Like this?
Or even worse?
What a clown. Does he really have to be shirtless for his shitty partial squats?
Like this?
Or even worse?
Posted it a couple pages back but got no bites lol.Has the "Do You Even Lift?" prank vid by Vitaly been posted yet?
Last reaction had me in tears.
What a clown. Does he really have to be shirtless for his shitty partial squats?
Like this?
Or even worse?
Has the "Do You Even Lift?" prank vid by Vitaly been posted yet?
Last reaction had me in tears.
What do you do with spotters who insist on lifting the weight with you in the bench press even though you told them not to, or come out of no where to ''spot'' you during reps? I just immediately stop.
They then think it's ego when it's clearly not, or else I would add 25 pounds and dudebro the reps out with a spotter.
I think I have a good idea now when to stop or when I have 1 more rep in me, and then I'm not afraid of shame rolling or calling for help when I fail.
The worst is when someone asks you to spot them, on a fucking hammer strength bench press. They then add insult to injury by telling you how many they want to "rep out" then want you to basically do the lift for them when they fail less than half way to their goal.
The entire thing is fubar.
This scenario happened to me earlier this week. Smh.
lol who would have the gumption to ask someone to spot them on a fucking machine. My god, newbie gym culture :lol
Gym yesterday. Guy on smith machine doing squats with other guy coaching. Let me illustrate.
Mouth agape.
I guy asked me for a spot on his bench press once. He said he was going to do 8. By the 5th rep it was basically just me lifting the bar so I went to rack it for him and he goes "no no, i got 3 more". It really doesn't count if the spotter touches the bar.
Just watched my co-worker do a weighted dip with 250 lbs. I wanna be there if/when the mothership comes to pick this motherfucker up.
Sounds like snap city
Just watched my co-worker do a weighted dip with 250 lbs. I wanna be there if/when the mothership comes to pick this motherfucker up.
I'm gonna try to find a video of him doing it and post it; he uses one of those weight harnesses. He was only able to rep once, but for a 185lb guy who only does body weight, my jaw hit the floor.How did he wear 250lbs and why did he max out dips?
I'm gonna try to find a video of him doing it and post it; he uses one of those weight harnesses. He was only able to rep once, but for a 185lb guy who only does body weight, my jaw hit the floor.
Not this guy. He's a freak; extremely strong.Sounds like snap city
So you're telling me he put 5+ plates on a dip belt?
Sounds like snap city
lol "kids of america" playing in the background
That is incredibly stupid IMO, but good for him I guess, lol.
I think guys deadlifting weight that makes them puke and piss is stupid, but to each his own. Feats of strength still impress me, even when I think the person is crazy.
Pissing and puking from a heavy deadlift isn't the same as overloading and attempting to max out an accessory movement like dips. He may as well max out stiff legged deadlifts or go for a good morning 1rm.
Why doesn't he max out bench or military press? Why dips? If he "only does bodyweight" why is he doing it at all? And if it's not to show off why is he recording it and doing it in front of you guys?
I'll show you a video of his max bench. He used to be a gym rat, but switched over to calisthenics.
Also he's part of a group called The Bar-barians. They compete in calisthenic competitions and give seminars here and overseas. He makes money with these videos, just like Hannibal for King, and guys like that.
That makes much more sense.
He's selling something. Still, I hope he keeps healthy, that shit's dangerous as hell IMO. My shoulders ache just watching that video.
After the surgery, I was in a cast for about 10 days. I couldn't really do much except a hand squeezing exercise that my doctor recommended for me.
After those 10 days, the cast and staples were removed. My doctor gave me the go-ahead to get back to the gym, but I was only allowed to do cardio for about two weeks.
Almost a month after the surgery, I was allowed to hit the weights again. Of course, I had to use very light weight. For example, I was doing DB flat press with 25 lbs in each hand. I gradually increased the weight until my elbow joint became accustomed to the stress again.
Put up 115 @ 6 reps today on OHP. Feel pretty swole.
Put up 115 @ 6 reps today on OHP. Feel pretty swole.
Has the "Do You Even Lift?" prank vid by Vitaly been posted yet?
Last reaction had me in tears.
I'm basically looking to make my entire diet from these foods for the foreseeable future: eggs, oats, olive oil, peanut butter, rice, bananas, beans (black eyed peas, lima, black, kidney, etc.), 2% milk, yogurt, whole wheat pasta, bacon, chicken, potatoes.
Thoughts? This diet couldn't potentially be dangerous could it?
So you're telling me he put 5+ plates on a dip belt?
Also, maxing out dips is a terrible idea and for nothing more than showing off more than likely. He's lucky his shoulders still function.
What a clown. Does he really have to be shirtless for his shitty partial squats?
Not making any progress in my lifts because I'm not eating enough so I went to the store today looking for cheap high calorie foods and wrote a list of stuff I think I can afford to buy on a weekly (or so) basis and hit 2500 calories a day. I would appreciate some input on whether these are good, whether I'm overdoing anything, or whether I'm missing something. I'm basically looking to make my entire diet from these foods for the foreseeable future: eggs, oats, olive oil, peanut butter, rice, bananas, beans (black eyed peas, lima, black, kidney, etc.), 2% milk, yogurt, whole wheat pasta, bacon, chicken, potatoes.
Meant to look at nuts, forgot so that's a possibility. My gut suggests I need more meat of some sort (maybe beef or turkey) and fruit even though most of the fruit I looked at was pretty expensive for a tiny amount. Been drawing up sample daily meals with these foods and I can easily hit 2000 with the last 500 being a little harder. Thoughts? This diet couldn't potentially be dangerous could it?
Put up 115 @ 6 reps today on OHP. Feel pretty swole.
Not making any progress in my lifts because I'm not eating enough
Absolute bollocks. Just because your shoulders may not be able to take it does not mean that someone else may not be able to.
And dips are called an accessory movement to the bench if you are powerlifting. For many, the barbell bench press aggravates shoulders but those people have as little right to say maxing bench is stupid as you saying maxing a dip is stupid. Since this guy mainly does calisthenics, and is obviously extremely strong in the dip, and has obviously built up the necessary tendon strength and adaptations, the weighted dip can be a main movement.
Scott's a beast. His videos aren't bad either.
Has the "Do You Even Lift?" prank vid by Vitaly been posted yet?
Last reaction had me in tears.
Every rep and every pound gained on the OHP is a weight room victory. Getting 115lbs for 7 reps next time would still be cause for celebration!Put up 115 @ 6 reps today on OHP. Feel pretty swole.
Has the "Do You Even Lift?" prank vid by Vitaly been posted yet?
Last reaction had me in tears.