There isn't really anything you can do besides rest to make shin splints get better.

Guess I'll need to lay off the running for a while then.
There isn't really anything you can do besides rest to make shin splints get better.
Yeah at 145lbs a 30lbs cut seems pretty extraordinary. Gray Maynard's claim of cutting roughly 30 pounds for weighing in at 155lbs is almost legendary given how much weight that is for a guy his size, so if anyone fighting at 145lbs had done something similar it would be even more dramatic. A cut of 15-20 pounds seems much more feasible at that size, though like you I'm not professing 100% certainty on the matter.Ya, a lot of people also tend to have fat around their organs deep in their core (see MJ's book You're Fatter Than You Think You Are). My guess would be he is pretty solid throughout. Bones are going to be way denser than normal people's from kicking so much and that will add weight too.
I could be wrong but I don't think guys at 145 typically cut 30 lbs. Evil is probably right at around 155-160 for him. Especially his last cut, he looked amazing against Mendes.
I've been on some sort of intermittent fasting routine for about two years now, give or take a few months. Cutting or maintaining weight is a breeze and adding weight isn't much more difficult either.Has anyone here tried Leangains and/or any other type of intermittent fasting? I've been doing for about the last twenty days, and I have to say I'm pleased with the results so far. Strength has gone up, and weight has come down. I was about 225 when I started on 03/25, and now I'm down to 217 or so when I weighed myself yesterday (I'm 6"2, btw). While it was initially water weight that I've lost, I've definitely felt leaner and have felt less fat around my body, so I think I must be cutting into some of that fat right now.
Also, yesterday I couldn't have a full meal until around dinner, so the only thing I ate from about 7 AM to 6 PM was one fruit parfait and a cup of coffee (and this was on a workout day). I came back to my apartment, and I cooked about a pound of ground beef, a six egg omoleat, a baked potato, a bowl of oatmeal, and two glasses of milk. Funny thing is, I didn't really have an urge to go to the bathroom until later in the evening, and even then, for the amount of food I ate, I didn't nearly as much crap as I thought I would.
Overall, though, I find IFing to be easy to stick with. Its so damn nice to have fulfilling meals like the monster of a dinner I had above, and STILL be under my daily calorie intake.
Someone posted a dip/pull up belt a while ago, I think it rolled up nicely and I think it was blue.
Anyone got a link or a name?
I still use the belt at least once a week, so for at least three months it's held up quite nicely. It still looks brand new and everything in that review video is still spot-on. I wouldn't trade it for any other dipping belt.
The above video is a review of the same Ironmind dipping belt I received.
I would highly recommend it, as it kicks as six ways to Sunday and is very easy to use.
I try and not eat prior to my workouts in the morning since they are so early. The dry heaves and panting really don't bother me too much. It's par for the course of intense workouts
Can you elaborate on how/why counting calories or IF aren't effective for you? Are you simply eating more than you need to be, i.e. simple lack of diet adherence? Do you know your maintenance level of calorie intake or what your BMR is right now?I'm officially switching back to alternate day fasting to do a bit of a cutting phase.
Calorie counting isn't working for me (although is awesome for that!), and even IF (eating after 8PM only) doesn't seem to be that effective with me either at the moment.
I've done ADF in the past but I wasn't working out. I was worried how would this mix with some weight lifting but I've read around, and people have managed to do it with great results. Sometimes broscience is so weird, damn.
Still curious about how will this effect my strength and my workout stamina in the next couple of months as I go through with it.
Interesting. I like to have a little something on me. Used to be granola bars but those have a bunch of crap in them so I switch to apple.
Will power thru next time.
Yeah, it doesn't work in that sense that it's harder for me to adhere in the long run. I've roughly estimate my maintenance to be around 2000kcal. I've tried IF so I could stop counting calories but I probably ended up overeating or eating very close to maintenance because I was just getting a very slow progress at best.Can you elaborate on how/why counting calories or IF aren't effective for you? Are you simply eating more than you need to be, i.e. simple lack of diet adherence? Do you know your maintenance level of calorie intake or what your BMR is right now?
Anyone try/do clean and jerk? Curious to hear people's experience on them.
Ready to kill it at the gym today. TOO HYPED!
Slow progress is still progress, though as you've discovered IF isn't a carte blanche to eat whatever you want while dieting. At best that is a maintenance approach. At worst you can add fat with one meal a day if you eat enough.Yeah, it doesn't work in that sense that it's harder for me to adhere in the long run. I've roughly estimate my maintenance to be around 2000kcal. I've tried IF so I could stop counting calories but I probably ended up overeating or eating very close to maintenance because I was just getting a very slow progress at best.
There's going to be a lot of water weight in those numbers. I swing as much as nine pounds (though typically five pounds) fasting for sixteen hours a day, but I'm conscious of the general trend of the weight fluxuations rather than the daily variances.ADF has worked great when I get a scale obsession crisis, it gets my motivation going because after a fasting day I usually love the number shown on the scale lol.
