So, I don't have a tonne of friends, so I'm going to give this to you guys. 'Cause you can take it.
I haven't set foot in a gym since July, due to transportation and funds. My fiancee and I are on shaky ground. I'm unemployed. I'm clinically depressed. I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. All I have are my balls, my name, and beating the shit out of myself on the pavement, a piece of shit made on TV pull up ball, and a 100lb barbell.
So, when you're doing squats, deadlifts, bench press, 10 mile runs, whatever... just do it hard. Do an extra rep. Spit on the ground to keep yourself from being sick. Drop the bar and collapse in your knuckles. Because I can't, I need to, and seeing you all murder the steel gives me a moment to smile because I can't touch a barbell right now.
Hit it hard ladies and gents and clean off the steel if you tear something.
Apologies if I've asked this question in the past, (either I forgot to check back in this thread for an answer, or I my short term memory is even worse than I thought) but do push ups make your arms bigger or just strengthen them?
Well, they can, but hypertrophy comes in with a combo of both endurance and strength . They can only get you so far. If you don't have equipment, work on one arm.