Damn, I think I busted my knee.
Flash-back two weeks ago. I run. everything is fine. I come home, cool down, have a shower, no problem. Later in the evening, my right knee hurts when I get up, whevener my leg has been straight for too long. I don't mind it too much and it goes away in two days. Just to be sure, I just do fitness works and keep away from running these last two weeks.
But yesterday, I decided to run again. I had even forgotten about the knee thing. This was just my usual weekly 7k run, which I do in about 45min. Nothing unusual at all, and as you can see, not really extreme.
And yet, 20minutes into the usual mixed route, I get this sharp pain in the right knee. It's not inwards, it's outwards. I slow my pace a bit and try to see if it passes. It doesn't, but it's not as sharp as the initial pain, I just have to mind my form.
I complete the run, playing it relatively safe - no funny sidewalk crossings, no chaotic routes, just mild running. But 15 minutes after I'm home and my body cools down, it hurts like a bitch. I can't bend the knee without that sharp pain. I mean, I can walk but I feel it nagging, I can't run, and I most certainly can't walk up or down the stairs without looking like I've got mace in my eyes. It hurts, basically. I'd say 6 / 10, pain-wise.
This was yesterday, it's pretty much the same, even worse today. If I keep my leg straight for a while and bend it, it's a struggle.
I'm usually the kind of guy who waits and see how things go before going all medical, but you guys can have valuable experience with this kind of injury. What do you think, should I be quick about seeing a doctor, or is it not unusual and just requires time?
Also, is there any good leg training one can do without stressing a damaged knee?