Will be doing my first Starting Strength routine tomorrow. I've been reading the book, but I'm not finished, so I'm combining what I've read so far with what's in the OP and in the Starting Strength wiki. I've mentioned before (but this thread moves really fast) that I've been doing deadlifts, bench, dips and such for months now, but it hasn't been as structured as Starting Strength and I haven't had access to a squat rack so I can do squats until the present time. Basically, I feel like I've been doing what Martin Berkhan calls fuckarounditis. I've made some progress but because it hasn't been a formal plan up until now, I can't quantify my gains. I have never done squats. So I guess the best place to do is to look at the diagrams in the book, watch the videos, and record myself and post videos to get form checks, right?
Also wondering about recommendations for a routine for my wife. She's somebody that has never worked out, is out of shape, and I'm worried about scaring her with a super intense workout. Then again, I don't think dicking around with a 5 pound dumbbell is going to do anything at all. Is Starting Strength going to be a good program for a female beginning weightlifter?