I did rows like that before and now do pendlays, there was just too much pressure on the lower back for me when the weight got heavy.That's how I've been doing rows, do people prefer doing Pendelay's to this?
I did rows like that before and now do pendlays, there was just too much pressure on the lower back for me when the weight got heavy.That's how I've been doing rows, do people prefer doing Pendelay's to this?
Its just a part of me that isn't getting stronger. My grip has completely stalled at that weight, and since I can't use chalk I don't know what else to do. I've tried resetting, I've tried grip work, it isn't helping.
I had grips problems at first that kept my deadlift same weight as my squats.
But doing in high rep deadlift with normal grip and doing some high reps chins/pullups helped me overcome it. Now I am up about 60 lbs in 3 months.
I just don't know where to fit that into the beginner OP workout and not have it hurt the overall program.
Yea I have to work on my flexibility.
They'll do until I can do the other ones properly. Would rather not snap my back doing something that feels wrong now.
I've seen arguments for different characterizations of doing the barbell (and dumbbell) row.
It took a long time for the bolded to sink in for me. As to the best way of keeping your lower back 'straight' or not out of form in any way I would suggest any variation that has the weight plates resting on the ground between reps. That isn't to say the lower back is resting, it should be tensed and braced for the entire set, but having the barbell touch the ground is helpful at any rate. I don't suggest throwing around heavy weight if your lower back is getting too fatigued, so maybe even a change in weight or pace is in order.
But again, like Wendler suggests, ask yourself why you're doing barbell rows in the first place and hopefully that can help you in the long run.
I'm 5'8" and I wouldn't consider myself short at all, but normal. You'll be fine
I feel tiny at 5'9" but I try to remind myself it does wonders for my build. People think I weight 200+ when I'm really 170-175 on a cut.I'm 5'8" and I wouldn't consider myself short at all, but normal. You'll be fine
fuck power cleans, seriously fuck them. but they are so good.
Today I went to the gym immediately after work and killed it.
Squat is at 215lbs 3x5 and almost died on the last rep lol.
OHP is at 90lbs 3x5 and since I couldn't get the last rep up without jumping a little bit, I'll only increase by 5lbs for next Monday.
Power Cleans are at...still working on form. I am just having trouble cleaning it up to my shoulders and racking it...my left wrist isn't flexible enough it seems, and the movement isn't completely natural yet. Just working with the bar for now. People at the gym are really nice though, one of the employees and the guy in the rack next to me helped me figure out what I was doing wrong on Saturday, and the guy next to me today gave me a few pointers.
Few questions though:
1. HIIT. I play basketball every Wednesday, and that's pretty intense. Should I move my workout days to T/Th/Sat so I'm not doing HIIT and Squats on the same day?
2. Is OHP really supposed to be done immediately before PC? My arms are toast after OHP and that makes getting the bar above my head kind of hard. I am probably just doing power cleans wrong though...
Why are you going to increase the weight when you didn't finish your sets?
Are you eating enough to be doing hiit, strength training, and basketball? Hiit is like doing a whole nother workout, so you are doing 6 or 7 workouts a week. Eat enough and you should be fine.
Why are you cleaning the bar above your head?
That's a clean and jerk I believe. A power clean is from the floor onto your shoulders. You should make sure you learn the proper excercises before doing them my friend.I increased it by 10 pounds from last time (Saturday) and got the last rep halfway up twiceI should be able to do 95lbs Friday, right?
Yeah I'm eating enough. But if I do add in some HIIT it will probably be on Saturday only, in addition to the basketball.
I thought hang cleans and power cleans were totally different...I'm working on the latter. in which don't you power the bar up above you after cleaning it?
So I was doing my squats today and at the end of my work set it hurt in the middle of my back, not up high where the bar is and not the low back just like dead in the middle. Any idea what might of caused this?
I don't think I am. I get under the bar and stand up then go through the motions. Would this occur from sticking my chest out too much or would it be more from having my back more rounded?Were you excessively arching your back during the exercise?
That's a clean and jerk I believe. A power clean is from the floor onto your shoulders. You should make sure you learn the proper excercises before doing them my friend.
