
Been really busting my ass push ups push ios and free weights
How long does the usual gym session last with SS? It doesn't look like it would last that long. Just an in and out deal.
I still haven't found time to start lifting. Too busy with swimming.
I usually do my roller at home at night before bed, but since I'm off work and could take my time at the gym when it was empty during the day, I did it on the gym mats after lifting and my cardio cool down. It felt good at first but by the time I was done I felt nauseous. Not to the point of vomiting, but was uncomfortable until I ate. Once I got food in my stomach I felt good again. That has never happened before.
Ya, I'm planning on getting one today. I had a massage a couple days ago but it was light. She did find all my bad spots though and I left very satisfied, but it wasn't deep at all. I am always impressed when they hit me in all the right spots without me telling them.
This was entirely different. It was like I had the flu without the nauseous feeling, just everything else. It lasted about two hours then went away as I pounded water.
I tried ATGT squats today, man...
I have no one I trust to critique my form and my knees just keep caving inwards.
I know it has something to do with the cartilage in my inner knees being worn down due to constant pivoting at work. I had to attend rehab for it the pain would get so bad.
I don't know what I can do to fix that part of my knees, I hoped it would go away as I learned to push through the outsides of my feet but nope, constant knee quivering and inward pushing.
Should I just give up on the squat? I'm only doing about 175 ATG and it's embarassing.
The real hard part is I've been stuck here for months, I've plateaued...
Just had a bowl of beef liver cooked with tomatoes and onions, probably the best post workout meal ever, so satisfying.
Used to dread liver as a child now I eat it like cereals lol.
Quick question, I'm just curious why most people here seem to really emphasise the importance of pulling exercises and doing them in equal/higher quantity than pushing exercises. I don't really incorporate too many pulling exercises into my workouts and was wondering what consequences this has. Also, are squats classed as a pushing or pulling exercise?
This could also be symptomatic of bad technique which is making the movement as a whole more difficult. You mention that you are trying to push with the outsides of your feet and that tells me that your squat form is likely pretty bad. Which is good because with some simple corrections you'll break through your plateau really easily.
The reason your knees are caving inwards is because you lack adductor strength. Ideally and specially for a novice, you want your toes pointing out, maybe 30 degrees, with your feet separated from one another at shoulder width. And you have to shove our knees out so that your knees track your toes. This is something most people have to really focus on at the beginning(because most people have really weak adductors, and most people have an image of the squat with feet close together and toes pointing forward), but it works, trust me.
This could also be symptomatic of bad technique which is making the movement as a whole more difficult. You mention that you are trying to push with the outsides of your feet and that tells me that your squat form is likely pretty bad. Which is good because with some simple corrections you'll break through your plateau really easily.
I'd suggest recording yourself squatting so that we can see what's going on. I'd also suggest getting Starting Strength and reading it diligently. Then reset back to a weight you feel comfortable with (say, 135lb) and take it from there.
Do not give up on Squats. They are the most important thing you could ever do at a gym. Don't feel discouraged; work to improve your weak points. And remember that you have to eat, eat, eat and rest, rest, rest.
The selfish attitude of most gym-goers is honestly baffling to me. I'll gladly advise someone on his/her form and just as eagerly ask them to form-check me. It's almost like a taboo in most gyms.
I've had too many *more experienced* guys just get pissed if I say something. Not worth it anymore.
That's great man. I bet he's got massive calves. What kind of program is he doing?Fitness gaf. I wanted to share with you guys a picture of my nephew. He's lost a shit load of weight and became a giant gym junkie.
He's 6'2" at his highest weight he was 400 pounds. He just hit 240 today after two years and three months.
I asked one guy who turned out to be a personal trainer to form-check me on squats, then came back to him a little later and asked him to do the same for my deadlift. Really sweet guy, and his response made me chuckle. He goes:
"Have you worked with a personal trainer before or something?"
I go, "No, why?"
