go with strength training every day that my muscles are not super sore. I found a good rhythm today of doing a 30-min run, 30-min strength workout, 10-min core, and then 5-10-min cool down.

I'm doing it all through the Fitness+ program to see how I like it. So far it's been great. I prefer the varied workout routines. It's definitely hitting some areas that needed attention. My legs & core especially are getting rocked, which is good for everything.

I'm all-in on wanting to go climbing every weekend I can though. I missed it.


Hit a little plateau (or what felt like it) over the last two weeks or so.

Then boom. Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought...damn, man, its working! Felt pretty good!

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Went for a run and then a quick kayak trip at the nearby lake in-between meetings this morning. I might go for another run this afternoon. I feel fired up today.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'm going to attempt to get some time on the water today, despite the questionable weather. I find kayaking helps to put me into a better mood. If the weather holds, I will go for a run as well.

Tomorrow is crap weather so I will plan on strength training & a run or yoga. Monday is forecasted to be the best day of this holiday weekend, so I am hoping to get in some climbing after my run.
So, workout week is almost done for me. Man, feels so good going to the gym again.

My energy levels are even surprising myself. Tonight, as usual, I barely slept (prolly 2-3 hours). Got up, went shopping and then for my usual 1 hour morning walk on the weekend. Took a quick nap (mostly just lying in bed for an hour, prolly got no more than 15 minutes of actual sleep lol) and then thought... what the fuck... 2 hour home workout with 340 goblet squats, 240 push ups + some variations of back + shoulder exercises. After that a 10 minute ab workout. I was soaked in sweat. Literally. As if I just came out of the shower. :messenger_tears_of_joy: But hey, I still had some power left so I just changed my shirt, put on my running shoes and went for a 45 minute run. Had to stop midway through because of how much my abs hurt. Couldn't help but to laugh at myself. :messenger_tears_of_joy: When I came home and prepared my post workout dinner, I wasn't even hungry anymore. Mad to stuff that shit down because hey, tomorrow I need to surpass that 1 hour mark on my run. Couldn't barely get up after eating and almost laughed myself to tears. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I think you have to take this stuff with a bit humour. I just love pushing myself and after almost a year of struggling it feels so good that my body is finally tagging along and it's not just my head training.

That being said, I feel so stupid when looking back at my training the past two years because, putting nutrition aside, I'm pretty sure where my training went off rails. I don't know if it's because I was training so long or because it's simply my genetics but I became clear that simply lifting the weights isn't doing trick for me when it comes to lifting weights. Alongside me motions I actively have to squeeze the muscles I intend to engage. Otherwise my joints take most of the force - which is exactly what was going on for me. The weights I moved kept growing but my muscles didn't and all my bloody joints hurt. This also explains why my muscles were NEVER sore after training, no matter how intense the weight lifting was. Shiiiitttt.... Well, better learn late than never.

Oh, and if you have elbow issues... This stuff work like a charm.

Have a great weekend my brothers.


Dropping by to ask for some advice. I have been doing Stronglifts 5x5 on/off for years, where I usually hit a platau and give up. It's a strength workout programme focusing on big compounds lifts (squat, bench, rows, deadlift, OHP).

I am currently working my way back up to my platau but I want to then switch to size training. Apparently those five movements are good for building muscle, what should I do with them to do so? Is switching to 8x3 a good idea (at lower weights).
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Dropping by to ask for some advice. I have been doing Stronglifts 5x5 on/off for years, where I usually hit a platau and give up. It's a strength workout programme focusing on big compounds lifts (squat, bench, rows, deadlift, OHP).

I am currently working my way back up to my platau but I want to then switch to size training. Apparently those five movements are good for building muscle, what should I do with them to do so? Is switching to 8x3 a good idea (at lower weights).
There are many factors for hitting a plateau:

1. Inconsistency in training (varied on time off- does this mean you dont train entirely?)


3. Lack of variation
Just based on guessing.
For example lets say you’re main lift is the bench press
You train in a linear fashion where you’re doing 5x5 strong lifts specifically for bench press and nothing else, that means other muscle groups that help out with the lift aren’t being addressed. Especially mobility work

Id say add in the incline bench, rear delt flyers, overhead press/ kettlebell press, kettlebell snatch, rows
So that you’re working on the secondary and tertiary muscles that support your lift.

4. Deload
You might have to take a ‘rest week’ in the gym while still training.
Deloading is clear cut, you train with 40-60% of your training weight so that your body can have some time to heal from hitting the heavy compound movements.

5. Training structure
5x5 Stronglifts is a good basis for lifting, having said that
It shouldn’t be the end all program, you should pin point certain areas of weakness and places that you’d wish to improve on (plateauing)
If you’re hitting plateaus that means that you’re:

A)Not getting enough rest Rest/Recovery/Diet/Vitamin/Supplements

B)You’re increasing the weight too quickly- the higher the weight the lower the reps put in

C)Lack of movement diversity to make weak muscle groups strong, you should try to do different variations of main lifts so that you’re well rounded.

