How in the world did you go from this:
To this?
To this?
Almost 3 months of 5/3/1 and I am so happy with the progress. We went to the lake this past weekend and my friend was snapping photos of everyone so I am sorry for the lifetime shots but I am pretty amazed by the progress.
I went from 178 to 195.
-Bench from 225 to 265
-Squats from 245 to 295
-Deadlift from 275 to 315
-Military Press 60lbs - 85lbs
-Standing Curls 40lbs - 55lbs
-Pullups(Widegrip) 15 - 25 reps
I am so stoked with the progress. Thanks for the recommendations guys I haven't hit a big plateau yet but I am assuming its coming.