Ah okay, that's settled I won't be benching 3 times a week. I chose this lazilly put together program because honestly the thing that got me going to the gym in the first place was a buddy got into SS and wanted to show me as well. I always wanted to get in shape, but was always lost at the gym, olympic lifting routine seemed like a path I could finally follow. However, I was too lazy to look into the reading or nutritional stuff, my friend also never bought the book so I'm sure we missed out on a lot.
I know I wasn't pushing my deadlift hard enough until late into my lifting routine as well. I'm trying to fix things now, eating clean and healthy rather than the dirty bulk I had been doing for so long. As for my routine if anyone's curious it looks like this:
Day A:
squat 3x5 315
bench 3x5 155
deadlift 1x5 315
Day B:
squat 3x5 315
ohp 3x5 120
power cleans 5x3 115 (started power cleaning late, did bent over rows until then)
I alternate on mon-wed-fri, I eat 3000 calories a day, currently weight ~206lbs @ 5'11''.
Thanks for this! these look like exactly what I want for when I decide to try to do some hypertrophy