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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


I absolutely agree that double overhand is the best way to train. I should mention that I always do double overhand up to 400, but for whatever reason I just cannot hold the bar at anything over 400. I definitely have a grip weakness to contend with. I love farmer walks, used to do it all the time with my trap bar, just haven't been doing them lately as I thought they were interfering with my recovery. The most difficult thing for me personally with all this is trying to program optimally. I used to do Starting Strength for a while, and it's how I train novices, but I found that when you get to the intermediate stuff it just simply doesn't facilitate enough recovery time. Thought about the Texas Method for a bit, but I just decided against it as I have a business and a family, and I'd like to see them every once in a while lol. As it stands, I've found a great deal of success with the following split, which we just kind of made up lol, and I play it fast and loose as business concerns keep us from ever nailing down an extremely specific split commitment, but this split has been working for us for some time. We bench or overhead press sometime early in the week, typically Monday or Tuesday, we deadlift Thursdays, and we almost always squat Sunday, but sometimes Saturday. We used to hike a lot as well on the weekend, but we took some time away from that as it started to mess with our squats. When I say we I mean me and the wife by the way, she's my training partner. I have a hard time placing accessory work optimally in there, but here's what I've been trying, and so far it seems to be working.....somewhat. We do RDL's at 40% 1rm deadlift for 3 x 8 around an hour or two after heavy squats on Sunday. We do high rep tricep accessory work after heavy bench or overhead press, whenever that may be. I try to do very light face pulls daily, maybe around two to four sets, nothing crazy, focus on the rear traps and mid back, really try to feel it. Trying to find somewhere to program additional T bar row work, but not sure where it fits right now, as I'm absolutely smoked to shit after my deadlifts. Miss having a pull up bar, but it broke my door frame and I came down hard on it and the pull up bar broke around the same time my noggin hit the ground lol. I was getting great additional work out of the pull ups though, hoping T bar row can supplant it for now.

I should mention we train at home, I converted my garage into a weight room, spent an obscene amount of money on Elitefts, Kabuki Strength, and Rogue equipment just to finally have no need for the gym anymore lol. I love this, but it also means that our accessory work is somewhat limited compared to commercial facilities, but I have tons of bars, specialty bars, bands, strongman equipment, a prowler, around 500 lbs of plates, a rogue squat rack, an Elitefts GHR and an Elitefts Collegiate bench. We've got a nice set up, but I'm still considering getting that reverse hyper you were speaking with the other poster about. I just don't seem to get the work out of our GHR that my wife does for whatever reason, probably a form deficiency on my part, but I'm definitely wanting another way to hit my posterior chain without the GHR. Question though, is additional posterior chain work redundant/overkill when I'm doing the RDL's? Or do you think it'd still be helpful? Also, do you have a good recommendation for a quality pull up bar other than me just building my own out back in the yard? Thanks for the advice brother, always enjoy picking the head of a fellow lifter.

Hmm it seems that you're having difficulty with adjusting/adding in accessory work alongside managing levels of fatigue from your main compound lifts. If you dont mind can you dm me your setup?
With the help of visuals of all the gear you have I can build you a training program to get the most out of it.

For the GHR, you might not be getting the full effects due to

Bad roller positioning/feet positioning/lack of glute engagement

As for posterior chain work, additional work is fine as long as its low impact/banded accessory type movement.
Do them at the beginning of your training as a primer.

Pull up bar.. maybe add a pull up bar attachment to your existing rogue rack.
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Hmm it seems that you're having difficulty with adjusting/adding in accessory work alongside managing levels of fatigue from your main compound lifts. If you dont mind can you dm me your setup?
With the help of visuals of all the gear you have I can build you a training program to get the most out of it.

For the GHR, you might not be getting the full effects due to

Bad roller positioning/feet positioning/lack of glute engagement

As for posterior chain work, additional work is fine as long as its low impact/banded accessory type movement.
Do them at the beginning of your training as a primer.

Pull up bar.. maybe add a pull up bar attachment to your existing rogue rack.
Deal! My wife wants to organize it a bit lol, you know how it is. We'll fix it up and send you a pic tonight. Thanks so much for the help brother, you're the best.
Hmmm, I mean, don't let the enemy of perfect be good. Do what you want?

I'd probably do some full body stuff mixed in with some 1 to 2 times cardio (so working out 5 days a week) for three months of so, and see where you are at.
Yeah. I'm still in that point where its more about the discipline for going and sticking to it. I've been pretty tired lately to the point where a long workout session is not for me. So a full body workout for 30 to 45 minutes kinda saves it.


