Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Does it? Pretty much every "strength" program ignores most isolation work.
Yep it does!
I've said before I don't go by a program
Does it? Pretty much every "strength" program ignores most isolation work.
thank you. yeah I feel like a retard with that iPad. I think I'm the only person in the world who owns an iPad but not a smartphone or digital camera.
First full day of my water fast. 24 hours no food and strangely no hunger. Will try to keep this up until Tuesday.
Anyone have any tips ? Also is chewing gum ok ?
BTW I am of healthy weight I am only doing this to see if I have the will power to.
First full day of my water fast. 24 hours no food and strangely no hunger. Will try to keep this up until Tuesday.
Anyone have any tips ? Also is chewing gum ok ?
BTW I am of healthy weight I am only doing this to see if I have the will power to.
You're only drinking water until tuesday? Doesn't really sound healthy to me...
Could never fast. Damn diabetes.:/ most of the stuff I read online suggest it was. Detoxifies the body. If anyone here has attempted this and had bad results I would gladly go get some tacos right now.
First full day of my water fast. 24 hours no food and strangely no hunger. Will try to keep this up until Tuesday.
Anyone have any tips ? Also is chewing gum ok ?
BTW I am of healthy weight I am only doing this to see if I have the will power to.
Anyone have any tips ?
TOXINS:/ most of the stuff I read online suggest it was. Detoxifies the body. If anyone here has attempted this and had bad results I would gladly go get some tacos right now.
:/ most of the stuff I read online suggest it was. Detoxifies the body. If anyone here has attempted this and had bad results I would gladly go get some tacos right now.
Fine I guess I am eating some tacos.
I was under the impression that this was a healthy thing to do. Guess it isn't.
Wiped out bodysurfing and hyperextended it. It was no big deal, I don't think, but it's just so much more sensitive now.You reinjure it ?
Work out again. As long as it's just DOMS, it goes away for me once I get warmed up.How do you guys go about alleviated DOMS. I had a pretty intense P90X session on Wednesday and I'm still sore. Heating pads and hot baths only work temporarily.
How do you guys go about alleviated DOMS. I had a pretty intense P90X session on Wednesday and I'm still sore. Heating pads and hot baths only work temporarily.
I have a love-hate relationship with it. It lets me know I had a good workout but if I can barely walk or drive, its a bit of a problem.
Are you still up from the night before or up early?It eventually becomes less severe and you learn to deal with it. Also, like Parrot said, if it's just DOMs you're dealing with it will go away when you work out again. In fact, it may be less later after your second workout too.
Stop. Why are you doing this? All of these programs are designed to be long term commitments not flavor of the month. Stick to something.Gonna start doing the OP routine after a month of SL5x5 and few weeks of just squat/dl/bp/chin-up.
Yes, I know they are long term commitments and I am going to be committed to them for a long time. The reason I quit SL5x5 was that I felt I needed to cut first and couldn't recover enough between workouts because of the 5 sets. Around then I started LeanGains and used Andy Morgans Cut-method with it. He recommended doing the Big 3 with RPT style and thats what I've been doing.Stop. Why are you doing this? All of these programs are designed to be long term commitments not flavor of the month. Stick to something.
Yes, I know they are long term commitments and I am going to be committed to them for a long time. The reason I quit SL5x5 was that I felt I needed to cut first and couldn't recover enough between workouts because of the 5 sets. Around then I started LeanGains and used Andy Morgans Cut-method with it. He recommended doing the Big 3 with RPT style and thats what I've been doing.
But recently I've thought about going in body recomposition direction and upped slightly my calorie intake. I just thought that the OP routine would be "more complete" than just training the Big 3 but I'm no expert. I should've just startes with SS originally but unfortunaly I found SL first.
But suggestions are allways welcome
Are you still up from the night before or up early?
I think I'm being fairly reasonable in my expectations in that I don't set them too far. I know this is a long term thing. And I'm not trying to shock my muscles or any of that shit. I've also gotten some results and I'm happy that I can see some change already. It's not about wanting immediate results or not getting results. I too think its stupid to be fiddling around with all these programs..Again you are trying too much stuff. A simple clean diet and strong lifts should be enough to make you cut fat and get stronger. By the way you change workouts and diets it makes you seem like you want immediate results and aren't getting them, you are setting yourself up to fail every time.
