Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Doesn't seem like it hurts pavement. This is a beast who's pushing 900lbs on pavement and it looks fine
Good lord.
Doesn't seem like it hurts pavement. This is a beast who's pushing 900lbs on pavement and it looks fine
I was thinking about buying a Prowler. Anybody here ever use one, own one? Looks like it can fit in my trunk if I take it to a park or to a track somewhere.
I also want to get an equipped medicine ball (medicine ball w/ rope attached) and plyoboxes. There are some parks and school playgrounds close by me with good soccer fields and stuff ... summer is coming and I can do this stuff outside .... was thinking of getting a resistance chute for running too ... how funny will i look when people drive by eh? i don't really care though becuase i want to do stuff outside when i can. Figured I can do these things on conditioning days ... plus I really need to improve my conditioning.
Doesn't seem like it hurts pavement. This is a beast who's pushing 900lbs on pavement and it looks fine
Question about bread.
I've heard conflicting opinions on bread and gaining weight. Some people have told me eating it makes you fat and one weight trainer told me not to eat bread because it lacks proper nutrition and it's pointless.
I'm trying to gain weight by the way. I need to put on a bit of fat as well as muscle.
Question about bread.
I've heard conflicting opinions on bread and gaining weight. Some people have told me eating it makes you fat and one weight trainer told me not to eat bread because it lacks proper nutrition and it's pointless.
I'm trying to gain weight by the way. I need to put on a bit of fat as well as muscle.
Question about bread.
I've heard conflicting opinions on bread and gaining weight. Some people have told me eating it makes you fat and one weight trainer told me not to eat bread because it lacks proper nutrition and it's pointless.
I'm trying to gain weight by the way. I need to put on a bit of fat as well as muscle.
Edit: I just saw the best ad I've ever seen on youtube. (it's long), but worth watching if you haven't seen it.
ugh that quote in the video just annoys me ("our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure").
can someone explain how that makes sense? inadequacy is definitely our biggest fear, to not be able to handle what comes our way. that's why our greatest ambition is to be powerful beyond measure, to be untouchable. quote just seems backwards.
ugh that quote in the video just annoys me ("our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure").
can someone explain how that makes sense? inadequacy is definitely our biggest fear, to not be able to handle what comes our way. that's why our greatest ambition is to be powerful beyond measure, to be untouchable. quote just seems backwards.
You're afraid that you're powerful beyond measure, but will never live up to that potential.
Yeah, I was never a fan of that quote either. It seems to be hot in a lot of those "inspirational" videos. It doesn't really make any logical sense, or hold any profound meaning.
that's basically fear of being inadequate >_>
No, the fear of being inadequate is the fear of knowing you will never amount to anything.
The fear of knowing you're powerful beyond measure, but won't live up to that potential is quite different. It's not that you're inadequate, it's that you won't make the most of what you could potentially achieve.
It's the difference between fearing you're a nugget of copper (ultimately worthless no matter how hard you strive to better yourself) and fearing you're a piece of unrefined platinum that will never see the light of day, and thus never become a beautiful piece of jewelry because no one took the time to dig you up and refine you.
Worthless vs. Wasted.
I get the interpretation, but I still think it's a pretty weak motivational line, despite sounding dramatic.
No, the fear of being inadequate is the fear of knowing you will never amount to anything.
The fear of knowing you're powerful beyond measure, but won't live up to that potential is quite different. It's not that you're inadequate, it's that you won't make the most of what you could potentially achieve.
It's the difference between fearing you're a nugget of copper (ultimately worthless no matter how hard you strive to better yourself) and fearing you're a piece of unrefined platinum that will never see the light of day, and thus never become a beautiful piece of jewelry because no one took the time to dig you up and refine you.
yeah, you're talking about fear of not living up to potential, that is still fear of being inadequate. we fear we are inadequate to reach our full potential.
your ambition, not fear, is to reach power beyond measure, to reach your potential.
that's basically fear of being inadequate >_>
yeah it kinda ruins those inspiration videos for me
rocky and mohammad ali quotes on the other hand are win![]()
Bread "makes you fat" because carbs are the easiest nutrient to ingest a stupid-large amount of.
They aren't the same thing, but I'm not going to reiterate.
Anyone else just doing Calisthenics?
I started doing the Convict Conditioning program...and adding in some gymnastics type stuff with it mostly the balance related work...
I've put on so much more muscle than any weight training I ever did and I'm more ripped. It's truly shocking to me and my friends.
My back is so damn strong now...even my left knee that plagued me with pains and aches for years has all but disappeared and I had physio on it which did next to nothing.
