fuck that.
ok, maybe next time. gotta put hair on my chest after all.
do it.
Doing 50 squats after your working set is nothing but pain.
You don't want to do shit but just lie down.
fuck that.
ok, maybe next time. gotta put hair on my chest after all.
For the average person trying to gain or lose 10-15lbs you're absolutely right, cutting/bulking cycles are the way to go.
But for somebody who is obese, the same rules just don't apply. First of all just carrying around that much weight they're going to be pretty damn strong. Every time a 330lb guy bends down it'd be like an average guy (around 160lbs) doing 170 lb squats.
So if you're lifting, you're going to at least keep most of your muscle, your body needs it to survive. On top of that you're going to get newbie gains (which we all know is is pretty enormous).
The problem with a lot of obese people who succeed in losing weight is they go on EXTREME caloric deficits, and lose weight at an unhealthy pace, and all the muscle along with it.
Almost 3 months of 5/3/1 and I am so happy with the progress. We went to the lake this past weekend and my friend was snapping photos of everyone so I am sorry for the lifetime shots but I am pretty amazed by the progress.
I went from 178 to 195.
Anyone have weight training shoe recommendations.
How tall are you?
Looking great as well. Any before pics?
Thanks guys.
6'1 so the weight jump isn't super impressive but its the biggest I have been in a long long time.
The only before pic I could find is in the weight loss thread but its not the worst I looked this last year but unfortunately I didn't get any pics of me at my most shameful.
Word. Keep it up! One day I will have a chest like that!
Anyone have weight training shoe recommendations.
Oh man I found a good pic I don't even remember seeing.
This is from my friends phone November last year.
I was around 215-220lbs
=/Finally hit the 100s for flat db fly after 4 years of 90-95s...none of that press out shit.
Hope to get 120s someday like the guy I saw in the Pro Gym years ago, some giant RCMP (think Nathan Jones) from northern Quebec who repped 500 on bench and did 120s for flys. /envy + inspiration... I think I'd have to be 225 do even do them.
30 min? dam at what speed?
Oh man I found a good pic I don't even remember seeing.
This is from my friends phone November last year.
I was around 215-220lbs
Anyone have weight training shoe recommendations.
I was like you not long ago, but I have a friend who's a personal trainer so I once I got more serious I started asking him some quetions.How are you going about this? I've been interested in it but never really understood the process. Do you just pass the exam and that's it?... or, are there required courses?
Almost 3 months of 5/3/1 and I am so happy with the progress.
Almost 3 months of 5/3/1 and I am so happy with the progress. We went to the lake this past weekend and my friend was snapping photos of everyone so I am sorry for the lifetime shots but I am pretty amazed by the progress.
I went from 178 to 195.
-Bench from 225 to 265
-Squats from 245 to 295
-Deadlift from 275 to 315
-Military Press 60lbs - 85lbs
-Standing Curls 40lbs - 55lbs
-Pullups(Widegrip) 15 - 25 reps
I am so stoked with the progress. Thanks for the recommendations guys I haven't hit a big plateau yet but I am assuming its coming.
You got the glow
How can you do 85 MP and look like that? I figure with that body you could do close to 100 easy.
I look like shit compared to you, and when I lifted more often I was at 85 fairly easily in 3x5 reps doing SS
How many reps/sets did you do? I saw one site recommending 8-12 reps but I want to try it with the usual 5 when I start it up tomorrow.Zottman curls are no joke! Gat damn!
How many reps/sets did you do? I saw one site recommending 8-12 reps but I want to try it with the usual 5 when I start it up tomorrow.
How can you do 85 MP and look like that? I figure with that body you could do close to 100 easy.
I look like shit compared to you, and when I lifted more often I was at 85 fairly easily in 3x5 reps doing SS
So I'm starting 5/3/1 next week. I'm kinda nervous, but at the same time really pumped. I have no clue why I'm nervous, lol.
Not to shit on Bruce, because I'd kill to look like him and he obviously lifts, but his amazing physique is a BF thing. His lifts are great but not exceptional like you would guess from the way he looks, other than his Bench which is somehow really high in comparison to DL/Squats (and it shows, his chest is his best feature) and his shoulders look weak, and they are.
That said, your transformation is inspiring. I can't wait to look like you one day. Keep doing what you're doing and get big and strong dude. You're the man.
Any thoughts on my progress so far guys? I know I picked a bad time with Bruce's pictures going up, but even if you're thinking I see no change just be honest.
Any thoughts on my progress so far guys? I know I picked a bad time with Bruce's pictures going up, but even if you're thinking I see no change just be honest.
The change is obvious, but for the amount of time and effort you've put into it I'd say you're a bit disappointed with the results.. right?
I'd suggest something drastic, but I have a feeling my ideas for weight loss might be looked down on here haha.
There's a definite difference. You seem disappointed, though. It'll take time before you get to where you want to be.
I don't think you should be cutting, btw. A recomp would probably be better so you can get some more muscle on your frame. What are your lifts like?
What was your diet like?
You got it. I feel like I'm busting my ass here.
What's your idea? Is it more drastic than PSMF?
So I'm starting 5/3/1 next week. I'm kinda nervous, but at the same time really pumped. I have no clue why I'm nervous, lol.