Domino Theory said:
You are quite welcome.Thanks MjFrancis.
If you want the same sort of results as the individual you posted, be sure to follow them as closely as you can. Stick to Starting Strength and follow the directions without fail. Train with a passion. I assume you'll train on fed days, too.I figure I'll give it a try for a couple of months too.
I'll try to give my best at the gym to fight muscle loss and I'll keep measuring my arms, legs to figure out if I'm getting worryingly smaller and I'll stop if I am. Though I really still kinda wish to put some muscle on, as hard as it may seem. We'll see.
fasting... fuck that. eating big is one of the glorious parts of lifting heavy to me.
Man, I always enjoy your enthusiasm lol
I'm officially switching back to alternate day fasting to do a bit of a cutting phase.
Calorie counting isn't working for me (although is awesome for that!), and even IF (eating after 8PM only) doesn't seem to be that effective with me either at the moment.
I've done ADF in the past but I wasn't working out. I was worried how would this mix with some weight lifting but I've read around, and people have managed to do it with great results. Sometimes broscience is so weird, damn.
Still curious about how will this effect my strength and my workout stamina in the next couple of months as I go through with it.
I don't know if this has been posted here yet, but this study recently came out by ADF guru Brad Pilon:
Basically, an INTENSE study was done on soldiers in the military on how extreme you'd need to go on your diet in order for your body to start using lean body mass as fuel instead of fat.
The soldiers ranged from ripped guys (6% bf) to lean guys (14-18%). It took 6 weeks of being allowed to eat 1-1200 cals a day on most days while doing intense cardio that would put them at a daily deficit of 3000 calories. In addition, they were deprived of sleep (on purpose) to destroy their energy levels and hormone function. They also didn't get enough protein and didn't lift weights at all.
It took the ripped guys (6%) 6 weeks before their bodies started eating away at their lean mass (they reached 4% at the end). The 14-18% bf group simply went down to 7-8% bf without any loss of lean mass (or rather, VERY little).
Now you take folks like us who sleep a lot, get a lot of protein, lift heavy weights and do cardio that pales in comparison to theirs and you'll realize that you just don't need to worry that much about being too low on calories, not reaching 300g of protein a day, etc.
so jump rope without the rope is just as effective without the rope, right?
cause i just did about 3 sets of that shit and it was tiring.
yes jumping up and down will get you tired
Are you indicating this is a normal occurrence for you?
so is it just effective or not?yes jumping up and down will get you tired
see also: doing cartwheels, and pooping without much fiber in your system
everyone I've been talking to says it's like the best fat burning cardio there is man.Effective for what? How do you sets of jumping rope? 5 minutes of cardio is better than sitting around but it's not going to do much to get you fit.
Any suggestions for good books or articles to read on bodybuilding? Particularly in regards to contest prep. Just need something to read, and while the OP has a nice list, a couple I'll pick up, but not exactly what I'm looking to read.
Man...the creatine I'm taking has a stimulant in it that kicks my ass! I get off work at 7pm most nights & my gym is right next door, so about an hour beforehand, I'll mix my 3 scoops in 2 bottles of apple juice and drink it to get myself going. Well, the workouts naturally go just fine, the pump from it is having fun with me. The problem is, is that about 3am, when I'm trying to sleep, the pump is still fucking there, waking me up about every 1-2 hours. ugh.
That's not a pump. A pump is when your muscles get filled with blood and it stretches the shit out of your skin, it can feel like your muscles are about to burst out of your skin sometimes and like they are near fully contracted for a few hours.
Apparently to Arnold it felt better than cumming.
Also, what are you taking?
Yeah, I misspoke. To me, there's two kinds of pump: Workout pump and the "pump up" (aka rush) you get from a stimulant. The stuff I'm taking is "Chaotic Rage Sucker punch"
Jesus christ, fuck that, it's basically Jack3d.
What's wrong with Jack 3-Dimensional?
Shogun doesn't like PWO I think.
Btw shogun, looking pretty good. You seem to have trimmed down a lot
Ugh so I'm pretty sure I have shin splints: I can't run for 8 weeks? This fucking sucksWas getting in to my running sessions.
Guess I'll have to get a membership at a gym somewhere and find some other low impact stuff I can do, to make up for it.
Ugh so I'm pretty sure I have shin splints: I can't run for 8 weeks? This fucking sucksWas getting in to my running sessions.
Guess I'll have to get a membership at a gym somewhere and find some other low impact stuff I can do, to make up for it.
Thanks bud, definitely going to check it out.I dunno if the OP has it, but Arnold's book is pretty cool.
Gonna detoxify my body, I think I'll start tomorrow. A good three day stretch where all I consume are whole fruits and water.
I dunno if the OP has it, but Arnold's book is pretty cool.