lol I just saw this on Facebook from a friend. Just when I was starting to feel a little strong. 800 lb squat. God.
FitnessGaF: What if anything do you do to get yourself ready to lift a challenging weight?
I'm not one to grunt or groan for instance, and neither is anyone I lift with. We had one person join us who liked to do it though, and he said it's what he was used to.
I do tend to grab the bar and violently shake it once or twice in the rack before I get under it though on heavy squats. It's not particularly loud, just one of my ways of getting ready.
I also have a little ritual where I put a hoodie up or a hat on down close to my eyes almost like blinders to block everything out. I walk down to a picture on a wall at my gym and fist bump the image of a fist there, then walk back and do my lift. Usually only near PR weight, not everyday.
FitnessGaF: What if anything do you do to get yourself ready to lift a challenging weight?
I'm not one to grunt or groan for instance, and neither is anyone I lift with. We had one person join us who liked to do it though, and he said it's what he was used to.
I do tend to grab the bar and violently shake it once or twice in the rack before I get under it though on heavy squats. It's not particularly loud, just one of my ways of getting ready.
I also have a little ritual where I put a hoodie up or a hat on down close to my eyes almost like blinders to block everything out. I walk down to a picture on a wall at my gym and fist bump the image of a fist there, then walk back and do my lift. Usually only near PR weight, not everyday.
Hey GAF, I'm starting the Stronglifts 5x5 routine, and I would like to clarify something. For someone just starting out, how do the warm up sets work? I understand that with the squats for instance, it says to start by doing 2 sets of 5 reps with an empty bar and then 2 sets of 3 reps with an increased weight before moving on to the 5 sets of your workout weight. For someone starting out, how do I determine what the 2 sets of 3 reps warmup weight should be? Also, does this warm up structure apply to every other exercise, excluding the deadlift? Thanks!
I only breathe heavy before lifting heavy to calm my heart, otherwise I don't really do anything but lift the weight. I do like to do a Cactus Jack "Bang bang" finger gesture when I'm done though.
So yesterday when doing my working weight in squats I started to feel a pain in my lower back, I decided it was a good time to deload. How much do people usually deload by? I went from 310lbs to 275lbs, I'm just wondering if I am going lower than I'd have to.
FitnessGaF: What if anything do you do to get yourself ready to lift a challenging weight?
Hey GAF, I'm starting the Stronglifts 5x5 routine, and I would like to clarify something. For someone just starting out, how do the warm up sets work? I understand that with the squats for instance, it says to start by doing 2 sets of 5 reps with an empty bar and then 2 sets of 3 reps with an increased weight before moving on to the 5 sets of your workout weight. For someone starting out, how do I determine what the 2 sets of 3 reps warmup weight should be? Also, does this warm up structure apply to every other exercise, excluding the deadlift? Thanks!
Listen to my power song and start the lift about 5 seconds before it hits the good part.
Hey GAF, I'm starting the Stronglifts 5x5 routine, and I would like to clarify something. For someone just starting out, how do the warm up sets work? I understand that with the squats for instance, it says to start by doing 2 sets of 5 reps with an empty bar and then 2 sets of 3 reps with an increased weight before moving on to the 5 sets of your workout weight. For someone starting out, how do I determine what the 2 sets of 3 reps warmup weight should be? Also, does this warm up structure apply to every other exercise, excluding the deadlift? Thanks!
Haha, I do this too. Just helps me shake off the nerves and get into it. I also like to sing g in between sets.don't take my word as gospel, but i quit warming up with the bar when i hit 225 in starting strength. now, i start out at 5x115, then 5x135, then 5x225, then working sets, which tomorrow will be 10x285. thats just what works for me.
FitnessGaF: What if anything do you do to get yourself ready to lift a challenging weight?
I'm not one to grunt or groan for instance, and neither is anyone I lift with. We had one person join us who liked to do it though, and he said it's what he was used to.
I do tend to grab the bar and violently shake it once or twice in the rack before I get under it though on heavy squats. It's not particularly loud, just one of my ways of getting ready.
I also have a little ritual where I put a hoodie up or a hat on down close to my eyes almost like blinders to block everything out. I walk down to a picture on a wall at my gym and fist bump the image of a fist there, then walk back and do my lift. Usually only near PR weight, not everyday.
Protein food barAnyone got any good protein bar/cookie/flapjack recipes that they use?
So Wendler recommends leg press as one of the assistance exercises to squats. I was thinking what's the difference between leg press and hack press?
Leg Press
Hack Press
So is there any difference and which one is preferred as an assistance after heavy squats and BBB deadlifts? For a woman if it matters![]()
Love the program so far, it really is doable and seeing the progress every time you go to the gym is an easy motivator, never even thought about skipping a session and can't really see myself doing so.
Hey guys, just started doing Starting Strength a few weeks ago (partly due to the recommendations of this thread), just wanted to put some thoughts together for anyone else considering the program, or if anyone has any extra advice for me.
Long story short, I've always struggled with food.
How long do you cut for? Or is it an 'as long as it takes' thing.
I'm giving myself til the end of April, but starting Feb 1.
First day in my new guy after moving today. 3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, only put up the 220 for 5 reps, I'm guessing part of that is simply getting used to different benches, different bars, etc. Excited to have 2 real power racks instead of just squat racks, though the weight area at the new gym is about half the size of the old one. They have 5 locations in the area though so I'll be checking the others out for sure. Hoping one has a platform for deadlift day.
First day in my new guy after moving today. 3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, only put up the 220 for 5 reps, I'm guessing part of that is simply getting used to different benches, different bars, etc. Excited to have 2 real power racks instead of just squat racks, though the weight area at the new gym is about half the size of the old one. They have 5 locations in the area though so I'll be checking the others out for sure. Hoping one has a platform for deadlift day.
Anyone ever have those off days where all your lifts are down 10 to 15 pounds and you have no stamina to do the reps you normally do? I had this problem yesterday, even got stuck benching and needed help to get the bar off which was pretty damn embarrassing. It's just strange because I was fine Monday and last week. Don't think I'm sick, I just couldn't lift my normal weights anymore. Hopefully this will pass, also feel fine today.
What one are you going to now? You were at Best Fitness on eggert before, right?
I'm in Syracuse now, not Buffalo. The girl and I are all through with school and such there, so we've just moved back to our hometown.
Oh shit another guy from Syracuse. I grew up there. You staying in the city or out in the suburbs? Also, hello fellas. I've been away from this thread for a while now since I spent the last 5 months doing muay thai and lifting on the side but the teacher is leaving my gym so I decided to get back into serious lifting again. Hopefully I'll get back to my max lifts soon enough.
How long does the usual gym session last with SS? It doesn't look like it would last that long. Just an in and out deal.
I still haven't found time to start lifting. Too busy with swimming.
45 minutes to an hour for me, depending which day it was. The middle day tends to be shorter.
Does that include some 15 minute cardio warm up?
Speaking of cardio, should I be doing it on off days? Once swimming ends of course.
I tried ATGT squats today, man...
I have no one I trust to critique my form and my knees just keep caving inwards.
I know it has something to do with the cartilage in my inner knees being worn down due to constant pivoting at work. I had to attend rehab for it the pain would get so bad.
I don't know what I can do to fix that part of my knees, I hoped it would go away as I learned to push through the outsides of my feet but nope, constant knee quivering and inward pushing.
Should I just give up on the squat? I'm only doing about 175 ATG and it's embarassing.
The real hard part is I've been stuck here for months, I've plateaued...