BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What is the best stretch to do prior to ATG squats?
What is the best stretch to do prior to ATG squats?
1350g/3lbs of pasta
(penne, spicey cayenne red pepper sauces and beef all smothered in marble cheese)
Been lazy because of work and school. Lifted once in about two weeks now and first time doing chest in a month yesterdday, I'm surprised I've kept any strength...still swoletoffee.
Just wanted to get an opinion about workouts and calorie intake for workout/rest days.
Prefacing this with some stats:
23 year-old male, ~145lbs, 15-20%BF as a rough estimate.
I go to the gym every other day where I lift heavy shit, which includes at least one compound movement. On these days I also run 5K and then do some additional cardio stuff. My main question is that for the past few months prior I was going to the gym pretty much every day with the same level of cardio and still lifting, but eating MAYBE 1,000-1,200 calories a day. Obviously this is an extreme deficit and the reason why my lifts never increased, but I was looking to cut down in some extra body fat around the gut area. I did this for about 4 months with hardly any fat loss as far as I could tell, and then I kinda learned about proper nutrition.
Recently I've been cutting back on gym visits (3-4 times a week) and going with ~1400 calories on rest days and ~1800 calories in workout days. I'm still running 5K and extra cardio only on workout days, so does this mean that my calorie intake should be way higher to offset the calories? My friend told me that I should probably eat 2200 calories on workout days and 1600 on rest days but I'm just afraid of putting on fat when my initial goal was to lose fat.
My lifts have kinda stalled (165lb bench, 295lb squat, 225lb deadlift, 100lb OHP) for a while, is this because I'm still eating too few calories? I'm just trying to find out how much I should actually be eating without screwing myself with too much fat gain and having to cut further, since I'm not trying to bulk right now.
My goals are just to build more lean muscle, get to a lower BF%, and progress with my lifts.
What does GAF think?
TL;DR: Ate way too few calories for a few months while working out nearly every day weights and cardio. Currently working out every other day now cardio and lifting, also eating more. But how much should I be eating?
1350g/3lbs of pasta
(penne, spicey cayenne red pepper sauces and beef all smothered in marble cheese)
Squat stretch; get in the squat position, force your knees out and sit there for a minute.
Why are you going ATG? It's generally unsafe to back squat ass-to-ground for most people as it forces lumbar relaxation...
Make sure you're not over rounding. Also realize squats are going to work low back to some extent especially if you're getting "up there" in weight.
If it starts becoming a problem back off the weight and/or stop doing below parallel squats.
Man, just got back from the gym, first time ever that I was genuinely pissed at not being able to lift a certain weight..
I attempted 100lb incline dumbell press, I leaned back kicked them up to my upper chest/shoulder and proceeded to lift, I got them up a little under half way and left arm wouldn't budge..had to drop them...just shook my head and cussed myself out in my head.. I do think if I had a little help out the hole I would of been able to rep out a good 4-6
Oh we' time they're mine
Sounds like you might be moving up too fast. Why ate you maxing out an accessory movement? What are your goals? How long have you been lifting? How old are you?
Trying to get an idea of what's going on.
what program is everyone doing atm?
i'm tossing up between PHAT and BBB (5/3/1)..
Man, just got back from the gym, first time ever that I was genuinely pissed at not being able to lift a certain weight..
I attempted 100lb incline dumbell press, I leaned back kicked them up to my upper chest/shoulder and proceeded to lift, I got them up a little under half way and left arm wouldn't budge..had to drop them...just shook my head and cussed myself out in my head.. I do think if I had a little help out the hole I would of been able to rep out a good 4-6
Oh we' time they're mine
First time at the gym, I have no real idea about how to do anything. Where do I start?
I watched some YouTube video on proper dumbbell lifting but I have no idea how many reps or how much weight of anything I should do.
5'9 24 year old super lazy computer nerd who needs a change. I am about 150lb
The gym is a weird place for me.
First time at the gym, I have no real idea about how to do anything. Where do I start?
I watched some YouTube video on proper dumbbell lifting but I have no idea how many reps or how much weight of anything I should do.
5'9 24 year old super lazy computer nerd who needs a change. I am about 150lb
The gym is a weird place for me.
Should probably eat more, yeah.
Diagnosed with secondary bacterial infection coming out of my flu. Explains my inability to bounce back cleanly with my lifts, ah well, will be healthy again in a week of antibiotics.
regarding post workout protein, is there any difference between taking a protein shake and bringing food? I mean, are shakes digested or absorbed faster or better than regular food?
I won't have protein powder for a while so I was thinking whether it makes sense to prepare some small, high protein food, bring it to the gym and it afterwards, right away.
Diagnosed with secondary bacterial infection coming out of my flu. Explains my inability to bounce back cleanly with my lifts, ah well, will be healthy again in a week of antibiotics.
You don't need to eat or drink a shake immediately after your workout, that's bro-science BS. As long as you're eating within a reasonable amount of time (half hour - 1 hour) after lifting you'll be fine.