"Because I've never met anyone who cares so much about his form. I've literally never had anyone ask me to form-check them while I've been here. Fucking good shit man, keep it up."
I basically told him that form is the absolute most important thing to me, as it should be for EVERYONE.
That's great man. I bet he's got massive calves. What kind of program is he doing?
Sounds like you just have good luck or are extremely personable.
I'm 5'8 and 174lbs(used to be 218).Glad you are seeing results but what is your height/weight that you're eating 1700 cals and lifting? That seems very low. Results meaning weight loss?
wow so I checked my workout journal and found out my deadlifts in the 5x5 program should be increased by 10lbs each workout and not 5lb's. That's why the number was so low and was so easy.You're either squatting too much or deadlifting too little. Quite possibly both. Get someone with experience to check your form on both lifts, or record a video if you can.
yea I know that. I'm not afraid of it like some say but its just not my goal. I just wanna get lean and muscular without being big. That's why my intake is far below my required intake 1700 cals. Or do you just get lean by eating your normal intake for your height which mine is 2400?Dude, don't worry. You won't get big and bulky.
It takes years of dedication and hard work. It doesn't happen by accident..
It's true. I did 100lb over press 4 days ago after a 2 workout days of doing 95lbs and was able to pull it off. Hopefully tomorrow I can do 105lbs.You should not underestimate this lift, it is a very difficult lift to progress in.
I'm 5'8 and 174lbs(used to be 218).
I'm day 30 in my 5x5 program.
My goal is to get lean and turn more of my fat to muscle. Maybe get some abs. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought getting lean is all about "cutting" so that's why I've dropped my daily intake to about 1700 cals a day.
What's an ideal method of "cutting"?
I'd do 5 minutes light on the treadmill most days, but the warmup sets themselves were all I really needed.
Cardio is really dependent on your goals.
More specifically, the girl I'm helping to work out.guys, this girl wants a big ass. should she do ATG squats?
Fitness gaf. I wanted to share with you guys a picture of my nephew. He's lost a shit load of weight and became a giant gym junkie.
He's 6'2" at his highest weight he was 400 pounds. He just hit 240 today after two years and three months.
Fitness gaf. I wanted to share with you guys a picture of my nephew. He's lost a shit load of weight and became a giant gym junkie.
He's 6'2" at his highest weight he was 400 pounds. He just hit 240 today after two years and three months.
Fitness gaf. I wanted to share with you guys a picture of my nephew. He's lost a shit load of weight and became a giant gym junkie.
He's 6'2" at his highest weight he was 400 pounds. He just hit 240 today after two years and three months.
More specifically, the girl I'm helping to work out.
I've been trying this shake as a meal replacement, with tons of protein:
40grams of Protein Powder
3 eggs. Yes raw eggs. I get organic eggs, so I'm not too worried about salmonella, plus moar protein!
a few shakes of cinnamon. Cinnamon has been studied to have some thermogenic (fat burning qualities, plus it tastes great!)
a few shakes of unsweetened cocoa powder.
natural peanut butter.
and ice and water to blend.
So good!
Wish people would comment on my form at the gym. I've read all the stuff and seen all the videos but you can never be too sure you are doing it right.
Getting my T levels checked at a TRT clinic next week. I've been feeling like crap. Tired but can't sleep, no energy, cant concentrate, no sex drive, dick failed during random hookup last week (stop laughing). Just sucks lately. Plus I'm 37 and done with kids so whatever. If my levels are in the 300s or lower I'm gonna do it.
Of course it could be something else but we shall see.
Getting my T levels checked at a TRT clinic next week. I've been feeling like crap. Tired but can't sleep, no energy, cant concentrate, no sex drive, dick failed during random hookup last week (stop laughing). Just sucks lately. Plus I'm 37 and done with kids so whatever. If my levels are in the 300s or lower I'm gonna do it.
Of course it could be something else but we shall see.
Seems like there's a lot of weight loss contest threads on GAF. What if someone made a weight gain thread? Would anyone even be a part of it?