Yeah. I'm still in that point where its more about the discipline for going and sticking to it. I've been pretty tired lately to the point where a long workout session is not for me. So a full body workout for 30 to 45 minutes kinda saves it.
I don't know how old you are, but 30 to 45 minutes in the gym with purpose (ie, timing your sets and your rests with a watch, lifting heavy (but keeping good form)) is good for alot of people to shed some lbs. Will you "get ripped bro". No, probably not. But you will start to feel better, lose some weight, and your overall health will totally improve (along with trimming up your diet).


It’s been a while!! I was pretty busy with the wedding and moving. I do not recommend doing both in the same month but now it’s done lol.
I also decided to stop doing CrossFit for a while since I can now walk 3min and be at the gym.

I’m looking for workout programs now, I remember StrongLifts but I think that’s a full body A/B routine, right? I was thinking about an A/B/C split. Any suggestions??


Does anyone here have any experience with Airwaav?

Looks interesting?
I’d say mouthguards are essential if you’re getting serious into weightlifting and powerlifting since breathing and bracing are crucial.
I recall way back when I’d be clenching my jaw really hard without a mouthguard with heavy weights; my lifts felt stronger but the downside was that my jaw would seize up from all that clenching.

Since we’re on the topic of mouthguards, this article may interest you as well.

The gist of the article is: stick your tongue on the roof of your mouth for extra strength.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I’d say mouthguards are essential if you’re getting serious into weightlifting and powerlifting since breathing and bracing are crucial.
I recall way back when I’d be clenching my jaw really hard without a mouthguard with heavy weights; my lifts felt stronger but the downside was that my jaw would seize up from all that clenching.

Since we’re on the topic of mouthguards, this article may interest you as well.

The gist of the article is: stick your tongue on the roof of your mouth for extra strength.
Sweet. I appreciate the insight!


I'm trying to lose some pounds and put on muscle at the same time. Is it normal the scale doesn't move at all then? I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks but I eat like a monk.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'm trying to lose some pounds and put on muscle at the same time. Is it normal the scale doesn't move at all then? I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks but I eat like a monk.

Yeah, weight can stagnate as muscle weighs more than fat. Are you noticing any body composition changes? IE less fat, more defined physique.

You can always measure parts of your body to track the changes as well. Waist, chest, arms, etc.


Yeah, weight can stagnate as muscle weighs more than fat. Are you noticing any body composition changes? IE less fat, more defined physique.

You can always measure parts of your body to track the changes as well. Waist, chest, arms, etc.

Yeah I can see changes and I can fit in an old jacket again. I'm just used to the number always going down too. Especially since I have 20kg/44lbs to go (my covid gains q_q).
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Yeah I can see changes and I can fit in an old jacket again. I'm just used to the number always going down too. Especially since I have 20kg/44lbs to go (my covid gains q_q).
You can always lower your daily calorie intake goal while still maintaining a high protein intake. If you're not tracking your intake, now is a good time to start. If you can't be arsed, I'd recommend doing intermittently fasting with a smaller eating window (say 6 hours to start, then down to 4 if the results stop).

If you've been stagnant for only a few days, give it some time. If you're flat over 6-weeks, it's definitely time for some changes.

Edit: I should say too, that everyone reacts differently. You definitely need to experiment and find what works well for you.
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You can always lower your daily calorie intake goal while still maintaining a high protein intake. If you're not tracking your intake, now is a good time to start. If you can't be arsed, I'd recommend doing intermittently fasting with a smaller eating window (say 6 hours to start, then down to 4 if the results stop).

If you've been stagnant for only a few days, give it some time. If you're flat over 6-weeks, it's definitely time for some changes.

Edit: I should say too, that everyone reacts differently. You definitely need to experiment and find what works well for you.

Cool thanks. I don't think I'm eating too much though. I have 3 super healthy meals a day with high protein and nothing in between those meals (I'm very tall so might be hard to eat too much then). And I have lost this amount before with the same diet. I'm lifting a lot though after about a year of 0 lifting, so who knows. And the fasting isn't really for me I think. But might try it if I get stuck.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Cool thanks. I don't think I'm eating too much though. I have 3 super healthy meals a day with high protein and nothing in between those meals (I'm very tall so might be hard to eat too much then). And I have lost this amount before with the same diet. I'm lifting a lot though after about a year of 0 lifting, so who knows. And the fasting isn't really for me I think. But might try it if I get stuck.
If you're picking back up from a dormant period, the beginner gains should come fast and furious.