Ya, that's one of the options at my gym and I think it sucks for squats, especially if you squat low bar or are short. I don't squat anymore but it would give me problems sometimes. I see people stepping out of the rack completely, which is an option if you're not worried about expending the energy to take more steps back and not having safety bars in case you fail. Or if you can at least go to parallel without hitting the bar then you can do that. If it's really close, you could set up a box to sit on that's the right height to stop you from hitting the bar. Better to just do box squats than messing up the bar placement by hitting it unexpectedly.Does anyone else do squats on a rack like this:
My gym has one of these and a cage with adjustable rails. Whenever I squat in the above I always have problems with going too low and the bar hitting the safety rails. It's really starting to mess with my squat progression (as the cage is almost always in use since it's better equipment).
So I decided to try switching it up this week, and instead of having a dedicated arm day, I'd do bi's on back day, and tri's on chest day. (and shoulders on leg day)
So today was chest and tri's, and I think it was fairly succesfull. It was weird though jumping from chest to tri's. They were already fairly tired out, what with just being a secondary muscle on my 3 sets of chest.
Seems pretty good so far, but I'm not sure if I'll keep this way, or go back.
Also buffalo-fitness gaf represent!
Yeah this is what I changed my routine to about a month and a half back. It's great once you get yourself through the first week. If you're doing a 6 day routine, (3 days on, 1 rest, 3 days on) then I suggest switching up your exercises on your second run through each week.
I'm still not exactly sure how to attack my days.
I unfortunately just can't do weekends, mainly because of gas money (money is really, really tight, and I use my college's gym), so in the past, I had a 4 day routine, and I would just take a rest day off between day 2 and 3, then a two day weekend off, then start over again.
Now, I'm not even sure what would be best for me. I don't want to be off too much, but I can't go on the weekends right now. Any advice?
Wondering if anyone has had four wisdom teeth removed before, and how long it took them to get back into lifting weights?
I increased it by 10 pounds from last time (Saturday) and got the last rep halfway up twiceI should be able to do 95lbs Friday, right?
Yeah I'm eating enough. But if I do add in some HIIT it will probably be on Saturday only, in addition to the basketball.
I thought hang cleans and power cleans were totally different...I'm working on the latter. in which don't you power the bar up above you after cleaning it?
Wondering if anyone has had four wisdom teeth removed before, and how long it took them to get back into lifting weights?
Just had it done within the last year (all 4) and was back playing basketball aka exercising intensely within 5 days. Out on Friday, playing on Wednesday with no problems.Wondering if anyone has had four wisdom teeth removed before, and how long it took them to get back into lifting weights?
Starting Strength. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. What do I do when I can't increase the weight anymore?What program are you doing? Ohp is the first excercise most people stall on, go up by 5lbs not 10. Don't go up if you don't get 15 real reps.
We should really have a Buffalo fitgaf meetup sometime. So many of us.Also buffalo-fitness gaf represent!
Starting Strength. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. What do I do when I can't increase the weight anymore?
We should really have a Buffalo fitgaf meetup sometime. So many of us.
Starting Strength. I'll keep that in mind, thanks. What do I do when I can't increase the weight anymore?
Nah, it would just be his first stall. Read up on getting unstuck here:Celebrate, for you have metamorphosed to the intermediate range. Things become much more interesting, but harder, the way I hear it.
We should really have a Buffalo fitgaf meetup sometime. So many of us.
What's the pro's/con's with what was suggested to me to do (5 set/5rep for strength) versus a 3 set/10 rep setup?
5/3/1, with the dave date periodization bible layout, done 3 days a week can pretty much wreck your whole body. Throw in some curls on your instead of a second day of triceps or on your leg days if need be. Walking in the gym, hitting the big lift, and the building your accessory work around that can let you work out less days but still get that pumped look, provided you're doing the right type of accessory exercises.
If you have a four day routine and want to stick with what you have, the split you have would work fine. Tri/Chest Monday, Bi/Back tuesday, Leg/Shoulder Thursday, then back to Tri/Chest on Friday or do some catch up accessory work or endurance training.
The lower reps will allow you to lift heavier weight thus increasing your strength. The higher reps will build your endurance and possiblly add more size but less strength.
Guys I need your help. I think my wrist is fucked up and I don't know what to do. I noticed this problem when I first worked out months ago for just 1 month and did pendlay rows. Basically, when the weight is heavy enough while I'm doing rows, I feel my left wrist starting to give in and going out of its socket. It's a scary feeling since it feels like my hand is about to detach itself from my arm. I don't know why I have this either since I can't really think of a time where I injured my left wrist. Do you guys know what I can do to fix it, or at least, know an alternative to rows that I could do?
Anyone know?
what are people's thoughts on StrongLifts vs Starting Strength?