I'm 2 weeks in on a complete restart of life. Going to the gym, controlled diet etc.. Looking for any kind of advice, below is some information ...
Height : 6'4
Weight : 230lbs
Weight : 220lbs
Mostly been on a caloric deficit, supplements etc.. Workout looks like this ...
Chest & Triceps
1/2 Mile warmup on the treadmill
Incline bench 3x5
Machine Fly 3x5
Triceps Pushdown 3x5
Tricept Overhead Extentions 3x5
Back & Biceps
1/2 Mile warmup on the trreadmill
Deadlift 3x5
Cable rows 3x5
Wide grip Lat Pulldown 3x5
Barbell Curl 3x5
Hammer Curl 3x5
Shoulders & Legs
1/2 Mile warmup on the threadmill
Machine squat 3x5
Lying Leg Curls 3x5
Shoulder Press 3x5
Lateral Rises 3x5
Shoulder Shrug 3x5
Barbell Lunge 3x5
Cardio & Abs
4 Miles Treadmill
Oblique Dips 3x5
Leg Raise 3xLong as I can hold
Abs Pulldowns (rope) 3x5
Overall goal? : Total transformation. Lean up, and clean bulk later on. Retain as much mass during the process.
In the past I've been a runner so I was lean, real lean. I'm not going for that this time, I want to cut a bit, then go on a clean bulk and try to put on some weight in muscle. First 6 month goal was to shred the fat off my body and keep as much lean mass as possible. I messed this up in the past by just being catabolic all over, super caloric deficit and losing too much muscle in the process.
Right now I am trying to shred the fat, but retain as much muscle as possible. I was told by a few friends who lift that my weight training should consist of heavy, low rep sets mixed with my cardio.
Diet? :
Maintenance is ~3100, and clean cut should be about ~1800 a day, which is what I'm eating. In 2 weeks I have lost 10lbs.. and easily. Eating mostly lean meats, high protein count, low(er) carb.
Supplements? :
100mg of Whey daily (morning, and post workout)
1200mg Fish Oil daily
1 Multivitamin daily
600mg Alpha Lipoic Acid daily
I'm not a pro by any means. I used to be a total gym rat back in the day, but different goals.. different routines. I haven't tried to gain or get lean then gain since my high school days so I'm a total scrub in that regard.. I know very little. Looking for any kind of advice in any area to try and help me get to my goal faster.
So far I feel great and things are going great! But I want to make sure I'm doing all I can, or rather.. using my time effectively. What should I be doing differently? Is lifting heavily bad or should I try to do higher reps/less weight? What about diet? Supplements?