Get a BW routine sorted and join us in the fitgaf thread.
Good idea. I wasn’t one for wanting or needing outside influence in the past, but it will probably do me good to get me started as I’ve been sedentary for far too long. I was alright for the first year after lockdown hit UK, but for whatever reason (diet) after a year all of a sudden the belly started growing. Quitting my job didn’t help either, I went from moving all day to nothing. I’ve been eating the same old shit day in, day out, and I need to cut bread out.

I have no equipment except dumb bells. I used to watch Athlean X’s stuff on YouTube in the past when I was actively going to the gym and followed certain Instagram accounts because I love the science side of it, but I haven’t watched anything in a while.

Anyone have recommendations for bodyweight stuff? Exercises, channels, or anything else.


not tag worthy
Good idea. I wasn’t one for wanting or needing outside influence in the past, but it will probably do me good to get me started as I’ve been sedentary for far too long. I was alright for the first year after lockdown hit UK, but for whatever reason (diet) after a year all of a sudden the belly started growing. Quitting my job didn’t help either, I went from moving all day to nothing. I’ve been eating the same old shit day in, day out, and I need to cut bread out.

I have no equipment except dumb bells. I used to watch Athlean X’s stuff on YouTube in the past when I was actively going to the gym and followed certain Instagram accounts because I love the science side of it, but I haven’t watched anything in a while.

Anyone have recommendations for bodyweight stuff? Exercises, channels, or anything else.
Get some resistance bands also.
I’m a lapsed workout guy. Been sliding but also managed to go on holiday. So back on the wagon. I go.

channels ok YouTube. I usually. Search for beginner calisthenics etc and some body weight workout YouTube
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Rossco EZ

any advice on workouts for a beginner? i’ve just got a bench and 2 sets of dumbbells (2x 5kg and 2x 10kg). just want to build my arms and chest up a bit so i can feel better about myself. i’ve been doing dumbbell flys and press to work on my chest but never seem to get a tight feeling in my chest muscles like if i work my arms but i do feel sore a day or two after in my chest so is this normal? any other home equipment i should get?

btw if other have asked the same advice in the thread and it’s been answered i apologise i just didn’t want to read 60+ pages
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not tag worthy
any advice on workouts for a beginner? i’ve just got a bench and 2 sets of dumbbells (2x 5kg and 2x 10kg). just want to build my arms and chest up a bit so i can feel better about myself. i’ve been doing dumbbell flys and press to work on my chest but never seem to get a tight feeling in my chest muscles like if i work my arms but i do feel sore a day or two after in my chest so is this normal? any other home equipment i should get?

btw if other have asked the same advice in the thread and it’s been answered i apologise i just didn’t want to read 60+ pages


I'm up to 213 Gaf. Not in a good way. It's time to get back on the horse. I'll be checking this thread again for inspiration.

I lost 8 pounds this week by intermittent fasting. Doing like 19 hours of fasting (nothing but water for 19 hours) then eating brunch around 11am to noon, then a big dinner around 4pm. It's definitely the easiest diet I have ever done. I'm surprised by how much weight I lost, and I even got completely blown out Thursday night at a concert, drinking from about 5 to midnight 😆


Good idea. I wasn’t one for wanting or needing outside influence in the past, but it will probably do me good to get me started as I’ve been sedentary for far too long. I was alright for the first year after lockdown hit UK, but for whatever reason (diet) after a year all of a sudden the belly started growing. Quitting my job didn’t help either, I went from moving all day to nothing. I’ve been eating the same old shit day in, day out, and I need to cut bread out.

I have no equipment except dumb bells. I used to watch Athlean X’s stuff on YouTube in the past when I was actively going to the gym and followed certain Instagram accounts because I love the science side of it, but I haven’t watched anything in a while.

Anyone have recommendations for bodyweight stuff? Exercises, channels, or anything else.
I've been borrowing from Barbarian Body on YouTube. He has lots of bodyweight / dumbbell only exercises and I prefer those.

