is it 15 because of the counterweight or because it's legit 15 pounds.
in my old gym the free weight and the smith bars were identical, length, circumference, everything. i assumed they were 45lbs. of course it FEELS lighter cause of the counterweight, but the bar i thought was still 45 lbs in and of itself.
I think it a lot of us are like that. I too feel small, despite my size. People say the same thing to me about being big and when cutting, you lose the mass and strength so it hurts it even more. This summer, I got a lot more lean and just felt tiny. Arms were smaller because of less fat but still. Just sticks in your mind, ya know? In the end, we just need to do our best to remind ourselves that there is nothing wrong with self improvement and wanting more but at the same time, be happy at what we have achieved and where we are at.
You can definitely see a difference in the pics. Remember, it is only 5 months. That is a drop in the weightlifting bucket. If you want to continue down this path, this is only the beginning. Shit takes time and you are on the right path.
re: Phat
5 days a week is definitely a commitment and based of the routines, it looks like more time will be spent in the gym. I understand where you are coming from as it is difficult. Life > gym and you gotta do what you gotta do. I want to try 5 days a week but who knows if I can. I too like the idea of a hard strength day and a volume day. Something new for me. Plus, I get to dive in all sorts of new routines. If they are useful to me, who know lol.
re: eating
I feel you on eating. I am no way eating enough. I think I will start drinking more milk and take more chicken and rice with me to work.
Holy shit what the hell am I watching...
You're watching a competitive sport with the same standards as and that deserves the same respect as Football (soccer), Football (American), Rugby, Baseball, Basketball, Olympic Weightlifting, etc. Crossfit really should be an Olympic event.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I will say that, mostly due to all the squatting, that Crossfit can really help the aesthetics of women. Unfortunately, due to the incredible volume of high intensity metabolic conditioning workouts coupled with encouraging the Zone diet, eventually the fat loss hits a point where you'll see the degradation of breast tissue and a hardening of appearance.
Like going from reguar shaped female into this...
You can see how much kool aid is drank as they progress. My favorite part is that the girls simply dominate over the men in several of these categories on a box level, just because of the dedication they seem to have over the men. But hey, if they're happy, more power to 'em.
WTF man, your quads
You're watching a competitive sport with the same standards as and that deserves the same respect as Football (soccer), Football (American), Rugby, Baseball, Basketball, Olympic Weightlifting, etc. Crossfit really should be an Olympic event.
The most impressive thing about Darth is not only his size but his definition as well. 17 inch arms and his quads are ridiculous at his bf%.
Damn, talk about a huge pick me up. Was having an alright workout, but nothing all that great. Then this guy comes up to me, big and ripped, definitely about to hit the stage for some kind of show. "Do you compete?" I was like wha? Told him I was thinking of it and he said that I looked the part, big, lean, and great shape. And as I guessed he is two weeks away from doing his very first comp. We chatted for about half an hour after that about a bunch of shit.
Needless to say it made my week. To have a guy who looks like he does assume that I was already competing, feels sooooo good.
Took this pic after my workout today. Was quick and dirty, wanted to give you guys some kind of idea of how my upper/lower body look together. I apologize for being somewhat clothed, I don't like taking pics in the lockerroom, and wasn't about to do it nearly nude. Also had no place to do a self-timer, so shitty arm placement. But whatever, have at it.
Oh and yeah, sorry for the crotch shot. If it's a problem I'll unquote it.
I weighed in at 193.5 yesterday, still leaning out. Should hit a little over 180 when I'm done.
Is there a way to lose muscle?
Is there a way to lose muscle?
Cardio and caloric restriction.
High intensity cardio on a caloric deficit with low protein intake for good measure and basically no lifting, you can still lift and be catabolic as fuck though.
Thanks. Any tips on what I should eat?
You're watching a competitive sport with the same standards as and that deserves the same respect as Football (soccer), Football (American), Rugby, Baseball, Basketball, Olympic Weightlifting, etc. Crossfit really should be an Olympic event.
I'm 5'8~9.And Goddamn Darth! Good job man. How tall are you?
Cardio and caloric restriction.
I don't get all the blanket Crossfit hate. There are dumbasses doing dumb shit outside of CF too. I think it's done great things for the sport of weightlifting. I don't think CF is a sport by any means but some of the top athletes are really fun to watch. Hell the dude that won it last year just snatched 285# and clean and jerked 355#. Pretty impressive Crossfitter or otherwise.
Yeah, lets compare Crossfit, a sport which didn't exist six years ago, to team sports that have been around for ages. Makes sense.
I'm 5'8~9.
Thanks for the kind words .guys, means a lot coming from you all. You guys are what help me stay motivated. I think about you guys every day I get in the gym. Someone in here is always doing something awesome.
