It's all about the molestare!
Meh, he didn't do one-arm, one-leg, triple-clap pushups
No idea what's going on with the forums.Dude, did you have any special GSLP templates? Something that's not in the book? I asked about it a few pages ago but I guess you missed it. I believe you PM'd some to someone week or so ago.
And btw, do you have any idea what's going on at GSLP forums? Pretty dead ever since November. Is it just that everyones preparing for the new site? JP hasn't posted since November either..
This is what I'm going for when I get my rack.[IMG][/QUOTE]
That shit's fucking hot. How much those run?
EDIT: BTW, if you're a new lifter and looking for a program, look at the post above this one. Do one of those. Seriously, it's that easy.
That shit's fucking hot. How much those run?
EDIT: BTW, if you're a new lifter and looking for a program, look at the post above this one. Do one of those. Seriously, it's that easy.
My PowerTec was ~$600 CDN tax included, it's rated for 1000+lbs and it came with the heavy duty pullup/dip bars too.
This is what I'm going for when I get my rack.
First day back at the gym! Haven't been to the gym since I fell off a roof and fractured my wrist two months ago. I deflated a ton, which sucks, but I was able to get the leanest I've been in a LONG time (I've lost 171 pounds now, from 351 to 180). Doctors were surprised my wrist healed as quickly as it did, but I'm still going to take it a bit easy just in case. Hopefully it doesn't take me too long to get back to where I was at. I always seem to get injured just as I'm starting to take it to the next level, and from stuff that's not lifting related...
It's beautiful. The bench can roll out right?
My PowerTec was ~$600 CDN tax included, it's rated for 1000+lbs and it came with the heavy duty pullup/dip bars too.
Octagon plates, huh? My condolences.
About meal plans and such. I searched the OP for suggestions on what to eat throughout the day, but could not find anything. I'm 155 pounds, 6 foot even male, 21 and have been getting into strength training. I'm not new to exercise, as I've ran and played sports all my life but I've never really lifted weights. Is there a good list of foods to eat out there and at what time to eat those foods. I understand I need to eat more, but just what and when.
Evilore, I've been meaning to ask, how long have you been lifting or getting into this? I remember you from last summer saying you lost weight and were happy with it but I didn't realise until now that you were into proper weightlifting.
nice to have you around, in any case.
Story time, sure. ;b
So my inner right thigh is pretty sore during and after squats, is there anything I can do to help prevent any future injury here?
woah, nice reply. You've come a long way and with your determination, I am sure you'll reach your goals. Can't wait to see some before/afters from you, Chubby <-> Muscled will be awesome XD
rest until it's gone
Thanks. I guess I shouldn't micromanage. Is there a list of foods out there for a guy like me? Something a little more precise than what you've posted.It's not as complicated at it seems. Ideally you'd eat a varied diet of unprocessed foods, high in protein and adequate calories for you to get strong and get bigger. Items like meat, fish, eggs, milk, veggies, fresh fruit, cheese, etc are all good. Don't micromanage, it is not very useful and it's stressful.
A good trick is to track what you eat for a week so you know where you're at and how to make changes.
woah, nice reply. You've come a long way and with your determination, I am sure you'll reach your goals. Can't wait to see some before/afters from you, Chubby <-> Muscled will be awesome XD
rest until it's gone
So I probably have cubital tunnel syndrome... which means my ulnar nerve is compressed by its inflamed surrounding tissue.
So, yep... My weak ass is probably gonna be out of the gym from now until the procedure (might wait til the end of the semester since it's my dominant arm) and then another bajillion forevers after that.
It's awful. I went from 188lbs to 165lbs in the seven months I've been unable to lift.
Story time, sure. ;b
So I probably have cubital tunnel syndrome... which means my ulnar nerve is compressed by its inflamed surrounding tissue.
So, yep... My weak ass is probably gonna be out of the gym from now until the procedure (might wait til the end of the semester since it's my dominant arm) and then another bajillion forevers after that.
It's awful. I went from 188lbs to 165lbs in the seven months I've been unable to lift.
My shoulder almost always feels like it's tired/fatigued, and the worst part is I'm about 90% sure I didn't hurt it while lifting.
Wish I could understand that attitude. I guess I simply don't have an ego. Whatever gets the best results is all I care about.
Hell, I'm still not back to squatting what I was when I decided to drop everything to reset form. Can't see why it bothers anyone if in the end they get results.
This is what I'm going for when I get my rack.
do legs
Can't. Suffered a high sprain in my ankle two years ago playing football. It's healed improperly and I've lost much of my sense of balance. Further, there seems to be some nerve damage, permanent loss of significant range of motion, and a resulting outward tilt with my right foot. I can't sit too long, walk in shoes for too long, or stand for too long. The last thing I need right now is to put excessive stress on a leg that I am still in the process of fixing.
But boy, do the co-pays for specialists and primary physicians add up REAL fast.
So I probably have cubital tunnel syndrome... which means my ulnar nerve is compressed by its inflamed surrounding tissue.
So, yep... My weak ass is probably gonna be out of the gym from now until the procedure (might wait til the end of the semester since it's my dominant arm) and then another bajillion forevers after that.
It's awful. I went from 188lbs to 165lbs in the seven months I've been unable to lift.
Man, feel better. I had the exact same thing happen to my right arm. However, my stubborn ass didn't bother to get the problem looked at until it got to an advanced stage.
Half of my right hand was constantly numb, but when it started to lose muscle in my hand and forearm. I couldn't even properly hold some weights. Pull-ups were a problem since my hand couldn't maintain the grip.
It's been over two years since my surgery. My hand and forearm have regenerated some of the muscle. I have no grip issues anymore. The only major issue is the occasional joint pain in my right elbow
Um... you can still do certain isolation movements and compounds to put some/strength mass in those legs.
RDL, hack squat, ham curls, leg extensions etc.
Man, feel better. I had the exact same thing happen to my right arm. However, my stubborn ass didn't bother to get the problem looked at until it got to an advanced stage.
Half of my right hand was constantly numb, but when it started to lose muscle in my hand and forearm. I couldn't even properly hold some weights. Pull-ups were a problem since my hand couldn't maintain the grip.
It's been over two years since my surgery. My hand and forearm have regenerated some of the muscle. I have no grip issues anymore. The only major issue is the occasional joint pain in my right elbow
Um... you can still do certain isolation movements and compounds to put some/strength mass in those legs.
RDL, hack squat, ham curls, leg extensions etc.
Um... No, I can't. I mean, yeah, I could but it would do more harm than good. Those are actually amongst the lifts I was doing. I'm not going to push like that when I don't fully understand the nature of my injury. That's how my wrist condition actually worsened.
I do a bit of band work for physical therapy. That's about all I really should be doing until I get a proper diagnosis. And even that's a stretch.
I can't imagine you hurting your ankle in any fashion by doing leg extensions or hamstring curls. I mean, sure - you could jump off the machine like a doofus or something and land awkwardly..
Otherwise, having hurt both ankles before - I'd suggest doing those, as well as any responsible exercise to strengthen your other leg muscles. Your diagnoses is fairly irrelevant when you're simply working to build support towards what's bothering you currently.
Found this on reddit.
Some pretty impressive stuff. There's only about a handful of these exercises that I can't do. I think I'll give them a try soon.
Might be an imbalance.
I read up and my symptoms are almost word for word shoulder impingement, this sucks.
Been doing upright rows?