Kev Kev

i'm not currently spitting any blood in the mud

resting after a much needed vacation

soon tho

miss this dood and his cryptic posts. hope your still crushing it out there brother. im sure you are

so i just dropped by to say i just got in 3 of the most solid workouts ive had in probably a over year and a half. im in a good routine atm, just gotta stick with it. theres a big 4 day metal festival coming up in daytona in november: metallica, slipknot, lamb of god, and so many more legendary bands. im gonna need to be in great shape if im gonna bust some heads in the pit.so lets fuckin go mother fuckers.

Rossco EZ

any tips for losing lower belly fat? i’m doing sit ups and leg raises (alternating each day) but i know that i’ll never see gains if i have fat over it. should i just go for walks or biking? or is there anything i can do to specifically target fat loss in just that area?

ps. really like this thread as a way to share progress and get help so glad i found it :messenger_grinning:
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
any tips for losing lower belly fat? i’m doing sit ups and leg raises (alternating each day) but i know that i’ll never see gains if i have fat over it. should i just go for walks or biking? or is there anything i can do to specifically target fat loss in just that area?

ps. really like this thread as a way to share progress and get help so glad i found it :messenger_grinning:
You can’t control where your body stores fat. Best bet is to monitor your calories in & out.
After using it back in 2017 I downloaded myfitnesspal again and boy is this app amazing - and BOY did it show me how I wasn't really in control over my caloric intake and went off rails over the years. Instantly fell in love with this and will prolly book premium for a year once the trial month is over. Counting calories is super easy with this thing.

Also decided to go low carb again. It's just no use. Semms like my intestines just can't handle carbs properly... especially complex carbs. Fuck me man and my fucking genetics.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
After using it back in 2017 I downloaded myfitnesspal again and boy is this app amazing - and BOY did it show me how I wasn't really in control over my caloric intake and went off rails over the years. Instantly fell in love with this and will prolly book premium for a year once the trial month is over. Counting calories is super easy with this thing.

Also decided to go low carb again. It's just no use. Semms like my intestines just can't handle carbs properly... especially complex carbs. Fuck me man and my fucking genetics.
I tried another app for a minute and ultimately came back to MFP too. It needs a UI update but the core functionality is quite good.


any tips for losing lower belly fat? i’m doing sit ups and leg raises (alternating each day) but i know that i’ll never see gains if i have fat over it. should i just go for walks or biking? or is there anything i can do to specifically target fat loss in just that area?

ps. really like this thread as a way to share progress and get help so glad i found it :messenger_grinning:
What Maiden said.

You can’t spot reduce belly fat. Your body stores fat the way it stores fat, and, quite frankly, the lower belly fat on most folks is the last to go (body wants to protect organs… etc).

just doing crunches isn’t going to help that.

You need to hop on an overall fat burning program and see where you end up. There is lots of a advice on that on the internet and here.

Rossco EZ

What Maiden said.

You can’t spot reduce belly fat. Your body stores fat the way it stores fat, and, quite frankly, the lower belly fat on most folks is the last to go (body wants to protect organs… etc).

just doing crunches isn’t going to help that.

You need to hop on an overall fat burning program and see where you end up. There is lots of a advice on that on the internet and here.
thanks, i have been getting out for walks a bit more and have completely cut out junk food so hoping that will help.


thanks, i have been getting out for walks a bit more and have completely cut out junk food so hoping that will help.
I’m sure it will! Also, I don’t know how much extra weight you are carrying. When I heard “belly fat” I was thinking you were trying to get a six pack or something like that. Those fat stores are notoriously stubborn. However, if you are just looking to loose some inches on your waist line, that could happen quicker. Just depends on where you are in terms of your overall body fat.

Good for you for getting out there and doing something about it!

Rossco EZ

I’m sure it will! Also, I don’t know how much extra weight you are carrying. When I heard “belly fat” I was thinking you were trying to get a six pack or something like that. Those fat stores are notoriously stubborn. However, if you are just looking to loose some inches on your waist line, that could happen quicker. Just depends on where you are in terms of your overall body fat.

Good for you for getting out there and doing something about it!
so i wouldn’t say i’m fat, i’m basically average weight for my height and age id say. im 25, 5ft10inches/178cm and weight is 12.10 stone/76Kg or there about. my main problem is i feel fat skinny is probably the best way i can put it. the belly fat i have is more like lower gut, not a lot but definitely something i want to lose. the main goal is to just look naturally good so i’d like a flat stomach, nice defined chest with decent arms. i’d post pictures of myself to give a better idea of what i’m saying but not sure if i wanna do that really 😆.

also thanks, i’ve felt a lot better since i started roughly about a month ago so won’t be giving up on it!
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