D)As the weights go up your sets/ rep should change and ill give you an example of my deadlift day

Day 4

Deadlift ramp up to 385

I start warming up with 135/225/275/315/365 with less than 3 reps and these reps are all quality reps to get primed up for the actual working sets.
Work set - Deadlift 6x2 385
Back off - Deadlift 2x5 315
Wide grip rows 3x8
Reverse hyper 4x10
Wide Pulldown 3x15
Kettlebell Snatch 3x8
Dips 4x8
Farmers walk 6 rounds


switch to a different set/rep scheme
Keep 5x5 for volume training - 60-75% of your max lifting weight
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I've been running outside for the first real time in my life these past few weeks. Running outdoors is way more intense than on a treadmill, even with hill intervals. I've done a few routes through my neighborhood and each seems to be more intense than the last. I love it. Going to keep grinding it out. With the heat I am targeting morning runs to avoid any potential hydration issues.

Continuing my strength training via Apple Fitness+. The workouts vary on intensity but the results are coming along nicely. Could be that I'm cutting as well. Either way, I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. It is fuel to keep the train moving.


I've been running outside for the first real time in my life these past few weeks. Running outdoors is way more intense than on a treadmill, even with hill intervals. I've done a few routes through my neighborhood and each seems to be more intense than the last. I love it. Going to keep grinding it out. With the heat I am targeting morning runs to avoid any potential hydration issues.

Continuing my strength training via Apple Fitness+. The workouts vary on intensity but the results are coming along nicely. Could be that I'm cutting as well. Either way, I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. It is fuel to keep the train moving.
I don't know how people can run on treadmills. It does not recreate the same thing.

Glad you are out on the trails! To me, running feels great.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I don't know how people can run on treadmills. It does not recreate the same thing.

Glad you are out on the trails! To me, running feels great.
Insecurity is a powerful thing. I've never been good at running and the only thing that would make it less enjoyable is having others watch me struggle. All that said, I so far don't prefer one over the other. Weather-wise, I think I would prefer treadmill during extreme conditions. On a nice day, outdoors for sure. But in general? Meh.

I lean toward outdoors at the moment because I feel it is more difficult, thus more rewarding. Maybe over time this will strengthen my opinion.

I will be in Chicago next week, and I have negative desire to try and run around those streets so I will probably stick to the hotel gym.


Insecurity is a powerful thing. I've never been good at running and the only thing that would make it less enjoyable is having others watch me struggle. All that said, I so far don't prefer one over the other. Weather-wise, I think I would prefer treadmill during extreme conditions. On a nice day, outdoors for sure. But in general? Meh.

I lean toward outdoors at the moment because I feel it is more difficult, thus more rewarding. Maybe over time this will strengthen my opinion.

I will be in Chicago next week, and I have negative desire to try and run around those streets so I will probably stick to the hotel gym.
Fair enough. I mean, sometimes, a treadmill is all that is available.

That said, we are in the 3 months out of the year that Chicago is actually nice. If you could swing running around Lake Michigan, you may enjoy it.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Fair enough. I mean, sometimes, a treadmill is all that is available.

That said, we are in the 3 months out of the year that Chicago is actually nice. If you could swing running around Lake Michigan, you may enjoy it.
I normally hotel in the Loop but I’ll be West Loop this trip. Since I’m not downtown directly I might map out a quick morning run.
I've been running outside for the first real time in my life these past few weeks. Running outdoors is way more intense than on a treadmill, even with hill intervals. I've done a few routes through my neighborhood and each seems to be more intense than the last. I love it. Going to keep grinding it out. With the heat I am targeting morning runs to avoid any potential hydration issues.

Continuing my strength training via Apple Fitness+. The workouts vary on intensity but the results are coming along nicely. Could be that I'm cutting as well. Either way, I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. It is fuel to keep the train moving.
Running outside in the nature is the real deal mate. Love doing that. Though I guess I'm a bit lucky when I comes to that seeing where I live. When the weather is fine here in Austria it's just amazing to run through the woods. You have hills, up and downs, cows along the road, mountains in the back. There is nothing like it really. Reminds me that tomorrow I have my run again. Can't wait, hope the weather plays along.

Gym training is also going good. Even after I got my Covid shot on Thursday I was able to up my weights on Friday. Approaching the 200 lbp on the deadlift. Lets see. Latest by the end of the year I want to break my best deadlift with 430 lbps. But for now I'm just gonna take it slow.

As for today... Home challenge time again with a 45 minute run after that. Around 3 hours workout in total. Gonna be tough but I can't wait for that post workout steak. :messenger_sunglasses:
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Can you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time or not? You read different stories online. So is there any point to do muscle workouts every day if you also are losing 15 kg?


Can you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time or not? You read different stories online. So is there any point to do muscle workouts every day if you also are losing 15 kg?
Entirely possible, it starts with the diet and training frequency.

The question is, what would you like to achieve aside losing 15kg?

If that’s the only outcome desire, just change your diet and eat/drink better, sleep better.


Entirely possible, it starts with the diet and training frequency.

The question is, what would you like to achieve aside losing 15kg?

If that’s the only outcome desire, just change your diet and eat/drink better, sleep better.

You sure? That would be cool.

And my goal is keep the current muscle and increase it a little.
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