For the average person trying to gain or lose 10-15lbs you're absolutely right, cutting/bulking cycles are the way to go.It's not really a myth. It's just a very slow process, and time could be better spent with cut/bulk cycles. However, I'm trying something similar at the moment using a guide from LG and My lifts are going up to where they were a year and a half ago while I remain at the lowest body fat I've been at in years.
So I watched the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead documentary on netflix yesterday. Anyone try replacing meals with the vegetable juice as described in that documentary? The results in the doc were amazing really. I'm thinking of doing it in replacement of breakfast and lunch.
The doc is available online as well:
I don't understand. Why would you drink your calories when you can eat them?
So, I've had the same set of weights for the past twenty years, and they are octagonal, and I hate them. When I do any floor exercises like deads or bar rows they never sit down the way they came off the floor. It's time I buy a set of round Olympic style weights with built in handles, and vinyl bumper coverings, and the larger diameter holes. I get $300 per year from work to buy personal workout equipment, so this year I'm buying weights.
So I've been pricing new weights and much to my surprise they have gotten incredibly expensive. Out of all the places I've looked so far, Dick's Sporting Goods seems to have the best deals per pound on decent weights. Does anyone in here have any other suggestions on where to buy a new set of good weights?
Even as someone who is doing a PSMF, a juice fast sounds crazy.
Calling anything a 'fast' that involves consuming calories just doesn't sit well with me. A fast where you continue to drink water, black coffee, tea or diet soda (avoiding calories) still fits within the realm of not-kidding-yourself, but consuming copious amounts of juice and calling it a fast fits in the realm of new age quackery.
A Facebook friend did a juice fast, I warned him about the potential pitfalls and said not to expect that weightloss to be permanent, etc. Got met with a lot of "hater" comments. He dropped 18 pounds. I'm pretty sure he put it all back on.
He said he did it to "detox" (is there really such a thing?) and to mentally prepare himself for doing it the old fashioned way. I keep hearing this from they have to work out or diet before really working out or dieting.
Calling anything a 'fast' that involves consuming calories just doesn't sit well with me. A fast where you continue to drink water, black coffee, tea or diet soda (avoiding calories) still fits within the realm of not-kidding-yourself, but consuming copious amounts of juice and calling it a fast fits in the realm of new age quackery.
"Detoxing" is a really shady area of nutritional science. It's true that many people will feel much better when they're on certain detox diets, but that's more because they're cutting out a bunch of the garbage (read: overly processed, loaded with added sugars, nutrient-lacking) foods that they normally eat and replacing it with relatively unprocessed foods, such as water, tea, coffee, veggies, fruit, etc. The same results could be generally achieved by just eating a solid and all-around healthy diet as opposed to the average American diet, no silly "detox diet" needed. The worst is when people do it as a temporary thing and then go back to their usual shit-filled diet.
A Facebook friend did a juice fast, I warned him about the potential pitfalls and said not to expect that weightloss to be permanent, etc. Got met with a lot of "hater" comments. He dropped 18 pounds. I'm pretty sure he put it all back on.
He said he did it to "detox" (is there really such a thing?) and to mentally prepare himself for doing it the old fashioned way. I keep hearing this from they have to work out or diet before really working out or dieting.
Good god, leg day annihilates me.
My hip issue is really bothering my squats. I think I'm gonna drop the weight way down, way way down and build back up through reps. Also looking for a massage therapist in my area.
I was close to passing out/puking today doing my BBB DL at 225x10 for 5 sets then an extra set at 315x10. I'm fucking tired.
Try doing your BBB sets with a narrower stance and go ATG. I find ATG squats much more forgiving on my hips than a wider stance powerlifting style.
Have you considered doing incline press (or even flat bench) 5x10 @50%-60%1RM on your Press 5/3/1 days? I don't know how much that would help personally but it would stay in line with the program.
Good god, leg day annihilates me.
My hip issue is really bothering my squats. I think I'm gonna drop the weight way down, way way down and build back up through reps. Also looking for a massage therapist in my area.
I was close to passing out/puking today doing my BBB Deadlift at 225x10 for 5 sets then an extra set at 315x10. I'm fucking tired.
He was using it as a mental platform to then start eating more healthily (more lean meats, fresh green veggies etc). Why not just start eating those things without wasting time on a detox?
Oh, I'm in 100% agreement with you, I should have made that more clear. It's silly and a waste of time.
Good god, leg day annihilates me.
My hip issue is really bothering my squats. I think I'm gonna drop the weight way down, way way down and build back up through reps. Also looking for a massage therapist in my area.
I was close to passing out/puking today doing my BBB Deadlift at 225x10 for 5 sets then an extra set at 315x10. I'm fucking tired.
What hip issue do you have specifically? I ask because I've noticed I have some sort of problem with what might be my hip, or some joint around that area (lower back right side I get unpleasant feeling "popping" or clicks with some moves).
Well, I pulled the trigger.
Within the next 6 months I will be a Certified Personal Trainer.
Feels great man. I'm excited as hell.
Well, I pulled the trigger.
Within the next 6 months I will be a Certified Personal Trainer.
Feels great man. I'm excited as hell.
Got cramp twice in my leg in quick succession at football training today. First time I've ever got cramp like that doing sports. Then again we did do a 3 mile run prior to the training which then involved another half hour of HIIT (with or without the ball). First time I've done a long run like that since I was in my teens so I'm not surprised I was hit hard.
Overall. I said god damn.
Is HIIT for 30 minutes 3 days a week and 30 minutes of AMT elliptical 7 days a week a low/moderate/heavy routine?
I don't think I'm going to be ready for my next day of 5/3/1 tomorrow. Being my first week, these doms are terrible. I have literally stumbled and almost fallen over while tending bar tonight, and simply can't take stairs downward at anything but a snails pace. Feels awesome, but methinks this first week will be Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, then Friday instead of Thursday. Hopefully next week I can do it proper.
Bahaha! Welcome to BBB!
yeah man. I give you all the credit in the world. I can barely walk today. Just tell me it gets a bit easier. lol
yeah man. I give you all the credit in the world. I can barely walk today. Just tell me it gets a bit easier. lol
It does get easier, the DOMs become predictable and easier to deal with, but you will have DOMs quite often, mostly when you do lower body BBB (which is best BBB).
Oh I can deal with doms, but this is different. This is my legs caving under me when I try to walk. lol
We'll see how it feels tomorrow. I will go Friday no matter what though!
and shut up deadbeef!
Just get used to taking a shit being a chore, LOL.
Oh I can deal with doms, but this is different. This is my legs caving under me when I try to walk. lol
We'll see how it feels tomorrow. I will go Friday no matter what though!
and shut up deadbeef!
What'd you do go for 15 reps on the first week? Haha been there
nah, its definitely the bbb squats after the 5/3/1 deads. holy shit.
Well, I pulled the trigger.
Within the next 6 months I will be a Certified Personal Trainer.
Feels great man. I'm excited as hell.
Is HIIT for 30 minutes 3 days a week and 30 minutes of AMT elliptical 7 days a week a low/moderate/heavy routine?
Just imagine if you had done BBB squats after 5/3/1 squats.
I did that for like 5 cycles, same with deads.