And I don't think I'm any kind of genetic freak really, mom's side of the family is all very obese and not very muscular or strong in any way. I don't know anything about my dad, but I think he may have been a basketball player in high school. I think my mom mentioned that once.
I prefer not to think like that anyway. I have to work hard like everyone else to see results.
don't know how anybody goes on a cut with crossfit. i'm currently "doing" crossfit and i'm so hungry after it's stupid
Ripp's new press video.
What are your goals? Why do you want to lose muscle?
heliosRAzi said:I'm currently 245, 5'8, fairly muscular with a spare tire. I have plantar fasciitis that started after I reached 200lbs about 6 years ago. It wasn't much of a problem for a while, but lately my feet have been hurting after I wake up. Went to a podiatrist and they suggested that it might be because of my weight. So, my goal will eventually get below 200 in like six months or so.
After taking 4 full days off, and adjusting my routine I've found I've really made some improvements. Recently, I've found I should lift less and run more. I've been able to consistently bench 185, which may not sound like a lot for most weight lifters, but it's is a lot for someone with a runner's body who's 5'10" and weighs 153lbs. Still trying to go down to 10% body fat though, so I've probably got another 10lbs to lose, but I think I can get there by Christmas. Cheers.
After taking 4 full days off, and adjusting my routine I've found I've really made some improvements. Recently, I've found I should lift less and run more. I've been able to consistently bench 185, which may not sound like a lot for most weight lifters, but it's is a lot for someone with a runner's body who's 5'10" and weighs 153lbs. Still trying to go down to 10% body fat though, so I've probably got another 10lbs to lose, but I think I can get there by Christmas. Cheers.
Don't want to come across as harsh but just going by your weight and height you could probably easily make it to 200lbs just by cutting fat. Above 200lbs lean at that height is getting into roids/bb'er territory. For example, Darth posted a pic on this page and is an absolute monster, the same height as you and weighs 190. As a poster in here frequently likes to say (sorry I can't remember who it is!) "you're fatter than you think you are."
On the plus side, you don't have to worry about losing muscle or much strength and will no doubt look like an absolute beast as you approach the 200lb mark.
I'm gonna piggy back Alien here. I have a good friend who does full triathalons, and he's hella skinny dense as steel. (the metal shoulder from the bike accident helps with that.)
When you hit that low of a body weight losing more fat is going to require some pretty dedicated work. Like, hard, hard, diet/training. You'd be better served, if you're going for just a more aesthetic appeal, putting on some weight and eating heavier. It'll be a lot easier.
Do what you want, but if you want to be hella lean low body fat low weight athlete, start your two mile swims, some 20 mile bike rides and couple 10ks. You'll get there that way, just hope you like carbs.![]()
So we maxed out in the weight room today. My numbers were:
Bench: 230
Squat: 365
Clean: 242
Im 6' 170 pounds, and I run track. Not sure how these numbers are, but i'm decently proud of my squat max
Yeah, it should be noted I was just having fun while trying to make a point. Wasn't meaning to come off "too much" like an ass. He's already incredibly lean, and I don't believe (opinion) "losing more weight" will do him any favors. Basically exactly how you put it.
Like highschool "we?"
Be careful of doing maxes with highschool kids and coaches. Shit can be pretty damned dangerous.
na college. we have pretty decent trainers
Ok, that's better. Decent numbers btw, how long have you been lifting? What programming are you using?
CrossFit Games on ESPN2...
No, not any more. I am working with a trainer now and on his program. I was missing 5/3/1, but I'm kinda back in the high volume groove now. I did get the book though, but need to get to reading it.You still on 5/3/1? What split/accessory work you doing? Did you get the 2.0 ebook yet?
About two years, but not continuously. We usually pair back during the season and I try not to get too big over the summer. They create a program for us, right now its four days a week. We work on explosiveness, so for the past couple of weeks in all our major lifts we focused on the downward movement, counting to five on the way down and then exploding up. Right now we pause at the bottom of our lift for 5 seconds and explode up, and then a couple weeks before the season we work on the end of the lift. It's hard because I only have my other teammates to compare my numbers to, and was kind of wondering what types of numbers people put up who've been bulking
No, not any more. I am working with a trainer now and on his program. I was missing 5/3/1, but I'm kinda back in the high volume groove now. I did get the book though, but need to get to reading it.
There's a whole lot here that sounds "troubling" to me, but I'm not going to touch it.
I would advise reading some weightlifting/strength/etc books if you're interested, dump some broscience you may have "learned" and make sure your coaches/fellow teammates aren't leading you in the wrong direction. Even if they aren't, it's better to educate yourself in addition to what they feed you.
ALL SHOW AND NO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!