So happy...just wanted to share my happiness...
What is the ideal weight for a guy at 5'7? -Still technically a teen.
Also, how do I come up with a good upper body routine? Arms and chest, etc.
No one ever answered my question! ;(
Is there a better thread?
Creatine recommendations? I'm going to the store later and buy some but like most supplements the suppliers add a ton of shit to it and I have no idea what is good and what is marketing. I was planning on taking a regular creatine monohydrate and drink some apple juice with it after a workout. But you have some that already has all the sugars and other with different types of creatine, whats good?
Your "What's the ideal body weight for a guy my height?" question? That was most definately answered (and even EviLore weighed in), but honestly that's going to depend on what you eat, how you train, your body type, your ideal body type, your current physical/mental/emotional state, etc.
And as teenager, the sky's the limit for you. Unless you're an aspiring pro weighlifter or you're involved in a sport where you need to make weight, don't focus too much on the scale. Find other goals. The scale is just one of the many tools with which you can measure progress with, but it's most certainly never the be-all end-all when it comes to general fitness.
Oh sorry, I must have missed the posts. I am 18, by the way.
Just trying to be more fit/toned. It would not be a massive transition from where I am currently at, I just came here to ask for an ideal workout regiment, since I have gym equipment at my apartment complex.
it is not easy to put on a lot of muscle so you would not change from your current body very easily. Keep a maintainable diet and don't be afraid of lifting weights.
I lift weights currently, but the workout is usually a random assortment of using different things, I am not quite sure what each does... I would just like to make my process a little more uniform.
Do you go to a gym? More likely than not, there should be a little sticker somewhere on the machines that show you what muscle-group(s) you are using for said exercise.
Creatine recommendations? I'm going to the store later and buy some but like most supplements the suppliers add a ton of shit to it and I have no idea what is good and what is marketing. I was planning on taking a regular creatine monohydrate and drink some apple juice with it after a workout. But you have some that already has all the sugars and other with different types of creatine, whats good?
Anybody have a good recommendation for seasoning chicken breast. It's a great healthy source of protein as you all know, but I can't stand eating it plain. So what you guys(if any of you guys do it) do to season or improve the taste of chicken breast, but keep it as healthy as possible?
Maybe the thread title should be changed to Fitness |OT3| READ THE OP!
No because then they'll read the OP but still think they're beautiful unique little snowflakes who think the regular tried, true, and safe techniques for getting fit don't apply to them.
See also: Crossfit.
Anyone else just doing Calisthenics?
I started doing the Convict Conditioning program...and adding in some gymnastics type stuff with it mostly the balance related work...
I've put on so much more muscle than any weight training I ever did and I'm more ripped. It's truly shocking to me and my friends.
My back is so damn strong now...even my left knee that plagued me with pains and aches for years has all but disappeared and I had physio on it which did next to nothing.
So happy...just wanted to share my happiness...
Psh, people don't workout to look good! They work out to have as much raw power available for when they need it, for example when they are....when they
You are obviously not the man to turn to in a hostage situation.
Best way to improve your grip during deadlifts is to just do more deadlifts, right? I was thinking i could do farmers walks or something, but im not sure if doing them with dumbbells that are perhaps 1/3th or 1/2th of my deadlift weight will really help.
Best way to improve your grip during deadlifts is to just do more deadlifts, right? I was thinking i could do farmers walks or something, but im not sure if doing them with dumbbells that are perhaps 1/3th or 1/2th of my deadlift weight will really help.
Agreed, strength in these areas can't ever be overemphasized so far as I am concerned. Unlike the abdominals, though, there is also no such thing as building back muscles that are too large.Also, ab work should be done religiously regardless of belt or not, having a stronger core is like having a stronger back, it can't get too strong.
There is some carryover with lighter weights, though no getting around deadlifting for reps with as high a weight as you can tolerate the double-overhand grip. I agree with rando14's suggestions. Farmer's walks, bar hangs, chins and pull-ups for reps and shoulder shrugs are all great accessory work for improving grip strength. Make double-overhand the priority, switch only when absolutely necessary. I also don't bounce my reps, for whatever that's worth.Best way to improve your grip during deadlifts is to just do more deadlifts, right? I was thinking i could do farmers walks or something, but im not sure if doing them with dumbbells that are perhaps 1/3th or 1/2th of my deadlift weight will really help.
Best way to improve your grip during deadlifts is to just do more deadlifts, right? I was thinking i could do farmers walks or something, but im not sure if doing them with dumbbells that are perhaps 1/3th or 1/2th of my deadlift weight will really help.