Hi squat booty thread! For the past 2 months or so I've felt like I've been stuck at a wall on my lifts. Hoping to get some advice. My info:
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 207 lbs
Goal: 500 lb deadlift, 400 lb squat (really just continual improvement, I'd eventually like to compete in local powerlifting events)
Current Training Schedule: Starting Strength Adv Novice program, MWF
Current Training Equipment Available: Olympic bar and weights, squat stands, bench
Comments: I've been lifting consistently for the past 13 months now. Started doing Strong Lifts (5x5, then 3x5, then 1x5), got my squats up to 305 5RM, DL up to 330 5RM, and bench press up to 235 5RM before switching to Madcow. I ended up completely worn out from Madcow in about a month. Constantly fatigued, always starving despite eating roughly 3000 calories a day, couldn't sleep even when I went to bed, started to get some knee and elbow soreness and discomfort, and just generally felt miserable overall. I did get my lifts up a bit, squat to 320 5RM, DL up to 350 5RM, bench press up to 250 5RM.
That was about 2 months ago. I switched to Starting Strength Advance Novice and dropped all my lifts about 20% so I could do 3x5 again and have just recently switched back to 1x5 on the big lifts. Also added in stuff like front squats in place of low weight wednesday squats, and power cleans and chinups/pullups in place of rows. I alternate power cleans and DLs on alternate wednesdays.
The issue is I don't really feel like I'm getting any stronger now. I feel much better overall than when I was doing Madcow, but not stronger. I managed a 355x5 DL on wednesday but it felt significantly more difficult than the 350x5 a few months ago. I'm back up to 300x5 on squats but they don't feel any easier at all either. I did start eating a bit less beginning in July or so but only marginally (down to ~2500/day vs ~3000) as I wanted to drop some fat and I generally only get about 6-7 hours of sleep per night during the week (8-9 hours weekends). I'm thinking it's likely diet and sleep, but I've never felt this shitty with lifts and it's becoming pretty discouraging. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I'm sure that you'll reach your goals if you continue to work hard. Sometimes it's frustrating when progress seems to stagnate - we've all been there.
Some of the things that I've done in the past to break barriers is to change the rep scheme and to add in some partial ROM lifts. For example, I really broke through that 300-315 lb range on squats by just working up to heavy 3 reps or even heavy singles. What I would do is to do sets of 5 until they got too difficult, then to switch to sets of 3 and then do a heavy single. I would then set the bar on the pins and do single squats starting at the bottom pin, starting at 135 until I couldn't get 1 rep. Then I would set the pins way high, so that the bar resting on the pins was like a quarter squat. I would then start at like 315 racked - walk it out, and then do progressively heavier sets. You should be able to do WAY more weight with a quarter squat and you will be able to adapt to having heavier weights on your back, so that low 300s won't feel as heavy. So to summarize, I might do something like this:
(fabricated numbers, trying to remember from a few years back)
Followed by Squats from Bottom pin:
Followed by Quarter Squats - Unrack, walk out, squat until bar rests at a dead stop on the pins, then rack again:
I found this to work REALLY well with my squat.
Follow that up with some strict form Good Mornings and some ab work.