I think I overdid it yesterday. I was out of the gym for a month, and went back for squats and deadlifts on the same day. My entire body from the chest down is done for the next two days.
I think I'm being fairly reasonable in my expectations in that I don't set them too far. I know this is a long term thing. And I'm not trying to shock my muscles or any of that shit. I've also gotten some results and I'm happy that I can see some change already. It's not about wanting immediate results or not getting results. I too think its stupid to be fiddling around with all these programs..
But, like I said I found SL5x5 first which is basically the same as SS but more sets. I started doing the Big 3 because I was eating less and I wanted to be able to recover in time.
But now I know how much I'm eating (BMR +20%/-20%) as LeanGains suggests. I'm just trying to figure out the best program in which to commit myself and in my knowledge SS (or the OP routine) is superior to SL5x5.
Maybe this is the wrong thread to ask because it's more of a medical question but I've been diagnosed with hypogonadism which basically means I don't produce enough testosterone. Not just low for my age but low for any age male. Would lifting basically mean nothing for me because I can't build muscle or get stronger? I feel like I'm getting stronger but it takes a lot of time and work to gain even small changes. Sucks because it would be one thing if I was lazy but it's like my body is telling me work as hard as you want buddy I ain't changing.
Maybe this is the wrong thread to ask because it's more of a medical question but I've been diagnosed with hypogonadism which basically means I don't produce enough testosterone. Not just low for my age but low for any age male. Would lifting basically mean nothing for me because I can't build muscle or get stronger? I feel like I'm getting stronger but it takes a lot of time and work to gain even small changes. Sucks because it would be one thing if I was lazy but it's like my body is telling me work as hard as you want buddy I ain't changing.
So me and my younger brothers were bored today and came up with a ranking system. They made the ranks, I came up with the numbers and then we did a fitness test
# Rank Req
1 Baby Start
2 Newb 10 pushups
3 Wimp 15 pushups/3 pullups
4 Adolescent 20 pushups/5 pullups
5 Tough Wimp 30 pushups/8 pullups/ 45s plank
6 Teenager 40 pushups/10 pullups/45s plank
7 Omega 50 pushups/10 pullups/60s plank
8 Weak Hero 75 pushups/13 pullups/60s plank
9 Hero 100 pushups/15 pullups/90s plank
10 Omega Hero 200 pushups/25 pullups/180s plank/5 1h pushups/3 1h pullups
The one handed stuff needs to be done on each arm. My brothers (11 and 8) are both Newbs and I am starting out at Omega. The pushups is what killed me for sure lol. What do you guys think of the numbers? I realize it rises very steeply towards the end haha but I feel like Omega Hero is not a rank to be taken lightly!
Also, you guys should try it! I bet most of you are in the rank 7-9 area, I'd be surprised if there's anyone at 10.
PS - Do it in the order listed, i.e. pushups --> pullups --> plank --> 1h pushups --> 1h pullups. I am thinking about adding pistol squats just to make it a full body workout. Maybe around rank 7 or 8, since pistol squats are pretty advanced imo?
Yesterday was deadlift day and one of the trainers, looking to get a client, came up to me and told me that I will kill my back if I continue to do deadlifts. LOL. He said my form was perfect--not that it means much coming from him. I learned most my lifts from SS.
I just find it funny that normal deadlifts are considered terrible for your back, when you have olympic and powerlifters doings them for years, at a much greater frequency, and they don't have an epidemic of back injuries, no more so than any other athlete.
I'm surprised that your doctor isn't treating this with TRT.
It's okay, MIDNIGHT. At least you won't lose your hair.
You are seriously overestimating how fit people are. After reading countless magazines articles and books doing 50 push-ups means you are very fit. Of course that is doing them in good form.
The one thing I was kind of nervous about putting such high numbers for is pullups. I realize pullups are incredibly tough to achieve, especially for people with higher body weight...for me, the 175lb manchild, they're relatively easy. At one point I could do 25-30 in a row, good form. Now I'm barely able to do 15, not sure what happened lol.
PS - Do body weight routines cut you up? I imagine they would - it's a circuit exercise which keeps your heart rate up, and it's really high reps most of the time. Yes or no?
This guy will make you feel like a wimp at pull ups:
Too bad he failed so far hard at fear factor.