i don't have the book, that's why i was asking how do you mix match the exercises.
You get the book.
Why does nobody want to get the book? lol
i don't have the book, that's why i was asking how do you mix match the exercises.
You get the book.
Why does nobody want to get the book? lol
Form check
Form check
You get the book.
Why does nobody want to get the book? lol
Same reason people pirate music, games and movies. They are cheap bastards.
Plus reading takes effort. Why work when someone can summarize it for you.
Form check
Then they should GTFO of here. Lazy entitlement has no place here.
Hey Fitness Gaf,
I have a quick question... So I'm in the market for new workout shoes I currently have (old) freeruns. What are some of your recommendations for good lifting shoes or a hybrid of running and lifting if there are any.
Hey Fitness Gaf,
I have a quick question... So I'm in the market for new workout shoes I currently have (old) freeruns. What are some of your recommendations for good lifting shoes or a hybrid of running and lifting if there are any.
Lat Pulls
Hills or HIIT
BBB Bench
DB Incline
BB Rows
BBB Squats
Leg Curls
BB Curls
Light Assistance work
Check out the new balance minimus mx20 line, i juat picked up the mx20 v2, super comfy/lightweight and not too much cushioning but still comfortable to run in
That's good to hear especially about my back. I had a little hunch back because of teenage obesity and bad habits, proud of my new solid thoracic extension.I think it looks good. Hard to tell some things from that angle but to me it seems like you hit the main three things I look for: tight back throughout, shove your knees out, hit parallel or deeper.
Glad you didn't see my half squats from a few months ago, I thought I was going deep until I filmed it.They look pretty good! They might be a tad high (it's hard to judge because I'm on my phone and pausing at the right moment is challenging) but other than that your form looks good. But I'm no expert. You could always ask Rippetoe himself to take a look.
IMO deadlifts should be done barefoot or in minimalist shoes. I deadlift and squat in vibrams, but will probably opt for chucks next time I go shoe shopping.
Trying something new...does anyone else try to go low carb on non-lifting days?
Trying something new...does anyone else try to go low carb on non-lifting days?
That's what I try to do as well; I heard it helps ward off fat gain. However, if I low carb on non-lifting days, I end up eating like 1400 calories.. which is hardly anything. How much fat and protein is one supposed to eat to compensate?
Bodybuilding nutrition confuses the fuck out of me. I hear so many conflicting pieces of information that I have no idea how to eat, or what to eat.
Hey Fitness Gaf,
I have a quick question... So I'm in the market for new workout shoes I currently have (old) freeruns. What are some of your recommendations for good lifting shoes or a hybrid of running and lifting if there are any.
Can someone explain this? I know people often advocate doing DL's barefoot but should I actually avoid doing them with my weightlifting shoes (Adidas Power Perfect II's)?
Can someone explain this? I know people often advocate doing DL's barefoot but should I actually avoid doing them with my weightlifting shoes (Adidas Power Perfect II's)?
I don't know, this doesn't make sense to me.Trying something new...does anyone else try to go low carb on non-lifting days?
I don't know, this doesn't make sense to me.
I read that most of the carbs used for energy are from the previous day meals, so it would make more sense to lower carbs on actual lifting days... preferably post workout?
But then again if you gain less fat you gain less muscles as well, so I guess it depends on your goals.
Nah, that's fine if you have the flexibility.
I wouldn't fuss with the light assistance work day. If you have light assistance work to perform do it at the end of your training.Does this 5/3/1 routine I just thought up look good for this week?
Got a question for the people doing 5/3/1 who were already strong when starting the program. Say you go into 5/3/1 with a squat 1RM of 405, you'd use 90% of that and take off 40. With an increase of 10 pounds per month it would take you at least 4 months before you're even back at your old PR. I know you can set all kinds of rep PR's along the way, but it just seems wrong to not be able to set a weight PR for at least four months. Any comments?
Just did, wow, sounds very interesting. I may actually try it out on my next cut, I'm used to IF so I think I can comfortably ease in to it.You should read up on carb back loading.
The problem is that my flexibility is pretty shit in my lower body at least. I've been doing all my lifts in my weightlifting shoes ever since I bought them last spring. Before that I did all my lifts wearing my Vibrams.
Today was deadlift day so I decided to try DL'ing (and benching) in just my socks. Felt pretty great with both lifts so perhaps I'm going to continue DL'ing (and benching) in just my socks and leave the shoes for squats and presses. Sound reasonable?
Got a question for the people doing 5/3/1 who were already strong when starting the program. Say you go into 5/3/1 with a squat 1RM of 405, you'd use 90% of that and take off 40. With an increase of 10 pounds per month it would take you at least 4 months before you're even back at your old PR. I know you can set all kinds of rep PR's along the way, but it just seems wrong to not be able to set a weight PR for at least four months. Any comments?
If you used to be doing 5 reps @ 385, and at the end of the 4 months, you are now doing 8 reps @ 385, doesn't that mean you are stronger? Because of that, your 1RM should no longer be 405.
Just did, wow, sounds very interesting. I may actually try it out on my next cut, I'm used to IF so I think I can comfortably ease in to it.
I find it hard to eat food. I need 2500 calories a day minimum and have been eating more like 1800-2000 each day. It's hard.
Bodybuilding nutrition confuses the fuck out of me. I hear so many conflicting pieces of information that I have no idea how to eat, or what to eat. Some say I must eat 6 small meals a day, others claim I should cram as much of my calories in an 8 hour window, others say no carbs allowed etc, or max carbs should be 150g a day etc.
What kind of meals should I be eating?
I like 70's Big and I'm about 3 weeks into trying the Paleo diet, so I'm in for this:
I'm guessing it's still eliminating grains, probably allowing rice and potato. Maybe allowing oatmeal? That's a staple lifting food I would say. We'll see.
Tried with the false grip and still couldn't get over the bar. I'll do explosive pull ups for the next two weeks and then try a muscle up again.Might just need to "learn" the movement too. There should be no reason you can't do one IMO.
Are you raising yourself explosively?
Looks like you didn't read the book.
Actually I did, but maybe you didn't read my post? I get the idea of getting stronger by rep PR's as I said, it's just seems dissapointing to not lift any new weights for four months (that's why I specified weight PR's in my post). Though it might just be me being addicted to continually set PR's on SS.![]()
Found this on reddit.
Some pretty impressive stuff. There's only about a handful of these exercises that I can't do. I think I'll give them a try soon.
Found this on reddit.
Some pretty impressive stuff. There's only about a handful of these exercises that I can't do. I think I'll give them a try soon.
Maybe you should go back and read the part that explains that you need to check your ego at the door.
Wish I could understand that attitude. I guess I simply don't have an ego. Whatever gets the best results is all I care about.
Hell, I'm still not back to squatting what I was when I decided to drop everything to reset form. Can't see why it bothers anyone if in the end they get results.