No back pain yesterday!!
Really happy everything felt ok afterwards.
This is me. Set a PR on the squat and my back only experienced the usual DOMS about five minutes after completing the exercise. I was pumped.
No back pain yesterday!!
Really happy everything felt ok afterwards.
This is me. Set a PR on the squat and my back only experienced the usual DOMS about five minutes after completing the exercise. I was pumped.
Nice, what did ya get? Also, are you using a belt?
325 3x5, no belt.
You and I are gonna have to make a pact not to go into those threads again, man.
Yeah, it's probably better that way.
Good shit, you may think about using a belt soon, you will be amazed how much of a difference it makes! If you're against it, I understand that too though.
I actually should've been wearing a belt. I'm going to start. I deloaded twice on my squat already to improve form and concentrate of minimizing back pain. Second time seems to be the charm.
i can't wait til i get a job and get a belt. i feel like my squat/deadlift are going to skyrocket again.
also my hip flexors are incredibly fucking sore from doing those breathing squats
fantastic isn't it =)
Damn, I think I busted my knee.
Flash-back two weeks ago. I run. everything is fine. I come home, cool down, have a shower, no problem. Later in the evening, my right knee hurts when I get up, whevener my leg has been straight for too long. I don't mind it too much and it goes away in two days. Just to be sure, I just do fitness works and keep away from running these last two weeks.
But yesterday, I decided to run again. I had even forgotten about the knee thing. This was just my usual weekly 7k run, which I do in about 45min. Nothing unusual at all, and as you can see, not really extreme.
And yet, 20minutes into the usual mixed route, I get this sharp pain in the right knee. It's not inwards, it's outwards. I slow my pace a bit and try to see if it passes. It doesn't, but it's not as sharp as the initial pain, I just have to mind my form.
I complete the run, playing it relatively safe - no funny sidewalk crossings, no chaotic routes, just mild running. But 15 minutes after I'm home and my body cools down, it hurts like a bitch. I can't bend the knee without that sharp pain. I mean, I can walk but I feel it nagging, I can't run, and I most certainly can't walk up or down the stairs without looking like I've got mace in my eyes. It hurts, basically. I'd say 6 / 10, pain-wise.
This was yesterday, it's pretty much the same, even worse today. If I keep my leg straight for a while and bend it, it's a struggle.
I'm usually the kind of guy who waits and see how things go before going all medical, but you guys can have valuable experience with this kind of injury. What do you think, should I be quick about seeing a doctor, or is it not unusual and just requires time?
Also, is there any good leg training one can do without stressing a damaged knee?
325 3x5 (three sets; five reps), no belt.
You and I are gonna have to make a pact not to go into those threads again, man.
Where did you get your roller? I was looking at some cheap ones at Amazon, not sure what a good size/price is though.
Okay here's my plan.
0 carbs.
run two miles before and after work out.
how does that sound
I keep telling myself I am going to switch to this from SS but I just haven't yet. SS has taken me to the limit and I think I need more rest days between squatting especially.
Ah yes, my favorite sight at the gym: seeing a dude use the squat cage to curl an empty bar.
In Kyle's America, those people would be liquified and used to power the lights in the gym.
Kylejstone shake?
It's just for this week cuz he's being inducted into the HOF this week before he hopefully loses for one last time. Ya he is a douche. But he's our douche and he helped make mma popular.BLEARG!
Also, I miss your old avatar, mostly because Tito is a douche.
I would throw out decline bench entirely. Do dips instead.
Fantastic bud, really great to hear.
It's just for this week cuz he's being inducted into the HOF this week before he hopefully loses for one last time. Ya he is a douche. But he's our douche and he helped make mma popular.
Thanks. Is it bad one of my first thoughts after my car got hit was, "how will this effect the gym?"
I get as mad about that as watching a dude/group of people bench press and do flyes in the squat rack.
The worst part was that he then proceeded to do more bicep curl oriented exercises at a low weight with other equipment.
Lol, at least you kept your cool.
I'm thinking my plan will be...
Cut/recover from soft tissue damage until the fall.
Then I'm going to start eating more, startup SL 5x5 again (increasing 5lbs every workout) and try a bulk.
If I buy an extra bag of chicken tenders to grill up, more tuna and eggs it shouldn't be terribly hard to eat more, but it will be a big change from the amount I eat now.
Ok good idea. I'm guessing I should be using:
How so?Calorie counting is possibly the worst thing in the world.
It's just no fun trying to count calories and sticking to a certain amount.How so?
I only track macros for a week or two when I start a diet. After that I pretty much know what to eat to reach a goal.It's just no fun trying to count calories and sticking to a certain amount.
Plus counting calories every day for a long time gets boring and time consuming.
Started workin' out. Been doing bicep curls, tricep curls, lat pulldowns, bench presses, squats (no weight yet), and rows.
What targets inner pecs best? Regular bench press? Flyes? Push up?
Edit: I know its technically one muscle, but surely there's a way to build that part of it a bit more? I might be 1000% wrong though.
I would throw out decline bench entirely. Do dips instead.
Make sure your form is good for the compound lifts!
Is there any point in doing clean and jerks? I'm worried about long term effects.
I'm doing, squats, deads, bench, and pull-ups besides.
It doesn't matter. Do whichever one feels more comfortable.For someone who is tall (I'm 6'3") and has long legs, is the low-bar squat better or high-bar squat better, in terms of leg/hip dexterity? I know the low bar emphasizes the posterior chain but I feel really awkward trying to do it. My legs are fairly weak as well.
Long term effects in terms of what?
Started workin' out. Been doing bicep curls, tricep curls, lat pulldowns, bench presses, squats (no weight yet), and rows.
I get as mad about that as watching a dude/group of people bench press and do flyes in the squat rack.
I'm a weightlifting noob so whatever the barbell plus a 45 on each side is...How much do you bench now?
Why? Also, things like goals, training history, height/weight might be helpful.