The WOD in question being 155lbs Deadlifts, 9 reps (not that insane by most standards), 12 pushups, and 15 box jumps... Which seems highly reasonable. I could probably do that as RXd. If all you could do was a few round of that in 15 minutes, mission accomplished.
I apologize, but when people freak out over "for time" it kinda gets under my skin. The CrossFit games is a race, plain and simple and that is probably not the best thing a person could do to themselves. But for me, a workout for time isn't one where I freak the eff out and compromise form for time, rather i merely start a stopwatch and record how long it takes. The next time i do that i can compare times and see how much I've improved.
My experience with CrossFit has been a completely positive one
It feels like if the directions say "for time" and it's a large scale commercial gym most people aren't going to be that relaxed about it. I'd imagine tons of people would rush it and those of you who do normal deadlifts while a stopwatch just happens to be running are a minority.