Whey is more bio-available than food, but it still takes a little while for your body to break it down. So it doesn't really make a huge difference weather or not you're eating real food or a shake PWO. Bottom line: get nutrients into your body, don't obsess over timing or source.
Diagnosed with secondary bacterial infection coming out of my flu. Explains my inability to bounce back cleanly with my lifts, ah well, will be healthy again in a week of antibiotics.
I drink a shake immediately PWO like 80% of the time, it's easy and convenient and then I can take my sweet time after my workout and not have to worry about muscle breakdown. Then I'll usually eat as soon as I get home as well. I usually consume like 1500 calories within an hour or 2 of my workout.thanks.
I just see so many guys obsessed about not passing the 15 minute post workout time limit, that I thought maybe I should pay attention to that.
that this is broscience is actually incredible, cause everybody takes a shake at the gym, right away.
Why do they take extra stuff in their bags when they can get home and prepare it there within a reasonable time frame?
I just see so many guys obsessed about not passing the 15 minute post workout time limit, that I thought maybe I should pay attention to that.
that this is broscience is actually incredible, cause everybody takes a shake at the gym, right away.
Why do they take extra stuff in their bags when they can get home and prepare it there within a reasonable time frame?
I drink a shake immediately PWO like 80% of the time, it's easy and convenient and then I can take my sweet time after my workout and not have to worry about muscle breakdown. Then I'll usually eat as soon as I get home as well. I usually consume like 1500 calories within an hour or 2 of my workout.
Could be, but it doesn't matter, it's no extra hassle. I'm going to take a few shakes a day regardless just because I can't eat enough protein through food alone on most days.muscle breakdown? mate that aint going to happen even if you don't eat for 10 hours after a workout.
Thoughts on using Fat Gripz, or a similar product, for lifting? The price doesn't bother me, but the functionality and figuring out when to use them (such that the additional forearm stress is not detracting from the primary muscle group) is a concern.
I would consider them more "advanced" gear. You really need to know why you need them and what they are good for before getting them.
1350g/3lbs of pasta
(penne, spicey cayenne red pepper sauces and beef all smothered in marble cheese)
Been lazy because of work and school. Lifted once in about two weeks now and first time doing chest in a month yesterdday, I'm surprised I've kept any strength...still swoletoffee.
What's the take on naps? I work nights and get up around 7AM at the very latest for school most days. I like to take a nap between 4 and 6PM, but I've read and heard that it could mess with your routine. Is there any truth to that?
What's the take on naps? I work nights and get up around 7AM at the very latest for school most days. I like to take a nap between 4 and 6PM, but I've read and heard that it could mess with your routine. Is there any truth to that?
No, and you don't need to load either. 5g a day every day is enough.
In my experience you're not going to feel like you have super creatine powers. It's not really noticeable. I used it for a few months when I was doing SS and I think it probably helped me but I cant say to what extent.
Actually does that stuff go bad? I still have that jar somewhere.
Yep yep, all the studies I've seen point to 5g/day of monohydrate being all you should be concerned with. Loading and cycling and ethyl ester all being irrelevant. Creatine is not steroids, yet some people seem to try to apply similar concepts to it.
Indeed. I know some guys look forward to it, but I hate Paraseenthisa. I noted before it would linger post-workout for me in the past. Doesn't seem to be an issue currently.
Do you know how much you're taking of each? I do a scoop (3.2g) of BA and 2 scoops (4gs) of Malate pre-workout mixed together. Though I recall FallingEdge saying he takes it throughout the day.
Thanks. Being a first timer to taking it, and hearing about how most people take it and how they benefit off of it, maybe my perception of the gains you get on it were a bit skewed.
What routine have you used? I'm guessing that if you've been on a strength based one, you might want to switch to a BB style/hypertrophy routine?So been mostly lurking but I would like to share my current status and maybe show some progress along the way.
I want to share, because I've decided to leave my comfort zone. I'm 27 years old and in April I will appear on stage for the first time so I want to look good for that and I've also agreed to pose for a friends "hunk" calendar (also a first) in late spring/summer. I'm beginning to feel the pressure... I've been bulking over the fall, although my main training come from CrossFit. I can do some heavy lifting in my box, but it is hard to find a vacant spot as the daily workouts have priority over the equipment and space. I'm probably going to substitue a normal gym in a months time (my subscription was just autorenew). Any comments? I am quite content with arms and shoulders, but would like more size on chest and back, so I'm focussing training on that - and abs of course. I just tried out 2 days of IF diet, will probably use that to cut, but I am not exactly sure when to begin. Going to measure my bf one of the coming days, to see what I've got to work with but I expect it to be ~20
Creatine is in no way going to make or break your fitness. Lifting heavy, eating enough calories and protein (which usually includes taking whey), and sleeping enough take you 95% of the way, yet supplements for that 5% difference usually account for 95% of the consideration and discussion in the fitness community instead of 5%. It's a silly trap to fall into.
As far as those secondary supplements go, though, creatine is the most proven and significant of the bunch for helping your lifts, and fish oil is the most proven and significant for general health benefits (cardiovascular health, assisting in shedding fat when coupled with cardio, even psychological health).